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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The boy rise to be an Assassin

Sedaina awoke after being knocked out cold and quickly hurried to her sons. When inside she was shocked to see that one of her boys Vincent was gone, she knew right then Noah have taken the boy, but for what reason this enrage her as went back outside.

The women then screamed at the top of lungs as she just lose the man she loves and now one of her boys has been taken. Sedaina then fell to her knees crying and hitting the ground until her hands start to bleed.

Sedaina soon stop looking up at the sky with tears still coming down her face.

"I swear on my life, I will find you Vincent my boy and I will make Noah pay."

Sedaina vows this strongly in her heart.


{7 years later}

Somewhere inside an underground Secret Order there a small group of children boys and girls fighting one another while one older man with scars on his body watch them each and everyone of them closely.

They were going through a train season were the only difference is that they must kill their opponent.

A cruel Training it is, but the order of The Brother of Inferno seek only those who can walk the same path as them and the first step to that is to get used to killing.

The young 7 year old boy Vincent was among them and was fighting to the best of his abittly, but was losing badly as he looked beaten badly instead of his opponent.

His uncle was watching from the shadows showing no such concern for his Nephew life as he can die in this training. Maybe this man does not care about him or he thinks Vincent was not going to die so easily as he Kept on watching the fight.

Vincent was then uppercut by his opponent falling hard on his back, he slowly got back up coughing up blood and a tooth this was not going well for the young boy, but he couldn't stop or he'll die.

His opponent was not going to give him a break and Vincent knows that he is going to have to act fast, so he allowed his opponent to get close to him while the boy quickly thought where to strike.

Not much time for Vincent to think, so he proceed for the stomach kicking it hard the kick wasn't that strong since the boy is only 7, but it was able to send the other boy back a few steps.

Now Vincent took that chance without holding back sending a punch straight to his face paying the boy back by breaking one of his teeth.

He would then under kick the boy to fall hard on his back taking that chance to get on top of him and started sending punches one after another.

This is what Noah expected to happen as he knew Vincent was a fighter just like his father and that made his uncle grain a little. Vincent stop seeing that his opponent can no longer fight back at this point, he then got off him and that when the man who was watching every one of them walk up to him.

"What do you think your doing boy finish him." the man with the scars said with a harsh tone toward the boy.

"But…. sir he can no longer fight back….. Must I take his life."

"We do not show mercy in this order, we do what must be done, so take that boy's life or your will be taken."

Vincent didn't say another word and did what he was ordered to do face that boy who is the same age as him looking back at him with pleading eyes to not kill him.

He couldn't let that stop him as Vincent thought, what if it was him instead of this boy wouldn't he just take his life.

Noah watch his nephew get back on top of that boy and stabbed each of his eyes with his thumbs. That boy scream was heard by the others as they watch Vincent start smashing the boy head against the ground over and over until he can no longer see any sign of life in this boy.

"Well done Vincent, you will soon be one of us." the man with the scars said while getting back to watching the other kids.

Vincent then just stood over the boy he just kill as he look at his shaking hands now cover in his blood this was very first killed.

Noah left at the moment not coming over to comfort his little Nephew, the boy had to deal with what he done and he will get use to it in life.


{5 years later}

Vincent was now 12 years old, he was on top of a tree in the middle of winter. He was looking for someone or something to hunt down and Assassinat.

This was another training he and the others are going through as everyone of them must hunt down and Assassinat any captive the order had release for them to show what they have learned.

The Brotherhood of Infernos aren't unfair as they give their captives weapon to at least have a fighting chance.

What came to his sight was a young pretty female Elf with a bow in her hand. She was breathing heavily as she has been running for a few days trying to escape from being hunted down by anyone from the order.

Unlucky for her Vincent had been following this Elf girl keeping a close eye on her until he see it was time to end it. jumping from the tree and leading on top of her as the Elf girl was caught by surprise unaware that she was being followed.

Vincent ready his dagger to be use to end her life, but stop when she spoke.

"Please…. I don't want to die….. I have a family." hearing this come out of the elf girl mouth made Vincent freezing at the moment.

Lucky for that elf girl she took that chance grabbing a rock not far from her and smashing it against Vincent face knocking him off her. She then got right back up pulling an arrow back with her bow string and release it at Vincent.

Vincent saw coming straight for him dodging it in time, but the second he was not able to escape that one when the elf girl shot it.

That second arrow impale into his arm, but that didn't slow his down Vincent charge at the elf girl getting real close to her using the dagger to cut off one of her ears before she can fire another arrow.

After that he grab her hair bring the elf girl close to him and impaling that dagger into her stomach cutting it open then letting her body fall to the ground.

Vincent breath heavily while still bleeding from his head.

"Well done Nephew." Noah appear from nowhere that even Vincent was not able to tell he was near.

"Uncle if I have known you were here, I would have shown my best…." Vincent was cut off talking when his Uncle punch him in the face, breaking his nose.

Vincent fall hard on his back, but quickly got back up on now on one knee bowing his head down while his nose bleed.

"Forgive me Uncle….. I have disappointed you." he said still keeping his head still down

"Tell me nephew, what is that you have made disappointed about."

Vincent knew right away how to answer him and so he spoke.

"I hesitated when I had the perfect chance to end her life right then and there."

"And what made you hesitated." Noah ask, but he already know the answer to that when he was close by.

"The elf girl said she had a family and it made me hesitant when I heard that."

"You shouldn't have hesitant, you will be a full member one day to The brotherhood of the Infernos. Emotions are useless to our when we become Assassins who learn the ancient ways of the dark arts of killing, now rise."

Vincent stand up right away when he Uncle order him as he now was face to face with his Uncle.

"Grab the elf girl body to bring it back with you as you are done now." Noah point at the dead elf girl lying on the snowy ground now turn red by her blood.

Vincent pick up the dead elf girl who blood was now getting on him, but he didn't seem to care as he was now use to blood with it feeling to it smell.

Then it hit him, he doesn't feel anything when he killed the elf girl it was more like this was just a task for him to do. Vincent didn't know what was happening to him, but he doesn't pay too much thought into it and follow his Uncle back to the order.

mattfuncool mattfuncool

Alright enjoy this chapter now, I hope you look forward for the next one ok.

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