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Chapter 6: Chapter 006

They ascended the stairs, reaching the hangar to find Darth Vader standing at the end of a tunnel. The Dark Lord ignited his lightsaber, and Ben followed suit. The air became charged with tension as the three figures faced each other.

'Here we go, Frank. You gambled, so you better win,' Han thought internally.

"I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete," Vader declared, prompting Ben to move with elegant ease into a classical offensive position. Vader, the fearsome Dark Knight, not sparing Han Solo a glance, took his very own defensive stance.

"Let's finish this once and for all, Darth," Ben responded with conviction.

With a grin and narrowed eyes, Han said, "You know, Ben, this feels like one of those moments where a little extra help could go a long way." Han was scared shitless, but also excited at the prospect of fighting Darth Vader.

Cautioning, Ben responded, "Be cautious, Captain. The dark side is strong with him."

Undeterred, Han continued channeling his untrained Force abilities, and emerald sparkles started flowing through his stormtrooper armor, catching Vader and Kenobi off guard.

With a sinister gaze, Vader turned his attention to Han, who stood his ground with confidence.

"Your meddling will not alter the inevitable outcome, Solo."

"Oh, you know me?" Han was genuinely surprised; he didn't remember Vader knowing of Han Solo's existence pre-New Hope.

"Imperial Navy Cadet involved in the battle of Howlan, an exceptionally gifted flyer, expelled, and then drafted into Imperial Armored Division," Vader repeated stoically, calling him pure machine wouldn't be a stretch.

"Well, I don't know if I should be flattered or creeped out. But none of that matters. I can't just watch you two dance without joining in, can I?" Han remarked.

Seizing the moment, Ben made a sudden move, engaging Vader alongside Han. The three figures were entwined in a dynamic dance of lightsabers and Force powers. Han, without a lightsaber, relied on his newfound abilities to deflect and counter Vader's strikes.

'Emerald Lightning!' Ben thought while glancing at Han. 'He must be trained...'

"Focus on defense, Captain. I'll handle the offense," Ben instructed.

"Got it, old man. Let's give him a run for his money," Han replied.

Vader advanced, his lightsaber poised for a strike, while Han continued to tap into his untrained abilities. Enhancing his athleticism ten-fold with the force, Han slid towards the half-man, half-machine Sith's knees and went for a chopping sweep, only for his foot to meet an immovable object.

Vader glanced at him at a moment's notice, attempting to split the daredevil in two. But it was swiftly blocked by Ben. Han, once again with his enhanced abilities, rolled over and kipped up, retreating towards the hallway exit frame. The docking bay was right around the corner.

"You wield powers you do not comprehend," Vader said while deflecting Ben's barrage of efficient attacks, his tone seeping with annoyance.

As the duel progressed, Ben's movements showed signs of strain. Vader's relentless attacks pushed the seasoned Jedi to his limits.

Vader, Han, and Ben Kenobi continued their powerful duel. As the two hit their lightsabers together, lightning flashed on impact. A barrage of kicks and punches from Solo, displaying astounding athleticism, were in vain. There was only so much he could do; the lightning seeping from his miniature power-up ceased. Han was drained but determined to change the story. 

With his power souring up, Han makes one last daring move. As Vader continues his duel with Ben, he senses Solo coming from behind and swings his lightsaber at speeds that defy his mechanical suit restrictions. Dodging the strike, Han delivers a strong kick laced with the final remnants of emerald lighting to the life-systems computer of Vader.

"AHGHHHHHHGHghhh", Vader screamed in pain, fell to one knee, and was struggling to breathe properly. Sensing an incoming blow from Kenobi behind, he swung his blade over his shoulder to block the bright blue lightsaber from striking him down.

In a fit of rage, Vader rose to his feet and sent an unorthodox bone-crushing stomp to Ben's knee, effectively tearing it apart. 

In a gruesome scream, Ben fell to the glossy hard floor with his knee bent inwards. Instantly, Han, despite being a novice in the force, reached his hand out and Obi-Wan's lightsaber flew into his grasp. Seeing that Vader was planning to finish Ben off, Han dashed forward with a swift strike only to be denied by Vader who was now losing his adrenaline and feeling the effects of his life-systems computer being damaged from Solo's kick.

Sparks fly as a result of their lightsaber clash, Vader with his inconsistent and damaged breathing proposes an offer.

"You're powerful, Solo. I will spare you, restore your imperial rank, and properly develop your abilities to the fullest extent. All you have to do is join me, Obi-Wan can teach you nothing!" Vader stated with a mechanical snarl. Breaking the clash, Vader practically toyed with Han, who held his own for about 30 seconds until Vader finally overwhelmed the daring captain and force-pushed him against the steel hanger door frame.

Han, on one knee and exhausted, could only curse himself. 'Fucking hell, I should've just let the old bastard die. I can try one more thing, but I'm not sure how much theoretical knowledge about the force will save my ass here...'

Rising to his feet, Han previously with a panicked expression, was now stoic. He had remembered that being calm and connecting with the force was his only option out of this and a sufficient path to power.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm good on that one tin-man", Han said slightly breaking his stoic facade.

Marine raider, space pirate, smuggler, taxi driver, McDonald's fan, Met's fan, and many more standing face to face with Darth fucking Vader. The hallway was consumed with the symphony produced by their activated blades.

Troopers looked on in interest as the old Jedi on the ground wailing in pain, the Dark Lord of The Sith, and... a stormtrooper fought with glowing weapons. Suddenly, Luke spotted the battle from his group's vantage point.

"Look!" shouted Luke at the top of his lungs.

Luke, Leia, and Chewie looked up and saw Ben on the floor along with Han and Vader standing across from each other in the hanger entrance, both wielding lightsabers. Emerging from the hallways on the far side of the docking bay.

ForgivableSinner ForgivableSinner

Well, Well, Well...

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