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Azur Lanes: The Guided Missile Battleship Ship Azur Lanes: The Guided Missile Battleship Ship original

Azur Lanes: The Guided Missile Battleship Ship

Author: Howard_Nichols

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

-Chapter 1-

-Date: June 7th, 2022-

-Time: 08:49 am (3 hours at the sun rose that morning)-

-POV: Captain Alima Yamato-

-Age: 23-

-Location:100 miles from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, U.S-

-Ship: JS Yamato (BBG-1) Yamato-Class Guided Missile Battleship-

-Exercise: RIMPAC-

As I look out to the ships that are taking part in the RIMPAC this year form from the Deck of the JS Yamato which is taking part of the fleet alongside JS Izumo (DDH-183) Izumo-class multipurpose operation destroyer, JS Takanami (DD-110) Takanami-class destroyer, and JS Kirisame (DD-104) Murasame-class destroyer.

This is her 6th time taking part in RIMPAC as she has shown to the world a year after she was commissioned I was 11 at the time which was weird seeing that I felt some type of connection to the big ship as if I and she were the same…hell, I still remember the times when I see the soul of the old Yamato walking around the ship from time to time as will when she append in the mirror behind me in a lost fitting shrine maiden kimono which is the weird thing that is due to times I saw her I not on the ship, other than my last name and connection between..the dates…"No way".

It comes to me why I have seen her human form as a ghost, I hear a member of the Crew call out "Captain what is the matter", I look from the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) to the person who called me out, I see that it is my Executive officer and long time friend Asai Taru, with a sigh I explain what has been happening ever since I took command of Ship but I have not seen her for the last week as if something was… we are interrupted by my radio which I carry with me "Captain the fleet has reached the …..wait what the….um Captain transparent person is standing behind you…what the world".

I turn from Asai to see…"Yamato", she is what I came to call the soul of the ship but this time, she appears this time to be wearing a JMSDF Service Dress Uniform (Type 1) without any ranks on the uniform, I hear Asai says "this is the spirit of the ship but why…hay what are you doing captain", without saying a thing I walk up to the ghostly form of the spirit of Yamato.

As I walked up to the spirit of the ship I could feel a connection to the ship get stronger which is strange as a few connections that my mind had me thinking that somehow I am this ship at the same time I am not which got me confused on this, as I stop a mear three form the form of INJ Yamato when she says to me.

"It is nice to talk to you finally…Alima after 10 years of watching you command the personnel, command numbers actions against many enemies, and help out many people which sometimes you put your life on the line for others…even though I was not here I somehow still watched as you grow as a person…" my eyes widened at the knowing that I was seeing was real, seeing my reaction she continued to speak to what she just said, "you may figure out by now that we are connected to one and other through this…"

With that, she lifts her hands that she has folded, and appears a 3-inch x 3-inch x 3-inch blue cube that has a translucent quality and emits a faint glow… "A window cube.." I stop speaking as my eyes widen and part of my mind and soul opens as I look at the window cube, I take my eyes off the cube and back to…Yamato….wait no the past me, as she says "What you are feeling is the connection to your idle rigging (the ship), before seeing this cube the connection that you had with the ship had grown slow over the last ten years."

Just as finishes that, I look from her back to Asai, but before I can do anything I hear Asai Taru say behind me "Alima…look as a friend that has been with you from the time of the Naval Officers Academy to now I have seen the way you have to look the JS Yamato as if you were looking at self or you have found the missing piece….I can tell you this and that the other people taking part in this year's RIMPAC would say a thing and that is….."

Before she can do something else both turn back to the spiritual form of the old me as she says "Look I do not have time seeing that the longer I stand here the harder it will be for me and Alima here to fuse, all the questions that you Asai and the other will be answered after me and Alima fuse", I could see that she is telling the truth as I see the Window cube glow lesson a little.

I took a breath and said "I will be seeing you later ok" With that I took my hands and raised them to where they were 3 inches from the cube on either side of the cube, right after I do the cube,, the ship all glow a bright blue light which blinds thoughts on the ship and thought watching.

-15 minutes later -

-Stats of the Fleet: locked down to the light from the JS Yamato (BBG-01), which had stopped 10 minutes ago but the light from the Captain of the ship just stopped-

As I open my eyes I see that the old me is gone as is the cube which makes me lower my arms to my sides, I look to the sky to see a US Navy MH-60S SeaHawk helicopter hovering above me, the sounds of the helicopter blades in the slowly comes to me as if I was coming two forms being knocked out, I turn to form the Sea Hawk to look at the fleet that is around the ship see that most of the crew on other ships are looking at me.

"Hey Captain are you still with yourself self", I turn from looking at the ships to the voice to see Asai but with her are a few of the JMSDF personnel that are armed, then I turn to the other ships to see that all of the personal on them are look and with a smile "yes Asai, I am…I completely me now, what was lost has now been returned".

With that, I look back to Asai who is now talking to the people that came with her.

Suddenly, the calm sea air was disrupted by an otherworldly sound, a haunting melody that seemed to resonate from the depths of the ocean. The once peaceful RIMPAC exercise turned into chaos as the water around the fleet began to churn, and the eerie tunes of the Siren echoed across the waves.

"Battle stations, everyone! This is not a drill!" I shouted, my voice cutting through the sudden tension that had gripped the ship.

As the Sirens emerged from the water, their ominous presence sent a shiver down my spine. The other RIMPAC ships scrambled to respond to the unexpected threat. The USS Abraham Lincoln, JS Izumo, JS Takanami, and JS Kirisame—all mobilized in a synchronized dance of naval defense. But the Sirens had a target in mind, and that target was unmistakably JS Yamato.

The Sirens unleashed a barrage of attacks, and I instinctively ordered the crew to counteract. The guided-missile launchers on JS Yamato lit up, sending volleys of missiles toward the Sirens. The ship's secondary guns opened fire, creating a defensive wall of anti-aircraft artillery. The entire fleet joined the battle, firing away at the encroaching threat.

In the midst of the chaos, I felt a surge of power within me. It was the connection with the ship, the manifestation of my newfound abilities. With a determined gaze, I clenched my fists, and the main guns of JS Yamato roared to life. The massive shells soared through the air, finding their mark with precision. The Sirens recoiled under the onslaught, but they were not easily deterred.

As the battle raged on, I took a moment to remove my cap, feeling an overwhelming urge. As the fabric left my head, something extraordinary happened. Two fox-like ears emerged, twitching with alertness. Before the astonished eyes of the crew, nine fox-like tails materialized, gracefully hovering behind me. The transformation was complete….I had fully embraced the identity of a ship girl.

The newfound power surged through me, and I directed it towards the ongoing battle. The secondary guns continued their relentless assault, and I unleashed a barrage of torpedoes that streaked through the water, finding their targets with deadly accuracy. The Sirens, caught off guard by the sudden ferocity, began to retreat.

"The Captain, look! She's a ship girl!" Asai exclaimed, her eyes wide with awe. The crew members on the other ships shared similar reactions, realizing that their captain was no longer just a naval officer but a formidable force tied to the very essence of JS Yamato.

The Sirens, now facing the combined might of the RIMPAC fleet, were pushed back further into the depths. The once chaotic scene began to calm, and the ocean returned to its tranquil state. As the last echoes of the Sirens' song faded away, I looked around at the crew and the fleet.

The realization of my transformation settled in, and I couldn't help but smile. The connection with JS Yamato had brought forth a power beyond imagination, and together, we had repelled the Siren threat. As the crew members cheered and celebrated the victory, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the ship that had become an integral part of who I was.

The sea breeze carried the echoes of triumph as the RIMPAC fleet regrouped, their newfound shipgirl captain leading them into uncharted waters. Little did they know that this unexpected alliance would redefine the course of naval warfare and usher in a new era where the bond between ship and captain held unimaginable power.

The victorious cheers of the crew echoed through the air, and an air of jubilation surrounded the RIMPAC fleet. However, amidst the celebration, an unexpected phenomenon unfolded. As if guided by an unseen force, the crew members of JS Yamato began to shimmer and fade from their positions on the ship.

One by one, they materialized on the decks of the other RIMPAC ships, each crew member appearing alongside their counterparts on those vessels. Confusion and amazement filled the air as sailors from different nations exchanged astonished glances, realizing that something extraordinary had occurred.

Back on JS Yamato, I found myself standing alone on the bridge, surrounded by an ethereal glow. The ship seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy. Before I could fathom what was happening, a brilliant purple lightning bolt struck JS Yamato, enveloping the ship in a blinding light.

When the light subsided, JS Yamato was no longer in the familiar waters of the RIMPAC exercise. The surroundings had transformed into a vibrant, fantastical seascape. The ship now sailed upon the azure waters of a world that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

As I surveyed the fantastical realm before me, memories flooded into my mind—memories of battles fought against the sinister Sirens, of alliances forged with other ship girls, and of a world where naval warfare was not just a strategic endeavor but a clash of powerful beings.

Amidst the surreal scenery, a twist in the narrative unfolded. I found myself not only recalling my own experiences but also witnessing fragments of memories that didn't belong to me. Memories of a fox-like figure named Amagi, a powerful ship girl who had played a significant role in the battles that raged across this fantastical realm.

The twist deepened when, to my surprise, I discovered Amagi on the bridge of JS Yamato. However, she lay in a comatose state, her ethereal presence seemingly suspended between two worlds. A voice echoed through the vibrant atmosphere, resonating with a mystical authority.

"Alima Yamato, the time has come for you to fulfill your destiny. You, the harbinger of change, will alter the course of Azur Lanes. Your connection to JS Yamato, combined with the power you now possess, has bound you to this realm. Your first task is to awaken Amagi, for she holds the key to unlocking the true potential of Azur Lanes."

The voice hinted at a prophecy, a destiny intertwined with the fate of this fantastical world. With determination coursing through my veins, I stepped forward, approaching the comatose form of Amagi. The air crackled with otherworldly energy as I reached out, placing my hand on her forehead.

As soon as contact was made, a surge of power flowed through me, intertwining our destinies. The vibrant seascape seemed to resonate with the awakening energy. The voice spoke again, "Alima Yamato, you are the catalyst for change. Awaken Amagi, and together, you will shape the destiny of Azur Lanes."

Amagi's eyes fluttered open, revealing a mix of confusion and disorientation. However, as she attempted to rise, it became apparent that she was unable to stand on her own. The mystical energy that had revived her seemed to have left her physical form weakened.

"Asai," I called out over the ship-to-ship comms, using the communication system that still connected our world to Azur Lanes. "Amagi is awake, but she's unable to walk. We need assistance."

Asai's voice crackled through the comms, filled with concern. "Alima, what's happening over there? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Asai," I assured her. "But Amagi needs help. We've been transported to a different world, and things are… different."

Without further explanation, I focused on the task at hand. Gently, I lifted Amagi into my arms, cradling her weakened form. The bridge of JS Yamato was now eerily quiet, with only the soft hum of the ship's systems filling the air.

"I'll take her to Azur Lanes," I spoke aloud, more to myself than anyone else. The voice that had guided me earlier remained silent, leaving me to navigate this mysterious journey on my own.

As the ship-to-ship comms remained open, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the essence of JS Yamato within me. The vibrant seascape surrounding us seemed to respond to the connection, and with a surge of energy, the world shifted once again.

When I opened my eyes, JS Yamato was no longer on the waters of RIMPAC but floating in a celestial sea within Azur Lanes. The vivid colors of the fantasy world stretched out before me, and I felt a sense of both awe and uncertainty.

Gently laying Amagi down on the deck, I assessed the situation. The ship girl world of Azur Lanes unfolded around me, and I realized that I was alone. None of the crew had accompanied me on this journey, and the bridge was deserted.

The voice returned, resonating in my mind. "Alima Yamato, you are now within the realm of Azur Lanes. Your presence here is crucial. Embrace your role as JS Yamato, and let your actions shape the fate of this world."

Determined, I nodded, shouldering the responsibility that had been thrust upon me. The ship-to-ship comms remained active, and I spoke to Asai once more. "We're in Azur Lanes now. It's a different world, Asai. I'll figure things out here. Take care of things on the other side."

With that, the connection closed, and I stood alone on the deck of JS Yamato, surrounded by the fantastical beauty of Azur Lanes. The journey had just begun, and I, as both Alima Yamato and JS Yamato, was ready to navigate the uncharted waters of this mystical realm.

As JS Yamato floated in the celestial sea of Azur Lanes, a group of ship girls from the Eagle Union and Royal Navy approached. Among them was Enterprise, a formidable aircraft carrier with a storied history. As she led the group, her eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of JS Yamato and the seemingly revived Amagi.

"Enterprise, what's happening here?" asked Hood, a Royal Navy battleship, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Enterprise, however, was silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on the imposing figure of JS Yamato. Memories flooded her mind, and she realized the significance of this moment. With a mix of awe and joy, she stepped forward.

"Alima Yamato," Enterprise spoke, her voice carrying both authority and familiarity. "I've watched you grow from the day you were born until now. I guided you in your dreams, helping you through the trials of life. And now, seeing you here in Azur Lanes, tears of joy fill my eyes."

The other ship girls looked at Enterprise in confusion, but she paid them no mind, her attention focused on the reunion with Alima. As Enterprise approached, she embraced Alima, the size difference between them apparent.

"Enterprise," Alima whispered, genuinely moved by the encounter. "I never expected to meet you like this. What is happening, and how did we end up in Azur Lanes?"

Enterprise pulled back, her eyes still reflecting the depth of emotion. "The answers will come in time, Alima. But right now, you are needed here. Amagi is alive, and that in itself is a miracle. You're part of Azur Lanes now, and I believe you have a role to play."

The other ship girls exchanged glances, their initial shock giving way to curiosity. The news of Amagi's survival seemed to resonate with them, as she was thought to be lost at sea during a previous mission.

Azur Lane's factions, Eagle Union and Royal Navy, watched as JS Yamato, a ship they had only heard of in legends, now stood before them. Alima took a moment to explain the situation.

"I am Alima Yamato, and this is JS Yamato. We come from a different world, and somehow we've been brought here. But I assure you, we share a common goal—to ensure the safety and peace of this world."

Given her towering height and the natural leadership that seemed to emanate from her, Alima assumed the role of commander for Azur Lanes. The ship girls from both factions, though initially skeptical, recognized her strength and determination.

Together with Enterprise, they set forth towards the Azur Lanes Base, ready to face the challenges that awaited them in this extraordinary world. The celestial sea shimmered as the group sailed ahead, the destiny of Azur Lanes now intertwined with the presence of JS Yamato and the enigmatic Alima Yamato.

As JS Yamato, Enterprise, and the revived Amagi sailed towards the Azur Lanes Base, the celestial sea shimmered with an otherworldly glow. The base itself, with its iconic towers and bustling activity, came into view. The ship girls from Eagle Union and Royal Navy, including Belfast, followed in a formation behind JS Yamato, curious about the newcomers.

In the middle of the bay, where the other ship girls' idle rigging was parked, there was a spot reserved for JS Yamato. Enterprise's idle rigging stood next to hers, both facing out to sea. As JS Yamato docked in her designated spot, a sense of anticipation filled the air.

Amidst this moment, Enterprise turned to face Alima Yamato. The connection between them, forged through years of dreams and guidance, transcended the boundaries of time and space. Alima, overwhelmed with emotion, embraced Enterprise from behind in a loving embrace.

"I never imagined this day would come, Alima," Enterprise said, her voice a mix of gratitude and affection.

Alima, her heart filled with newfound purpose, looked into the sea beyond. In that tender moment, she kissed Enterprise on the lips, a gesture that conveyed both gratitude and a deep connection. "You've always been there for me, Enterprise. In many ways, I see you as more than a mentor—I see you as a lover."

Enterprise, surprised yet touched by Alima's words, turned to face her. Before they could speak further, Belfast, a Royal Navy light cruiser, approached. Even though she hailed from World War II, memories of working with Alima/Yamato flooded her consciousness.

"Milady, it's you! You've returned, just as the wisdom cubes foretold. I could not be happier!" Belfast exclaimed with genuine joy.

The maids, recognizing Alima's presence, rushed forward, leading the way. As they reached her, Belfast was the first to make contact. In that instant, the wisdom cubes of Alima, Amagi, Enterprise, and Belfast connected in a glowing golden light. Amagi explained that this connection was a sign that their cubes were made for each other, each bearing a specific number.

-Alima/Yamato: 00

-Enterprise: 01

-Amagi: 02

-Belfast: 03

The total, as the lights faded away, was 39. Amagi, feeling her strength return, stood up from her position, and her idle rigging appeared on the other side of JS Yamato, pointing in the same direction as both JS Yamato and Enterprise.

As the idle rigging settled, the other ship girls, drawn by the spectacle, came running. The maids were the first to reach Alima, their recognition evident in their expressions.

"Milady Yamato, it's an honor to have you here!" one of the maids exclaimed.

The news of Alima Yamato's return and her connection with JS Yamato spread among the ship girls. Some recognized her from their shared memories, and a sense of reverence and camaraderie filled the air. The once-unknown legend of JS Yamato had become a tangible reality, and Alima Yamato, now the commander of Azur Lanes, stood ready to face the challenges that awaited them in this fantastical world.

As the glow from the connection between wisdom cubes faded away, Alima Yamato stood on the deck of JS Yamato (BBG-1), surrounded by Enterprise, Amagi, and Belfast. The ship girls from Eagle Union and the Royal Navy looked on, their eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and respect.

With a sense of determination, Alima addressed the gathering. "I carry the legacy of JS Yamato and IJN Yamato of my world with me. While I'm learning the role of a base commander, I'm here to lead and protect Azur Lanes. I will be the best commander this base has ever known, facing our enemies head-on with the help of each and every one of you."

With these words, Alima put her fist to her heart, a gesture suited to the ship girls around her. The declaration echoed across the bay, and the ship girls responded in unison, matching her salute with their own.

Enterprise, Amagi, and Belfast nodded in approval, acknowledging Alima's newfound resolve. "You've come a long way, Alima. We believe in you," Enterprise said, her voice carrying the weight of years of guidance.

"I support you, Milady Yamato, both as your personally assigned maid and as a member of the Royal Navy. Your return is a blessing for Azur Lanes," Belfast added, her loyalty evident in her words.

The ship girls, both familiar and new, looked up to Alima with admiration and trust. As the leader of Azur Lanes, Alima Yamato embraced her role, knowing that the path ahead would be challenging but also filled with camaraderie and shared purpose.

With a final glance at the ship girls around her, Alima stood tall on the deck of JS Yamato, ready to face the future. The chapter concluded with the ship girls of Azur Lanes, united under their new commander, prepared for the adventures and battles that awaited them in this fantastical world.

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