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Chapter 4: The system is a girl !?

Max laid there stunned. When Eesis said he would handle Max's stats Max did not think he was going to do this.

Maximus Blackburn

Age:0 Class:None Level:0

Str:5-SSS Dex: 5-SSS Int: 6-SSS Agil: 5-SSS

Const:5-SSS Hp:25 Mana:48

"Everything is SSS!?" Max thought. Max tried to calm down. He just kept looking at the screen.

"I mean Eesis did not leave anything for me besides the screen." Max was wondering when he heard a soft voice in his head "That's not true." the soft voice said. Max was taken back. as he glanced around he did not see anyone. "Who said that?" max thought

"I did. I am the system. Eesis gave me to you since he figured you would have a problem with the new world." Replied the soft voice.

"Have you been here the whole time?" Max asked

"Yes" again the system replied

"Why do you sound like Rachel the woman from Earth?" Max wondered

"Eesis said you would like it? Otherwise I have no idea..." the System responded

"Ok. Do you mind if I call you Rachel then instead of 'System'?" Max asked

"If that is what you want." Rachel responded

"Anyway Rachel do you have any idea what the fuck is up with my stats?" Max asked

"Well I know you are not that strong right now..." Rachel said

"Yeah I am a fucking newborn right now.. No what I mean is the SSS ranking for my stats." Max sighed.

"Yes Eesis said since you died on his watch it was his responsibility to make up for it." Rachel responded.

"Hmm. Ok." Max shrugged.

"It would seem SSS is not a common thing in this world." Max said

"No. As a matter of fact it has never been done. There are some individuals with some S ranked stats, however no one has ever been born in this Universe with all SSS stats." Rachel said

"Well can you tell me as I level up what gains I will get?" Max asked

Each level gains

F rank: 1 point

E rank: 2 points

D rank: 3 points

C rank: 4 points

B rank: 8 points

A rank: 16 points

S rank: 32 points

SS rank: 64 points

SSS rank: 128 points

Hp and Mana are calculated differently. HP is Str x Const. and Mana is Int x 8.

Popped up on a smaller window.

"WHAT?" Max exclaimed "After a couple levels I am going to be so op."

"Well there are some catches to this." Rachel explained

"First levels are not as easy to get as you think. You need to have skills to be able to fight. Next leveling is very hard on this planet since this planet has low dungeon counts compared to other worlds in this universe. A good example is Goblins. Each goblin has a 1 to 2 experience drop." Rachel said

"How much exp do I need to get a level?" Max asked

"Well from 0 to 1 you need 100 exp, but from 1 to 2 you need 1,000 exp." Rachel explained

"Why the sudden increase? Is everyone like this?" Max wondered

"No not every one is like this. The reason is you would out grow the universe after 100 levels give or take. Eesis wanted to make sure you would be in this universe for a while." Rachel said

"Not to mention just because your have SSS ranked stats does not mean you will become godlike very easy. That the Emperor of this planet for instance. He is over level 100 and most of his stats are S ranked. Even some monsters in the dungeons are over level 200." Rachel finished.

"Ok I think I understand. Can I hide my stats somehow?" Max asked

"Thru spells you can. But why would you want to?" Rachel asked

"Well I was thinking since No one has SSS stats I would cause quite a scene. I would probably be killed the instant anyone found out." Max said as he sighed

"That makes sense. That is probably why Eesis Included a spell to help you hide your stats. Just think Skills and it should pull up."

"Skills" Max thought. And the stat window changed to the skill window.


Spell name: Igniendius Viraliate

Inventor: Eesis

Effect: Randomized appearance of stat ranks (C to S)

Appearance: A simple, crimson wave of particles.

Cost: 40mp

Rank: SSS

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Max cried "Why is it ranked SSS also?"

"I don't know. Maybe Eesis wanted to get back at you?" Rachel said

Max was freaking out at this point. He must have made some noise as Leah burst thru the door with a dagger. Leah glanced around the room and walked to the bassinet. " Is Master Maximus awake?" She said as she reached down to grab Max. "Close" Max thought as he was being picked up by Leah. All of the windows closed.

"Rachel?" Max thought

"Yes Max?" Rachel responded

"Good I don't have to have the window open to talk to you." Max continued "As for the spell how do I activate it? how long does it last?" Max asked

"Just think the name. Since it is not an attack spell I think it would last forever. Just don't think cancel spell" Rachel said

"Igniendius Viraliate" Max thought. A crimson shimmer surrounded Max for a second as Leah was walking thru a hall.

As soon as it ended Leah looked at Max with a puzzled expression. Leah shook her head and said "I must be seeing things."

Leah entered thru a door at the end of the hall and Max heard "There is my baby boy!" Max looked around and saw that Sophia was sitting behind a large desk. On the desk was a lot of papers, Ink and quill, and an orb. The orb looked like it was made of glass with greens and blues.

"I know you were born a couple hours ago my son , but we should test your stats so your father and I can plan out the future. Of course you will have a say in it." Sophia said. "Put his hand on the orb Leah if you could please."

"Of course Milady." As Leah did what was asked.

"Well here goes nothing." Max thought as his hand was placed of the orb.

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