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14.28% Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System / Chapter 30: Madam, You Wouldn't Want This to Be Exposed, Would You?

Chapter 30: Madam, You Wouldn't Want This to Be Exposed, Would You?


A flush of embarrassment quickly spread across Quinn's face.

She normally dressed very conservatively, and if not for the wedding dress being so sexy and flattering to her figure, she would never have worn something so revealing.

But now, Howard was making her go without underwear.

It was utterly shameful!

Although brides usually have several outfits to change into at their wedding, they do not change their underwear.

Now that Howard had taken hers, she was destined to go commando no matter what she wore.

Just thinking about it made Quinn feel extremely embarrassed.

"Does it have to be this way?"

Quinn was helpless against Howard, her tone barely audible and softened.

"Up to you. If you don't want to give it to me, you can take it back!"

Howard said, moving to the side to pick up a cell phone that had been recording all along.

He turned off the sound and played a random clip.

In the video, Quinn's eyes looked vacant, her tongue slightly sticking out, her face wearing an expression of extreme infatuation.

More shamefully, Howard made a few vigorous thrusts from behind, causing Quinn's chest to tremble wildly before he suddenly stopped.

At that moment, a confused Quinn instinctively leaned back.

With each lean, a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Quinn had no recollection of this segment; it was a moment of high hunger, and her reason had not yet returned, so of course, she didn't remember.

But the phone had recorded it all very clearly.

"What do you think he would think if I accidentally sent this clip to Cyril?" Howard whispered into Quinn's ear.

Meanwhile, beyond the screen, Cyril and Isaiah were deeply engaged in an online game, playing intensely.

"Get him, get him, finish him off, shoot him from behind, what's the shooter doing?!"

"Push forward, push forward, blow him up!"

For people nowadays, doing nothing and just waiting for two or three hours is more torturous than being on the rack.

So, twenty minutes after starting, Cyril and Isaiah began teaming up in the game.

This not only diverted their attention, preventing them from overthinking, but also allowed them to immerse themselves in the game and ignore the strange noises around them.

Thus, no one outside was aware of Howard threatening Quinn.

"You... shameless!"

Quinn said bitterly, biting her lip.

Howard just smiled slightly; this was exactly the expression he wanted to see.

If he had ordered Quinn to act under compulsion, she would have complied, but that would have been too boring.

Howard had once fought with Cyril over Quinn, ending up injured and in the hospital.

The school had minimized the incident due to Cyril's family background.

Not only was Cyril not punished by the school, but to Howard's surprise, Quinn was ungrateful and even thought Howard was meddling.

A year later, she and Cyril became a couple.

This had always been a thorn in Howard's side.

Now was his perfect opportunity for revenge on the two of them, needing to make Quinn voluntarily do something shameful to satisfy Howard's desire for vengeance.

"So, what's your decision?"

Howard pinched a piece of lace fabric with two fingers and waved it in front of Quinn, asking.

"I understand!"

Quinn said indignantly.

"Alright, the first phase of the treatment is over, you might need a few more follow-ups!"

Howard stuffed the fabric into his pocket and walked out from behind the screen.

"Quinn, are you okay?"

The game had just ended on Cyril's side, and he hurried over to Quinn's side.

Although concerned, he didn't dare to touch her hand, and the two of them maintained a distance of over a meter.

How could they look like a couple at all?

"I feel much better now!"

Quinn said quietly, her head bowed.

"I told you Howard would be fine, his medical skills are excellent!"

"Look at her complexion, it's rosier and she seems even more beautiful and radiant than before!"

Isaiah said, lavishing praise from the side.

A woman nourished by love naturally glows; and in her case, having been so thoroughly nourished six times, she was nearly overflowing.

"Indeed, our Quinn is even more charming and captivating! All thanks to Dr. Howard!"

"Thank you, thank you, Dr. Howard, I was too narrow-minded before, I apologize for any offense. Please don't take it to heart!"

Cyril said, grasping Howard's right hand tightly.

"It's nothing, this is all part of the job! And as a doctor, I take pleasure in the healing process!"

Howard said with a smile.

"Oh my, look how sweaty your palms are from exhaustion!"

Cyril felt moved inside.

What he didn't know was that it wasn't sweat, but...

From Quinn's face, which was redder than ever, and her hands tightly clutching her dress, one could guess what it really was.

"This is perfect, even though it's the apocalypse now and food is scarce, I've hidden a box of beer!"

"Tonight, I'll entertain you and this beautiful lady with beer and snacks. You must honor us with your presence!"

Cyril extended a warm invitation.

"Cyril, you're under the table after three drinks, and you still invite people to drink?"

Hearing Cyril mention drinking, Quinn quickly tugged at his sleeve and reminded him in a low voice.

Although her voice was soft, with Howard's superior abilities, he heard every word clearly.

I was already planning to go see Quinn tonight to consolidate and test the strength of my "Fearless Physique."

Hearing this invitation, I'm even more determined to go!

"Since you've invited me so graciously, I must respectfully accept!"

Howard gave a slight smile, and with one hand in front of Quinn, he reached into the pocket holding the small piece of fabric.

This was a reminder to Quinn not to meddle.

Sure enough, seeing this gesture, Quinn immediately shut up and bowed her head silently.

"Great, then it's settled, Dr. Howard, let's not miss each other tonight!"

"By the way, Isaiah, bring Blossom along to the banquet tonight too. It's a bit modest, but once we reach the safe zone, I'll make up for it with a grander one!"

Cyril said, patting Isaiah on the shoulder.

"Sure, I'll go tell Blossom right away!"

Isaiah was delighted.

Cyril and Quinn are a couple, Howard and Miranda are another, and by bringing Blossom, perhaps under the influence of the other two couples, Blossom might start to see him in a new light!

Moreover, befriending Cyril, who can take everyone to the safe zone, and Howard, a miraculous doctor, is certainly a matter of great prestige!

"Um... would you mind helping me change my clothes?"

Quinn suddenly spoke up.

But she wasn't addressing Cyril or Howard, but rather Miranda.


Miranda was taken aback; the two of them hadn't spoken a word to each other, so why would Quinn ask her?

She turned to look at Howard and, after receiving his nod of approval, she smiled and said, "Alright then, I'll accompany you to change your clothes!"

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