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Chapter 2: The Decision

It's been three days since the night Fate received the offer from 'The Mask'. She spent those days just staring at the card she placed in the kitchen countertop, she hadn't even touched it again since and Rhine is just about to lose her patience.

It's good that Fate hadn't touched a drop of alcohol since that night even when she received yet again another rejection from the companies she applied at, but the fact that all she did is stare at it all day isn't exactly helping either.

When she arrived at Fate's apartment and saw her best friend staring at the card again as she sat on the sofa, she decided that something had to be done before it's too late.

Without saying anything, Rhine went to the kitchen, took the card and was about to tear it in half.

"No!" Fate exclaimed, running towards her friend to get the card from her. "What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" Fate was horrified as she snatched and held the card protectively.

"Oh so now you're talking to me, I thought I was invicible these past couple of days." She said in mock surprise.


"I was coming and bringing you food everyday and you didn't even say anything to me. All you did was sit and stare at that stupid card all day. What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" She added, returning her friend's words back to her.


Fate realized how ridiculous she had been acting the past couple of days, and how frustrating she must have been for Rhine to deal with.

She couldn't help thinking about what the card meant if it's really from 'The Mask'.

Who was that guy really? Was the offer really true? If it isn't, is it another scheme from that bastard? Is she going to get humiliated again if she called? And what if it is real, can she really make it?

Rhine sighed heavily. "Look, you once told me that at this point forget about being a secretary, you're willing to take even just a clerical job. So what's holding you back from responding to this?"

"It's just... it seemed too farfetched. What if it's another scheme of that bastard? I don't think I can go through something like that again." Fate looked like she was about to cry remembering how her ex-boss humiliated her in front of his friends just a couple of weeks ago.

"And what if it isn't?" She shook her head. "Look, he told you it's a one-time offer but do you really think they'll wait for you forever? Make up your mind before it's too late. Whether it's legit or just a prank, you won't know until you actually give them a call. Speaking of, how 'do' you contact them anyway?" Rhine took the card back and inspecting it again. "I really don't see anything else."

"I was told it can only be seen under a blue light."

"Huh? Blue light? What a stupid idea to do for just a card. And who told you that? Was it that guy?"


Fate heard it from a senior in college. Actually, all the things that she knew about the company is from this senior. She greatly admired that person who had helped her a lot during her student days, so even though nobody believed her, Fate did. Even after college they kept in touch, although not as frequent, and remained good friends.

And that's one of the things that's holding her back now. She can't believe that she's actually getting a job offer from the company her senior dreamed of working for.

She wanted to ask for advice, but she doesn't know if it's appropriate. And what if she did ask but it turned out that it's just a ruse, it would be so embarrassing.

"So, have you tried it then?"


"Have you tried putting it under a blue light? You'll know if it's genuine or not that way, right?"

Fate blinked at her friend, who was now looking at her like she's the stupidest person on earth.

"I can't believe you spent three days mulling over if it's real or not when you actually know a way. Are you stupid?" Rhine rolled her eyes. "I'm going to start dinner."

While Rhine busied herself in the kitchen, Fate went to her room to look for a blue tinted lamp she bought on a whim a few months back. Who would've thought she'd have a use for it now.

When she finally found it on a forgotten box atop her dresser she immediately turned it on and put the card under it.

She gasped when an address and a telephone number became visible.

It is real.

She bit her lower lip and started pacing in her room.

Now what?

The card is definitely real. Who else would do something like this anyway. As Rhine put it, it's a stupid idea to do for a calling card. If the card is real, then the offer is probably legit too. But is it really okay to work for a company such as 'The Mask'? Isn't she being way over her head?

Well at least now she's more confident to call and ask advice from her senior.

Fate stopped pacing and took a deep breathe, then took her phone out and went through her contacts.

She stopped scrolling on her phone when she finally found the name, her thumb hovering over the call button.

Lisa Austin

The last time she they had talked she was complaining about her ex-boss. It was after she got her fifth rejection and she drunk called her, they went on cursing him and calling him names for half an hour that Fate immediately felt better after they ended the call.

Fate smiled at the memory, Lisa will definitely know what to do.

She didn't wait long for Lisa to answer as she picked up at the second ring.

"He- "

"Fate! Finally! I've been waiting for your call." Was Lisa's excited greeting.

"You were?" She asked skeptically, did she promise to call her? Their friendship was the type that even if they don't call each other for months, they're still cool.

That means, no one expects any call.

"You're calling because you got a job offer from 'The Mask', yes?"

"H-How did you know?"

"Because I'm the one who recommended you as my replacement."

"Recommended? Replacement? What are you talking about?"

It took Fate a minute before everything clicked in place. Her mouth hanged open when she realized what just happened.

No way! Was Lisa actually an employee of 'The Mask'? She mentioned before that she's working as an executive secretary for a company chairman. Did she actually mean from 'that' company?

"No way..." She whispered softly.

"Yes way." Lisa chuckled over the phone. "I was the executive secretary of Kurt Williams. You remember him, that man you met a couple of nights ago."

"Are you telling me that that man is the chairman of 'The Mask'? But he looks young."

"He gets that a lot, but believe me he's almost 50."

"Whoa..." Fate tried to remember how Kurt Williams look, no matter how she looks at it, she couldn't believe that he's the same age as the president of her previous company. He looked like he's just on his mid thirties at most. She shook her head. That's not important right now, what she needs to know is why Lisa's leaving the company and why she recommended her as replacement. Not that's she's not grateful, still... "But... why?"

There was a bit of silence on the other line before Lisa answered again.

"Fate, you graduated top of your class. In the last five years you rised from someone who just makes coffee to be the president's executive secretary. You're a hard-worker and really good at what you do. It would be such a waste if you don't get to use your skills just because of some pervert."

Fate blushed at Lisa's words. Them coming from someone she really admired meant a lot to her.

"T-Thank you. But... why would you need a replacement? You're leaving the company? Why? Isn't it your dream to work for them?"

"Well, you see... I had to quit my job. My doctor said it's too stressful and not good for the baby."

"Baby? You're pregnant? Oh my God! Congratulations! Why didn't you say anything? I didn't know you were seeing someone, what with how busy you were."

"Thanks." Lisa chuckled again. "Yeah, for people like us it's not easy, but I still did. And thank God I did before it's too late. Anyway, that's the reason why I had to leave. And before you overthink, I didn't recommend you just because you were looking for a job. Honestly, even if that bastard didn't fire you, I would've still tried to convinced you to quit that company and come over to us. You're the only one who can replace me."

"Coming from you, that really means a lot. Thank you." Fate blushed again. Her senior really knows how to talk her into something.

"Hey, I'm just saying the truth. So, does this mean you'll take the offer? You won't regret it, I promise."

"Honestly, I don't really have a choice, do I?"

Somehow Fate still felt uneasy about it. But if Lisa said it's okay, she should be fine, right? Lisa had always been a good judge of character and situation. Plus, is she even in the place to play hard to get? Isn't she the one looking for a job for weeks now? Why on earth would she reject an offer not only for a job but also as an executive secretary for a company such as this. Rhine was right, she is stupid.

"You'll always have a choice, Fate. If you still have doubts, why not try going for an interview? If you think the job is still not for you, I won't force you."

"I understand. I'll do the interview."

"That's great! You won't regret it. Just call the number on the card, they should be expecting your call."

"Okay. Thank you so much, Lisa. I really don't know how to thank you."

"Hey, don't sweat it. I should be the one thanking you if ever. Plus, you deserve it. We'll see each other soon."

"See you and take care."

"You too."

Fate was all smiles when she ended the call. She can't believe what just happened. She shook her head, she should have called Lisa earlier.

"Who were you talking to? And why are you smiling like that?" Rhine raised a brow at her friend suspiciously. Dinner was just about done and she went to get Fate.

"I'm going to call them."

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