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7.14% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 15: Another Call?

Chapter 15: Another Call?

Allen had anticipated Macy would ask this, so he pulled up the surveillance footage of the entrance to the safe zone. On the screen, dense clusters of car lights could be seen in the distance, along with the moving shadows of people beneath them.

Some were lifting their children high above their heads, hoping the soldiers would allow the children into the safe zone.

Wealthy merchants, holding stacks of cash, attempted to bribe the soldiers, but in this apocalyptic world, money was so useless it wasn't even considered good enough for toilet paper. Everyone wanted to enter the safe zone, yet the gates remained firmly closed.

Some soldiers couldn't bear to see elderly people with graying hair kneel before them, begging for their grandchildren's admittance, and had to forcibly suppress the guilt gnawing at their conscience, turning their faces away.

"Do you see, Macy? It's not just you and me enduring this pressure silently, but also those soldiers on the front lines!"

"Every moment, they're suffering the accusations of their conscience. It's been only six hours since the order was issued, and already two soldiers have voluntarily sought psychological counseling."

"A 72-hour incubation period means we need to establish a quarantine zone, which must hold for at least 72 hours before people can be admitted into the safe zone. But now, the quarantine area is full, and more and more citizens are gathering here without any chance of entry. What are you asking them to do here? To experience disappointment? To feel the military's cold-heartedness? Or is it deception?"

"Even under such pressure, the soldiers and I can endure. But what if someone in the crowd is infected? What if someone brings a zombie here? Thousands of people could turn into thousands of zombies in an instant. Then, forget about retaking the city; it would be hard to say if we could even keep the safe zone secure!"

"So, Macy, harden your soft heart and face reality with me!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be standing here complaining like a woman, but I'd be hurrying to the safe zone to calm the people's emotions, to prevent any chaos from erupting. Otherwise, this fragile defense line might collapse at any moment!" Allen let out everything that had been pent up in his heart in one breath.

Now, he felt much lighter, and the spine bent by conscience and morality straightened up again. With a slap, Macy threw the file bag onto the desk and strode towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

Allen was taken aback.

"I'm going to speak to the citizens now, to calm their emotions!"

Macy gave Allen a glance, opened the door, and left without looking back.

"That bastard!"

Allen then realized that Macy wasn't actually angry with him and even appreciated his good intentions. He smiled slightly, and the tension between them instantly thawed.

The next morning, in an apartment building, Howard woke up feeling refreshed—and it was a refreshing wake-up, not a "handsome" wake-up! He dreamt he had turned into a wild horse, with Miranda as a female rider, galloping across the plains on his back.

When Howard woke up, he found the dream merging with reality. Miranda was gasping for air, her waterfall-like long hair cascading onto Howard's thighs. She was straddling Howard, vigorously twisting her waist, with such wild energy as if intending to drain him completely. The soft movements were clearly undulating up and down.

Howard reached out, grabbing these two masses in his hands, freely playing with them, all while admiring Miranda's sexy and wild riding technique.

Suddenly, Miranda screamed, her hands pressing down on Howard's firm abs, her legs tightly clasping him, trembling non-stop. A warm flow was slowly trickling.

"Ah, you're awake!?" Miranda, seeing Howard looking at her with a lustful gaze, instantly blushed. With an intimacy level of 50, Miranda became more and more human-like, not only having body temperature and the ability to speak phrases but even developing a sense of shame.

She could actually feel shy?! She wasn't like this yesterday, almost as if she would happily pounce on Howard in the supermarket or on the street. But today, just being caught sitting on top and having completed the act herself, her cheeks turned red.

"Mm, it was very enjoyable, very comfortable!"

"But I'm not finished yet, we have to continue!"

Howard suddenly thrust his hips, causing Miranda to shudder.

"Mm, understood, I'll try my best!"

Miranda nodded lightly, biting her lip softly, and began to move again with effort. Having just ended a passionate moment, she was extra sensitive now, shivering involuntarily with every movement.

Paired with her blushing face, the coquettish biting of her lips, and her slender, graceful figure, this pleasure was definitely more than ten times better than when she was completely like a zombie, a walking dead.

Just watching this sensual scene made Howard feel uncontrollable. In peaceful times, someone like Howard could never have imagined having any interaction with a beauty like Miranda. At most, he would just take a few more glances when delivering food. But Miranda would never give Howard a second look.

They were people from two different worlds. But now, a stunning beauty like Miranda was sitting on him, trying her best to please and accommodate him. The apocalypse broke down the original class barriers, and a new hierarchy was forming.

And what Howard had to do was to become the top presence in this new system!

Buzz! Buzz!

Early in the morning, Miranda's phone rang again.

This time, the phone was right beside Miranda, and, probably out of habit, she picked it up and put it to her ear, clicking to answer, completely forgetting what she was currently doing.

"Hello?" Miranda's sweet voice came through the phone.

"…Miranda, is that you? Is it really you?!"

"My God, do you know, I haven't slept well all night!"

"Are you okay? That man didn't do anything to you, right?"

It was Nina. She hadn't heard from Miranda after Howard hung up the phone last night. She had made a dozen calls throughout the night, but no one answered. Finally, this morning, the call connected.

"Sis? Uh…huh…do you—have…any…thing?"

Now that she had a sense of shame, she was moving but deliberately suppressing her emotions and voice, trying to sound very calm. As if Howard's mischievous hands weren't in front of her, and there wasn't something beneath her making breathing difficult. But the trembling frequency caused her voice to tremble as well, an unavoidable situation.

"I just wanted to tell you, the special forces team I contacted has already set out to pick you up. Just wait obediently at home!"

"Once you get on the special forces vehicle, we can reunite very soon!"

"And about that man with you, if you two are sincere, bring him along. If this guy is not good…,"

"Just tell the special forces directly, and let him fend for himself. With the military involved, you have nothing to fear!"

Nina intentionally spoke very loudly, aiming to intimidate Howard and keep him from acting recklessly.

"Oh, I…understand…!"

Howard deliberately sped up, causing the trembling to become more intense, even though she tried her best to sound calm. But such fluctuations in her voice would be clear to anyone listening.

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