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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Part 2-The Beginning of DEspair

"Ugh...hi again sir, what do you need" said Talia in a worried state of tone. "Like I said sweetheart, I forgot to give you a tip" said the man slowly walking closer to Talia. "It's fine sir don't worry about it, it's ok" says Talia looking around for an exit out of the alley. "No no sweetheart, you deserve every bit of the tip I'm going to give to you" said the man, smirking as he started to unzip his pants. Rather than doing what any sane person would and scream for help, Talia's body was moving against what Talia wanted as she slowly lowered her tights . 'What the hell am I doing? Why can't I scream for help?, WHY AM I NOT DOING ANYTHING TO HELP MYSELF ESCAPE!?', Talia silently thought this whilst exposing her legs for the middle-aged man. "Aww I see that you are understanding what I mean...but you do know you can quickly run away, I can hardly run but do you wish to accept my tip" said the man 6 feet away from Talia, she heard this news and her mind was screaming to escape but her body was acting astray from her mindset as she lifts up her skirt to accept the obvious metaphor for what the man was applying with his tip. "Wow you are gorgeous, look how curvy you are'' said the man pulling his throbbing cock out of his pants. Talia looks down to see a 7 inch cock pointing straight towards her but Talia's is unfazed as she strips her panties down to her ankles and accepts what's about to happen. Without saying a word, the man held Talia and pressed her against the dumpster where he placed his hands on Talia's hips and was about to rock Talia's Saturday night.

The man starts rubbing his cock against the side of Talia's vagina in a somewhat toying way of practice. Talia internally is screaming for help but externally, Talia body is moving with a mind of its own. "Wow your pussy looks tight...wait are you a virgin?" the man said, "Talia didn't say a word but nodded her head to indicate yes she was infarct a virgin. "I'm a lucky man then, I am the first man to claim your virginity, i'm honoured" said the man and in an instant, his cock entered her vagina. 'OMFG MY VIRGINITY HAS BEEN TAKEN!' Talia thought to herself as she looks down in complete despair. "Wow you are extremely tight aren't you miss, you're insides are squeezing my cock against your walls" said the man thrusting into Talia. Talia's knees were slowly giving away as she is constantly pounded against the dumpster and soon she is laying on the floor in a face of puddle with her ass pointing straight up to the moon. Without saying a word, the man continued pounding Talia. With Talia's defenceless state, the man slowly started to lift Talia's shirt to show her back strap of her bra and to expose her tits jiggling with every thrust. With the man speeding up, Talia's begins to moan softly with every pound as her virgina starts to slowly stretch in accordance to the cock entering her. "Well sweetheart I'm about to cum" said the man as he started to fasten his thrusting. Talia was in a state of panic as she didn't want to become pregnant with this man and so tried everything in her power to escape, but it was hopeless as her body didn't stray from her movements as she continued to accept the man's tip. Both Talia and the man are groaning/moaning loudly and within a instant, the man came.

Despite Talia's misfortune tonight, luck was with her as the man pulled out and squirted his sperm on Talia's back. The sperm was pumped all over Talia's back sinking into both her bra and her hair. She just laid there ass still pointing to the sky panting large amounts of breaths in a state of recovery. "Jesus that was amazing sex, you are a real wounder woman" said the man gloating on what he just did looking down towards Talia. He continues to say, "Well i'm about to leave now hope you enjoyed yourself, I certainly did haha" laughed the man putting his cock back into his pants and slowly walking away. Talia was freezing cold having her bare skin show with just a lifted up skirt and a soggy bra to cover her top body with high heels to cover her feet, she looked laid her head sideways to see the man slowly walk away from her. At that exact moment, Talia became fully aware of her surroundings and body movements as she kneels on her knees and shouting "YOU FUCKING UGLY SLUG HOW DARE YOU DEFILE ME LIKE THIS!"...The man stopped and turned to face Talia, "Excuse me but what did you just say?" said the man in a vicious tone of voice. "YOU HEARED ME YOU MOULDY LOOKING SLIPPER, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO THAT!" said Talia with one knee pointing on the ground and the other facing up to stand. "Are you fucking stupid you salty bitch, you welcomed me to rock you up" said the man looking disgustedly at Talia, Talia was in full control of what she was doing and she was acting upon her normal personality unlike previous encounters with the man. The man looked down at Talia and said "Apologise for what you said or else ill punish you" "Or else what you old looking thumb" said Talia. Without a second passing, the man lunged at Talia putting one hand over her mouth and the other around her waist and with this position, the man slowly dragged Talia deeper into the alleyway. Talia kicked and screamed but it resulted in her flailing her legs and mumbled screaming due to the position she is in. Talia was starting to regret what she said but she knew it was too late to apologise and she would have to bare her punishment.

Being deep into the alleyway, Talia and the man were the only souls within an area of 50m. The man continued to drag Talia until he stopped. He knocked over a trash can and sat down picking up Talia and bender her over his knee. "You were such a good girl for me earlier but now you are acting like a spoiled bitch" the man said in an angry tone, he continued speaking "you need to be taught some discipline and manners". With finishing his sentence, the man spanks Talia raw ass with force, Talia cries out in pain as tears start to fall down her face. "Are you gonna apologise bitch?" the man said but with no response and due to this, he spanked her again. Talia was starting to bail tears down her face in utter fear and embarrassment. "Answer me you slut, are you gonna apologise?" The man's demands were responded with tears of gibberish and so he spanked harder. Talia was beginning to space out as it was freezing outside and she was being a victim of shock from the pain. "Are you going to answer me slut!?" said the man as he spanks even harder than before. Talia stays quiet with her only response being tears. "Well bitch you haven't responded to my question and so Ill accept your apology another time, its starting to get cold and im kinda tired, your final punishment will be to walk back to wherever you live in the state you are" said the man while pushing Talia to the floor. "Learn appropriate manners next time bitch and things like this will not happen. Remember, I will see you again to finalise your well deserved punishment and so goodbye" those were the final words of the man as he walked away into the darkness of the ally. Talia couldn't respond as she was curled up in pain trying to warm herself as she lay there soaked and cold with tears and washed up makeup dripping off her face. Talia layed there for hours reflecting what happened to her and how this had happened to her.

It had been a few hours since Talia had been defiled twice by the middle aged man, she was re-collecting strength and courage to walk back to her apartment half naked. She knew there's no point going back to where she lost her virginity to gather her old clothes and she expected the man to have taken the clothes to fulfil the dishing of his decided punishment on Talia. Fortunately, Talia knew an ally route towards her apartment and so she stood up with her bra, skirt and high heels and carefully walked back to her apartment. Talia walked slowly down the alley with her heels clinking and clonking every step she made. Talia made steady progress through the alley despite it being barely lit. She continued and continued until she met a problem...Her apartment was across the road from where she stood and additionally, Talia began to panic as she doesn't remember if she locked her door or not and so Talia contemplated to take the risk of running across the road or to wait in the ally till day to see if a security guard had a key. Talia had thought of all the possibilities and decided to gamble with the first option. She peered over the alleyway wall to see the traffic and to her surprise, the road wasn't in use as it was so late in the morning. Talia knew this was her chance and so she sprinted out of the ally towards her apartment. However, Talia made one vital flaw being that she didn't check the sidewalks for people. Halfway across the road, Talia heard a group of men whistling and laughing at her, Talia didn't look at them and finished running across the road where she met her apartment door. Due to the past encounter with the homeless guy earlier, Talia forgot to lock her door and so she was met with an unlocked door.

She busted through the door, slammed the door shut and began to collapse on the floor crying her eyes out. "HOW DARE HE TOUCH ME LIKE THAT...HE RAPED ME...ME OF ALL PEOPLE...HE RAPED ME!" Talia cried out in a fit of rage, Talia started to punch her floor in utter anger. "I LOST MY VIRGINITY TO A MAN I DON'T EVEN KNOW!" she cried as she slowly starts to curl up in a ball of tears. "THAT MAN HAS CLAIMED MY VIRGINITY AND YET HE WILL GO UNPUNISHED!" she sobs and continues "IT'S NOT FAIR,ITS ITS NOT FAIR,IT'S NOT FAIR,NOT FAIR,IT'S NOT FAIR,IT'S NOT FAIR, IT'S NOT FAIR!", these were the last words from Talia on that horrible night as she begins to fade off into a sleep of abyss.

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