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Chapter 7: Business propositions

The next day...

Jason had a problem during sleep as nightmares tormented him and one of them involved children getting burned alive when he woke up and it was already morning 6 O clock. "Damn it. It has always been the same in my previous life. Unable to stop innocents from dying." Jason growled in low voice.

He sat on the bed and began to think. His memories of previous life's childhood, death in hands of Joker and stint of Red Hood flashed in front of him. He also remember other children of the alley struggling and also getting beaten for stealing food. He thought about his time as Red Hood and understood how stupid it felt to control the crime by becoming a crime lord.

It's not that he agrees with Batman's methods either but he has come to terms that the method was ineffective even though by robbing Black Mask he was able to help the children of the crime alley.

"I guess we should go with business expansion route and start specialized programs to help the children of Gotham." thought Jason.

He remembered something from yesterday. Writer and Cooking skills were added after he devoured the souls. Since Joker is still in the asylum, he decided to put a lid until he escapes from the asylum. He decided not to act recklessly. Magic and All Blades will become the demise of the resident clown after he escapes.

"A novel and comic publishing company, Hotel Chains can be lucrative businesses." thought Jason.

He remembered system told telling him that even if he devours 20 souls, he will only get 3 skills and remaining will be stats. The souls which he absorbed will be living in his body as a form of contract but they won't have any feelings or sentience to talk. If Jason fails, the souls will leave and all the skills and stats will be rescinded and frankly that is not going to happen.

He took a bundle of papers and began writing his business plans. He formed his plan into three categories:

1) Publishing Company- Make profits not only through story publishing but also selling stories to film companies.

2) Hotel Chains- Introducing new kind of foods into the market and maintaining high standard customer service. Near future distributing free food to orphanages.

3) Real Estate and Construction- Buying many properties in areas of Park Row and turning them into cheap affordable apartments for common public while also leasing some of them for small and medium enterprises.

"To do this I am gonna need a lot of money. I don't like asking Mom about this. I need to be self reliant if I want to bring any change." thought Jason.

Jason decided to ask the system. "Hey Rambo, do you have any quests that can help me make money so that I can go with these plans?"

[Host can raid dungeons spread over the city]

[I can convert the gold or other coins host acquire in the dungeon from 2% commission and send directly to host's account]

"Great. I will take a break from training today and raid those dungeons today." said Jason.

Rambo did not talk back as it knew Jason will storm through those dungeons as he is not only the protege of Batman but a powerful member of All Cast.

Jason did not ask the system where the dungeons are. He has already got another power which will easily help him.


Name: Jason Peter Todd 

Class: All Caste Warrior Monk/Wizard/Gunslinger/Martial Artist

Level 2

HP: 5100/5100

MP: 7100/7100

STR 122

DEX 102

VIT 112

INT 120

WIS 100



All Caste Warrior Arts (Level 4), All Caste Mental Arts (Level 4), Sharp Shooter (Level 2), Acrobat (Level 4), Kung Fu (Level 4), Ninjutsu (Level 4), Jujitsu (Level 4), Curse Resistant Skin (Passive), Spirit Sorcery (Level 2), Magic Control (Level 5), and Occlumency (Level 3), Charms (Level 2), Transfiguration (Level 2), Potions (Level 2), Herbology (Level 2), DADA (Level 2), Ancient Runes (Level 2) Arithmancy (Level 2), Artificing (Level 2), Appraisal (Level 2), Writer (Level 1), Cooking (Level 1), Flight (Level 1).

The power of flight would help him fly over the city while he maintains the disillusionment charm. He is going to start with a low level dungeon as he wanted to see how the dungeons work.

His mother woke up after an hour and came to see Jason who was already up. Jason was sitting in a chair and writing something.

She got curious and saw what he is writing. She used the disillusionment charm and appeared behind him. Jason sensed that someone has entered the room due to All Caste's mental training.

Jason felt the presence of magic in his room and felt familiarity with it. He understood it was his Mom. Jason sighed as the one thing he wanted to keep a secret got exposed in front of his mother.

"Mom, do you have to do this?" asked Jason with a reluctant smile.

Catherine released the charm and replied 'Yes. You are reckless and I can say it with incident yesterday."

[She is not going to let this go any time soon, Jason]

Jason couldn't say anything with his mother putting facts of yesterday.

She came and looked at the contents of the pages. Slowly her seriousness turned to astonishment after reading the plans. 

She looked at Jason and asked "Do you have so much desire to establish these businesses?"

Jason replied "It's not the businesses Mom. It's the money which we earn through these businesses can be used to help the children of Gotham. We can also do many social welfare activities so that people's lives in Gotham can better.

I am being haunted by nightmares of children being killed and there was nothing I am able to do to stop it. There are even children dying due to hunger and being beaten in streets."

Catherine's eyes widened. The horrors she experienced after watching his memories was not something she wanted to happen to any child. Now she could understand his reluctance to send Pamela to the Police or foster system.

"So, what do you need?" asked Catherine without dragging the issue.

"But Mom, I want to do this--" Jason was interrupted.

"Not happening kiddo. You're going to be helped by me and there is no two ways about this." said Catherine in a strict voice.

Jason's lips turned into a smile. Finally there is his Mom who loves and dotes him like crazy and frankly it's great.

"We need lots of money and clean employees to work for us. I have ideas for novels, comics and Food. As for real estate we can buy properties from alley start a redevelopment program while also leasing for businesses." said Jason.

"Hmm. Very well. I'll invest 70% money into establishing the companies and for the remaining we will be taking a bank loan." replied Catherine.

Jason nodded. He did not mind because he was going to raid the dungeons and pay back not only the loan amount but also the remaining investments Catherine made on his behalf. This is the least he could do for his loving and doting mother.

Catherine hugged him and caressed his hair. "Don't think you're alone in this Jason. I know you still feel the hesitation of relying on someone due to what Batman has done to you in previous world but I'll prove it to you that I am not like Bruce Wayne" said Catherine with caring eyes.

Jason felt his throat constrict and tears formed. As if dam had burst he cried heavily into his mother's embrace as he let out all the bottled up sadness. 

Catherine resolved herself on something. No way she is going to let Jason go through a heartbreak again. She will not let any harm befall her child even if it means putting her life on line to protect him. Even though this is ironic as she ran away from the war and didn't help her cousins, she didn't care.

These scene was being observed by a little girl from outside from a corner of the wall. The contrast between yesterday's Jason and the scene in front of her is completely different. She got a glimpse of both vulnerable side and a caring side who wanted to help the children of Gotham.

She now understood why Jason didn't ran away from helping her in the cemetery. A guy with a heart of gold which he masks with façade of ruthlessness.

"I may not be strong, but I'll be by your side and help you, Jason. You are not alone." Pamela resolved in her heart.

As soon as Catherine left, Pamela tiptoed and went back to the room. That day Catherine called the Child Protective Services and filed for adoption of Pamela. Pamela was interviewed privately and she told all about her father leaving her in Cemetery but avoided talking about Untitled.

She wholeheartedly agreed to be adopted by Catherine. The process took a day and she was legally under care of Catherine but she asked to keep her family name because Isley was her mother's family name. She told Jason that her mother died few months ago due to Cancer.

Jason didn't know what to say but just held Pamela's hand and hugged her to console her. Jason suddenly felt change in magical energy in the room and saw Pamela's body glow green.

Catherine could feel magical fluctuations from her office and came running from bottom floors and saw the green glow from Pamela's body. She immediately caste a "Notice me not" and "Muggle repelling charms" over the entire house using Wandless magic.

She entered the house and closed the door. Catherine could feel the intent of magic awakening. She could feel the magic awakening was not harming Jason or Pamela herself. The intent seemed like protecting someone. It was not hard to understood that Pamela wanted to protect Jason.

Catherine who had doubts during the previous night and up till now due to memories from previous life about Pamela's intentions towards Jason have completely let go of them. The swirls of magic have not affected Jason in any way. Even Jason was holding her hard instead of letting her go.

"Very well, Pamela. I'll wholeheartedly accept you as my family now even though I didn't do it even after adopting you." thought Catherine.

After sometime the fluctuations disappeared and Pamela felt new form of energy inside her body.

"Congrats, you have awakened your magic, Pamela. You'll rest now and we'll talk about what to do tomorrow." said Jason lifting the tired body of Pamela princess style and laid her on her bed in guest room.

Pamela went to sleep and Jason came out. "I'll talk with both Magical and Muggle tutors to tutor her and I'll pay for her studies too. She will learn fighting just like you before either of you go to school." Catherine declared and left.

Jason heard and went to his room to train.

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