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9.52% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 20: Dr. Howard

Chapter 20: Dr. Howard

It seems that these people had seen Howard and Miranda going upstairs before they let the security guard in.

Unexpectedly, the security guard turned into a zombie.

The safe house became a killing playground for zombies.

Howard silently looked at the blood on the ground, his face expressionless.

These people brought it upon themselves. If they had opened the door and welcomed him with warmth, considering they were all human, Howard might not have left them without any food.

Those without strength should learn to bow their heads; otherwise, they would learn their lesson with their lives.

After leaving the grocery store, Howard, following the address on the water cooler, arrived at a nearby water station.

The station was filled with mountains of water coolers, and a box truck being loaded was parked at the entrance, already half-filled with water.

Collect everything!

"Ding! Your current water points total 21,520!"


Suddenly, a zombie's moan was heard.

A zombie in a nurse's uniform, with lifeless eyes, slowly walked over, her torn flesh-colored stockings dragging on the ground, twisting into a dark bundle.


Howard, having just finished collecting supplies, jumped down from the truck.


The zombie, guarding its food, saw Howard and immediately rushed over with a strange cry.


Howard's blade rose and fell, slicing the zombie from its left shoulder diagonally to its right hip, spilling blood and guts all over the ground.

Now, with a physique at the human limit and armed with the sharp "Cold Moon," dealing with these low-level zombies was as easy as slicing vegetables.

"Master, are you alright?"

Miranda, hearing the noise, immediately ran back from the alley.

She had been killing zombies again, having dispatched over a dozen in just a short while. Including the ones on the road and the one Howard had just killed, they had just enough to level up.

"Ding! Miranda levels up to an intermediate subhuman. To level up to the next level, advanced subhuman, you need 0/1000!"

"Activate skill 'Guardian'!"

Guardian: When the master is about to suffer unavoidable fatal damage, instantly teleport in front of the master, absorbing all damage and reducing it by 50%. This skill can only be activated once per battle!

Guardian? It seems Miranda is of the melee tank type among subhumans, no wonder she's so strong!

However, tough as she may be, some aspects of her defense are still vulnerable.

"I'm fine, a zombie or two can't hurt me!"

"There's a pharmacy nearby, let's go collect some supplies!"

Howard, pulling Miranda along, arrived at the nearby large pharmacy.

Medications are indispensable resources in the apocalypse, especially antibiotics and fever reducers.

Everyone gets sick, and without medicine, even a severe cold could be fatal!

Miranda's backpack space was limited, so Howard threw out a few pieces of clothing with duplicate styles.

Then he unpacked the medicine boxes, keeping only the instruction leaflets and the blister-packed pills.

This saved quite a bit of space.

"Painkillers, diarrhea medicine, Yunnan Baiyao, quick-acting heart-saving pills..."

Howard glanced around and quickly found vitamins in an inconspicuous corner.

These are essential.

Sailors who are often at sea suffer from scurvy due to a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables.

It's the same in the apocalypse.

Fruits and vegetables are the hardest foods to preserve. Months, even years later, vitamins will become even more precious than antibiotics.

Although Howard doesn't need these, he can trade them for other supplies.

In any case, these items are like gold in peacetime; no one would complain about having too much.

After collecting the common medicines from the pharmacy, Howard found a brand new lab coat hanging on a rack, still encased in plastic wrap.

He looked at his clothes, which were already stained with blood.

After spending the past few days chopping zombies and sweating in the heat, the smell had become quite unpleasant.

So, he simply took off his clothes and put on a doctor's lab coat.

In the apocalypse, what you wear hardly matters.

As long as you're not wandering around naked, attracting attention as some sort of deviant, you're fine.

When they reach the Dofu Hotel, he plans to check the luggage in some of the guest rooms for clothes he can wear.

"Doctor, I'm feeling unwell!"

Seeing Howard change into a new outfit, Miranda quickly came over, cooing curiously.

Howard glanced at Miranda; her hunger level was 53%, no wonder!

Everything is normal below a hunger level of 50, but once it exceeds 50, this little one becomes particularly interested in her body.

"Could you check if I'm sick?"

Miranda pouted her lips and gently touched her chest, leaning in.

Howard was at a loss with her.

Miranda was just too attractive, with her radiant appearance. Whenever she came close and spoke sweetly, his body immediately responded, never getting enough of her.

"Let me listen to your heart rate!"

Howard said, taking out a stethoscope and pretending to check by slipping it under her shirt, reaching inside.

"Ah, that's cold..."

Miranda let out a coquettish complaint.

Her voice was both charming and slightly whiny, making Howard's heart flutter.

"Doctor, what sickness do I have?!"

After getting used to the temperature of the stethoscope, Miranda, with her hands on Howard's thighs and shoulders swaying, looked up at him seductively, biting her lip as she slowly moved her face closer to Howard's.

Her mouth slightly open, her gaze was hazy as she stared at Howard's lips, her tender tongue just at the edge of her lips.

Their lips were only two to three centimeters apart, close enough to touch at any moment.

But Miranda didn't kiss him; instead, she leaned further forward, her softness pressing against Howard's sturdy chest.

This little one had actually learned to tease him!

If you don't kiss, then neither will I!

Howard looked at Miranda with a half-smile, knowing she was waiting for him to make the first move, but he deliberately didn't.

"You have a serious condition, it's a blockage of qi and blood, but it will be fine once it's cleared!"

Howard fabricated.

"How can it be cleared?! My heart feels like it's being scratched by a cat's paw! Feel it!"

As she spoke, Miranda grabbed Howard's hand and guided it inside her neckline, placing his hand on her softness.

"The problem isn't here!"

Howard said seriously while massaging.

"Then where is it?"

Miranda was taken aback, the situation unfolding differently from what she had anticipated.

"It should be here!"

Howard said, taking the stethoscope in his other hand and exploring down Miranda's abdomen.


Miranda's body shivered involuntarily, her eyes filled with grievance and shyness as she looked at Howard.

"Is the stethoscope supposed to be used there?! What can you hear?"

"Listen! The sound of the sea crying!"

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