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9.04% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 19: Friendly Communication

Chapter 19: Friendly Communication

It was clear in the eyes of the supermarket manager that a delivery guy and a frail girl were easy to deal with, and a little kindness could easily send them on their way.

As for the so-called protection of the items within the supermarket...

In a post-apocalyptic world, who was there to protect these things for?

Whether the owner was still alive was a question in itself.

Simply put, the supermarket manager intended to become the owner of this fruit and vegetable supermarket, and by rightfully owning these supplies, he aimed to become a leader among the survivors.

"We saved you, lured all the zombies away from the supermarket, and this is how you treat us?" Howard asked with a sneer.

"Actually, even without you, we had plans to lure away those zombies. You just happened to do it before us."

"Using sound to attract zombies isn't complicated; even a three-year-old child could do it!"

"These supplies should last you for a while. We're all survivors, adhering to the principle of helping each other. When you run out of food, you can come to me, and I'll help you out!" The supermarket manager continued with a smile that did not reach his eyes, while also positioning himself on a moral high ground.

In reality, these words were easy to say, but they had been trapped in the security room without food or water for several days.

Some people couldn't control themselves and began to tear open sausage packages to feast.

If they were truly capable of luring away the zombies, they wouldn't have ended up starving like this.

A woman in the supermarket whispered, "Just let them in. With so much food, we won't miss what two more people would eat!"

A man beside her immediately glared at her and scolded, "What do you know? Haven't you heard the news? The military is planning to counterattack the city, asking us to stay at home and wait for rescue."

"The city is so vast, who knows where the military will strike first? Allowing two more people in means sharing our food with two more people."

"What if, in the end, we're only two days away from being rescued by the military? Wouldn't we be at a loss then?"

"But..." the woman muttered softly, "they did save us."

"We didn't ask them to save us; they did it voluntarily!" chimed in a middle-aged woman immediately.

This group of people was eager to curry favor with the supermarket manager.

After all, he controlled the supplies, had the keys to the warehouse, and the security guards listened to him.

"Enough talk, that's it, you can leave now," said the supermarket manager impatiently. Then he paused, his gaze shifting towards Miranda, and with a softer tone, he said, "If you need supplies, come find me. We can talk!"

His look almost spelled out his intentions without words.

"Trash!" Howard said coldly.

Miranda immediately understood his intent, lifted her dazzlingly white leg, and fiercely kicked the door, making a loud bang.

"Ha, useless. This door's security level won't be breached by just a few kicks!" The supermarket manager said with a sneer, his gaze lingering on Miranda, as if contemplating how to get his hands on such a girl.

Bang! Bang!

Miranda kicked the door rhythmically three times.

On the fourth kick, she delivered a forceful straight kick!


The whole door fell down.

"Seems like the security level wasn't high enough!" Howard said with a sneer, striding in.

"You, you!" The supermarket manager stammered, only managing to utter a couple of words before feeling a chill on his neck as 'Cold Moon' was already placed there.

"Give me the keys to the warehouse and the cold storage!" Howard opened his palm.

"Here..." The supermarket manager, just an ordinary person, was skilled at bullying delivery guys and subordinates, but he had never faced someone holding a knife to his throat before. He was so scared his face turned green.

"Is my girlfriend pretty?" Howard wrapped his arm around Miranda's slender waist, kissed her in front of everyone, and then asked the supermarket manager.

"She's pretty..." The supermarket manager swallowed hard and spoke the truth.

"She's not for your eyes!"


Howard swiftly moved his hand, cutting off the supermarket manager's head in one swift motion.

"Ah! He killed someone!" A scream rang out, and the group immediately ran into the security room they had been hiding in before.

This room was only ten meters away from the main entrance, no wonder they were able to lock the door and run over in just a few seconds.

"Open the door, let me in, open the door!" Everyone ran inside, and in the chaos, they left the supermarket manager's sycophantic security guard outside.

At this moment, he was frantically banging on the security room's door while casting terrified glances at Howard, who looked like the Grim Reaper.

No matter how much he banged on the door, the people inside were as silent as the dead.

"Here, have some water!" Howard collected some water from a bottle of purified water, filled it with tap water, and handed it to the security guard.

"I... I'm not thirsty..." The guard, scared, backed up against the door, his baton fallen on the ground, hands up in refusal.

"Let's try this again!" Howard placed 'Cold Moon' on the guard's neck and said again, "Here, have some water!"

Glug, glug, glug... Before Howard could finish, the guard quickly grabbed the bottle and drank all the water in one gulp.

Meanwhile, Howard felt that the security guard in front of him seemed different.

He could sense the difference between humans, zombies, and hybrids.

The security guard in front was already transitioning between human and zombie, moving towards the latter.

"Is there something wrong with this water?" Miranda asked curiously.

"From what we can see now, the tap water has been contaminated, but the virus concentration is very low. As long as there are no open wounds, normal showering should be fine."

"However, using water to rinse wounds or drinking it directly could be problematic."

Howard didn't pay further attention to the guard and went to the fruit and vegetable section to start collecting food.

As his palm moved over them, fruits disappeared one after the other instantly.

The fruit and vegetable supermarket had two floors: the first floor featured fruits, seafood, and a general supermarket, while the second floor had vegetables, meats, grains, oils, and pickled products.

The seafood was all dead, bloated, and disgusting to look at.

After sweeping through the first floor, Howard moved to the second floor and collected vegetables, meats, dairy, various drinks, condiments, soy oil, rice, flour, and more.

Rice, soy oil, and flour provided the most food points, and fortunately, there was a counter specifically for grains and oils in the supermarket.

There were hundreds of bottles of olive oil on display and several hundred bags of wheat flour.

After scavenging the outside, he also collected all the supplies from the warehouse and the cold storage in one go.

"Ding! Total food points now amount to 358,720, and pure water total: 8,500 points!"

This was a truly massive haul, with enough food and water to last Howard a lifetime.

When Howard and Miranda, hand in hand, walked down from the upper floor, they found the door to the security room tightly closed, and the security guard who had been left outside was gone.

However, blood was flowing from inside to the drainage area of the seafood section, and faintly, one could hear the sound of muscles being torn and bones being crunched.

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