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Chapter 4: The other side of it...

Nobody's pov

Its been a week and jackson still hasn't become used to the new house, city or its people . Its taking a lot more to settle in than he thought it would but atleast someone's happy .

"Dad... Dad... "

Jackson:" hey buddy, what's going on?"

Jay:" i need my backpack, it is up there".

Jackson:" you sure you cant reach that?,you have grown pretty taller"

That tiny bean tried to reach for it , stretching his tiny arm and tip toeing. Between all the chaos and sorrows jay is what keeps Jackson going .

Jackson:" here you go".

Jay:" thanks daddy, you should put your shirt on too. We ll be late".

Jackson:" hold up smarty pants , we still have time".

Jay:" No .hurry".

Jackson:" how did you manage to find out about this class in just 3 days?".

Jay:" my art teacher told me about it".

Jackson:" you really love painting hn?".

Jay:" yesss... Colors are nice".

[ Phone rings ]

Office :" Mr. Young , sorry to ruin your weekend but yo needvto attend the special meeting today."

Jackson:" No problem, i ll be there."

Jackson:" Anything specific i should be concerned or prepared for?".

Office:" dont worry, Mr.Damon (HOD), will help you with the paperwork".

Jackson:" Thank you, i ll be on time".

Jay:" daddy.... Are you..leaving again?".

Jackson:" i m really sorry buddy but its important".

Jay:" okay".

Jackson:" i can take you to this place if you still want to go?"

Jay:" its ok, you dont have to".

Jackson:" i m really sorry buddy and its on my way so i can drop you off and i ll come back as soon as possible. We can go to your favourite ice cream parlor later".

Jay:" promise?"

Jackson:" pinky promise".

Jay lights up as his father holds up his pinky and waits for him to wrap his tiny one around it hoping his kid doesnt take him for a bad parent. How innocent are kids. A pinky promise and ice cream is all it took, in exchange for some time with his father.


[ At the office ]

Sacrificed spending time with jay.check.

Working on weekend against the job description. Check.

What made it worse is there's no one he could really vent to. They said start talking to someone ,be friends with them. It ll be okay . But how?. Letting his guards down once was enough.

Damon:" ah. Mr young you are early"

Jackson:* nods*

Damon:" i just need few minutes to get the paperwork done."

Jackson:" its not done yet?"

Damon:" it will be done in a bit. You see i had to do it all by myself".

Jackson:" is that my problem".

Damon:" No".

He couldnt help but be reminded of how Ronnie looked at him yesterday. Was he really that rude? Jackson might be refusing to accept it but ronnie was actually growing on him.

Jackson:" its ok, we still got time for meeting. No need to hurry".

Damon:" Mr. Young , can i say something?".

Jackson:" go ahead".

Damon:" you can really relax, i got this. You just need to be present for the meeting. No pressure".

Jackson:" is everyone this straightforward here?".

Damon:" who else?".

Jackson:" Miss Ronnie from management-"

Damon:" Oh my god, she told you off didnt you?".

Jackson:" Not exactly".

Damon:" lol.. she is like that, nobody in this office is left who hasn't been told off by her atleast once".

Jackson:" why do they continue to keep her here then?".

Damon:" you ll see for yourself plus she is really good at what she does".


Jackson :" i am here for jay wang. "

Staff:" please wait , i ll call the instructor"

Instructor:" how may i help you?"

Jackson :" i am here for jay wang. He is taking the pottery class today".

Instructor:" sir, can i see your id proof?"

Jackson:" sure, i appreciate your responsibility and safety measures"

Instructor:" thank you for understanding."

Jackson:" sure"

Instructor:" Oh yes , jay young, i found him. He is probably sleeping. "

Jackson:" sleeping? Is he okay?"

Instructor:" no no , he is okay . Sleep therapy is just a part of the whole thing"

Jackson:" oh okay".

Instructor:" wait here, i ll just spot him and let you know".

Instructor:" jay young?"


Instructor:" sir, you can come in if you want. Just be careful of sleeping people".

Jackson keeps each step calculated not to step on anyone untill he reaches were the instructor had located jay. Every step was firm untill the last one. He flinched on seeing two familiar faces near . One of them really close to jay. A shiver of mixed emotions ran across his body as he examined jay and Ronnie cuddling together .He stared , more like admired how peaceful and comfortable both of them were with each other for a good minute untill..

??:" are you his father?"

Jackson:" Yes"

??:" wait let me wake up my friend".

Jackson:" No need."


Jackson takes Ronnie's wrist gently and moves it off jay , carefully slides one hand under jay's head which was placed on her neck causing his fingers to brush over Ronnie's skin. He gulped afraid of waking her up and not to mention the other girl from office was right beside her. He successfully picks up jay and carried him outward not even daring to look back.

Jay:" dad?"

Jackson:" hey buddy, you awake?"

Jay:" yeah."

Jay:" daddy are sweating".


Jay:" you are sweating and your face is red. "

Jackson:" i..i guess it was really hot in there, lets go get your ice cream".

Jay:" yay.. ice cream"


Damon's pov

[ On phone ]

Damon:" hey , what's up dude?"

Liam:" you remember , i mentioned this girl i have a crush on.."

Damon:" the nurse?"

Liam:" yeah her".

Damon:"what about her?".

Liam:" i confessed".

Damon:" and?"

Liam:" She said she ll report me".

Damon:" lmao... What did you do now?".

Liam:" [ explains the conversation with Zara at the cafe ]

Damon:" dude .. what kind of a creep behaviour was that?"

Liam:" thats what she said..creep."

Damon:" 30 years of life on earth and you still dont know how to express your feelings, great".

Liam:" i know i messed up , now can you help me with the 1% chance i got?".

Damon:" judging on that conversation i can say she is a reasonable woman who wants to stay out of petty problems".

Liam:" so?".

Damon:" first of all girls like her will never in an eternity accept random proposals from random person."

Liam:" i am not random, i have had a crush on her from 3 months".

Damon:" dumbass how long has she been aware of your existence?".

Liam:" umm...half a day".

Damon:" you are lucky she didnt report you right away".

Liam:" you talk as if your love life is top tier".

Damon:" its complicated".

Liam:" what happened?"

Damon:" nothing..literally nothing is happening between us. It gets on my nerves how she looks at me and then has the audacity to say she don't want me in my face".

Liam:" I- "

Damon:" I have tried every way but she just wont let me in."

Liam:" you sure you like her or?"

Damon:" i dont know what it is but the thought of anyone else being with her or touching her makes me irritated ".

Liam:" unlike me you are good with talking to women , so have you tried confessing your feeling".

Damon:" there you go again...dude you dont confess first and then date, its the other way around".

Liam:" ugh .. i m gonna die single. You see i really like zara".

Damon:" i ll advice you to apologize to her and start fresh as an acquaintance and not a creep".

Liam:" you think it will work?".

Damon:" i know venting to me on phone would do you no good ."

Liam:" i ll apologize to her tomorrow morning" .

Damon:" you know her shifts? You been stalking her?".

Liam:" what? No. My mom's been in that hospital for over a Month now. So-".

Damon:" damn lover boy, you better fix this if you are serious".

Liam :" yeah and good luck getting that office hottie".

Damon:" yo, who you calling hottie?".

Liam:" she is not hot?".

Damon:" of course she is fucking hot but YOU cant say stuff like that".

Liam:" Geez, chill dude. "


Liam:" what was her name again?".


Liam:" Damon & Ella..hmm.. Della, i ship it".

Damon:" I hope this ship would sail soon, i have been putting up with guys hitting on her."

Liam:" possessive..i see".

Damon:" protective".

Liam:" yeah right."

Damon:" how's your mother doing by the way?".

Liam:" few says back she would throw tantrums at hospital and won't take treatment but now she is hell bent on receiving the treatment on time. "

Damon:" That's good right".

Liam:" yes, but its really hard to believe . She actually listened to someone's advice and that someone was zara".

Damon:" is that why you like her?".

Liam:" That's just a bonus reason".

Damon:"okay, i gotta go. I m tired. Had to work on weekend because of our new boss. That guy is a psychopath and i low-key pity him."

Liam:" yeah, sure .rest well. Catch you later".

[ Call ends ]


Ronnie: "can i sleep with you?"

Ella:" no"

Ronnie:" please".

Ella:" i knew you would be like this."

Ronnie:" jay just reminded me of my brother when he was young and now i miss them both".

Ella:"fine. Emotional blackmail".

Ronnie:" thanks, you know i dont really like sleeping with you ,i just dont want puffy eyes tomorrow".

Ella:" you do realize i am very much capable of kicking you down the bed?"

Ronnie:" hahaha i was just kidding..i love you".

Ella:" whatever".

Ronnie:" say i love you".


Ronnie:" say. I . Love. You."

Ella:" ok ok , i love you now get off me and sleep ".

Ronnie:" good night".

Ella:" psycho".

Ronnie:" weirdo".

Zara:" guys can i sleep with you?".

Ronnie:" hell yes".

Ella:" who are you missing gurl?"

Zara:" nothing i just feel like it.. pretty please".

Ella:"fine , but i m not sleep in the middle".

Ronnie:" i ll sleep in the middle . You both can hug me from either side".

Ella:" or i can just sleep in the couch".

Ronnie:" no no..i ll behave " *pouts*


kavitha_kumar kavitha_kumar

I hope you are liking the characters. sooner or later you will relate.

stay tuned to see the characters and their stories evolve.

keep reading and cheer me up!

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