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Ancient Doomsday In MHA (HIATUS) Ancient Doomsday In MHA (HIATUS) original

Ancient Doomsday In MHA (HIATUS)

Author: KeiJu

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Death and Reincarnation

"_"- Talking

'_'-Thinking/ Highlighting some words (Dont worry youll know)

Just writing-Narration


~1257 words~

(All chapters will be around 1000 words, might increase in the future :))


Tristam sits on his chair, looking down on his paper which had all the information of his latest study on it. It was about how you could 'cure' physical deformities by using a reforming technique he had come up with a couple days ago. He sits there, looking down while glancing at the mirror that lies on the floor, with the mirror side looking down. He did this, because he could not bare looking at himself, with all those scars, stiches and what looks to be molten skin from the accident that left him like this. He used to be smart, popular... Even had a girlfriend but now, all that is gone. Well appart from the "smart", he's still plenty of that. He walks over to the mirror, picks it up and turns it around.

"Why? Why me? What have I done wrong to deserve this? I've done so much good but I still end up like this... Just why!"

He takes the mirror and thrusts it against the wall, unlucky for him though, it shatters and a piece of it sprung of straight into his eye, apparently reaching far enough to puncture his brain, leaving him to slowly die of internal bleeding from his brain.

"Ironic. But I guess this entire life of mine was just a slow death for me so... Whatever"

Those were his lasts words... In that world at least. He closes his eyes and waits for the sweet release of death which to his surprise, never came. He opens his 'eyes' again and looks all around him, but there is only darkness. He tries to feel his body but there is nothing, so he looks down and realises that his body isnt there.

"I see so this is what its like to be dead huh... I still feel very much alive though" He says while floating around the dark place.

"Oh no you're definately dead kid"

Tristam looks around but doesnt find anything and just ends up at the conclusion that he is imagining things, before getting scared shitless when a ball of light just appears in his face

"Argh!! Turn down the fucking sun what is this?!"

"Hey would you please mind your language kid. Sorry I didnt realise that I was so bright"

The disembodied voice says this before turning into a human body without a face. He walks closer to Tristam before stopping just a meter in front of him and starts explaining what happened.

"You're dead, I dont think thats a mystery. But you're lucky, because I pity you and plan to make your next life the best life ever!" He exclaims excited? Its really difficult to tell his emotions with him not having a face and such.

"My next life? So things like that really exist huh... But how exactly are you gonna make my next life the best? Oh! Do I get some kinda System?!" He says excitedly while really hoping for that to be the case.

"No you wont get a System. Well unless you wish for it, but I wouldnt waste my wish on something like that. Anyways! I will grant you three wishes. The only restriction is that you cant have power equivilant to mine, and anything I dont like. But you can play with your wording a bit so that you can get power similar to mine. So, what are your wishes?" He says, while moving his hands around like an Orchestrator and signaling that its Tristam's turn to speak.

"I know exactly what Im going to wish for. People used to always call be names like "Ancient Kryptonian Deformity" to insult me, which weirdly is the thing that got me into reading Dc comics where I found out what they meant. At first I was offended, but the-" He gets interrupted by God

"STOP! Thats cool and all, but please tell me your wish now"

"Oh yeah sorry" He says while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"My first wish is for my body to always have the properties and powers of Doomsday from dc. The original one, not the fake. But I also want to be able to transform my body into his when I wish to."

"Alright, but you're going to have to transform your body in order to use his Power, but you will always have his bodies properties. What is your next wish?"

Tristam thinks for a while before making his decision. "For my second wish, I want to be able to control energy!"

"Sorry no can do. Not every kind of energy at least since thats kinda my thing but you can choose one energy" He says, kinda regretting telling him that he can wish for anything.

"Alright, then I wish to be able to control Kinetic energy"

"Granted. What is your third wish?"

He thinks hard about a wish that could make him the most powerful there is, even more so than the God before him before coming to the conclusion that he doesnt need to be the most powerful instantly.

"I wish to be able to absorb any kind of radiation around me and use it to become stronger infinitely!"

'Fuck' Is all the being thought before granting him his wish.

"It is granted" He says, visibly frustrated, before telling Tristam about the things that are going to happen now and his mission.

"Your soul will now be sent to a world of your choosing. Once you have arrived you will be reborn as a baby in a randomely chosen family, as close to the Protagonist as possible. Now tell me what world it shall be"

"I wish to go to the My Hero Academia world" He says while audibly excited and 'jumping' around or whatever a soul with no body can do to show excitement.

"Alright then. Now on to your mission." Is what the God tells Tristam before his (Tristams) face drops.

"I thought I was going to get to enjoy my time there, why do I have to go on a mission?"

God walks over to him and tells him the information regarding the mission, without giving him a proper explanation, while he really was only kinda annoyed at Tristam for his last wish.

"All you have to do is kill the antagonist of the world, All for one. Dont worry, you will receive a reward for it to and you dont actually have a time limit. You could also wait for him to die but I would of course have to give you a worse reward, and well, wheres the fun in just waiting right?" Oh yeah, before I forget to tell you. You'll also be sent to another world of your choosing after you finish the mission I gave you. As for how long you can stay in the world after finishing the mission... We'll I guess we can discuss that then.

The being then backs up from Tristam, before saying his goodbyes.

"Bye Bye. Have fun there and do your best to entertain me. Dont worry I wont always be watching you, especially not during the Lemons :)"

"The what?" Are the last words he could mutter before being pulled into what looked to be space. He feels sleepy and closes his eyes, and when he opens them, hes being held in the air by a woman before being slapped on his ass.

KeiJu KeiJu

From now on the story will be completely out of the mc's perspective, so no more "He says" and more "I bla bla"

I'd appreciate it if you could give me some feedback, point out plot holes or grammar mistakes and tell me changes I could do to better the story and my writing. Thanks :)

Also story will most likely continue in past tense. I kinda fucked that up here and im to lazy to change it sry o_o

Oh yeah and I just wanna say this. Im not trying to make fun or offend anyone with Physical deformities or anything like that and any 1 star reviews that are postet for no reason, because they are offended or ones that are postet with there only being 1 chapter will be deleted. Thank you and please review fairly :) (Constructive critisim is still appreciated though :) )

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