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Chapter 34: Chapter 31: A Goddess?

After a little talk among the four, they went with the plan they made. Enciades called for Gnosis because there was a tri-clan council meeting scheduled.

"Are you ready Gnosis?" Enciades looked at Gnosis and he nodded with a smirk.

They entered the Karlan temple at the peak of the said mountain and they were met with hostile gazes immediately from the Paleroches and Browntails.

"We are all here now, let the meeting begin." The grand elder announced and they took a seat.

"For the agenda of this meeting... It has come to my knowledge that the Karlan trade that is being managed by Enciades Silverash has been crossing the borders of your territory." The grand elder informed.

'Tch, so they plan to use that to retaliate.' Enciades was calm, but she was nevertheless annoyed that they are using the Karlan mountain and territories to try and depose her.

With her losing her position at the council, she would lose the right to be married to Ash due to her being a commoner.

Ratatos squinted her eyes at Enciades and SilverAsh almost lost her cool.

'This bitch! She plans on taking my position as his fiance!?' Enciades breathed in deeply.

"I believe that the mining operations of the Karlan trade are our territory, as seen on the map that you've presented. It matches our scope of operations legally." Enciades fired back.

"That may be the case in the past, but look closely. Due to the Paleroches and Browntails agreeing to Enya Silverash being in the trials, these lands have been given to the other families." The patriarch of the Paleroches smirked at her.

'I've been had... These bastards have been planning this for some time now huh? It seems that the grand elder must die for having too much power.' Enciades brushed her tail a bit on Gnosis.

"If I may rudely speak?" Gnosis stood up. "You have no right to do so boy, this is the tri-clan council." The Paleroche glared at him.

"Yes, speak." The grand elder looked at Gnosis who was always silent in all the meetings thus far.

"As Madame Enciades' chancellor and right hand man. It is not only my fault that I advised her to mine there. I also failed to take into consideration that we're overstepping our borders." Gnosis explained and the two other heads clicked their tongue.

"Is that so? How do you plan on correcting this matter, head of the Silverash?" The grand elder looked at her.

"Gnosis, from now on. You are no longer a member of my house. After this is over, you will pack and be banned in the Silverash domain." Enciades looked at him with a passing glance.

Gnosis bowed and went out of the meeting room. "But what about the defiling of mount Karlan? Mining it for this so called pink salt? This is blasphemy to our goddess Kjeragandr." Ratatos pressed the attack.

'Sneaky weasel. Waiting for an unavoidable chance before striking. But you forget, Ash and the sharp empresses are behind me.' Enciades smirked inside of her head.

"As for that matter, we will immediately stop from doing so. And as payment to the country. I've partnered up with his majesty Asmodeus to provide supply for firewood, meat, grains, and wheat for a whole year. Out of pocket from Silverash's side of course." She gave them a contract.

The two heads were surprised because it is insane to provide for the whole country. Even for the wealth of the Silverashes. It was a heavy punishment that would bankrupt the Browntails and the Paleroches.

"Indeed, this looks suitable as payment. It will bring prosperity to the masses and will lift a heavy burden on them for a year." The grand elder was pleased with the proposal.

Enciades laughed at the inside of her head and has successfully planted their trap.

"Thank you for your consideration grand elder. I have made a mistake against Kjerag and our goddess. This is the least that I could do to please her once more." She bowed.

'Enciades, this lustful woman won't back down with this... I must make another plan.' Ratatos bit her nails and she had an idea.

"This meeting has been fruitful indeed. The goddess will be pleased that this matter has been settled." The grand elder finished the meeting and they all started to leave.

Ratatos returned to her estate and called for her servant. "Bring me Gnosis Edelweiss." She grinned and was sure that he was implicated for the mistakes of the Karlan trade.

After an hour, a servant brought Gnosis and he bowed to her. "Miss Ratatos, what is it that you needed me for?" He frowned and Ratatos smiled.

"Sit down, sit down Gnosis. We're fellow countrymen." She called for her servants to serve refreshments and treats.

"I know that you are of the Edelweiss family. You have served the Silverashes for generations. It must be difficult for you." She smiled softly.

Trying to instigate his anger. "That damned Enciades... Using me as the substitute for the fallout. After she has used me for all my life? The Silverashes has been successful because of my part as well." Gnosis gritted his teeth.

"It's okay, Gnosis. It's unfortunate, but you are here with me Ratatos Browntail. As you know, I helped Enciades open the Karlan trade. But it seems that it was a mistake." Ratatos sighed wistfully.

"Yes... The Karlan trade is where she gets the most of her capital... We must bring it down so she won't poison Kjerag any more." Gnosis squinted his eyes and Ratatos smirked behind her fan.

"Yes that is true, what would happen to Kjerag if she continues this Gnosis? We must meet with the Paleroches immediately to rectify this mistake. Enya will also be the priestess, she would likely control her to get even more power." Ratatos stood up.

"Indeed, the priestess' ceremony of her rise to be the link to goddess Kjeragandr is near. Let us go to sir Paleroche immediately to bring her down before she destroys us all." Gnosis nodded at her and they travelled to the Paleroches.

After arriving, they met up with the Patriarch immediately and they discussed that banishing Enciades from the council was for the best.

"Leave the evidence to me Paleroche, I always have jotted down Enciades' movements and plans for a back up. It is in my possessions, thankfully. Please have a look." Gnosis offered reports.

"Edelweiss, this is what we just needed to depose the Silverash... Tainting Kjerag with that Karlan trade. What were you thinking Ratatos?" The patriarch huffed.

"It was a mistake from the past, I thought it would bring prosperity to Kjerag. But let us correct this mistake. The coronation ceremony for Enya is near. We will out her at that time, this evidence is plenty enough." Ratatos smiled.

"Enya is also in bad terms with Enciades. She forced her sister to become a saintess. Her relationship with the other Silverash siblings is poor." Gnosis informed them and they were delighted.

"It seems that our goddess smiles upon us. They will definitely not support her. Good work Edelweiss, this would not go unrewarded." Paleroche nodded at him and Gnosis bowed.


Ash was roaming around Kjerag without doing anything really. He then had the idea of visiting Enya.

"Hmm, my little sister must be anxious no? I'll visit her." He did not need permission anyways to go there. Because he was another head of state just like Enya.

He walked to the peak of the Karlan mountain where the temple is and that was where Enya was staying.

"Sir, what is your business here? The new saintess is preparing herself for the coronation." A maid with black hair and royal blue highlights appeared in front of him.

"I'm just visiting Enya, she is tired no? As her future brother in law. It's imperative that I cheer her up miss maid." He explained with a raised brow.

"I see, I am Kjera. The chief maid of lady Enya. I will guide you to her." The woman bowed at him and he noticed something strange about her. (pic)

'A Lung? Here in Kjerag?' He squinted his eyes. She was certainly far away from home. Yan and Lungmen are almost at the opposite side of Kjerag.

He then shrugged, thinking it was just a coincidence. Talulah was in Ursus even though she's a draco. And Victoria isn't exactly in good graces with Ursus.

"Please do not disturb her more than necessary." Kjera arrived in front of an ornate door and she opened it.

"Thank you, I won't." Ash entered and he waved at the exhausted looking Enya. "Hey there Enya, how are you doing? Not too hot I assume."

"Ash? As you can see. Big sister putting me at this position is as bad as you can imagine. Stupid Enciades." Enya grumbled and Ash sat down beside her.

"Preparing for the coronation? I'll help you a bit." He rubbed her ears and she started purring.

He then manipulated her body to get rid of her fatigue. "Hmmm~ Why do I feel so floaty?" Enya rubbed her tail on him and he chuckled.

"You're just like a cat who sniffed some catnip Enya. I'm giving you a bit of a boost." He then massaged her back and shoulders, loosening up her tight muscles with a little bit of electric shocks.

"Fuuu~ Ash, is this how you seduced eldest sister? You seem awfully experienced with this..." Enya gave him an inquisitive look.

"Seduced your sister? We are more like business partners." He snorted.

"Really? It's such a shame then." Enya leaned on him and sighed blissfully, he was nice and toasty 24/7 after all.

"Hmm, what do you mean?" He raised a brow and Enya chuckled. "That's a secret, you know. For being a really smart man, you're quite dense in these kinds of matters."

"You mean Enciades have feelings for me? Pft, that girl would stab me with her cane sword if I tried to make a move on her without her permission." He chuckled.

"Is that so?" Enya stared at him for a few seconds and she sighed. "Then, are you the type of person that needs to be shown interest before you move?" Enya slowly dragged her fluffy tail on his thigh.

He raised a brow. "I think so, I can see subtle hints really well. That's because I trust body language more than words. The body does not lie Enya. And what do you think you're doing?" He huffed at her.

"I don't know, you said that the body does not lie big brother Ash... What do you think am I doing?" Enya slowly brushed her finger on his chest.

He growled, she was pushing her nubile body on him. "You're playing a dangerous game Enya. Unlike others, I'm not a wuss that think it's morally wrong for me to take you. I do not care about things like that." He gave a toothy grin, his canines starting to get longer.

"Really? But it is not the time yet. And I am tired." Enya plopped down on his thighs, closing her eyes.

He then sighed heavily, she was testing his patience. So he pinched her cheeks and pulled on it hard.

"Oew! Ow!" Enya tried to pry off his fingers, but she wasn't that strong.

"That's for being cheeky. Just you wait then, I can see Ensia glance at me from time to time while hiding her blush. Thinking that she could blame it on the cold. Enciades and I will be married soon, maybe I should take you all at the same time?" He smirked and she was shocked.

'Ahhh, I might have made a mistake...' She didn't expect that he would be so shameless.

"Anyways, rest well. The coronation is near, be prepared." He gave her a meaningful look and he stood up.

"It's just a ceremony, everything's going to be fine." Enya rolled her eyes and he snorted.

"You wish it will be." He left after his cryptic words and Enya just waved it off, rubbing her thighs together a bit. "Ahh, was he serious? I hope not, that will be embarrassing."

Ash walked out of her room and was about to see himself out. But he suddenly felt a unique type of energy being used.

It was distorting space-time. And when he turned around, the mysterious Lung maid Kjera was there. "I will see you off sir Ash." She bowed at him respectfully, having a dignified air on her that is weird.

'I'm sure, this woman isn't just a simple maid...' He walked up to her and stared right at her. He then checked her body for anything weird and was surprised.

"You... You do not have any originium in your body." He squinted his eyes and Kjera was stunned.

Every being in the world has a bit of originium in their body. Except in special cases like him with an unknown bloodline. So he got extremely curious, thinking that she must be special like him.

"Ash... Can you accompany me on a walk?" Kjera sighed and he nodded with a shrug.

When they arrived outside where the biting cold is too much. Blue floating stones appeared beside her and the blizzard at the top of the highest peak in Kjerag stopped.

"You can control the weather... You're no ordinary Lung." He raised a brow and she nodded. "Well, you're not ordinary yourself. I just confirmed it." She squinted her eyes at him.

They walked to a little cliff that made the whole of Kjerag visible. "You, what is your purpose here..." Her expression hardened and she was obviously ready to scrap.

"What do you mean? It's not like you own this place. Besides, I'm just here to help Enciades make the politics here better." He frowned and he began to transform.

"As expected, you are a Feranmut. Did Yan sent you? Leave Kjerag alone and I won't kill you." She glared at him.

"Yan? I'm from Leithanien, I'm the emperor of Leithanien. Yan? That place has nothing to do with me, for now. And what do you mean Feranmut?" He tensed up, but Kjera went wide eyed instead.

She disappeared from her place and reappeared behind him. Making him frown heavily, thinking he was outmatched.

But she just hugged his torso and he heard her sniff deeply. "A juvenile... I see, you are not from Yan indeed." She started to calm down.

"What are you talking about?" He was still on guard and Kjera sighed.

"You will know soon, Yan won't be quiet for long. But we are the same, not exactly. But we are kin." She sighed and he was confused.

"We're the same species? Then why are you a Lung?" She looked towards Kjerag.

"This is my country. Thousands of years ago, I led my people here. I protected them from catastrophes and the biting cold kept outsiders away." Her eyes softened as she looked below.

"Alas, they stuck to tradition and isolationism. Ash, you are trying to do something to Terra. Can I trust you that my people won't suffer?" Her eyes hardened and she stared at him.

"Hmph, you know nothing of my goals Kjera. This world is rotten to the core. I promised to change it, mould it. And I need Kjerag for that." He crossed his arms, the two just staring at each other.

"I see. Then that's good enough. Support my people and country. Then I will be at your side, cause their downfall. Your end would not be pretty as a result."

They looked eye to eye for a moment and he sighed. "What do you think I am? Kjerag has plenty of resources. There must be tons of oil and minerals here." He rolled his eyes.

Kjera didn't understand and she just blankly stared at him. "Don't worry about me killing off the populace or something. And what do you mean this is your country?" He raised a brow in suspicion.

"I am Kjeragandr, the goddess of Kjerag. Do you mean it? You won't cause harm to my country?" She looked at him suspiciously.

"No, not really. Are you daft? Manpower is precious. And why would I even do that, this is Enciades, Enya, and Ensia's home." He sighed.

"I see, then we have an accord." She gestured for a hand shake and he shook her hand.

"So you're the goddess here huh? Can I know what a Feranmut is?" He remembered her words earlier and she shook her head.

"Yan will hunt you down if you stand out... Do not look for our kin, or you will be forced to serve that country or locked up just like the others." She furrowed her brows.

"Not even a little hint?" His eyes twitched in annoyance.

"No." She deadpanned at him. "How about if I offered a massage or something? You must have been spying on me and Enya. I'm really good at it you know?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No." She still refused and he clicked his tongue. "Then can you tell me what happened in Yan thousands of years ago? It seems you came from there." He squinted his eyes.

"That... That's doable, later. Not now, I have duties as the chief maid." She sighed and he chuckled.

"The goddess is the chief maid for real? Have you been bored? That's why you're doing this?" He laughed and she glared at him.

"So what?" She clicked her tongue. "Then how about after I reform Kjerag. Go to my city in Paradiso. I pride myself with my work." He extended an invitation to know more about the mysterious information she has.

He then left and she stared at his retreating back. "Maybe, but I still have my duties to look after right now." She snorted.


After the Browntail and Paleroche heads made the plans solid with Gnosis, they rested for the night and prepared for the grand coronation for Enya.

At that day the tri-clan council will pay tributes to the grand elder as per the tradition.

And currently, Gnosis was inside the winery of the Paleroches. He raised his hand and the tribute for the grand elder is right in front of him.

A clear liquid entered the bottle through the glass which is impossible. Leaving no traces of being laced with something.

"Enciades, everything is set. You just need to take everything. Hah, this was exhausting. Acting like their little bitch boy is not my style." Ash smirked after forming his face back to normal for a little breather.

He chuckled and waited patiently for the day of the coronation. "Change is good, Kjera does seem to dislike their isolationism. I guess this will please her? I need to learn more about what I am from her."

Ash waited patiently and disguised himself back as Gnosis. The coronation was just a few days away.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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