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Chapter 10: Chapter 8: The Party

The day of the Thanksgiving party came. Despite the cold, Kelly wore one of her lighter summer dresses with heels as requested to the party, underneath one of her matching lingerie outfits. She was nervous but had set herself up to look as good as she felt she could to meet his parents. Upon walking into his house she was greeted with a group of people. Kelly's hand quickly went to her arm trying not to scratch it in her nervousness. Graham came around the corner a smile on his face. His hand gently went to her head, the warmth of it calming Kelly as she looked up at him.

"Come let me introduce you. My parents won't be here for a few more minutes."

Graham gently pulled at her elbow and moved her to the center, ticking off each friend that was in the room so Kelly knew who was who. A girl walked in from the kitchen and looked at her with what Kelly only felt like Malice, quickly realizing who the girl was.

"And Kelly this is Alexis. Alexis this Kelly." Kelly took a deep breath and tried to offer a smile only for Alexis to turn and walk back into the kitchen.

"It's okay" Graham offered patting her head again and told her to get comfortable and mingle.

His parents thankfully arrived not long after and Graham introduced them. Kelly smiled to each, sidling a little close to Graham in nervousness. He pinched her inner elbow in reassurance before announcing that everyone should go outside by the bonfire he had started before his parents had arrived.

"Can I get a drink for myself?" Kelly asked Graham quietly.

"Yes. Get one and let yourself breath a little bit" He whispered back before stepping outside.

Kelly grabbed her drink taking a large sip to calm her nerves before going outside. She slipped off her heels first wanting to keep them from getting dirty. As she stepped onto the back porch she felt Alexis' eyes on her and Kelly didn't dare meet them. Instead she searched for Graham who stood by the fire. The sigh of him calmed Kelly a bit and she sat down in a chair and waited.

Graham stood joking and laughing with his father and friends every once in a while flashing a smile Kelly's way to let her know he knew she was still there. The small actions calmed her even more and she curled up, slightly chilled, to drink her drink.

"I need to go to the bathroom." One of Graham's friends noted loudly, "Let me take off my shoes so Alexis doesn't kill me fore dirtying the house."

"Thank you for being considerate and not walking around barefooted or with you dirty shoes" Alexis stated

Kelly winced knowing the jab was her way and muttered quietly, "I'm sorry I only had my heals…"

"You don't have sandals?" Asked Alexis.

"No she didn't. She wore what I asked her to." Graham interjected. "Let me grab one of my sandals from in the house for you."

He disappeared and the time seemed to etch on forever before he returned. Kelly chewed her bottom lip not daring to look up once before he came back dropping the shoes infront of her.

"Thank you sir…" she whispered softly

He placed a hand on her head and leaned in, "Breathe" he reminded her.

Kelly tried her best to take a deep breath and nodded before Graham went back to being host.

As the party drew on, drinking games were commenced with his parents and Kelly sat to the side watching as it turned out the women didn't get to be in the drinking games. She noted Alexis getting up often, putting her hands on Graham and at one point sitting in his lap. Graham as well responded, his hands on her, rubbing her back, calling her babe.

Kelly stayed quiet though trying not to stir the pot at his party. As everything wound down and everyone went inside. Kelly sat out by the fire pulling out her phone, tears running down her face as she could not hold back the emotions any longer.

Opening her message to him she took a deep breath and wrote.

"I thought you said you two were no longer together."

"We aren't. Why are you outside?"

"Because I'm crying and I don't want to cause problems. I had to sit and watch you two all over each other and it really hurt."

"My parents are unaware that we broke up. I am waiting until she leaves to tell them."

"So who am I in this place right now?"

"You are my sub. You are mine. Just be patient until they leave."


Kelly closed her phone, rubbing her eyes hard trying to stop crying. When it seemed like she couldn't she messaged him again.

"I need you out here."

She looked back. Alexis had been back in his lap but now he stood. He looked at her and put his phone away quickly making his way outside. They both quietly talked until Kelly calmed down enough to join everyone inside again. Once inside, his parents had started making their goodbye rounds.

"Goodbye it was nice seeing you." Kelly offered gently as Graham's mother hugged her.

Once they were gone Graham turned and smiled to Kelly before taking a breath, "Okay everyone. This one here…" he grabbed Kelly by the back of the neck causing her to melt in his grip, "Is to be called Girl. She will grab you your drinks, she will be part of some bets."

Gently pushing Kelly to her knees he brought out one of his temporary collars, this one with a leash. He placed it around Kelly's neck and immediately all the angst Kelly had been feeling left her body. Leaning into him she pressed her face to his thigh, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Good girl" Graham growled to her running his fingers through her hair. However the moment did not last long as he noticed that Alexis had left. "I'll be right back I have to find her" he stated softly, handing Kelly's leash to a friend.

It didn't take long for him to find her and shouting begin in the Kitchen. Much to Kelly's surprise Graham's friend took notice of her unease as it started and worked really hard to keep her distracted. It worked until she heard Alexis throw and break something as she mentioned Kelly's name.

"E-excuse me" Kelly stated and quickly ran to the bathroom, collapsing into an onset anxiety attack.

She didn't come out until things seemed calm, only to hear Graham and one of his friends arguing over her and Alexis, calling Alexis his girl. Kelly peeked around the corner.

"I-I'm sorry…" she offered realizing she had caused much of the issues today by being there and also realizing that Graham and Alexis were probably together despite his words.

"I think… you should go home for now" Graham offered noticing her face.

Kelly nodded and Graham walked her to her car. As soon as she sat down she started crying, "You lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you Kelly."

"You did. There was no reason for her to act like that if you two were separate. There was no reason for you to be the way you were with her if you two were separate. And now I've caused problems I didn't even want to cause!"


"D-don't… I'm done…" she stated, "Please take this off…"

Graham reached over taking off her collar for her and closed her door for her, watching Kelly drive off in tears.

Chenoa_Butler Chenoa_Butler

This is not the ending of Kelly's story. Once I have myself found a Dom I can trust again, Kelly's exploration of the BDSM world will continue in full. Until then, please be patient.

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