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Chapter 20: The Silent Truth

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance, then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

It's late in the afternoon when Maria is about to get her school bag to go home until she sees some eighth graders with a spirit board going to one of the empty classrooms.

Maria: "An Ouija board? Last time I checked board games is not allowed on school grounds they know students can only bring card games to school."

She went near the door and overheard the students talking.

Eighth Grade Girl 1: "Come on let's try it out."

Eighth Grade Boy: "Yeah don't be a chicken."

Eighth Grade Girl 2: "Fine."

They place the board down and each of them places two fingers on the pointer on the board.

All: "Is there a spirit here at this school?"

The pointer moved to the word yes.

Eighth Grade Girl 1: "Okay who are you?"

The pointer moved and one of them read the message.

Eighth Grade Girl 2: "My name is Ronnie."

Eighth Grade Girl 1: "Cool it worked!"

They took their fingers out of the pointer then the pointer started to move on its own.

Eighth Grade Girl 2: "I think you two are just making it move or one of you is using a magnet."

Eighth Grade Boy: "You know none of us touched it. This is freaky!"

Eighth Grade Girl 1: "Besides I don't even have a magnet."

The pointer moves fast and they all read the message

All: "I am going to kill you all."

Eighth Grade Girl 2: "Okay guys cut it out!"

Eighth Grade Girl 1: "I'm telling you we're not doing anything besides did you see any of us touch it."

A demon came out of the shadow and stabbed the girl from behind.

Eighth Grade Girl 1: "AAAHHH!!!!!"

Both of them scream as they tried to escape but the demon cuts the boy's head off and is about to kill the girl until Maria used a demon seal spell.

Maria: "Repel Demon Seal!"

The seal landed on the floor where the girl is at and a seal protection barrier appears.

Ronnie: "Damn! Where that come from? I recognized that seal there's a witch somewhere. Now I can't kill the girl."

The demon vanishes and Maria grabbed her phone to call the police.

Maria: "Hello police I want to report two murders at Stormy Academy in the amethyst area." She hangs up and calls her mom. "Hey, mom I was wondering do you know where Christiana lives there's something I need her to do for me."

It is late at night Christiana is reading a book while Harmony is curled up asleep in her lap when Meadow came in and gave her a transport key.

Christiana: "You want something don't you?"

Meadow: "What makes you say that?"

Christiana: "You gave me this key for no reason."

Meadow: "You said that you'll do anything for a transport key so I got you one."

Christiana: "So?"

Meadow: "It's time to pay up."

Christiana: "Shit… What do you want?"

Meadow: "You wear the lingerie I got you and you have to do whatever I say for the entire night. You don't have to do it now but when it's time you'll have to do it."

Christiana: "F***k…"

Meadow: "So?"

Christiana: "Fine I'll do it."

Meadow: "I'm glad it's spring."

Christiana: "Why is that?"

He opens her legs and slips his hand inside her shorts.

Meadow: "Because your wearing shorts." He tries to slips his hand inside her boy shorts until Harmony wakes up and bites his wrist. "Ow…"

Christiana: "Harmony you shouldn't do that I'm the only one who bites Meadow."

Henry walks in.

Henry: "For once I would like to come in and not see your legs open. Can't you control your husband?"

Christiana gets up and sits on Meadow's lap and he wraps his arms around her waist.

Christiana: "Now you know that I can't control him. No matter how much I try."

Henry: "From the looks of it you don't try at all."

Meadow: "What do you want?"

Henry: "There's a kid outside wanting to see Christiana."

Christiana: "The little boy?"

Henry: "No it's another kid she said that you knew her mom."

Meadow: "Could it be Piper's kid?"

Christiana: "Send her up here."

Maria went upstairs to see Christiana.

Maria: "Um is this the room?"

Henry: "Go see for yourself."

She opens the door and sees Christiana sitting in Meadow's lap.

Maria: "There you are."

Christiana: "You haven't grown much your still short."

Maria: "I'm still growing I'm only twelve."

Christiana: "I guess you're a late bloomer."

Maria: "I'm here to make a request a demon hunting request."

Christiana: "What is it?"

Maria: "There was a group of upperclassmen in my school one of them had brought a spirit board game called Ouija."

Meadow: "Ouija?"

Maria: "Yeah it's a board game that lets you think you're talking to spirits but I don't think it's true. My mom told me that game doesn't really work. She said that spirits move on to the next life they don't stay bound to the living world."

Christiana: "It's true the dead don't stay in the living plane they move on or become reapers. So why are you telling us this?"

Maria: "Because two of the students died at the hands of a demon. I managed to save one but she is too shaken up about what happened I don't think that she'll say anything. Can you hunt down the demon?"

Meadow: "I guess we'll have to."

Christiana checks her phone and sees that someone is requesting them.

Christiana: "Not right now we have a client."

Maria: "I understand I have to go anyways I gotta prepare for exams."

She left the manor and it is the next day. A young boy is at the hospital to see about his dad.

Larry: "Dad you're awake."

Larry's Dad: "I'm alive?"

Larry: "Yeah luckily mom and I stop you before it was too late. Dad, why did you do it?"

Larry's Dad: "That woman! She made me miserable at work! I was afraid that she would harm you two so."

Larry's Mom: "Your boss? Just because of what happened months ago."

Larry left the room to get something to drink from the drink machine. He looks at the palm of his hand seeing the due date.

Larry: "Until May 1st I have two weeks to pay them. That woman was the reason why my dad tried to kill himself."

A flashback to a couple of days ago Larry came home from school and sees smoke coming out the garage. His mom went to see what's going on and he sees his dad in the car with the doors lock committing suicide.

Larry's Mom: "Stu! Stu!"

She tries to wake him up but it was no use Larry went to get a brick and breaks the window to get him out of the car.

Larry: "Dad! Dad!"

His mom performed CPR while Larry called an ambulance. The flashback ends and it's back to the present. He went back to the room until he overhears the doctor talking to his parents.

Doctor: "You were every lucky Mr. Capons if your wife and your son weren't there in time you would have died. Especially your wife it's almost as if you know how to deal with a situation like that."

Larry's Mom: "I was a traveling doctor and now I work at the local clinic."

Doctor: "I see well Mr. Capons in a couple more days you can go home."

The doctor leaves the room and Larry stood by feeling sad and angry. Meanwhile, at school, the bell rings and Seven's Biology class has ended.

Biology Teacher: "Okay class I hope all of you will study hard for your exams in a few weeks some of you are going to need a good grade in order to pass 9th-grade biology."

She stares with a glare at Seven.

Seven: (Thinking) "Why did she look at me when she said that?!"

Everyone got up from their desk and headed for lunch.

Austin: "The teacher is really hard on you."

Seven: "It's bad enough that I'm already bad in science in general but the teacher doesn't even like me and I don't know why."

River: "Well maybe she holds a grudge on your uncle."

Austin: "What makes you say that?"

River: "She might've dated your uncle and he broke her heart."

Austin: "No way she's married."

Seven: "What he meant was before she met her husband. River does have a point she might've found out that I'm his relative from my school record."

Austin: "You can ask him when you get home."

Seven: "I can't he's away for some photo job and won't be back until the end of the week."

Austin: "You can always look in his yearbook."

River: "She might've been in middle school at the time you did say that your uncle is about four years older than your mom, right?"

Seven: "Yeah but he went to a public school and my mom went to our school on a scholarship."

Austin: "You should look anyways."

Seven: "Yeah maybe."

Elsewhere Larry is at his school puzzled about his dad's situation.

Larry: (Thinking) "That damn woman! Because of her, my family is…."

Zeke: "There you are Larry."

Larry: "Oh hey…"

Zeke: "Can you reconsider about us?"

Larry: "We're just taking a break I want to focus on passing exams and get into the university at Cyclone City."

Zeke: "But still…" He holds his hand. "Doesn't mean that we can't be together."

Larry: "I know."

They share a kiss then someone is walking towards them in the courtyard.

George: "Hey love birds just be glad it was me and not a teacher otherwise you two would be in trouble."

Zeke: "What are you doing here?"

George: "I came here to borrow your notes for finals."

Zeke: "Let me guess you didn't take any notes again."

George: "You know me so well but you don't want to make your boyfriend here jealous."

Larry: "I'm not I think it's cute that you two have a bromance."

George: "Well we are best friends."

Zeke: "Till the end."

They fist bump.

George: "Oh I heard what happened to your dad Larry. Sorry man, it must be hard."

Larry: "You have nothing to be sorry for. That woman is the cause of it!"

Zeke: "Mrs. Turner?"

George: "That's Tiny's mom."

Larry: "She is? But her last is Albertson."

George: "Her dad left them and her mom changed her last name. Not only she is the CEO of her own company but also the director of our school."

Zeke: "I thought her dad was the director."

George: "He was but went he left the position went straight to her mom."

Larry: "I didn't know that."

George: "She doesn't like talking about it and I don't blame her."

Larry: "That woman is going to pay for this."

George: "Be careful."

Larry: "What do you mean?"

George: "A friend of my dad's tried to find some information that would end her terror but he ended up in an accident. The thing is though my parents knew it wasn't an accident he was murdered. She has connections if you get on her bad side then…"

Larry: "Don't worry nothing will happen." He went back into the building and looked at his hand. "Because I'm gonna have her killed by The Sweepers."

Later on, at night Seven is at home sitting at his desk trying to study but he is frustrated.

Seven: "Argh!!! I don't get this!!! Ah!! I can pretty much pass all my other classes without studying but biology is impossible! I barely passed science at my old school I don't understand why I have to learn science anyways it's not like I'm going to use this knowledge in the real world! Back home I sometimes ask mom but she told me she had a hard time with science she almost failed that subject when she was in school." He thought about what his friends said. "Maybe our teacher did date my uncle before.." He went to his uncle's room to find his yearbook. "Here it is." Look opened it to see if his teacher was in it. "Nope, I guess they never dated maybe I ought look in mom's yearbook I know Uncle Carter has a copy." He went to find his mom's yearbook after finding it he opened it and sees her and his teacher. "Alice Hudson and right next to her is Cherry Huxduble. That must have been her last name before she got married."

He starts to have premonition he sees his mom and his teacher as students.

Young Alice: "Best friends!"

Young Cherry: "Till the very end!"

Both: "Friends together sisters together!"

They gave each other a high five the Seven drops the book.

Seven: "She didn't know Uncle Carter but she knew mom. It looks to me that they were the best of friends… Something must have happened…" His phone starts to ring. "Huh? It's Christiana." He answers his phone. "Hello. Christiana."

Christiana: "Hello there little boy."

Seven: "I told you not to call me that!"

Christiana: "Do you know anything about Ouija?"

Seven: "What? That lame spirit board game that doesn't work."

Christiana: "So you heard of it?"

Seven: "Yeah my uncle gave me one as a gag when I was ten. You don't know about the game."

Christiana: "I do actually Carter did the same thing to me when I was in twelve."

Seven: "You knew my uncle?!"

Christiana: "He was my pretend guardian at the time until I was thirteen of course."

Seven: "Oh well I don't remember much about it all I know is that is mainly popular towards middle school kids."

Christiana: "Where can I get one?"

Seven: "You can always check the thrift shops. They are probably the only places you can find one."

Christiana: "Good to know."

She hangs up.

Seven: "She would hang up." He sits back at his desk. "Must be a hunting job I wish I can help but I'm too busy with finals."

It is the next day and Larry is in class.

Teacher: "Alright students this week is the last week of regular classes next week is final exams and I hope all of you have been taking good notes. Don't forget for those who are planning on going to university you will have to study extra hard." The bell rings. "Alright, class dismiss."

Everyone gets up and leaves to go to lunch. Larry finds Tiny and grabs her arm.

Larry: "Tiny wait."

Tiny: "If you want notes then you're asking the wrong person."

Larry: "It's not that I was wondering if you could help me out with something."

Tiny: "What?"

Larry: "Can you dig up any information about your mom? She… She's the reason why my dad tried to kill himself!"

Tiny: "Sorry to hear that but I can't help you…"

Larry: "You can't or you won't."

Tiny: "I really need to go."

When she jerked her arm to get him to let go of her he noticed burn marks on her wrist up to her arm.

Larry: "Your mom she did that to you didn't she?" She stood there in silence. "Why didn't you say anything?! Unless you're afraid of your mom…"

Tiny: "She has friends in high places she'll do anything to get off scot-free. She'll even commit murder…"

Larry: "What?!"

Tiny: "My dad didn't really leave us my mom killed him. My dad received a donation from an old friend of his for the school but my mom took that money for herself. He was angry about it so he decided to go see his friend and tell him what happened but…"

Larry: "But what? You can tell me."

Tiny: "My mom planted a bomb in his car and made it look like an accident and that was three years ago."

Larry: "How did you about it?"

Tiny: "I overheard her one night when she was on the phone. She said if I tell anyone about this, I will be sorry."

Larry: "Maybe we ought talk about this later meet me at the courtyard after school."

Tiny: "Whatever…"

They went separate ways then Larry notices Violet and Tom hiding in the shadows.

Larry: "Huh? Hey, who are you?" By the time he made it towards them they already left. "They're gone? I wonder why they were here."

Elsewhere Christiana and Zachary went to one of the thrift shops to look for an Ouija board.

Thrift Shop Manager: "Hello how can I help you two?"

Christiana: "We are looking for an Ouija board you know the spirit game."

Thrift Shop Manager: "Listen lady I advise you not to buy that board."

Zachary: "Why not?"

Thrift Shop Manager: "It is the ninth time this board was sent back here seems that when someone uses it something bad happens. They believe that there are real spirits are in that board and hunts down whoever uses it."

Christiana: "I'll take my chances just give me the board."

Thrift Shop Manager: "Okay but it's your funeral." He hands her the Ouija board and she pays him ten currencies. "H-Have a nice day…"

They left the thrift shop and Zachary looked concerned.

Zachary: "You don't think what that man said is true do you Boss?"

Christiana: "Of course not when you die your soul moves on in the afterlife you either go to hell or to heaven who knows. You'll just have to see when you die but I know for a fact that you can't stay in the living plain the only way you can stay is when you have unfinished business and that's really rare."

Zachary: "Is that so? Anyways where's your husband?"

Christiana: "He's getting information for me."

Meanwhile, Maria is at the hospital hoping to get some answer from the girl she saved. The girl is curled on her bed traumatized by the events that happened recently.

Maria: "Um excuse me."

Eighth Grade Girl: "What?! What do you want from me?!"

Maria: "I came to see how you are doing I was the one who found you."

Eighth Grade Girl: "You probably think that I'm crazy too."

Maria: "What do you mean?"

Eighth Grade Girl: "The woman that attack me and killed my friends wasn't human she was some kind of monster! I told the police what I saw and they think I'm crazy even my own two dads don't believe me!"

Maria: "I know what you saw was real."

Eighth Grade Girl: "You do?! You mean that I was right?!"

Maria: "Yes a friend of mine will find that woman and bring her to justice."

Eighth Grade Girl: "Really?!"

Maria: "But first you have to tell me what she looks like."

Eighth Grade Girl: "Okay."

After the girl tells Maria what the demon looks like she left the room.

Maria: "Did you hear all of that Meadow?"

Meadow comes out of the shadows.

Meadow: "Just about."

Maria uses a spell to create an image that fits the girl's description of the demon.

Maria: "Now… Image Appear!"

The image is shown the demon's human form.

Meadow: "So that's the demon?"

Maria: "Seems so… That woman will most likely pay for the demons' actions."

Meadow: "With her life in this line of work you have to choose whether that person lives or dies. The obvious choice is to kill them rather than letting them get punished for something they didn't do."

Maria: "You have a point but even if they get arrested that person will kill themselves to avoid all of this."

Eleven: "You two are out of your league there is no way you can send Ronnie back to hell."

Maria: "Who said that?!"

Meadow: "Show yourself!"

Eleven: "Fine I guess I'll have to."

He came out of the shadows.

Maria: "Who are you?!"

Eleven: "I am a demon my name is Eleven well, to be honest, I was a human until I died."

Maria: "Died?"

Eleven: "All because of Meadow."

Meadow: "What are you talking about?"

Eleven: "You killed me don't tell me you forgotten me."

Maria: "Is that true?"

Meadow: "I did kill a man but it wasn't him."

Eleven: "I guess this rings a bell. You took my precious doll from me my Christiana."

Meadow: "You bastard!"

He grabs his sword and is about to take it out but Maria stopped him.

Maria: "Meadow don't! What do you want demon?!"

Eleven: "I wouldn't use that seal if I were you, little witch."

Maria: "What do you want?"

Eleven: "Oh nothing really but I can tell you that there is no way you can stop Ronnie without knowing her weakness."

Meadow: "What is it?"

Eleven: "I can't just give you the information that'll come at a price."

Meadow: "What do you want?"

Eleven: "Your wife."

Meadow: "Forget it you son of a bitch!"

Maria: "Why do you want Christiana? For a job?"

Meadow: "Unlikely… He was the man who bought her three years ago."

Maria: "Bought?"

Eleven: "I couldn't resist when I first saw her in Emerald City years ago, I couldn't believe how beautiful she is. She's the love of my life. Ah, I had to have her even if it meant to kill other people just to get her. It was like she was an angelic doll sent from the heavens itself just for me. Though she was very tough all that kicking and screaming made me more attracted to her. She was quite delicious when she finally went to sleep of course."

After hearing what he said Meadow is extremely angry and stared at him with a cold death stare.

Meadow: "You psycho!"

Maria: "Meadow.."

Meadow: "He raped her! He raped her in her sleep! You are obsessed with my wife! There is a difference between love and obsession! My feelings for her are actual love your just completely obsessed that's blinding you to think that's love!"

Eleven: "I guess you don't want to know Ronnie's weakness then."

Meadow: "F***k you!"

Eleven: "I can take a hint, oh but there is one thing I can say she copies weapons that are used on her."

Eleven vanishes and Meadow punches the wall out of anger.

Meadow: "That asshole! I should have ripped that motherf***ker in half and cut him into pieces!!"

Then a nurse came by.

Nurse: "Excuse me sir but can you keep it down there are patients and doctors here who need total silence."

Meadow: "I was just leaving."

Meadow left the hospital. Elsewhere Larry went into his house then he hears Tiny's mom talking to his mom.

Larry: "Huh? Oh crap! I hope they didn't hear me."

He hides behind the door and grabs his tape recorder and records the conversation.

Larry: (Thinking) "I got you now you bitch!"

He hears footsteps and hides his recorder in his backpack.

Tiny's Mom: "I hope that we establish an agreement Mrs. Capons. Oh, hello there young man." He stood there trying to hide his anger. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

Larry: "Sorry I was distracted by my studies. Nice to see you, Mrs. Turner."

She walks out and he runs up to his room to get the money he saved to pay The Sweepers. Meanwhile, Meadow is at the mansion still angry about his encounter with Eleven.

Meadow: "Shit..."

Christiana got on top of him and sits on his lap.

Christiana: "What's wrong Mem Mem?"

Meadow: "Nothing..."

Christiana: "I know when you're lying."

Meadow: "That man that bought you is alive he became a demon after he died... If only I was with you that day then maybe..." He slips his hand under her shirt and touches the mark on her upper stomach. "Maybe you won't have that mark you wouldn't have felt dirty that day you came home."

He's surprised when she kisses him on the lips.

Christiana: "That was in the past after all I tried to let go even though it lives a permanent scar in me."

Meadow: "How about I take it out of your mind?"

He wraps his arms around her.

Christiana: "Not now Meadow how about after we finish our job hm?"

Meadow: "What about our client?"

Christiana: "I already got Tom, Shadow, and Angel dealing with it we just have to get rid of a demon." As she gets up, he spanks her butt with his hand. "Naughty wolf beast."

Meadow: "You know I can't control my hands when it comes to you."

Meanwhile, Larry went to confront Tiny's mom before paying The Sweepers.

Tiny's Mom: "What is it you want? I'm a very busy woman."

He plays his tape recorder.

Larry's Mom: "Look what are you doing here. I told you I told the police what you want me. What more what you want from me?"

Tiny's Mom: "I just want to make sure you didn't go back on your word about why your husband suddenly tried to kill himself. You wouldn't want anything to go wrong with your son's application do you?"

He stops playing the tape recorder.

Larry: "I got it on tape and I'm turning it into the police. I told my friends where I'm at if you do anything to me they are going to know something's up."

She starts to laugh hysterically.

Tiny's Mom: "Like anyone is going to know anything going on here." She grabs a knife from her purse. "Even if they do I'll get away with it I always get everything go my way."

She is about to attack him until he hears a gunshot and sees that she's been shot in the head.

Larry: "What the hell? I haven't even paid them yet and she got killed?" He sees Angel and Shadow in their mask. "You? What's going on here?! I was about to pay you guys and she's already dead?!"

Shadow: "That's because."

Angel: "Somebody else has paid us to kill that woman."

Larry: "What?!"

Tom: "Check your hand."

Larry looks at his hand and notices the writing is gone.

Larry: "It's gone?!"

Tom: "Your request has been nullified so there is no need for you to pay us."

Larry: "Who paid you?"

He then sees Tiny walking towards him.

Tiny: "Me."

Larry: "I didn't think you would want your mom to die."

Tiny: "I had to I didn't want her to make you suffer as I did."

Larry: "Oh."

Just when she is about to leave she turns around and smiles.

Tiny: "By the way thanks. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have the courage to have my mom assassinated."

She left the area.

Larry: "From what George told me she hasn't smiled in years. This is the first time I've ever seen her smile. She looked relieved like all her troubles were over. I better go to the police department and give them the tape."

He went to the police department and left the tape with a note. Elsewhere Christiana, Meadow, Henry, Violet, Zachary, and Macy are setting up the room to summon the demon.

Macy: "What exactly are we doing?"

Henry: "Preparing for a demon hunt."

Macy: "Demon hunt?"

Zachary brings out the Ouija board.

Christiana: "Now let's summon the demon."

Christiana, Violet, Macy, and Zachary put two of their fingers on the pointer.

Violet: "I guess I'll be the first one to ask. Are you really a demon?"

The pointer moved and Zachary read it.

Zachary: "Yes."

Christiana: "Well come out then."

The pointer moved and Macy reads it.

Macy: "No?"

Christiana: "I guess I wasn't being polite enough. Come on out here you bitch."

The pointer moves fast as the others read it.

Zachary: "I am going."

Violet: "To kill all of you."

Macy: "In this room."

The pointer stops moving and the demon appears. Christiana, Meadow, and Henry grabbed their weapons.

Christiana: "Getting provoked by a mere human aren't you a sad and pathetic demon."

Ronnie: "You bitch! I'll kill you first!"

The demon tries to attack her and Meadow stops the demon from attacking but the demons morph her hand into Meadow's sword.

Henry: "What the hell?!"

The demon attacks Meadow and he barely dodges the attack and gets slashed on his shoulder by the sword.

Meadow: (Thinking "That demon wasn't kidding. She can use your weapon against you.") "Shit!"

Christiana: "Shit! Meadow!"

Meadow: "I'm fine it's just a scratch."

His shoulder is bleeding and boiling from the sword.

Ronnie: "You think you can stop me I killed 27 humans before you three and now I can make it an even 30! First I'll start with the demon huntress!" The demon slashes Christiana on her stomach. "I got you now! Huh?! What the f**k?!"

The demon is surprised to see Christiana unharmed with her shirt cut.

Zachary: "How is it possible?!"

Macy: "That! That thing just slashed her and she doesn't even have a scratch!"

Meadow: "That's because she copied my demon-hunting sword and that sword doesn't affect humans. It won't even give a human a scratch if that sword is used."

Christiana: "This demon must be a dumbass if it didn't even know that."

Ronnie: "How dare you bitch!" The demon keeps slashing her but it has no effect on Christiana then Henry shoots the demon on the arm paralyzing her arm. "What the hell?! Too bad I'm just going copy your weapon, you bastard!"

She shoots Henry in the face but it has no effect.

Henry: "You really are a dumbass you know those bullets have no effect on me because those are meant for demons and other supernatural beings."

Ronnie: "What?!"

Christiana: "Pathetic demon." She draws her sword. "The lives you stole from you must now pay for that with your life. Now go back to hell and you won't be able to come back to this world."

She stabs her in the heart and the demon escapes the woman's body and was banished back to hell.

Ronnie: "NO!!!!!!"

Mona: "Huh?! What's going on?! What am I doing here?!"

Christiana: "You have nothing to worry about anymore."

Macy: "What did she mean by that?"

Henry: "This is their job."

Meadow's fangs appeared and his eyes changed from green to red.

Meadow: "You don't have to worry anymore you will think that you committed suicide."

Meadow bites the woman's wrist and drinks her blood. The others see how Christiana, Meadow, and Henry demon hunt.

Violet: "Holy shit... This is how you guys hunt?"

Henry: "Pretty much."

Then there is a knock on the door.

Zachary: "I'll see who it is." He opens the door. "Oh, it's a kid."

Maria: "I'm not just a kid I'm also a witch."

Zachary: "Come in you're here to see the boss."

Maria went in to see Christiana.

Maria: "Have you sent the demon back to hell?"

Christiana: "See for yourself."

Maria uses a magic seal to see if there is any demonic aura.

Maria: "Demonic Detect Seal!" She sees nothing on the spirit board. "The demon is gone now I can tell that girl she has nothing to be afraid of. Thanks a lot, Christiana here's your payment."

She hands Christiana the money.

Christiana: "It's nice to do business with you. One more thing I want you to heal my lover."

Maria: "Okay. Healing Sealer Sap!"

Her hands glow orange and heal Meadow's shoulder.

Christiana: "How's your shoulder now Meadow?"

Meadow: "Better I suppose."

Christiana: "That's good."

Maria: "I better get going I have a lot of studying to do if I want to pass my classes."

It's the next day and Seven's biology teacher is wrapping up her lecture.

Biology Teacher: "I know that all of you are glad that today is the last day of actual class time but just because tomorrow is a free day doesn't mean you can just do nothing take advantage of it and study don't forget finals are next week." The bell rings. "Class dismissed."

Seven decides to confront his teacher.

Seven: "Mrs. Cortex?"

Biology Teacher: "Yes what is it, Mr. Hudson?"

Seven: "Did you have some falling out with my mom? I assume you two were best friends a long time ago."

Biology Teacher: "I don't know what you mean."

Seven: "Something tells me that you do. You know my mom, Alice Hudson."

Biology Teacher: "Yes I knew Alice we were inseparable until we both fell for the same guy. He was an intern at our school hoping to be a teacher. Almost all of the girls had a crush on him. Unfortunately, your mom went behind my back and spread rumors about me and the intern which made him think I'm some kind of psycho girl who's obsessed with him. Then he ended up dating Alice because of those rumors. So, I confronted her and she acted dumb like it was the first time she ever heard of the rumor."

Seven: "That doesn't sound like something my mom would do."

Biology Teacher: "You are right I found out later that it was one of the freshmen girls who spread the rumor. She made it the whole story up then sometime later the intern suddenly died. No one knew how but they believed it was the same girl who spread the rumor that killed him. I felt ashamed knowing I blamed my own best friend for something she didn't do. When you have a chance to talk to her can you tell her I'm sorry?"

Seven: "I think you should tell her yourself it would mean more from you than from me." He writes his mom's number down on a piece of paper and hands it to her. "Here it's morning in South Yaakov so my mom should be up by now."

Biology Teacher: "Thank you, Mr. Hudson."

Later on, Seven is walking to the train station to go home and then suddenly stumbles upon The Sweepers' mansion.

Seven: "What the? Aww man, I got lost again f**k this is the third time this week."

Then he sees Harmony in her demonic form.

Harmony: "*growls*"

Seven: "What the hell is that?!"

Christiana: "That's my pet."

Christiana walks towards him.

Seven: "Y-Y-Y-Your p-p-pet?! That demonic being?!"

Christiana: "Of course, she tends to hate men but she doesn't attack little boys because they aren't men yet."

Seven: (Thinking) "Am I supposed to be happy about that or insulted?"

Christiana: "Why are you here?"

Seven: "I got lost again."

Christiana: "You've been in this city for a while now you should be used to this city by now."

Seven: "How come you ask me about an ouija board?"

Christiana: "For a job, I needed to get rid of a demon."

Seven: "Oh."

Christiana: "Sounds to me you wanted to help."

Seven: "Well um in a way."

Christiana: "Want a summer job?"

Seven: "Huh?"

Christiana: "Hunting jobs get piled up during the summer more than any other season of the year. I need someone to help me with the hunting jobs when I'm not in the city."

Seven: "Oh."

Christiana: "So what do you say? There's a reason why you're drawn to this. It seems like fate is wanting you to become a demon hunter."

Seven: (Thinking: "She's right there is a reason why all of this happened. Why I came to this city of all places. Meeting Christiana again after I found her four years ago.") "Yes I'll do it so all I have to do is that handle any hunting jobs whenever you are away."

Christiana: "Pretty much."

Seven: "I'll do but it'll have to wait until the week after next I have finals next week."

Christiana: "Fine."

Seven: (Thinking) "This must be my fate why else would she ask me of all people for a summer job like that."

To Be Continued…

MewShadow MewShadow

Sorry for the wait guys this chapter was going to be demon hunters but instead I did a mix of both main story and demon hunters.

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