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15.23% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 32: Isaiah's Revenge

Chapter 32: Isaiah's Revenge

Two hours later, Quinn called to have Cyril and Howard come up.

Cyril was busy in the suite, leaving Howard, Miranda, and Quinn in the living room.

"What a grand feast to have upstairs!" Howard asked with slight anticipation.

After all, this was the Dofu Hotel, where even the simplest dish was expensive and delicious.

Could Cyril really have hidden some dishes in the room's fridge in advance?!

"Though it's not a delicacy, the survivors downstairs haven't eaten for nearly two days. It wouldn't be right to feast in front of them and provoke them!" 

"After all, it's the end of the world; there are no laws to restrain people. Who knows what a starving person might do?!"

"We better keep a low profile and just quietly enjoy our food," Cyril whispered, lowering his voice as if afraid of being overheard.

"What's the delicacy?!" Howard asked eagerly.

"Given it's the apocalypse, it's tough to get really good stuff, but…"

Cyril then moved a small square table out, covered with a large tablecloth that touched the floor.

On it were tall glasses and a candlestick to set the mood.

As evening fell and the room darkened without lights, the candlelight added a romantic atmosphere.

Illuminated by the candlelight, Quinn's red dress and blushing cheeks looked even more charming, like a bride.

"Where's Isaiah? Why haven't we seen him?" Quinn asked, looking puzzled.

"He went to find Blossom. Who knows what they are doing, they've been gone so long, they're probably entwined somewhere secluded!"

"We don't need to wait for him, let's eat!" Cyril said grandly, waving his hand.

Howard sat down at the table and gasped at the sight of the 'gourmet' food.

He had thought it would be some luxurious meal that would drive the survivors below mad with envy, especially as they had gone up to a hotel room to eat.

But on the table were several small plates.

The plates contained candies, chips, and preserved fruits!

Moreover, from Cyril's proud look, Howard deduced that these were not pre-meal desserts, but the main course!

These... were these really worth worrying about being stolen?

Howard was speechless.

Luckily, he had secretly eaten two large steaks before coming up, otherwise he would have gone hungry tonight.

"Don't be shy, eat as much as you like, don't hold back, make yourself at home!" Cyril enthusiastically said to Howard.

"Heh…" Howard gave a few dry laughs, not really knowing how to respond.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Isaiah sat dazedly by the elevator, his body covered in bruises, blood at the corner of his mouth.

He had been excited to visit his girlfriend Blossom, but upon opening the door, he witnessed a scene he would never forget.

There was also that so-called man resting, but wearing nothing from the waist down.

This is supposed to be working out?! Clearly, it was an orgy!

His own girlfriend was cheating on him with three burly men, while he was tasked with tirelessly finding food?!

Isaiah instantly became furious, grabbed an ashtray, and charged forward, knocking down two of the men.

Just as he was about to press his attack, he was blocked by the undressed Blossom.

"Isaiah, be mature, stop making a scene, will you?!"

"I admit I couldn't resist in the moment, but this isn't really cheating, okay? I was just curious!"

"I love you, it was just a bit of fun with them!"

"Besides, we're just boyfriend and girlfriend, not married, so it's understandable that I'm still playful."

"When we get married later, I won't do this anymore!" Blossom yelled.

"You're telling me that after what you guys did, it's not cheating? Just curious? Is that how curiosity is supposed to be acted on?!"

"I've been faithful to you since we started dating, how could you do this to me?!" Isaiah broke down completely, tears streaming down his face as he shouted.

"Why are you yelling?! It's just everyone having a bit of fun together, what's the big deal?! I didn't cheat emotionally!"

"Who hasn't done something impulsive when they were young?!"

"Putting aside the facts, don't you have any responsibility at all?!" Blossom shouted back, trying to justify herself.

The noise attracted all the survivors from the nearby cabins, who gathered around to watch the drama unfold.

"Go to hell!" At this moment, one of the beaten-up strong men regained his composure, picked up a wooden stick, and smashed it down towards Isaiah's head.

These three were naturally large and it was three against one.

Despite having run faster than anyone when the zombie outbreak started, they showed no mercy towards Isaiah, a fellow human.

Isaiah initially had the upper hand with his surprise attack, but Blossom's intervention turned it into a disadvantage.

He was quickly subdued by the three strong men, who mercilessly kicked and punched him while on the ground.

Even so, they felt unsatisfied, continuing to curse at him.

The onlookers felt it was unfair to see three against one, and someone thought to intervene, but was stopped by their girlfriend.

"Why get involved? What if you get hit too? Those three are so strong, can you even fight them?"

Other bystanders agreed, "Yeah, and besides, that woman is asking for it, she deserves what she gets, even death wouldn't be too much!"

 "This guy is actually pretty pitiable, saddled with such a trashy woman."

"Cough, he got PUA'd, huh? These PUA tactics are so cunning—dangling a boyfriend on one hand and throwing parties on the other!"

"Exactly, I saw it on the news, tsk tsk, such women, whoever ends up with them is just picking up the mess!"

Seeing the crowd of onlookers growing, the burly men became a bit panicked. They kicked Isaiah out, then slammed the cabin door shut.

Afterward, a scream from Blossom could be heard from inside.

What they did to her remains unknown.

Isaiah was hurting not just physically, but even more so in his heart.

He took a while to compose himself before he walked to the elevator and went downstairs.

Half an hour later, Isaiah returned upstairs, the coldness in his eyes flashing momentarily.

Strangely, during the day, Isaiah couldn't find any supplies, the only sausage he had was given by Howard.

But now, he was carrying two large plastic bags, filled with sausages and other preserved foods that wouldn't spoil easily.

Thump, thump, thump!

Suppressing his rage, he put on a sycophantic smile and knocked on the door.

The noise inside stopped.

The burly man who claimed to be Blossom's man opened the door a crack, eyeing Isaiah warily.

"You again? What do you want?! Wasn't the beating earlier enough?"

"Don't get me wrong, I brought her some food, she must be tired after all day!"

"I just hope you can be a bit gentler with her!"

Hearing Isaiah's words, the man snatched the plastic bags and slammed the door shut.

"Everyone's hungry, right? Come and have some too!"

Isaiah then said to the crowd lurking around the cabin door.

He took a sausage from the bag, bit into it, and began to chew loudly, a sinister smile hanging at the corner of his mouth.

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