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7.61% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 16: Are You Going to Rob a Supermarket?

Chapter 16: Are You Going to Rob a Supermarket?

"What's the matter? Miranda? Are you feeling unwell?"

"That's right, the man who answered the phone yesterday, is he your boyfriend?"

Nina couldn't help but ask the question she was most concerned about.

"I'm not... feeling... unwell!! He is my boyfriend! But we... didn't! do anything!"

When Miranda said this, she didn't believe it herself, not even now, that bad guy hadn't stopped.

Especially the word "ah", her voice trembled like three or four times.

After all, it's hard to speak out about such things, how to explain to her sister?!

And now is not the time to explain, the bad thing beneath her is getting faster and faster.

She grabbed Howard's sturdy arm with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other.

Howard sat up, his hands tightly wrapping around Miranda's slim waist, his mouth close to her neck, rubbing intimately like lovers.

But his waist was moving at the speed of human limits.

This contrast made Miranda dizzy, her eyes lost focus, her mouth opened and swelled, wanting to speak, but she couldn't utter a word.

"Are you running? Why does your voice tremble when you speak?"

After this question, there was no sound on the phone, only the sound of patting like massaging and back slapping, fast beyond reason.

"Miranda? Are you still there? Hey? Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, I'm very good!"

Miranda said breathlessly.

Fine? She's almost turned into Howard's shape, how could that be summarized by being fine or not?!

"That's good, remember what I just said, we'll meet in the safe zone!"

"Okay, sister, we'll meet in the safe zone!"

The call ended.

Miranda had suppressed herself for too long, now that the call was ended, she immediately released all her emotions, wildly.

Howard did the same.

As the two reached a mutual understanding, they embraced in an excited kiss, lingering before finally parting.

At this moment, the look in Miranda's eyes as she gazed at Howard was filled with love.

She no longer saw Howard merely as a buffet like yesterday but had woven him into her life, making him a part of her spiritual world.

"Ding! Miranda's intimacy level +15, current 65!"

After their morning activities, Howard sat on the bed making himself a breakfast of fried eggs, milk, and sausages.

Miranda was lying under Howard's abdomen, eating the same breakfast.

After breakfast, Howard put on the same set of clothes from yesterday.

Living alone, Miranda's wardrobe was filled with girls' clothing, obviously none suitable for Howard to change into.

She changed into a pink sports shirt and denim shorts, showcasing her beautiful legs without any adornment.

Since zombies didn't attack her, as long as she didn't wear anything too revealing, there was no problem with how she dressed.

Howard found a travel backpack and stuffed it with some clothes and underwear.

Seeing the puzzled look on Miranda's face, he explained with a smile, "Today we're passing by a fruit and vegetable supermarket, then heading to the Dofu Hotel two blocks away! We'll spend the night in the hotel room."

"The place I'm going to next is quite far from here. We'll gather supplies and make our way without turning back here! Keep these clothes for changing."

"Okay, I'll follow your lead!" Although reluctant, Miranda obediently nodded and then added a few of her favorite clothes into the backpack.

With everything ready, the two left the apartment and took the elevator down to the street.

"The streets look different today!"

Stepping out the door and just walking down the steps, Howard immediately felt something was off.

"The zombies are gone!"

Miranda pointed to the empty shops on both sides of the road.

Indeed, the doors of the shops were all wide open, and the zombies inside had all vanished.

There were no bloodstains on the ground, nor any signs of a battle.

This indicated that someone had intentionally lured the zombies away.

"It must have been done by driving!"

Howard noticed the fresh skid marks on the road surface.

Moreover, the road, which had been blocked, was cleared to create a passage wide enough for one vehicle to pass through.

It was likely that last night or this morning, while Howard was asleep, someone had driven the zombies away.

No matter how fast the zombies could run, they couldn't outpace a car.

By leading them a sufficient distance away and then speeding up to shake them off, it was possible to clear a section of the street of zombies.

With the zombies gone, Howard could walk with his back straight.

But just to be safe, Miranda, carrying the backpack, picked up the cardboard box from yesterday.

In a critical moment, this cardboard box was like Howard's cloak of invisibility.

Following yesterday's route, they quickly arrived at the crossroads.

At the supermarket entrance, someone was using a chainsaw to cut through the rolling shutter door, emitting a harsh noise and sparks with each cut.

No wonder they cleared a street of zombies to make such a big commotion; if there were zombies nearby, they would have been overwhelmed by a horde by now.

What they didn't know was that the supplies inside the supermarket had already been cleared out by Howard.

Several men armed with steel pipes and kitchen knives, who were on guard, noticed Howard and Miranda. They glared at Howard fiercely and shouted, "Scram, what are you looking at? This is our own store, mind your own business!"

Their own store?

Howard almost laughed out loud.

The lie was just too lazily concocted.

Opening one's own shop door with a chainsaw instead of a key? That was truly a first!

Since they seemed to enjoy sawing, Howard decided to let them be.

He didn't bother with them and continued on his way towards the fresh market, according to the map.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, the zombies along the way had been cleared by Miranda the day before, leaving corpses all over the ground.

However, inside the fresh market, it was densely packed with zombies.

The steps were stained with dried, crimson blood, and a shopping cart lay overturned to one side.

At the entrance, there was a female zombie, whose arm was almost bitten off, yet still tightly holding the hand of a young zombie.

The mother and daughter zombies wandered aimlessly, expressionless.

In the face of the apocalypse, love and kinship are indeed great, but they are also powerless.

Only strength is the absolute truth.

Howard sighed, then glanced at Miranda.

With just one look, she fully understood his intention.

Howard set up the cardboard box in front of him as a shield, then nodded towards Miranda, who was standing in the distance.


She kicked a parked car on the road fiercely.

Although she hadn't leveled up, her attributes had significantly increased along with their intimacy level.

Such an ordinary kick sent the car flying up on its side, both wheels lifting off the ground by more than ten centimeters, before slowly settling back down.

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