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Alter Earth: A World Without Sexual Desire Alter Earth: A World Without Sexual Desire original

Alter Earth: A World Without Sexual Desire

Author: GammaThryssa

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Testing My Luck With My Sister (1)

― Tell me Laura, can I see your breasts? ― When I said that, I could HEAR my own heartbeat. I was nervous, extremely nervous. A lot of things could go wrong, but the simple fact that there was a chance that it would actually work, made it worth trying my luck even just this once. Somehow I ended up somewhere in the multiverse if such a thing exists, and ended up taking possession of myself of a parallel Earth after waking up in the morning. At that point, I also took dominion over his memories, so I know how this world differs from mine.

To begin with, in this world, there are no sexual crimes. Be it rape, pedophilia, and its derivatives. None of that exists in this world, which is added, although it falls into that category, sex work. There is no porn, no camgirls, no OnlyFans, TikTok, Instagram is free of women showing off their assets, and Twitter is free of weirdos uploading pictures of their dicks to their followers. In this world there is no such thing as harassment at work in a sexual way, nor are there concepts like male or female masturbation. This world is free of sexual desire.

The closest concept would be the act of reproduction.

But even that is not even close to resembling what I know. We all know how wonderful sex is, don't we? Well, I mean those who don't lie on the internet about having had sex and those who don't believe that just sticking your dick in a pussy makes you stop being a virgin. Seeing the face hungry for you, entwining your body with hers, feeling each other's heat, colliding hot breaths, ramming her insides, and hearing her voice as you pleasure her, It's simply magical, isn't it? Probably doesn't exist anything better than that! But this world knows no such thing, this world doesn't have a concept of sex. There is no such thing as sex, foreplay, no such thing as getting erect or wet at the sight of your girl's hot outfit or your lover's Greek figure. There is no such thing as kissing, no such thing as intertwining hands, unless you are a child who still has trouble crossing the street alone or whose parents are afraid you will get lost in a supermarket.

Kissing? Only on the cheeks to show affection for your children or parent figures. Hugs? Only in rare situations, such as when you want to show your affection for a person, or when you are crying with sadness in someone's company.

In this world, erections for men and getting wet for women are not even almost a real thing, of course they exist, human biology is the same, the human body is capable of doing such things, but the problem here is more mental than physical. The mentality is different, and as people already know at this point, as humans have already discovered and proven billions of times, the mind controls the body. And in this world, no one has the right mindset to develop sexual desire for another person without some trigger.

While it is certain that there have been "abnormalities" in the past, currently, it would not be wrong to say that only I can have erections.

Now, how has the population of this world stayed afloat? Simple, artificial insemination. Yes, not even carnal penetration exists in this place. Although it is partly thanks to that that mankind has made great strides in the total disappearance of certain genetic diseases and the life expectancy of humans throughout the world is much higher than where I come from. As from more ancient times, although in a not so primitive way, basically "selective breeding" has been carried out. The woman, formerly during adolescence since they did not live long enough, and now at any time after the age of 18 as the woman wants, is able to choose which man will be her sperm donor from a whole list, which grows and grows as time goes by. That is the reason why in this world I am blue-eyed, blond and genetically flawless Caucasian.

I am literally Hitler's wet dream! The Ariety runs through my veins!

But even so, as perfect as my genetic code may be, that only puts me higher on the list of genes recommended for fertilization. In this world, I basically find myself destined to be a handsome guy with a Greek figure and a gifted brain (not uncommon in the world at this point of civilization), to get a job somewhere important after finishing my studies and to marry, if I want to, with the woman that find me acceptable or suitable to provide my sperm to have a child and continue ours family trees. Although men are not discriminated either, since we can also, if we want to have a successor or continue the family tree, choose the woman we find more agreeable.

Of course, that's assuming you both like each other's personality or physical traits after having "dates" to get to know each other better. Now you may ask, "how do families work", right? Well, it's simple, as I said before, before donating the sperm, there must be a series of dates to get to know the other person, after all, although the looks may be good, no one in this society wants their child to have bad personality traits. After that, after donating the genes, if both parties agree, they can "marry" to raise the offspring together, but in the event that this is not the case, the person who sought the male genes first or would like to borrow the female uterus, will take over.

So yes, normally, the reasons for having children can be counted with one or two hands. The number one reason right now in the world is because, since there is no sex as such as I know it, the world population is much smaller, so governments have paid plans for those who have children, basically, the number one reason right now to have children is to get money from the government. The second reason, is because some important person like politicians, important positions, or CEO of companies, need a successor to succeed their positions, their reigns in the market. These in particular are the most picky when it comes to choosing their partners, and few in this category get married.

Of course, those in reason number one, don't get married even as a joke. They need money, and they don't want to split it, duh.

And the third most popular reason in this world, is because people from this place tend to feel more lonely than in my Earth. This is the case of my mother on this Earth, there was a sperm donor, but she didn't marry him, because he didn't want to. My mother's parents, my grandparents, died when she was just a young teenager, her uncles were not particularly nice to her. They treated her just enough because she was a person, not because she was part of their family. Nor did she have any friends or great lasting relationships. She was never lucky in that sense. And that would be the origin of the me of this Earth and that of my twin sister, Laura. My mother, in her adult loneliness, wanted some companionship. She wanted someone to love and to love her in return. And so she got us, her children.

Now, as a reincarnate, I must follow through with what is expected of me, right? I cannot be carried away by the currents of this society. I must take the reins of my vehicle and create my own path. And I intend to do that honestly, though not to an exaggerated level. I'm a pervert, it's a fact, it's not something I want or plan to deny. It is part of my nature, and seeing that even the most average girl on this Earth is far, far more beautiful than the most genetically and sex appeal favored models on my Earth, it is a simple fact that asking me to eliminate my lust to start from scratch as a new person free of sexual desire is insane. If this world lacks sexual desire, I can't unilaterally decide to show it to them?

Of course, only to the people I care about, though. I'm not good enough to show it to the whole world. Although I am undeniably narcissistic, I don't go so far as to believe that I can change the world. Besides, it's their loss! More for me, right?

― Sure, why not ― Naturally, waking up in this kind of world, after watching all the memories of this body like a movie, I couldn't stop myself from trying my luck with my apparent sister. Blonde hair down to her lower back, facial features similar to my mother's but more cute and alluring than seductive, beautiful sapphire blue eyes, small but fleshy pink lips, breasts that would put any model from my Earth to shame, a compact fat-free abdomen, wide hips that made spoilers for how big her ass was and how thick her thighs were. Literally, without a doubt, she is simply too hot to ignore.

So seeing that she found nothing wrong with my question and that beyond raising an eyebrow out of curiosity to know the reason behind my question, she showed no sign of displeasure at showing her breasts to me, her brother, I couldn't control my cock from contracting as it hardened slightly. Although this state did not last long. The next instant of her response, I could see her trying to free her breasts before my eyes by removing her blouse upwards, but they simply refused for a few seconds to fall as they tried to hide under her clothes for a while. But when they finally freed themselves from their covering, they fell of their own weight and bounced back before returning to their original positions.

Before my eyes, stood the most beautiful and hottest girl my age that I had ever seen throughout my two lives, with clear curiosity plastered on her face. Holding her folded blouse up under her armpits, unconsciously cupping her buxom breasts, making them appear a little larger than they already were in reality. What made my cock react strongly the most, though, was that she had inverted nipples!

― C-can I touch them? ― I swallowed, anxious to hear her answer.

― Sure, but... make it quick, it's a little cold ― That was all the answer I wanted.

My hand trembled slightly as it made its way to her left breast. The only thing keeping her from seeing my massive erection was that we were both on a long couch sharing a blanket to watch TV shoulder to shoulder. And even though the fireplace was lit, it was still some time before it warmed up the room. But despite that, my body was already warm. When my hand made contact with his milky chest, I felt like in a dream. My hand sank into her breast. Her skin was white as milk and smooth as silk. The texture was that of a marshmallow. One that no matter how hot my body was, it would never burn. Feeling the texture, I was no longer able to act slow and calm. I instantly began to mold her breast with my hand gently, I didn't want to hurt her, quite the opposite.

― Y-your hand is warm ― She said when she leaned a little more on me. Looking into my eyes.

― How do you feel? ― It was important to know how other people's bodies reacted.

― Hm... it feels good, I guess. It's a massage? ― She tilted her head to one side.

― Something like that. If you don't mind, let's change our position a bit ― I told her without confirming or denying.

― Okay~ ― At that moment I was already beginning to like her curious obedience.

So, I gently began to change our positions. Now, while we were shoulder to shoulder before, I was now leaning on the back of the couch with her sitting on my groin, with her back against my chest. Both of us still covered by a blanket. She was still curious about what she thought was a massage, although she could be seen with a slight blush on her face, it could easily be mistaken for a blush from feeling cold, so I still had to continue. To get results from this experiment, of course. Not because I liked touching her extremely soft breasts....

― I-It tickles! ― She giggled prettily as this time my two hands began their journey to her breasts starting by gently touching her abdomen before slowly moving upwards with no encouragement to make it all simple. But the expected unexpectedly happened when my two hands sank deep into her breasts. The sensation was simply one that could not be described in words, it was something that could only be understood by experiencing it firsthand. But that didn't make it any less enjoyable as I began to play and mold her soft breasts, while planting one or two kisses on her soft, lonely neck.

― Mnh! T-This feels good ― Her faint moan only made me bolder in my action. Her words of satisfaction were all I needed to release the reins that were holding me back. So I began to knead her breasts harder and less gently, though still without hurting her. I was not so brutish as to cause harm to the person with whom I would surely rid myself of all the lust built up in me.

― Tell me what you feel. In detail, please ― I whispered softly in her ear.

― Ngh! I-I'm not cold anymore. Nha! M-my heart is going faster Ooh! M-my breasts feel weird, b-but it doesn't feel bad ― Laura's breathing was getting heavier and heavier as I continued my movements, even though I couldn't name it or be sure what it was, she was able to feel something hard and hot poking her buttocks. But just like with her breasts, it didn't feel wrong. Something inside her wanted that thing to prod her more. So she, in her unawareness, even began to move her hips gently repeating the same pattern, first backwards and then forwards.

The mental pleasure I received from knowing that, was much greater than the physical pleasure I received.

― Laura, let's change our position again

This time she did not respond as I guided her through the change. This time, instead of her back to me, she was on her knees at my sides, with her pelvis over mine, supporting herself with her arms resting on the sides of my head, on the back of the couch. With her breasts dangling by gravity in front of my eyes, just inches from my face. This time I knew for sure that the blush now spreading across her face and ears was because she was aroused. So whatever I was doing, it was working! It was not time to back off, but to keep moving forward!

― I want you to tell me in every moment how you feel, okay? ― I didn't have to wait for an answer when I saw her nod her head like a chicken. And I didn't make her wait either when I cupped her smooth breasts again. Her eyes became a little wetter as the time, the seconds, passed and her breathing became more agitated as her body temperature increased a little more. She was confused, she didn't know for sure what I was doing, she had never heard of anyone massaging breasts, but it didn't feel bad either, on the contrary, it felt quite good.

It was a new experience for her, incomprehensible, but not bad at all. Besides, that of all people, the one who did this to her was her brother, that, in some way she didn't understand, made it better. She had no evidence against it, but she knew she wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't me, her brother. She knew I would never do anything bad to her, especially now that she was feeling good. She wasn't planning on stopping me no matter what.

― MnNGH! ― Her voice sharpened once more as I took in my mouth one of her areolas and continue to play with her remaining breast with my free hand, though the one that previously played with the breast I took in my mouth now found itself holding her by the hip, guiding her to move her hips to rub my erection over my clothes. Which I fortunately succeeded in doing. Though in the process my mouth did not remain static as I began to suck with force like a baby. Although I wasn't looking for milk, I knew it would never appear, yet. But tasting his nipples that never saw the light, even if only one, was just as tempting to me. I definitely wanted to have her virgin nipple in my mouth!

Laura at no time thought of anything but enjoying all this. From her mouth came only soft moans as she felt my hand and mouth on her breasts. And the movement of my tongue that seemed to be searching for something in conjunction with my sucking action only made her feel better. In a way she had never felt before in her life. She even felt a strange sensation in her vagina, she could feel her underwear getting wet, at first, in her right mind, she thought for a moment that she was peeing herself, she was deeply ashamed, but quickly dismissed it. Or rather, she refused to think about it. She definitely did not want to accept that she was "peeing" on her beloved twin brother.

GammaThryssa GammaThryssa

[WARNING]: I am not a bottle of motivation and inspiration, I am not always in the mood to write, don't expect me to create chapters like breads, they will come out when I am motivated, write them and re-edit them. So the wait can be long almost certainly, so if you like what you read, add the story to your library and wait patiently!

Writing is not a science, I can't force myself to write something that doesn't even cause me any emotion of interest or excite myself to write R-18 scenes/chapters. (─‿─)

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