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Angels Descent Angels Descent original

Angels Descent

Author: DannyOverlordAngel

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A New Beginning: Prologue.

A dark and gloomy forest appears before me. Its likeness was akin to the gaping maw of a beast ready to devour me whole. This is the place I am meant to be, the place I need to achieve my goal. Weapon in hand I resolve myself to march on towards whatever awaits me. I know I am weak and will likely fall to the beasts that roam here. Still, I march on through the brush, past the tree branches jutting out like claws ready to rend flesh.

The forest is so named the Great Mirkwood. Home to many beasts of superior power to myself. Yet I continue on towards glory or death. I look down at my only attire and armaments. A silver elegant robe wraps around my waist, fastened to my body by a golden rope and shawl over my shoulder.

In my right hand is a simple steel sword with some simple ornamentation of the gold cross guard. Overall, I looked like some Grecian poser with a long sword. Still, despite all this, I carried onwards into these dangerous lands.

Soon a foe appears before me, only a short walk and my first victim arrives. Before me lies the first sacrifice to my greatness, its death shall be a worthy contribution to my power. Glaring at this foe I judge his power and threat level. The enemy had the appearance of a mismatched creature with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. Casting my gaze to the area above the monster's head, I spied its nature.

Above its rotund body is a floating transparent box, with several words written neatly. Below is a red bar spanning the entire length of the box. Written upon it are the words Chimera along with the level twenty next to it. The enemy was indeed a worthy foe, looking to the side of my vision I could spot my own level. It was a meagre level of eight, but that will soon change.

Resolving myself for the hard-fought battle I began my preparation. [Reinforce Armor]. After casting my spell, my body glows with a green outline. Checking my console, I could see the buff to my armour clearly. It wasn't a major buff but it should give me some protection. [Lesser Strength]. Casting a further buff spell, my attributes slightly rose.

With my preparations complete I brandish my blade at the enemy. Spying his inaction, I realize it will be my first move and so I begin. Lunging forward I delivered the first strike. Striking down with my blade slashing across his face. The chimera raised its paw in defence catching the blade. The strike slicing through his guarded paw spawns a prompt in mid-air. The value negative one appears just above the strike.

Noticing the insignificant value, I immediately retreat back, barely missing his counter strike. "Only one point, come on that's noob level damage." Shrugging to myself since I should have expected this. "The game will soon end, so I thought I should give it a shot." Muttering to myself I still observe the enemy, the chimera glares at me ready to strike again.

As I expected the chimera lunges forward, pouncing with claws out. Deciding to embrace the greatest of techniques. "Tactical retreat!" Yelling out loud, I tap an icon on my console. The icon depicts a pair of white wings and tapping the icon causes a set of large white wings to unfurl from my back.

With my angelic wings, I grow untethered from the earth. Using the console, I increase my altitude. Rising above my enemy, my smile widens into a grin. Risen above my enemy, high in the sky, I chide myself for being so foolish. But then again, I wanted to ride in sword first like a mad warrior.

Shaking my head, I proceed to look down at my enemy. The chimera remains beneath me, roaring with its typical repeated sound effect, pawing at thin air. A sense of power and superiority wells up inside me as I look at my console. Selecting the spell, I require; I aim my right palm and speak the words of power. Of course, I don't need to do that, since I just tapped the icon. But when in Rome they say. [Magic Arrow]. Several bolts of energy manifest within my palm and propel towards the chimera like a volley of arrows.

The magic pierces it directly with each direct hit, prompting another loss of health points. A figure of negative two appears further pulling my grin down into a frown. I decide to resign myself to the weakness of my inferior level and instead resort to another method.

Before I can inspect my mana bar, a loud roar can be heard followed by a column of flame approaching me. Noticing too late I am consumed by the gout of fire. My vision is impaired I can only hear the alerts blaring on my console. Glancing at my health bar as I quickly flap my singed wings in retreat. I notice how it's nearly depleted with only five points remaining, nearing death.

Not wanting to lose any levels after respawn, I decide to embrace the tradition once more and flee like the coward I am. "You have won this round fiend, but I will have my revenge…" Before I can finish my epic last words. The Chimera spews another gout of flame as it charges at me. Dodging the fire, I turn my flight into overdrive draining my stamina like crazy.

Not caring about the quickly draining values I try to flee from an enemy that has decided on its next life mission. To eat the flying little birdie flapping its wings like a dinner bell. Thinking of these self-deprecating thoughts, I continue to flee right before plummeting to the ground. Glancing at my stamina bar now completely empty. I chide myself for my complete idiocy before meeting the earth like a pissed-off ex-lover.

No pain thankfully but the fall damage shaved off a quarter of my remaining health leaving only a few points. It was clear that I am going to die. So, I decided to chill here on my back and wait for the inevitable end. The sounds of thud after thud of large paws slowly get louder. Each one announcing my future death and respawn. I decide to get comfortable while pondering on what other job classes I should get once I'm low level.

Before I am crushed, the sight of a shining crystal ball can be seen to my side. The object is right next to me hidden slightly under the brush of a nearby tree. Curious I snatched the strange object with my left hand. The crystal ball fit in the palm of my hand and was quite small.

Before I can inspect its properties, the incoming sound halted. Looking up I could see the Chimera looking down at me like I was a neat little snack. Resigning myself to death I shut my eyes and allowed the beast's jaws to devour me.

Instead of the typical loading screen that accompanies in-game death, nothing happened. Opening my eyes to inspect my surroundings, I was baffled by the sights. Instead of the gloomy forest of Mirkwood with its trees and foliage. The sight of a rural mountainous area appeared before me.

Instead of laying down in the centre of a forest, above me is the sight of a huge mountain range. Turning from left to right I determined that I was laying down on rocky terrain with a small woodland area before me.

Thoroughly confused I tried to rise to my feet only to experience searing pain. The burn marks on my arms and torso radiated horrible pain that spread out like a spider's web. Accompanied with severe aching in my back as if I had actually fell from an extreme height.

All of this including the searing pain and my apparent shift in environment culminated in a single sentence uttered in frustration. "What is going on!"

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