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Ash Of The Black Phoenix Ash Of The Black Phoenix original

Ash Of The Black Phoenix

Author: Joshua_Brock

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Black Bird

"Ahhh!!!" "A scream?" Slowly getting up I look around "hmm I guess it's nothing" starting to lay back I hear another scream "SOMEONE HELP ME!!". Getting on my feet quickly I start running towards the scream (What is someone doing all the way out here?) As I got closer to where I think the scream came from I began to hear other voices "hey Butch I think this ones a Noble, look at her clothing." "Man I think your right, looks like we hit the jack pot today." (Are they Slave traders or maybe bandits, but a Noble all the way out here? I highly doubt that no noble would ever be caught dead out in this territory.) I run up a small hill, as I reach the top I stop and look around. As I'm slowly gazing over the land below I see about a dozen people lying on the ground riddled with arrows. "Hey, are you okay!" I yell running down the hill. As I get closer my view of the people got better and I could now see that they where all wearing armor. One of the armored people starts to move, holding his arm out and waving it up and down I start to run towards him. "Hey are you alright." As I'm getting closer the persons arm speeds up and then he yelled "JIT RECK!!!" His words where to jambled for me to understand but I think I get what he said now. As soon I got within a few feet of the Armored Person a bright light appeared that threw me in the air. "Eck!" I landed back on the hill that I saw the people from. I try to get up but I couldn't see anything. Then a sharp pain comes from the back of my head "ahh" touching the back of my head the pain becomes even worse, My hand begins to feel some what warm I take it off the back of my head and slowly bring it to where my visions not blurry. I can't make out exactly what is on my hand but I could tell that my whole hand was covered in some kind of red liquid. Moving around trying to find something to use to help me get back on my feet everything goes black. (So this is it? This is how I die?) slipping away into the never ending darkness my once warm body became one that was colder than ice. "ARE YOU WORTHY TO TAKE MY HEART?" I open my eyes and begin to look around the infinite space of darkness that I was trapped in "Who who who who's there?" I say stuttering uncontrollably. "WAIT YOUR JUST A KID!" The same loud voice ringed in my ears. Taking offense to the loud voice "I'm nnnn not a kid I'm eight years old now"still unable to stop stuttering I speak "EIGHT!EIGHT!!"the loud voice continues to speak "NEVER MIND I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS YOU MAY THANK ME LATER BRAT." The voice faded and a black shadow appeared in front of me. Barely being able to make out what the shadow was an image popped into my mind (A bird?) The shadow came flying at me and went straight through my chest. A rushing spring of warmth quickly filled my chest and spread to the rest of my body. Looking around to try and find the shadow I noticed that this once dark place had begun to fill up with light. As the light surrounded me it began to get to bright for me to see.

The light begins to fade and my sight starts to return. As I stand there I look down at the roses that are now surrounding me I feel a feeling of somewhat deja vu.(why the heck am I here?) the questions fill my mind like…"AHHH!!!" (What was that, wait never mind I have to figure it what just happened) I turn around to walk away but "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" (No don't turn around just act like you didn't hear it) "PLEASE!!" Even though in my head I Know that I should just mind my own business my heart is jerking me to go help. And well of course I chose my heart "dang it" I turn around and run to the scream. "Hey Butch I think this ones a noble." (Wait I've heard this before, somewhere.) "Man I think your right, looks like we hit the jack pot today." (Man what the heck is going on?) trying to come up with some kind of answer an image flashes in my head "YOU CAN THANK ME FOR THIS LATER BRAT" (wait could it be that that bird did something to me?) "AHHH!!" (No I don't have time to think about that crap) I began to run faster and faster picking up more speed as I go down the small hill I was moving so fast that I completely forgot about all the armored people and about the bright light until it happened again. Being completely knocked off your feet by the same thing twice kinda makes you feel like an idiot. Everything was the exact same except for one thing, this time I couldn't feel the pain from my head even though I hit the rock again. I sat up and reached back touched where my head hit and brought it back to where I could see it. Although there was blood on my hand there was a shadow on the puddle, well instead of a shadow it's more like a black flame but instead of it being hot it's almost kinda soothing. The black flame started to burn the blood away causing all of it to disappear. (What the heck is happening to me?) "AHHH SOMEBODY ANYBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!!" (Crap I completely forgot about the scream) standing up from the small hill I began to run again. Passing the now dead armored people i kept running forward, another small hill came into view. running up the hill the sound of crying filled my ears. (What the heck is that) as I reach the top of the hill I saw three people standing below. One of them was a scraggly looking man wearing animal fur and a dagger strapped to his thigh while is his hand he was holding a sword. The second was another man this one was skinny and was holding a bow while wearing a rough spun tunic with a quiver full of arrows slung over his shoulder.

And the third was a little girl who was maybe the same age or younger then me. "HEY GET AWAY FROM HER" I yell rather stupidly. "The heck, another kid" the one with the sword said Turning around. "Hey Butch you reckon I could hit that kid from here." The one with the bow said looking at me now. I keep running forward not really thinking about if or if not I get hurt. As the one with the bow slowly strings an arrow I suddenly think of (what if that hits me) but before I could move to the side I felt something quickly poke through my right shoulder. Falling to the ground I slowly started to lose consciousness. "Somebody please please help me." The little girl said while weeping with her head buried in her hands. As soon as I heard her soft voice I couldn't think of anything else asides from saving her. Even though the arrow in my shoulder is in to much pain for me to move my right arm I could still move my left. I slowly grabbed the arrow with my left hand and pulled with all my strength. Gridding my teeth as hard as I could so that I couldn't scream I gave the half pulled out arrow a single hard yank as soon as the arrow came out instead of feeling the immense pain that should have came after I felt the same soothing warm feeling. I look at my should which should be covered in blood but instead of blood it was replacing by a small black flame healing my wound. I feel amazed by the black flame but the feeling doesn't last for long. I look at the arrow in my left hand and then look back at the two men who have turned back around facing the girl. "Hey she's quite the looker we'll be able to sell her for quite a bit a the market don't you think Butch?" The one with the bow said grabbing the girls face. "Yeah I think your right this is a nice catch Ponce" the one with the sword said. I slowly started sneaking towards the two while crouching I put the the arrow in my right hand as I got within a few feet of the one with the sword. "Hey Ponc…" I sprung from behind him and stabbed him in the neck with the arrow before he could finish speaking. "Yeah Butch, WAIT WHAT THE HE…" As the one with the bow was turning around I took the one with the swords dagger out of its sheathe then used it to stab the archer in the throat. As the Archer hit the ground i knelt down and quickly took the quiver of arrows off his back then pick up the old longbow in the dead archers hand.I then went over to where the Swordsman's body was and took the sheathe off his thigh then attached it to mine sheathing the dagger. After hand I walked to where the girl was now lying down. Kneeling Down beside her I gently checked her pulse thinking that she might be dead . "Ahh" I let out a sigh of relief having felt that she's still alive. I then gently picked her up and started to head towards the woods.

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