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Chapter 2: The Way Of The Adventurer

Next day..

Waking up on a different bed while staring at a different ceiling, Reality hit Liam so hard right off the bat. "It wasn't a dream after all" He said followed by sigh.

Liam stands up from the bed, hearing children 's laughter. He slowly opens the window, seeing children happily playing on the streets. Nobility was forbidden on going down this part of the city so it's the first time Liam see just how lively the slums is, really different from what they say inside the castle.

The liveliness relieves Liam's anxious heart a bit, making him smile. He stretched his arms upwards followed by a groan then exhales.

Liam then suddenly felt a sudden itch around his body, finally making him notice that he's covered in dust. "whoa~.. I should go take a bath.." He said softly, taking off his Blazer and shaking it off outside the window to get rid of the dust. Liam put his money pouch under the bed just to be safe and started walking downstairs with his spare clothes from the sack.



" Oh Liam! Good morning!" Viktor greeted happily as he saw Liam going down the stairs.

" good morning, Mister.." Liam replied, smiling. "umm, where can I take a bath?" He asked while rubbing on his arm.

"Oh, it's on the back, bring the basin just behind the backdoor so you don't waste water!" Viktor loudly said, waving at him while cooking food for the customers. "just be careful not to slip!" He added.



As soon as Liam got there, He was confused, there was only this weird device that is seemed to be plunged on the ground, It's quite rusty. Liam just stands in front of the device for the next 10 minutes trying to figure out how to use it without breaking it.

After that, Puzzled Liam went back inside which Viktor noticed right away expecting that the kid is done bathing already but then..

"OH! Liam, you done alre-- ah--" Viktor paused in confusion. "didn't you take a bath?" and then change the question.

"I don't know how that device works, Mister teach me" Liam replied softly, looking at Viktor from the side of the counter.

Viktor wanted to help but he was busy with the meals. It can't be delayed since most of his customers are adventurers who's on their way to hunt. "I'm sorry Liam, can you wait--"

Viktor then got interrupted as someone enters from the back straight to the counter.

"sorry I'm late, Dad! ~ I helped mother clean the house" The person said, putting on a head bandana. "lemme take over the stove so you can rest" she added.

"no no, let me finish this batch, for now help Liam. He said he don't know something in the backyard, I'll leave it to you, Lilie" Viktor replied, smiling at her daughter.

She squinted his eyes, staring at the kid, looking at them from the other side of the counter. "Liam...?"

Liam noticed her and bows his head a bit, showing respect to someone older.



"So? Where's the thing you don't get?" She asked, putting her hands on her waist.

Liam then quickly points at the pipe-like device plunged on the ground.

"the faucet? You don't know how to use it?" Lillie asked with a bit of sarcasm.

Liam looked down, a bit embarrassed and nods. Seeing that, Lillie cracked up.

"Pffft! Hahahahaha! ~ every house here have one of this and you don't know how to use it somehow! Are you a rich kid of something?"

Liam then started trembling followed by tearing up and a glare on her.

"Ah, sorry" Lillie quickly apologized and teaches Liam how to use the faucet.



After bath, Liam felt refreshed and went back to his room, counting his current money. "I wonder how long can I last with this much.. " He whispered followed by a sigh.

Moments after that Liam heard Lillie calling him. "Liam! Sir Valad's looking for you!"

As soon as he heard that, he hurried down the stairs and see the huge man that save him last night.

Valad smiled at him, raising his right hand as a greeting "Yo, how's your rest, kiddo?" He asked in an energetic tone.

"it was good, thanks to you Mister.." Liam proceeds to bow to show gratitude.

"Hey stop it! That's embarrassing, good grief.." Valad said, panicking a bit. "why don't you eat breakfast with me?"



The two had a fun conversation at the table while they eat breakfast. It seems that Liam is slowly opening up to Valad as they talk to each other.

"So? You were disowned by your parents then thrown out?" Valad asked with a rough tone, a bit irritated. "scumbags.. throwing out a child in the middle of the night.. If I ever see your father I'm gonna hit him!" He added furiously before shoving some soup in his mouth.

"Please don't do that, haha..." Liam replied a bit fidgety, followed by a nervous chuckle.

Lillie then walks up to their table to get the plates alongside the payment for the food. "Don't be sad because of those parents of yours! That'll just make you feel horrible" Lillie followed as she takes the plates.

Liam just faked a smile and chuckled. As Lillie walks away from their table, Liam noticed that she didn't took his coins, then quickly calls on her.

"um.. Sis! My payment for the food..!" Liam said loudly while raising an arm up.

"Yours are already paid, silly~" Lillie replied smiling at the kid before walking back to the kitchen with the plates.

"but I haven't even pay anythi---" Liam was about to say before Valad cut him off.

"I paid for your stay here, you'll have free food 3 times a day for a whole week, as long as you stay here..." Valad said softly before drinking some water.

"what? Isn't it expensive?! I can't just do that, please take this money!" Liam pesters with such vigor.

"You Idiot!"


Valad hits Liam's head softly, making the kid hold onto his scalp. "I can't just take money from the kid! And also.. That's all you have left isn't it?" He said, standing up from the seat. "I spent my money on you myself, so keep yours" Valad added in a softer tone.

Liam then looks at his pouch a bit down before hiding it. "Thank you so much, Sir Valad.."

"stop with the Sir! Just call me Valad!" He replied, slightly embarrassed.



Afternoon, Valad took Liam in a new new establishment. This one is huge and cleaner than the pub.

"Where are we, Valad?" Liam asked while looking around the place.

Valad then replied, walking in first "This is the adventurer's Guild, follow me"

The two of them walked in, many fellow adventurers greeted Valad one by one as they walk pass them.

"Valad! You rascal, you never told me you have a kid!"

"Long time no see, Valad!"

Liam just followed him from behind, looking down and tugging on Valad's shirt.



They finally reached the reception, which they've been greeted by a tall and beautiful woman.

"Valad, Good morning, here to take some dangerous quest again?" The receptionist asked.

(Whoa.. She sounds more elegant than Mother..) Liam said in his mind, a bit flustered as he looks up at her.

"hm? Wow, who's this adorable boy here? Hello~" The receptionist said as she waves her hand, looking at Liam.

Valad then puts his arms on the reception table and takes a seat and said..

"I'm here to register this kid as an adventurer"

"Valad.. You know we can't do that, he's still a kid--"

"He's the same as me, Caroline.."

As soon as Valad said that, the receptionist sighed and brought out an ID made of wood.

"This is a provisional ID, I can't give him an official ID yet, I apologize" Caroline said a bit troubled. She walked out of her spot and put the ID around Liam's neck.

"Don't lose this okay? By the way, how old are you?" Caroline asked Liam closely with a smile.

"... I'm 10.." Liam answered reluctantly. Fidgeting his pointing fingers around each other while looking down.

Caroline then smiled more and pats Liam's head." then 3 years from now, give me back this ID okay? The guild will have a reward for you!" she said, giggling before standing straight.

"promise me you'll keep this kid safe, Valad!" Caroline exclaimed loudly a bit mad.

"of course, I plan to teach this kid after all.." Valad smiled looking at Liam.

Liam was just standing there, holding the provisional ID, a bit clueless about what just happen.



"Valad, what's this wooden plank for?" Liam asked while they walk on the street.

"that's a proof that you're an apprentice adventurer" Valad replied, though Liam didn't get it, making him tilt his head a bit.

"well, in short, with that you can take some quest and make some money. You're worried about running out of coins right?"

"But.. Isn't it dangerous? I don't know how to fight and.. I can't use magic.." Liam replied, getting a bit down.

"That's why you have me, Apprentice Adventurers can't go out for a quest alone after all.." Valad then turned around and face Liam, bending his knees with a smile. "well, the guild ran out of hard-to-beat quests anyway so I basically don't have anything to do"

Valad then stands up and hold Liam on the head, with a confident smile.

"Rejoice Kiddo! The strongest swordsman in the guild will teach you how to become an adventurer!"

Hearing that, Liam's eyes sparkled in admiration. Seeing the cool figure in front of him, it gives him motivation to try his best.

"Yes! Master!" Liam replied, pumped up to the point that he subconsciously called Valad Master.

"Okay! Let's go back to the Inn for dinner!" Valad replied, smiling before lifting up Liam on his shoulder and walking away in front of a sunset.


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