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Chapter 4: - Pursuit of Potential

Several weeks had passed, and now only one day remained till his induction into the System Academy at the Capital. The place where his novel starts and most of the story takes place. And just like usual he sparred with the Sword Saint, trying all his new abilities and refining them on her like a whetstone.

As Rook and Adeline engaged in their intense sparring match, their surroundings were a blur. The arena was a massive circular platform made of polished marble, with rows upon rows of spectator seats encircling it. The air was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and the hum of magical energy being unleashed.

Rook's heart raced as he analyzed Adeline's every move, planning his next move with an intensity bordering on obsession. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself, to show just how far his thread abilities had come.

Despite his skill and agility, Rook knew that he was outmatched. Adeline's Saint Sword System gave her an unparalleled mastery over the sword, and her magical abilities allowed her to attack from a distance that Rook could not match.

But Rook was not one to give up easily. He focused his mind, analyzing Adeline's every move, searching for a weakness to exploit. His threads began to glow with a strange energy, and he launched himself at Adeline with renewed determination.

For a moment, it seemed like Rook might actually win. His threads wove an intricate dance around Adeline, trapping her in a web of glowing energy. But Adeline was too skilled to be caught so easily. She summoned all of her strength, and with a single stroke of her sword, shattered Rook's threads and sent him flying across the arena.

His summoned wings of thread fluttered, slowing his descent. His lips pulled into a grin, and his eyes brimming with excitement.

The tension in the air was palpable. Every move was calculated, every strike was precise, and every breath was measured. This was the closest he had ever gotten to defeating to this impenetrable fortress.

Rook's mind raced as he analyzed Adeline's every move, searching for any opening to exploit. He knew that a single mistake could be his downfall, but he refused to back down. With a deep breath, he focused all of his attention on his opponent, his eyes locked onto hers.

Suddenly, Rook leapt into the air, his threads extending from his body and forming wings. He soared towards Adeline, his threads slicing through the air like blades. Adeline was caught off guard, and she stumbled back, her sword barely deflecting Rook's attack.

Rook felt a surge of adrenaline as he saw the surprise in Adeline's eyes. He had managed to catch her off guard, and for a moment, he felt as though victory was within his grasp. But he knew better than to let his guard down. Adeline was a seasoned warrior, and he couldn't afford to underestimate her.

As the two combatants continued to spar, the landscape around them began to change. The ground cracked beneath their feet, and trees were uprooted as they clashed. The sheer power of their attacks was enough to reshape the very environment they fought in.

Rook could feel the strain on his body as he continued to push himself to his limits. He knew that he had to end this fight soon, or risk collapsing from exhaustion. With a deep breath, he summoned all of his strength, and unleashed a flurry of attacks upon Adeline.

Adeline, however, was not so easily defeated. She deftly dodged each of Rook's attacks, and countered with her own powerful strikes. Rook felt the impact of her sword against his threads, and knew that he was in trouble.

In a final act of desperation, Rook unleashed his most powerful attack. His threads swirled around him like a hurricane, before coalescing into a single, massive blade. With all of his strength, he swung the blade towards Adeline.

For a moment, it seemed as though Rook had won. But at the last second, Adeline raised her own sword, and with a single, powerful strike, shattered Rook's blade. Rook stumbled back, his body racked with pain, as his threads dissipated into nothingness. He lay on the ground, panting and bruised, as Adeline sheaths her sword and approached him.

"That was a good fight," she says, offering Rook a hand up. "You've come a long way with your System, and it seems your ready for the Academy"

Rook takes Adeline's hand and pulls himself up, a mixture of exhaustion and elation coursing through his body.

"Thank you," he says, a grin spreading across his face. "I couldn't have done it without you pushing me to my limits."

Adeline nods, a small smile on her face. "You have a lot of potential, Rook," she says. "But don't let this victory go to your head. There will always be someone stronger, someone more skilled. It's important to keep pushing yourself, to keep learning and growing."

Rook nods, his mind already racing with plans for his next training session. "I won't forget your words," he says, his voice filled with determination.

As he makes his way back to his quarters, Rook can't help but feel a sense of awe at what he had just experienced. He had manage to spar with one of the strongest warriors in the land, and had held his own. He knew that he still had a long way to go, considering the fact that Adeline wasn't going all out. But even then, he was more determined than ever to reach his full potential.

'1 more day left. ' he thought, and sighed in exasperation.

A bitter taste of disappointment. The day had passed by so quickly, and he felt as though there was still so much more he wanted to accomplish to achieve. But he knew that he had given it his all, and that was all he could ask for.

As he drifted off to sleep that night, Rook's mind was filled with visions of battles yet to come. He knew that his journey was far from over, and that he had much more to learn. But with each passing day, he grew stronger, more skilled, and more determined than ever to reach his goals.



Rook Luminar stood in front of his family, taking in one last deep breath of fresh country air before he left for the System Academy. He couldn't believe it was already time to start his first year at the prestigious school. It felt like just yesterday that he had been accepted, but now the day had finally arrived.

As he turned to say goodbye to his family, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his chest. He would miss them all dearly, especially his mother, Caspar, and Lysandra. They had been his biggest supporters and had encouraged him every step of the way, but he knew that this was a chance of a lifetime and he couldn't let it slip away.

"Goodbye, Mother," Rook said, hugging his mother tightly. "I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too, my dear," his mother said, holding him close. "But I'm so proud of you and I know you'll do great things at the Academy."

Rook then turned to his younger brother and sister, Caspian and Lysandra. "Take care of each other while I'm gone," he said, ruffling Caspian's hair and giving Lysandra a kiss on her forehead.

"We will," Caspian said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

As he made his way to the carriage waiting to take him to the Academy, Rook felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He couldn't wait to see what the Academy had in store for him, but he also knew that it would be a challenging journey.

As he settled into his seat, he looked out the window and saw his family waving goodbye. He waved back, feeling grateful for not being alone anymore. The carriage then started moving, and Rook took one last look at his home before it disappeared from view.

As the carriage rumbled along the dirt road, Rook couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the world around him. The countryside was alive with the colors of autumn, and the air was crisp and refreshing. He watched as small villages and bustling cities passed by in a blur, each one filled with people and millions of stories that he knew nothing about.

As the sun began to set, Rook found himself lost in thought. He knew that the journey ahead of him would be long and difficult, but he also knew that he was ready for whatever lay ahead. With a smile on his face and a sense of excitement in his heart, Rook settled back into the cushions and prepared himself for the adventures that awaited him at the System Academy.

It seems like his crazy training seemed to be working.

After 5 levels Systems usually experience a small evolution.



[Thread System]

Name: Rook Luminar

Title: The One who Weaves Fate [NEW]

Level: 5

Current Exp: 1550/2000

Thread Abilities:

- Thread Manipulation (Level 8): The user can precisely control and shape threads, creating complex patterns and using them for defense or offense.

- Thread Sense (Level 7): The user can sense the presence of threads and their properties, allowing them to track and scout using threads.

- Thread Weave (Level 9): The user can weave threads together to create intricate designs, clothing, and even disguises.

- Thread Bind (Level 6): The user can bind objects or creatures with threads, immobilizing them.

- Thread Cut (Level 11): The user can cut through threads with precision, which can be used for defense, sabotage, or escape.

- Thread Shield (Level 11): The user can create a defensive shield made of interlocking threads that can protect from physical and magical attacks.

- Thread Whip (Level 8): The user can create a whip made of tightly woven threads, which can be used for striking and tripping opponents.

-Thread Extension (Level 8): The user can extend threads from their body or objects, allowing them to reach further distances or manipulate threads from afar.

- Thread Constructs (Level 8): The user can create thread-based constructs, such as golems or other animated objects, for defense, offense, or surveillance.

- Thread Wings (Level 4): The user can create wings made of interlocking threads, which can allow them to fly.

- Biological Thread Manipulation (Level 2): The user can manipulate threads within living organisms, which can be used for healing or disabling opponents.

Available Skill Points: 2

Next Level Upgrades:

* Thread Fusion: Allows the user to merge threads together to create stronger constructs or weapons.

* Thread Mimicry: Allows the user to replicate the properties of other materials or objects with their threads.

Note: It is recommended to use available skill points before reaching the next level to maximize the Thread System's potential.


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