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Chapter 46: Chapter 46

"So why are there a bunch of wild pokemon on the roof?" you asked, after deciding on heading there to check it out and having Giselle lead you on.

"Well, this is a school for the rich right?" Giselle shrugged, "Generally, it was thought to be beneath trainers of our stature to rough it out in the wilds searching for pokemon, so trainers are employed to catch wild pokemon and release them here for anyone who is interested in catching them."

That did make sense, but there was one thing that didn't add up, "And the pokemon are just okay with that?" you inquired. In your personal experience, pokemon didn't generally take well to having their chain yanked around like that.

"Well, they're told right from the start what's expected of them from here, and while here they're fed well and given around the clock care," she explained, as you both reached the top of the stairs, stepping forward to push the door open and lead you back outside, "Any that aren't happy with it are transported back into the wild's and set free again."

"Woah." your eyes widened as you stepped out and took in the roof. It was beautiful.

There was a thick grassy area in the middle of the roof, flowers, thick berry bushes and trees all around it, and in the centre a decently sized pond. It was boxed in by a tiled area around it, with multiple benches and tables set up for sitting.

And encamped by a luxuriously gleaming railing, with glass panels. You could actually see Cerulean City's tallest buildings from here.

"Yeah, it's beautiful isn't it?" Giselle said, stepping out alongside you and closing the door behind her. She turned, looking the opposite direction from you and you saw her pause in your peripherals,"Oh hello Professor Maple." she said, bowing respectfully.

"Hello Giselle," a deep, cheerful voice replied, "How are you today?" they asked.

You turned around, and saw a tall and handsome, broad shouldered, dark haired man clad in a red jersey, dark comfortable looking travelling pants and thick hiking boots.

"Who's your friend?" he asked, smiling at you. And you noticed that he was sitting on one of the benches, and coming up to near his shoulder, was a pokemon that he was currently scratching on the head.

"Laaax.." it groaned in pleasure.

Huh, a Munchlax. The pre-evolved form of Snorlax. They were really rare to come across, most Snorlax when they did actually breed, just bred true for more Snorlax. You'd never seen one in person before. It was said a Snorlax that evolved from a Munchlax would be much more powerful than average too.

"So what brings you up here Professor?" Giselle asked, not even really sparing the Munchlax he was scratching a glance, "You usually return to your living space or head out for training after your classes."

Professor Maple smiled, "How many times have I told you to just call me Norman?" he asked rhetorically before shaking his head, "I'm actually taking a break from looking for my daughter, she still isn't too happy about being cooped up in a school."

"I see," Giselle nodded sympathetically. She opened her mouth to continue, then paused as a chiming sound resounded throughout the school, "And that's my afternoon theory class, if I see her on my way, I'll let her know you're looking for her."

"I'd be grateful." Norman smiled back.

She nodded, before turning her attention to you and smiling apologetically, "Sorry to cut our tour short Cobalt," she apologized, and reached into her pocket, pulling out a scrap of paper and handing it over to you, "That's my contact details if you want to talk again, I'd love to battle you someday."

You accepted the piece of paper with a raised eyebrow, but didn't comment on the fact she had her pre-prepared contact details ready, "It was great meeting you Giselle," you replied, "I'll definitely have to take you up on that offer, maybe I'll be seeing you when I get around to challenging Giovanni in a few months." you added with a wink.

Giselle giggled, "Well, we'll have to see about that right?" she replied, giving you a wave and bidding you goodbye before turning on her heels and walking away. You made a valiant effort to keep your eyes from feasting on her swaying hips as she left.

"You don't have to pretend you're not looking just because I'm here," Norman chuckled, cutting in, "She's definitely making a show of it for you." the man pointed out.

"Don't mind if I do then," you laughed back, letting your eyes set on those lovely hips as the supermodel tier girl left you behind, "I just thought it would be inappropriate what with you being her teacher, and apparently having a daughter."

Norman chuckled again, and when Giselle opened and closed the door back into the school behind her, you turned your attention back to him, "So Cobalt was it?" he asked, gaining a nod from you, "What brings you here? Another travelling trainer by the looks of it, Giselle has been on a kick about meeting new trainers the past few days after she lost to that boy the other day."

You nodded, confirming it, "Yeah I was just walking passed on my way to Cerulean City when I ran into Giselle," you replied, "I'm heading for my fourth badge."

"Three badges huh? Not too shabby," Norman noted, "How long have you been a trainer?"

"12 days." you shrugged and answered.

Norman's eyes flew wide open, "Only 12 days and you have three badges already!" he gasped, "That's quite something." he praised.

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