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| Prologue

"You two need to stay away from the forest," A man said to her two daughters who are curiously looking outside the window of their little cabin at the edge of the forest.

He just came back from his hunting trip and caught his two daughters staring longingly at the great unknown of the thick forest behind their house.

They obeyed their father, but their curiosity grew every time their father reminds them not to leave the house. There are only so many things those little kids think about every day.

Trapped, in which there's nowhere to play aside from the comfort of their loving home. One sister decided to come out and play, bringing the other with her.

"Lea, come on. Shhh. Be quiet," Lea's sister, Lily, quietly says while shushing the little one, afraid of getting caught as they both sneaked out of their house to venture into the dark yet enticing beauty of nature.

"Lily, dad will be furious," the little one said while following her big sister. She hesitated to come with her older sister. She was always the perfect child, the good daughter, and the good little angel, not the other way around.

Lily just rolled her eyes at her sister's cute antics, yet she was still proud of it. It was her duty to oppose her sister's attitude, the rule-breaker, the big she-devil, and the family's black sheep. It was a contrast she liked having with her sister. They're so different yet the same, so opposite but equal. Bad and good, little and big, angel and devil. She loved it.

"Come on. Father doesn't need to find out," She insisted and finally pulled her sister out of the house. "It will be a fun adventure, Lea," she persuaded.

The little one thought about the adventures her sister talked about. Her big sister is her partner in crime, her best friend, her protector, and her family. Someday, they will conquer the world together.

Once they were out, they quietly ran into the forest, never looking back. Hand in hand, they ran into the unknown. They never stopped, not until they reached a clearing where the moon shone down brightly at them. They were both breathless by the time they got into the small hill, elevating their narrow view of the whole area.

'it's magical,' Lily thought.

Lily looked back at her little sister and much to her shock, she saw her glowing faintly. "Uh, Lea, why are you glowing?" Lily asked her mesmerized little sister.

Her skin sparkled with a shining glow as the moon's light cascade down to every inch of her body. It was an ethereal glow she had never seen before. It's almost like she's a princess of the forest— a character from a fairy tale.

Lea looked at herself, and in her eyes, she seemed fine. She looked at her older sister and gave her a very confused look. However, their conversation was cut short when they both heard a vicious growl, a growl that intends to kill its prey. The two kids looked behind them, only to see a big black wolf with glowing red eyes snarling at them while showing its canines.

They stepped back, moving slowly away from the danger. The big sister seemingly protecting the little one behind her— who already stopped glowing.

'It might just be the trick of the light,' Lily thought.

The snarling grew louder, and soon more wolves came out of the forest, behind the big black one. They're slowly approaching the prey who've trespassed their territory.

The little one— who's holding onto her big sister's shaking hand suddenly felt frightened at the situation they were in.

The next thing they knew, they were both running for their lives. Their little feet carrying them back to the safety of their home, but they were too far away, and soon the wolves would catch them.

Lily knew that those big wolves would soon be upon them, so she did the unthinkable.

"Lea!" She shouted and looked at her sister— who's trying to keep up with her. "You need to go to the village and ask for help!" She continued.

It is not fair to send her sister out alone, but the village is nearer than their house from here. She'll be safe while she'll try and distract the wolves. Even though she knew it was an impossible task. She would be dead before she even tries out her plan.

She knew that the wolves were playing with them since they know they couldn't escape. They were running with them, sometimes ahead of them, but they were taking their time. They will wait for the two to tire themselves out, and then it will be all over.

"But..." Lea protested while trying to suck in the air, but she was interrupted when her older sister pushed her towards the other direction of their house. She had no choice but to oblige. So she kept running, terrified for her life.

The wolves had to choose which one to follow and they decided to follow the bigger one.

Lea reached the edge of the forest, and the big wolves stopped following her. She scrambled to get help, she shouted and knocked on every door but no one came out. They locked all their doors and windows, shutting the little one out.

Lily stopped running to catch her breath and looked around. Her gaze was fixed at some part of the forest and she saw glowing eyes in the darkness. It is impossible to outrun them, so instead, she tried her hardest to climb a tree. She knew wolves couldn't climb a tree, they've got no hands.

"Little girl, where are you?" A taunting voice suddenly spoke in the eerie night. She tried to keep quiet; she was so scared her body is shivering all over. "I know where you're hiding, little girl," the voice spoke again, and it was directly below her. She tightly closed her eyes while covering her mouth with her palm and prayed for anyone to save her. "Boo!" says the voice, which is now behind her.

She shrieked in alarm and flinched in fright, she lost her balance and fell off the tree, and that was the last thing she remembered aside from the pain shooting through her back.

Lea heard the scream, and she knew her sister is in big trouble. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat while desperately trying to seek help.

"Somebody, please help me!" Her meek little voice was heard through her village's silent street while houses were void of any lights. She felt like she was being ignored because no one will listen to her pleas.

But she kept on trying and trying until her knees gave up and just fell on the ground and cried. No one's gonna help her sister. Her sister is gonna die in there and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Little one," a deep voice spoke behind her. Her cries immediately stopped after hearing a voice of a person in this desolate place. She still has a chance to save her sister.

But she froze in shock, and fear of the overwhelming presence that stood behind her. And her body couldn't stop shaking. It's like an immediate reaction once she felt the presence of the person behind her— sending fear throughout her body.

The man behind her walked around her and kneeled in front of her. She moved her head down and played with her hands— too scared to look up and meet the eyes of a man that gave her this overwhelming feeling.

Everything happened in a blur; the man reaches his hand out to help her and the next thing she knew she was being carried by the burly man towards the direction of their sweet loving home. She tied her arms around his neck, afraid that he'd let go and she'll fall.

While being held in the man's arms she looked around and saw several scary men around her house. She saw her mom crying in the corner of her eyes. She was worried about her parents since she knew she made a big mistake. But, she's still very worried about her sister too.

Thankfully her worries went away when she saw a man carrying her sister, who was greatly shaken, and placed her gently into the van. She felt relieved to know that her big sister is fine.

She felt very grateful for these people who came to their rescue. Without them, both the sisters would have perished.

The man holding her also moves towards that same van and placed her down softly inside and closed the door, making sure she wouldn't see anything happening outside.

She was still in shock that everything is happening so fast. But first, she checked the condition of her sister. Thankfully, she's safe and nothing is seriously injured.

However, Lily was too focused on the unfolding scene outside the van. Although it wasn't very clear, both sisters can still make out what was happening.

When Lea looked at what Lily was staring at, her heart drop down to her stomach. She froze in place as disbelief and shocked gripped her pounding heart.

When she looked out the window, she saw a man, a bloody man holding a gun. A man without an arm. A man being carried by two other scary guys. The man her mother clung to and cried. A man who's not moving and breathing. A man who's dead and the man she recognized as her father.

She looked past them, and met a pair of red orbs, already staring at her just beyond the shadows of the trees. It came forward a bit, and she saw a beastly creature while inside its mouth was her father's bloody arm.

She never knew how one peaceful night turned into a bloody nightmare...



Mysse Mysse

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