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Chapter 27: Moving 1

"We're here" Ling Qin said pointing at the warehouse in front of them directing Ling Xiao on where to stop.

Just a few minutes on the road and  the father and son arrived at the warehouse. Luckily for them when choosing a place to store his goods Ling Qin had chosen somewhere not too far from his house and school otherwise with the delays they had when they stopped for a talk and with all the things they wanted to do, they would not have finished in time to reach home before Emilia/Mom did.

"Alright this is it" Ling Qin said opening the buildings door and turning on the lights. "Here we are."

Ling Xiao followed after him into the building and gazed at the stacks of supplies all over. The entire building was filled with boxes of different sizes as well products wrapped securely in large plastic wraps.

Ling Xiao walked further into the building to see what this kid had been up to since he was reborn. Walking around and observing everything Ling Xiao was amazed by the sight of everything in front of him.

"Here" Ling Qin said handing Ling Xiao a clipboard. "Everything I have bought has been recorded here, including the amount of goods."

Ling Xiao received the board and began looking through the information he had just been handed

Honestly when Ling Qin told him that he had been gathering supplies he wasn't expecting much from the child. No matter what Ling Qin was still a child so he didn't think he would be thorough enough when collecting supplies. He figured that he would be negligent in some matters and leave some important supplies while the boy collected snacks and products that didn't last long. 

Even though that was what he had in mind Ling Xiao did not show it and planned to praise the kid once he had arrived. Giving the child some  encouragement and then guiding him on the right path was what a qualified father should do and that's what he planned to do but clearly that was now unnecessary.

Just by a quick sweep of what was here Ling Xiao could tell that Ling Qin had really thought through everything before he bought. All sorts of supplies we're here.

" So what do you think" Ling Qin asked nervously and in anticipation for his father's praise. He was just a young boy so loved being praised

"You did all this alone?" Ling Xiao asked bewildered

"Ahah" Ling Qin became hesitant "Did I not buy the right things ?"

"Right things? Of course you did! This is more than I thought you would have gotten. This is incredible!" Ling Xiao breathed out. "Good job"Ling Xiao rubbed Ling Qin's head.

"Really great!" Ling Qin beamed. Not even bothering to reprimand him about his hair. Even though they were just little words of praise Ling Qin was astatic that his work was being recognized. Seems like all those late nights spent on the stock market and online shopping was worth it. All his efforts were being recognized.

"How often did you come here?" Ling Xiao asked as he began to walk around and open boxes to check the contents.

"Not much most of the time I just had those guys just deliver the things here." Ling Qin replied

"Where did you get the money to buy all these?" Ling Xiao asked as he continued to look at the contents of the boxes. After a few minutes of not getting a reply Ling Xiao stopped what he was doing and looked up at Ling Qin.

"What? Is it that you can't tell me?" Ling Xiao asked Ling Qin.

"No it's not mustn't be mad" Ling Qin stammered

"Oh what is it?" Ling Xiao asked intrigued.

"I got my money from stock trading" Ling Qin said before he whispered nervously. "And some hacking"

Ling Qin had every reason to be nervous, his dad was a soldier with an upright character. Stock trading was ok since he could openly admit to him that it came from his last life's memories but Ling Qin wasn't sure if his dad would be upset at him for hacking since in a sense it wasn't the most honest of jobs though it also wasn't technically an illegal activity.

"Hacking?...Oh ok" Ling Xiao shrugged getting back to the boxes.

"Huh your not upset!?"Ling Qin asked bewildered.

"No why should I be. As long as you didn't kill anyone for it or stole it I wouldn't really care. Plus you bought those stocks based on your memory right? No one can blame you for having a good memory right? It's your own skill"

Ling Xiao looked at his son "I'm not unreasonable. Don't forget that I lived through the apocalypse as well so I fully understand that if one wants to live long and comfortably one would need to use every little resource they can get their hands on. What you've been doing is nothing more than preparing yourself what's to come in the way you know best, I'm not going to criticize you if that's what you're afraid of... Plus In just a few weeks you won't have the luxury to hack at anything so you might as well us it to its fullest extent. Of course that does not mean you should wrong others with your talents ."Ling Xiao finished off strongly.

"Mhm" Ling Qin nodded to show understanding, finally relieved to see that his dad didn't mean to kill him for it.

"Ok come on, we've gotta finish sorting and collecting all these boxes in an hour and a half so let's get moving"

"Ok" Ling Qin responded moving towards the boxes to begin checking it's contents.

It took the father and son an entire hour to sort all the materials and their boxes in different sections. All the food, medical supplies, clothes ,metal, books and stationary,solar equipment, water purification equipment,home appliances ,seeds, fertilizer and gardening tools as well as others well all arranged neatly in their own space.

"Huff" Ling Qin breathed in and out as he sat down to take a rest exhausted from all the work. All this sorting had got him mentally and physically exhausted.

"Alright let's take a break" Ling Xiao said passing Ling Qin a bottle of water to drink.

"Oh great I'm so tired!" Ling Qin moaned and then lay down after drinking some water. Who knew that arranging things was so troublesome.

"Hehe at least we're done with that now" Ling Xiao said coming to sit next to Ling Qin.

"Mhm atleast that's over and done with." Ling Qin mumbled.

After a minute of peaceful silence Ling Qin sat up and looked at his father. "Dad how are you planning getting mom to move away?"

Ling Xiao : "Huh?" He looked at him confused

"You know, get mom to move out of the house and go somewhere safer. You know that the house we are staying in is not safe. Sure it's safe for now but once the apocalypse begins we will be surrounded by zombies from all sides here, plus the security measures of that place can keep people out but definitely not zombies."

"Ohh that, I have been thinking about it for some time myself but I haven't come up with anything as of yet. It's a tricky situation."Ling Xiao mumbled

"Ya it is. Mom loves that house so much, so just getting up and leaving it for no apperant  reason won't make her happy."

Mhm Ling Xiao hummed

"Why...why don't we just tell her about the apocalypse?" Ling Qin asked his dad

"I want to but it's not that easy" Ling Xiao said. "No matter how strong your mom looks do you think it will be easy for her to accept that the world she knew is coming to an end and that her son and husband have both been reborn from the future."

'Right it is quite difficult to accept' Ling Qin thought to himself.

"Not to mention that after working so much for the past six years to make things better for you guys and now that things have finally gotten on track we tell her that it's all going to shatter in just two weeks the blow may not be a small one"

Ling Qin : " so what are we going to do? Should we just stay there and wait for the the apocalypse to begin and for mom realize that the world is changing on her own. That does not seem like a wise move"

"It's not a wise move indeed. After being silent for a few seconds"Ling Xiao looked up "Alright I'm going to tell her!"

"Oh?"Ling Qin looked at his father.

"I'll tell her that I got some news from the army that something bad is about to happen so we should move to S City which is closer to the military base for safety. This will also allow her time to adjust her mind and prepare for what is to come, that way when the apocalypse starts she will be shocked but not too much after all she would have had two to prepare for a bad occurance even though a zombie apocalypse may not be part of the things she was preparing for."

"Will that work?" Ling Xiao asked dubiously

"It's the only play we've got currently let's just hope it works"Ling Xiao said looking ahead.

"Alright then"Ling Qin mumbled

"Come on let's finish up here and go home" Ling Xiao said giving Ling Qin's shoulder a light clap before standing up.

"Ok" Ling Qin stood up and stretched his muscles a bit.

Ling Xiao headed towards the food section. "Try collecting the food into your space first" he instructed

"Ok" Ling Qin jogged over and placed his hand on a box of noodles. He thought of bringing the noodles into the space and then they disappeared. He took two minutes to collect all the food into the space and placed it all in one corner.

After that be collected the seeds and farming tools as well as the clothes and blankets before he felt a sharp pain in his head and he stopped.

"What's wrong? Ling Xiao asked as he reached out to stabilize Ling Qin

"My head hurts" he said rubbing his temples. Ling Qin groaned

"Alright then that's enough for today. Your abilities are still new so you must take care to not to overdo it." Ling Xiao said giving Ling Qin's temple a rub.

" Let's head back we can collect the rest tomorrow. It's almost time for your mom to get off work anyway."

"Ok" Ling Qin mumbled after the pain had gone away.

After switching off the lights and making sure the warehouse was properly secured Ling Xiao and Ling Qin got in the car and drove back home.

It took them fifteen minutes during the drive back to get home since they encountered traffic on the way. Driving the car into the driveway Ling Xiao and Ling Qin saw Emilia's car parked there and the house lights on. Immediately telling them that she was already back.

Once the car was parked Ling Qin  grabbed his bag and ran out. Opening the door, Ling Qin quickly changed his shoes before he quickly walked towards the kitchen where he could he cooking from.

"Mom we're back he" greeted her before she even appeared in his site.

"Hey baby" Emilia came out holding a dish. Placing it on the table, she went and gave Qin Lu a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. "How was the ride? Did you have fun?" she asked

"Mhm I did" Qin Lu replied after they separated.

"Really that's good" Emilia smiled "and I'm sure if you ask your dad really nicely I bet he would agree to take you out more often ,right Ling Xiao" Emilia said to Ling Xiao as he made his way towards them.

"Well it will depend on how good his buttering up skills are" he joked "Good evening" he said placing a quick kiss on his wife's lips.

"Hehe good evening." Emilia smiled "now you two quickly go freshen up you both stink . Dinner is going to be ready in a a few minutes."

"Mooom I don't stink!" Ling Qin groaned

"Well to me you do now go both of you" she said hurriedly as she gave both the boys a light shove before she headed back to the kitchen to check on her pot.

"Hmf I don't stink" Ling Qin huffed but still headed up to the bathroom either way. Ling Xiao following right behind him chuckling.

Few minutes later everyone was sitting by the table ready to eat. "Wow mom how come there is so much food today. Is it a special occasion?"Ling Qin asked staring at the table full of food.

"Hmm Qin Qin really is the smartest after all. Your right today is a special occasion."Emilia smiled as she cut into her meat.

"Ohh?" Ling Xiao said "special occasion. Don't tell me it's your birthday?"

"What NO! it's not my birthday." She laughed a bit. "Don't tell me you don't remember my birthday!She shouted anxiously and a little angry.

"Of course I remember your birthday how could I forget the day the most amazing woman in the world was born.  16 march right?"Ling Xiao quickly clarified to pacify the angry little kitten even though he knew that it was just mock anger.

"Hmf just a simple flatterer" she huffed after being flattered successfully to add on

"Haha" he chuckled "so what is the special occasion he asked taking them back to the deserted topic."

"Right I've got some good news" Emilia said very happily. How could she not be happy her plan was finally in motion.

Ling Qin and Ling Xiao exchanged glances both being able to see that his mother/wife was In a relatively good mood today. They had noticed it the the moment they arrived earlier

"Well after eight months of wait I finally got some good news from the headquarters and my transfer has been approved." She shared with them excitedly

"Transfer?" Qin Lu tilted his head to the side not really understanding what he just heard.

"Mhm , a position opened up in S City and since I had applied for it almost a year ago when it opened I was at the top of the list." She explained and seeing that the two guys were just staring at her with blank eyes Emelia explained further "We are moving to S City!"She said excitedly in a slightly higher voice .

"Huh!!?" Ling Qin exclaimed while looking at his mom in shock. Ling Xiao was slightly better as he did not exclaim out loud but he was looking at her with the same incredulous eyes as Ling Qin.

"We're moving to S City!?" Ling Xiao asked her.

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