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Chapter 57: She who knows everything

During lunchtime.

"Nakasone... Are you really switching to modular only?" My teacher's inquiry hung in the air, awaiting my response.

"Yes, Sir."

"Can you tell me why at least? Your grades aren't that bad, and you are almost top academics."

"Because, sir, I became a producer recently, and schoolwork would be in the way," I stated it plainly, my tone matching the gravity of my decision.

"I-I see..." He sighed, retrieving the paper from under his desk. "Write your name and write the reason."

I reached for the pen he offered, swiftly jotting down my reason on the form. After finishing, he stood up.

"I'll go get your 1st-week module, stay right there," he instructed.

"Yes, Sensei."

I patiently waited until he returned with five folders, handing them over to me. "Make sure to complete this next Monday, okay?"

"Yes, Sensei."

Leaving the school, I headed back to the agency building and straight to the production room.

I set the module aside on my desk and shifted my attention back to the ongoing song production for Pastel*Palletes.

The day was progressing, and I found myself deep into the melody, tweaking beats and adjusting harmonies for the Christmas-themed idol-rock song. The production room buzzed with creativity, and I lost track of time.

Just as I was immersed in the process, Chisato entered the room, her eyes scanning the scattered papers and musical notes. She wore a quizzical expression.

"Nakasone-kun, you've been at this for hours. Have you taken a break?"

Huh? Shirasagi-san is here? What time is it...?

I glanced at the clock, realizing how much time had flown by. "Oh, I guess I got carried away. But the song is coming along well."

he nodded, a faint smile on her face. "Well, don't forget to take care of yourself too. We wouldn't want our producer collapsing from exhaustion."

"I appreciate your concern, Shirasagi-san. I'll take a break soon."

She approached my desk, her eyes scanning the sheet music. "Mind if I take a look?"

"Sure, go ahead."

As she reviewed the notes, her expression shifted from curiosity to contemplation. "Interesting choice here. It gives a lively feel to the song."

"Thanks. I thought a more upbeat and energetic sound would suit the Christmas theme."

Chisato nodded, her fingers gently tracing the musical lines. "You're doing great, Nakasone-kun. Just remember, it's a collaboration. If you ever need help or opinions, we're here for you."

I appreciated her encouraging words. "I'll keep that in mind, Shirasagi-san. By the way, did you get some rest after our late-night session?"

She chuckled. "Yes, I did. Thanks for covering me with your jacket. You really didn't have to, though."

"Well, you were helping me, so it's the least I could do."

Chisato smiled warmly. "Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be in the practice room with the others if you decide to take a break."

"Got it. Thanks, Shirasagi-san."

The production room door swung open, revealing the other members.

"Hello!" Hikawa's cheerful voice filled the room as she entered.

"Good evening!" Maya followed suit.

Eve, looking a bit drowsy, yawned, "Evening..."

"Eve-chan, you look sleepy," Aya commented as she entered.

Hikawa, always brimming with enthusiasm, was the first to approach me. "Oh? Nakasone-kun! How was the song!?"

"Doing good. Still need to revise some stuff, but it'll do."

As we discussed the progress, Hikawa's gaze shifted to the folders beside my laptop. "What's this?" She picked up one of the folders, flipping it open. "Oh? Modules?"

"Yeah, I decided to switch my schedule."

"I see!" Hikawa continued to flip through the modules with curiosity.

Hikawa flipped through the module folders with a curious expression. "Switching to modular learning, huh? Any particular reason?"

"I've taken on the role of producer for Pastel*Palletes, so managing school and my new responsibilities was becoming a bit challenging."

Aya chimed in, her eyes widening. "Producer duties and school? That does sound tough."

"When are you planning to do this?"

"Hm? Later at night."

"Wait, are you planning on staying up again?" Chisato asked, looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Yeah... Is there a problem?"

"Yes, there is!" Aya chimed in, her expression turning serious. "Nakasone-kun, you need to take care of yourself. Staying up all night regularly is not healthy."

Hina nodded in agreement, adding, "You're our producer, but you're also a high school student. It's important to maintain a balance."

Chisato, with a thoughtful expression, continued, "Your well-being is crucial. If you overexert yourself, it could affect the quality of your work and your health."

Maya, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up, "Eve thinks you should get enough sleep too. It's important for concentration!"

Eve nodded enthusiastically, her eyes gleaming with sincerity. "Bushido teaches balance, Nakasone-san. You must take care of both mind and body!"

Their genuine concern touched me, and I couldn't help but smile. "I appreciate your concern, everyone. I'll make sure to get enough rest."

"We'll take up on your words."

"Haha, alright start practicing now."

And so, they began practicing.

As the members delved into their practice, I couldn't shake the feeling that Hikawa-san's gaze occasionally landed on me. Perhaps it was mere curiosity about my work, but it didn't bother me much; after all, I was focused on assisting Pastel*Palettes in perfecting their new song.

After their practice session, the girls gathered around. "Great job, everyone!" I commended, my gaze shifting from one member to another.

"Thanks, Nakasone-kun!" Aya grinned. "You also did a good job on your end!"

"Right, we have a new song to perfect," Chisato chimed in.

Eve, appearing a bit tired, "I'll do my best, Bushido!"

"Alright, we'll continue tomorrow. Get some rest, everyone," I said, taking a seat and turning my attention to my laptop.

Hikawa approached me, a spark in her eyes. "Uhm... Nakasone-kun."

"Yes, Hikawa-san?" I turned to face her.

"Can I help you with your module?" She offered eagerly.

"E-Eh? I can handle it by myself, though."

"But when are you going to do your module? Please let me assist you!"

Her sudden enthusiasm surprised me. "I appreciate the offer, Hikawa-san, but I was planning to focus on the music for now."

"Nakasone-kun, give it up. Hina-chan just loves helping," Chisato chimed in. "Why not let her assist you? She's good at academics, you know?"

"A-Alright then. I'm counting on you, Hikawa-san."

"Yes! Alright! Let's get started!" Hina picked up the top folder. "Oh? Math? Alright, this is gonna be easy."

"Well, we're gonna go now," Chisato said as they all walked out. Aya glanced in our direction before leaving.

The room fell into a focused silence as Hikawa and I began tackling the modules together, her enthusiasm shining through as she delved into the academic tasks.

The room was a mix of focused silence and bursts of Hikawa's cheerful humming. "So, this one's about algebra," she announced, flipping through the pages with an ease that indicated familiarity.

I glanced over at her, noting her casual approach to the modules. "You're quite good at this, Hikawa-san."

I'm serious... These equations are all for third years. How did she do that?

She beamed, her eyes lighting up. "I've always been okay with numbers and stuff. But let me see this one!" She slid the folder across the table, pointing at a problem, her finger tapping rapidly against the page. "This formula here is off! It should be—" She stopped abruptly, noticing my confused expression. "Oh, sorry, I got carried away."

I chuckled softly, appreciating her enthusiasm. "No worries. Show me what you've noticed."

As Hikawa explained, her hands moved animatedly, the excitement evident in her expressions and gestures. Her candidness and earnestness made the session unexpectedly engaging.

Her explanations are all much clearer than my math teacher and its easy to understand.

"Ah! I get it now. Thanks, Hikawa-san," I said, a hint of surprise in my voice at her clever observation.

She grinned triumphantly. "See? Told you! Algebra's not that hard!" Her playful teasing was evident in the sparkle of mischief in her eyes.

"You're right, you have a knack for this," I admitted, smiling back. "It's refreshing having your help, Hikawa-sensei."

Hikawa grinned slightly flushed. "Of course! Anything for the team," with a confident nod. Then, her expression shifted, her eyes glancing down at the folders. 

As we wrapped up the modules surprisingly fast, the clock blinked a late hour, startling us both. Hikawa's sudden realization sent her jumping up from her seat.

"Oh no, I've got to dash! My sister will be furious if I'm too late!" Hikawa said, already moving to leave. I reached out and gently caught her hand, causing her to pause and look back at me, wide-eyed.

"Wait, I'll walk you home," I blurted out, my voice a tad more urgent than I intended.

"Really? But you still have work, don't you?" Hikawa's surprise was evident, but she wore a bright smile.

"I... I can't just let a girl walk alone at night." I tried to sound firm, but my cheeks were burning.

Hina's smile widened mischievously. "Ah, I see! Then shall we?"

I managed a nod, feeling a mix of relief and a strange fluttering in my chest.

After tidying up the folders, we stepped out of the production room into the agency's corridor. Hina walked by my side, her carefree nature evident in the way she skipped a step or two.

A few minutes of walking led us to the Hikawa residence. I looked up at their house, feeling a mix of awkwardness and curiosity.

"I'll be here now. Thank you, Kyo-kun!" Hina chirped cheerfully.

"Yeah... Wait, 'Kyo'?" I stuttered, caught off guard by the sudden use of my first name.

With a playful glint in her eyes, Hina said, "That's right! Ehehe~" and trotted through the gate.

Just as Hina entered, the door swung open and Sayo, her sister, appeared. "Hina and... Nakasone-san?"

"Good evening," I greeted, scratching my head nervously.

"Onee-chan!" Hina exclaimed, throwing her arms around Sayo.

"Hina, do you realize how late it is? Where were you?" Sayo questioned with a concerned tone.

"I was with Kyo!" Hina chirped, causing me to tense up slightly. Being addressed so casually felt unusual.

Kyo? Hm? I'm not gonna assume but what is their relationship with each other?

Sayo turned her gaze toward me, a discerning look in her eyes. "How about coming inside? I've prepared dinner."

A twinge of anxiety made my stomach churn, and I attempted to refuse, "U-Uhm, I think I'll be fi-" But before I could finish, my stomach betrayed me with a loud growl.

How embarrassing...!!

"Did I hear that correctly? Come on in!" Sayo insisted, gesturing us inside.

"Don't be shy, Kyo!" Hina encouraged, pulling me gently.

Uwah... I'm in a danger zone! I can tell that Hika-... Sayo-san is misunderstanding something!

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