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Chapter 2: One Step Closer...

As we walked through the portal Ollie created, It seems we crossed from my world to his world but, "Hey um Ollie, when you said you're going to take me to a new world, why are we still above the clouds? I can't see what the new world is going to bring me."

" Ahh sorry sorry. Jamie it seems you have to meet my boss." as he said this it seemed his eyes glossed over for a bit. Hopefully his boss isn't a scary being. Though it seems as I noticed his facial expression changed, it seems he also saw mine because when he said, " Um Jamie don't worry okay, it's just he said since you had a traumatic event happen he has to make sure your mental state is alright. It's a standard procedure before we can show you the new life you'll be leading." It seems his shy nature loves to come out when he tries to comfort me, guess I should trust what he says.

"Sorry for the inconvenience again. I'm still new on the job, and it's only been 100 years but it still feels like I started yesterday. " As he said this my mind didn't compute what he said, "Ah I see, I see a standard procedure guess that makes sense…" wait…." Ollie, did you say you started this job 100 years ago? but you look barely older than 20! " until now, I've completely forgotten that Ollie was a god in this realm."Ahhh Ifeel so stupid asking but Ollie, does this mean you're like centuries old? Wait, does this mean calling your first name here is very disrespectful?" Hopefully Ollie's boss doesn't banish me from this new world for breaking holy laws or whatever god-like system in place.

When I said my last statement Ollie seemed genuinely impressed by what I said because all of a sudden he stopped walking and looked at me with shock all over his face. Until his voice found the words to say, " You know about the holy laws?! Jamie, seems you know more than you let on haha. Just what is Mother Earth teaching her children these days? I remember learning about the last time she walked among the humans and that was to teach her children how to make fire to bring them light and protect them against the cold, along with scaring off predators." As he said all that we started walking again though visible Ollie was still surprised at the statement I made as a joke. Now as he crossed his arm and looked my way, he had a slow smile creep onto his face as he said, " But Miss Jamie fret not I'm not that old, my mother said I was born during the Roman Empire which to you would be umm.... around fifteen hundred human years ago? Give or take a few years." he said this as nonchalantly as me saying 'oh there's food in the pantry only to finish the sentence by saying enough food for a mouse to eat.'

Ollie looked confused at my statement, and asked a genuine but stupid question "But why would anyone leave food for a mouse in their house? " Well Ollie was just comparing what you said to something as equally ridiculous." which of course wasn't the point I was trying to make. Ugh Gods and their slow nature. Makes me wanna hit my head against these clouds. "Wait Ollie! I said Holy Laws as a joke because y'all are gods and all. But Ollie I feel like your idea of me being smart is falsely construed now." I don't want Ollie to view me like I am a know-it-all because I feel like he was ready to test my knowledge and had high expectations of me. Though I hope I'm not racking up debts by breaking these holy laws since they are indeed a real thing God's here use.

But going back to the situation at hand, "Ollie if you're fifteen hundred years old, then you're freaking old! Now it seems Ollie always has a comeback to everything I say now because he retorted with "Well Miss Jamie, time for us here as god goes slowly compared to humans. Our lifespan tends to live as long as stars while humans' lives go by as fast as we blink. Though we can choose what age related look we want so we can make the humans feel at ease or see how the world is progressing by walking among them." Why do I feel like he is smirking? "Anyways Ollie how old are you in your um god years? Like 15 or 16 right?

He chuckled wryly, "Haha, yes Miss Jamie~ in my god years, as you called it, I would be considered 15. Which makes the elders nicknamed me as a "new star" or something equally silly like that haha." As he had a little laugh to himself he noticed the door we are approaching and his smile seemed to slowly fade away as he said, "Oh and by the way Miss Jamie, it seems we're almost to my boss' office. Hopefully we don't have to wait any further to start you on your new life. " Ollie seemed a little sad our time was getting cut short. So I decided to see if I could change the topic for Ollie to give me hints as to why mentioning his boss takes on a sad look.

"Well… um, Ollie, what kind of person is your boss like? Anything I should know before meeting him. Like for example his name and what I should look forward to seeing. I don't want to make the wrong impression of course." I tried smiling to brighten his mood, which worked to some extent because he started to talk about his boss in full professional mode.

" Hmm well, my boss is a laid back guy who takes his job seriously when it comes to newcomers and animals. Otherwise he loves to make dad jokes. He likes to go by Mr. Richards even though the name plate says otherwise haha. In Human standards he is a bit on the tall side with black hair with grey-ish white "stripes" along the side, he also tends to keep a slight beard on him. What would you humans call it again 5 or 6 o'clock shadow? With all that it goes "neatly" as he says with the standard issued suit we have to wear haha. But it seems on that note Miss Jamie we are here just knock twice before entering. "

"You're not coming in Ollie?" I don't want to go in alone...

" Unfortunately I cannot. This is a test you have to take yourself without outside involvement. " as he said this he looked at me and gave me a sad smile before I turned to leave, he gave me a thumbs up saying, "You'll do great, I just know it!"

"Okay. Thanks Ollie!" ahhh here goes nothing !


As I opened the door the figure before me sitting at his desk is the same as Ollie Describe him to be as, hopefully my introduction comes out smoothly...

" Come in Miss Erza "

As my mind raced in how he knew I started to ask, "Um hi, how did you know my last name Mr. -- and before I could even finish my sentence he cut me off saying, "Richard's, call me Mr. Richard's Miss Erza. Don't mind what the name plate says, I haven't gotten the chance to fix it, sigh..."

Well this start seems to be going downhill very fast, but I still wanna know how he knew, "Oh okay, um right, Mr. Richard's... how did you know my last name?" he seemed to shift in his seat uncomfortably trying to pull something out one of the drawers...

" Ahh, here we go. Come on now don't get stuck!" looks like whatever he is trying to take out is giving him trouble, hopefully he doesn't direct that anger on to me.

" There we go, ah where were we? Oh that's right,your file. Since you've accepted to be reborn in our world, your file was sent over by your gracious Mother Earth, sweet lady I tell ya. Too bad most of her children forgot how much she provides for them. Tsk tsk, a shame really. But ah, back to the discussion at hand. It seems she labelled everything of notable value about your character for us to see. Wonderful! Let's see what it says, hmmmm. From what I can see here, everything looks good! Seems we just need to go over the event of your death. So Miss Erza, please explain your experiences as you learned you died."

Wait, mother earth is a real being? I know Ollie talked about her walking among us, but I thought it was just a person that embodied the spirit like mother earth. What does that mean other beings like spirits--

"Ah ahem, excuse me Miss Erza, I know this is a lot to take in and I may be interrupting your train of thought but for me to clear you to continue on, you um need to explain to me what your experiences were like. I am sorry to rush you but I would like to hear the honest truth while it is still fresh in your mind." well what he said is true, guess I can ask him questions after telling him everything I remember.

"Ah sorry Mr.Richard's, as you said I was taken aback by everything you said but I guess I should start first with my account on everything right so…" this whole meeting is going sour, stupid me. Let's just get everything over with first.

"Um well at first Mr. Richards, it seems when I first learned I died I was really confused, and hurt at the time since everything seemed to happen at once. Then my hurt and confusion turned into disbelief because the possibility I was dreaming crossed my mind. On top of seeing a mysterious guy out of the corner of my eye. I didn't know who he was and felt like I have officially gone crazy, untilOllie- I mean Mr. Oliver spoke and explained the situation to me. I got really angry, mainly at myself for being so careless but after the first intinaly reaction of dying unexpectedly. I took a moment to calm down and realized I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders ya know. Especially when he said that I could have another chance at life. So in the end though I was feeling all types of emotions when I learned of my death, but at the same time I was happy. Reason was I could live again and my small impossible dream of visiting a new world was right in front of me."

Oh wow, you've done it now Jamie.You talked his ear off, should've kept it short and simple. Like look at him he can't even look at you anymore. Ugh why are you such-

" Hohoho Miss Erza, that was just wonderful!" huh? I thought he was upset...

"That was a very interesting assessment Miss Erza, I can honestly say that was the first time I've seen a human expressing themselves calmly after learning of their death and accepting that they have the choice to start anew. I applaud you on your quick thinking and calm demeanor. It seems like we don't have to seal your memories about your experiences. Here let me fill in a few more boxes on your assessment. It seems even us god's can't get past all the paperwork involving death haha." as he said that, he reminded me of one of those store santas being all jolly with their "hohoho's". Well I guess it was a good thing I talked his ear off heh. Glad the situation was turned around from going downhill to normal level. Good thing I'm dead or all the stress would've taken years off my life.

It looks like he is almost done writi- "Ah here you go Miss Erza, take this card and give it to my son before you go. He'll take you to your last stop until you officially become a part of the world Miss Erza. Hopefully we don't see each other too soon." son? What son? Does this mean I can't see Ollie anymore?

Thank you Mr. Richard's but wait, who is your son...?

As he looks at my confused expression for a second and puts the two and two together "Ahaha, guessing by your face little Ollie didn't tell you his boss was actually his dad." with the way he laughs the stress of this whole ordeal washes off and in turns makes me smile along with him. "Well I guess little Ollie didn't want to scare the misses even more it seems. Sorry for surprising you Miss Erza." as he said that I finally took a detailed look at him and more importantly his face. Same jet black hair seamlessly slicked back with forest green eyes. I can see the striking resemblance between Ollie and Mr. Richard's.

"Ah no, it is okay Mr. Richard's. I guess it slipped Mr. Oliver's mind in the rush to get over here haha. But I guess this is goodbye again Mr. Richard's. Hopefully next time we meet, you managed to fix the nameplate sir.'' I wonder why Ollie kept making a sad face every time he mentioned his father?

But before I could leave Mr. Richards said with a heartful laugh, " Haha, hopefully I get enough free time do that Miss Erza"

With that I started walking towards the door, and with each step I take a step, I am becoming a step closer to my goal of being reborn.


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