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Chapter 2: Aftermath

Just before the summoning failed, in the forest where that hiding place of beastmen was hidden few miles from there a group of soldiers numbering 30 was rushing towards that place riding on the tiger-like beast but with long two canines showing out of their mouth and had two sharp spiral-like horns and has dark green fur instead of brown-red fur of the normal tiger. These beast were mounts of the elves known for their speed and were named "Wind Beast".

When they almost reached to the place which was said in the reports that were hiding place of the beastmen. After some time they saw a large cave in front of them then the leader of the group who has the slightly bigger mount and more exaggerated big bow said: "decrease the speed, we don't want them to misunderstood us aggressor, but be ready for battle in case something go wrong, we have to prioritise our safety first".

When they reached the front of the cave there were signs showing recent activities, making any doubts disappear regarding the credibility of the information they received they dismounted, group leader started to give commands "I want 10 solders outside here to guard against any potential threats and rest of you come inside with me to invite them inside the city" unknown that they were already considered an enemy by the other side. But when they went inside that cave they started to feel that energy particles inside the cave were very scarce and remaining particle was rushing inside, leaders of the solder started to feel danger from his feelings from the given circumstances of the cave. When they were nearly 100 meters inside the cave there was the sudden sound of explosion and energy particles started to aggressively leave their body, seeing this leader knew something inside the cave went very very wrong and if they stayed inside a moment longer they would be crushed by the cave he shouted "retreat fast" and started running backwards rest of the soldiers followed his suits within moments they reached the entrance of the cave just then entire cave collapsed.

When they reached outside leader of the solders has an even stronger sense of forbidding, he had a feeling not all solders will reach the city which was just tens of miles away from the forest. Because the forest which felt simple when they came over was now giving a feeling of a ferocious beast even their wind beast was retreating from that cave they just came out they were even showing their fierce teeth as something very dangerous inside the cave and felt very scared of it.

While the earth was witnessing that image of a giant planet, the giant planet itself was witnessing a mysterious scene in itself around the whole new ring has appeared which was never there before but rather than illusionary it was a real ring of a planet has appeared. Energy particle also started to flood around the planet. Forest which were drying suddenly started to sprout new plants, many area where were droughts before the rain started, even elves who were losing vitality started to regain vitality in a matter of moments but if it all of which it was then it was definitely a matter of celebration

Beast which were already strong and some which were mutating suddenly started to get their evolution faster many of the normal animals started to mutate and gain powers, even plants started to somehow gain predatory parts some places where a lot of dead were buried started to rise, many of the mythical beasts who were lost in the river of time started to emerge.

While this all was happening slowly but compared to normal process this was at least a million times faster.

As for the cause of all the events was a legendry artefact "A Ring", when the summoning failed under normal circumstances that "Ring" should just disappear from the world and some aftereffects would be at most sucking of energy particle and death of that beastmen, but that summoning was somehow resonating with earth "Gate" operation creating a never happening abnormality. When the summoning failed it created a two-direction pulling force on that ring one towards the direction of the earth because of energy overload of the "Gate" and another towards the direction of void where that "Ring" came from but compared to earth it was in the same direction of that same planet. Thus causing that "Ring" to split in two parts one inner and smaller part which went through the "Gate" causing it to explode from the energy of the "Ring" after which it went into a dormant state to accumulate its energy while outer and bigger part passed through the failed summoning and got absorbed into that planet itself causing all sorts of mutation and changing a fundamental unknown law. That incident also started to assimilate the Earth into that giant planet which was slow but continues and hidden from everyone for the time being.

While this was happening on the giant planet, the earth itself was experiencing turmoil.

When that explosion of the gate occurred just before sudden energy as gushed out of that "Gate" which overloaded all the equipment within the 10 meters of the radius. That explosion was not very loud neither very powerful but sure was very magical to the peoples who witnessed it.

Before the explosion, all the power supply were automatically shut down so explosion just remained local if not whole command centre was in danger too.

When everyone in the command centre recovered from that scene, every person in that room went frantic because, even gate exploded, in the end, they had opened it, which could be considered as the huge success they knew it was huge achievement in itself very first witness opening now they just have to follow that the process they just used with some precaution they would definitely succeed.

Head researcher their also was in daze unbelieving what he had just witnessed, while many of them were happy from the partial success, he saw the bigger picture of the whole event that place beyond the "Gate" was definitely not earth it has to be some other planet. After recovering from the daze he started ordering franticly "manually start the power operator now, someone starts backing up all the data and recording quickly, and also start the broadcast of that place, I want it open within 2 minutes, get to work quickly."

Hearing his words every one of them who were celebrating got busy to follow the order, and within the minute broadcast started when they view the screen they were absolutely stunned, they felt their eyes were deceiving them " under any circumstance if an explosion occurs any normal man expect to see a view of destruction, in case there was nothing to destroy the parts of equipment which exploded would be seen but what they saw was that area between command centre was covered in the grass while the place where "The Gate'' was covered in dense vegetation, plants which were never seen before. Just then another absurd thing came to their mind how did the grass grow on the reinforced concrete and metals and from where did the seed come from in such a controlled environment.

The head researcher himself was very shocked from this view his jaw was open from amazement. But he recovered earlier from others he stepped down the podium and said "Mr Adam, Mrs Sophie I want both of you to come with me".

All three of them went to the changing room and changed into a special designed into biohazard suits and went out of the command centre there were also 10 armed people in similar suits with them. When they reached the area near the gate what they witnessed there would definitely engrave into the minds of every person present there 'there was a huge head at that place at least its height was more than the double of the average human height, its row of sharp teeth, each tooth at least length of a human elbow on both jaws. Its overall structure was similar to a dinosaur but its distinct feature that was different from any of the dinosaur was that all the outer skin was covered in hard rock.

Head researcher and other two researcher started returning to command centre but the rest of the men stayed there to clean the whole place

After the whole 4 hours all the vegetation was cleared, everything present there was in clear view, that gigantic head was kept in a special chamber which was used to preserve dead bodies. All the exploded parts of the gate were visible but there was also one extra thing which was specifically kept in the front was a ring it didn't fill in any part of the equipment clearly it also came from the same place where the head came.

Head researcher steeled his nerves and reported his superior about the result of the trial and sent detail report of the incident including the recording of the gate and few images of that head.

Within moments choppers after choppers landed outside the laboratory, the army surrounded every nook and canny, no entry and exit were allowed for any individual without authority, after few minutes many high ranking officials of earth federation landed at that place and went inside the laboratory, whole world media was reported that trial was partially successful but due to "gate" being alien technology it will be needing for modification.

Every incident was kept confidential, the members in the research team were forced to sign confidentiality contract then they were freed to go.

Many trials were done on the head and that ring, the head has competed for different genetic configuration from any living being ever existed on earth it has something extra which they were unable to find out. but that ring was considered as an ordinary piece of iron and some part of equipment which got deformed and looked liked like that, but head researcher of trial tried to put emphasis on the ring that it was definitely extraordinary but the only conclusion came was that it was a worthless piece of iron, when he further insisted he was given that ring to do what he wants to do.

On the surface, the government tried to show that trials of the gate have ended and it will be further put on trial after modification was done, but under surface, they tried to make the similar circumstance of the gate to open that place again. They didn't include any of the original team members in that research team. Original team members were given a holiday on the surface to show how researchers were given the best treatment, but the government tried to keep them under control in case they reveal anything.

While everything was going one earth has started to feel changes in itself.

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