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8.09% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 17: A Great Tool for Attracting Zombies

Chapter 17: A Great Tool for Attracting Zombies

Whoo... Whoo... Whoo...

The car alarm immediately went off like crazy.




Like a tide, zombies crazily surged out of the fruit and vegetable supermarket, some even breaking the windows on the second floor and jumping down.

Even with broken leg bones, they still dragged their broken legs, desperately rushing towards the direction of the car.

However, this time, the zombies' attitude towards Miranda had changed significantly compared to before.

Previously, the zombies treated Miranda as if she were air, brushing past her directly.

But this time, although most zombies still ignored Miranda, a few stared at her for a few seconds before being drawn away by the sound.

"Could it be... as Miranda's intimacy increases, she becomes less like a zombie and more like a sub-human, and eventually, she might be attacked by zombies just like Howard."

Howard secretly noted this point in his heart.

Once Miranda's intimacy increased again, he couldn't let her take risks in attracting zombies like today.

Fortunately, in the Dofu Hotel, there was an A-grade female zombie, allowing Howard to retrain a great tool for attracting zombies!


"Whoo... Whoo... Whoo..."

Miranda walked onto the road she had come by and kicked a parked car again.

This car was a Japanese model, as if made of paper, and just like that, the side door instantly crumpled like a ball of paper, with all the window glass shattered.

But the sound of the alarm was surprisingly loud.


The horde of zombies was again attracted by the sound of this car, screaming and surging towards the road they had come from.

Miranda was smart, after all, she had walked this road and would not turn back; leading them away was the safest approach.

Seeing that the zombie tide was nearly a hundred meters away from him, with each zombie becoming as small as a person without a thumb, Howard finally stood up from the cardboard box.

"Well done!"

Howard praised.

"Hmph!" With the praise, Miranda haughtily tilted her head up, with an expression that said, continue praising me, I'm listening.

"It's all because of my genes, that's why she's so powerful!"

Howard, changing the tone, started praising himself instead.

"What does your strong gene have to do with anything? It was my doing that was good, praise me!"

Miranda pouted, showing a playful displeasure.

"How is it not related to me? Without my powerful genes, could you be like this now?"

Howard gave Miranda a meaningful look.

"Ah, you bad thing, talking about such matters on the main road!"

Miranda's pretty face instantly blushed, and she gently punched Howard with her little fists.

"Cough cough..."

It was supposed to be a playful punch, and she was holding back her strength.

But when it landed on Howard, the thumping sound transmitted through muscles and organs to his eardrums made him feel like his bones were about to break.

Looking at Miranda again, her information had once again changed:

Name: Miranda

Level: Low-level Zombie Sub-human, level up progress 80/100

Cultivation Potential: S-class

Intimacy: 65 (Current skills: Rigid Claws, All attributes +20%)

Hunger: 0 (A hunger level of 0 indicates a state of satisfaction, 100 indicates extreme hunger)

Now Miranda's designation had shifted from a zombie to a zombie sub-human, and increasing intimacy further would turn her into a pure sub-human, who, like humans, would also be attacked by zombies.

Moreover, looking at Miranda's combat state.

Initially, she could only execute ordinary claw attacks, but with the increase in intimacy and her transition towards a sub-human identity, her attributes in all aspects were greatly enhanced, and her combat stance became much more flexible and diverse.

On the way here, we even saw a zombie corpse with its skull cap directly flipped open by her, demonstrating an unbelievably strong power.

"Ah, is my strength too great?!"

Seeing Howard almost unable to catch his breath from the impact, Miranda couldn't help feeling a bit guilty.

"Yes, your growth rate is far faster than humans. You're already this powerful without leveling up. If you do level up, you'll have to be even gentler, especially... when eating!"

Howard reminded.

Fortunately, she recently learned to ride. If she had continued to grip with her hands like before, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Mm, got it, I'm just not very skilled at acting spoiled for the first time!"

"And don't always talk about eating and stuff in the middle of the street, it's making me a bit hungry!"

Miranda blushed slightly and nodded, her gaze drifting towards Howard's lower half.

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Besides the zombies in the distance, it's just the two of us here. Even if I stripped you naked and did it right here on the ground, no one would notice!"

Howard wrapped his arm around Miranda's shoulder, his hand slipping into her collar and gently massaging the softness there.


Miranda looked around and, just as Howard said, there was no one around, only the distant zombies.

They seemed to be attracted by some noise again and ran towards the direction of the supermarket.

Now, on the street, not to mention living people, even zombies were hard to come across.

Looking at the familiar streets, to do it here...

Miranda's pretty face turned red, involuntarily showing a look of both anticipation and curiosity.

"You really are naughty, aren't you? It hasn't been long since breakfast, and you're already up for it?"

"Right now, we should focus on what's important!"

Saying this, Howard flicked Miranda's forehead lightly with his finger.


Miranda covered her forehead, looking at Howard with a mix of grievance and reproach.

"Getting my hopes up for nothing!"

"Eh? Where did all those zombies go?"

Howard turned his head to look at the distant horde of zombies, only to find a few with poor mobility circling in place, while the others had disappeared without a trace.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the supermarket at the crossroads.

A man wielding a chainsaw was breathing heavily, struggling to open the roller door.

Every cut emitted a sharp friction noise, along with the loud rumbling of the roller door shaking.

To avoid making too much noise, the man had to cut for a while and then stop, having only managed to cut a right angle by the morning.

He was just one side away from breaking in.

"Barker, can you hurry it up? At this rate of cutting, we'll be here from dawn till dusk!"

"Just now, a man and a woman survivor looked this way, and I scared them off. If other groups of survivors discover this place, we'll be in trouble," urged the man holding a steel pipe, uneasy.

"I wish I could go faster. Aren't you all worried about attracting zombies? If you don't mind me making a noise, I could have this done in five minutes!"

Feeling his professionalism challenged, the man hastily made a bold statement.

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