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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Survival Mode Start/System And New Body

The sounds of blowing wind and birds chirping wake me up. I open my eyes and instantly clutch my head. "Urgh my head where the hell am I? Oh, that's right that goddess called me stupid then reincarnated me. Wait, that taco stand was one of the fancy ones with its body being made of stainless steel, I should figure out if my new body has everything in the right place."

I look around. I'm leaned against a large boulder in a forest on the edge of a lake. It seems to be a redwood forest, or at least a redwood-like fantasy tree. "Stereotypical forest awakening, check. Now then, let's see my reflection...OH HELL NO!!"

My reflection shows a short boy that looks more like a girl than a dude. My hair is shoulder length and a silvery blueish color. I have heterochromatic eyes. the left eye is violet, and the right one is a crystal blue color. I've lost my former (manly appearance).

I screech "She made me into a FUCKING SHOTA!" I then realize the really horrific possibility. "W...with this appearance, I really hope that she made me a shota!" I check below deck and breathe a sigh of releif. "Oh thank god, for a second I thought she turned me into a girl."

As I celebrate the continued existence of my royal scepter and jewels I contemplate what to do with my new life, and how I could possibly be able to comfortably live in this new world.

I shake my head, realizing the difficulty of that. " Damn I can't exactly go anywhere without knowing the language or currency of this world. Hmmm if I was reincarnated and everything is stereotypical so far...lets just try it," I clear my throat and...{"STATUS"}

After I say that word, a stereotypical female voice sounds off in my mind.

AI: {Alert, system needs time to be initialized. Time remaining is approximately four hours.}

I sigh and put my head in my hands. "Oh come on you dumb goddess couldn't you at least have let me have access to it from the start?!" It was at this moment I realized I fucked up. I forgot who made my system.

AI: Alert system initialization time increased by two hours.

I kick a tree in frustration. "FUCK! sigh...I guess I'll explore the area. I need to find a place to set up shelter. I also need to find a source of food. The shelter part is easy, there's a rock outcropping, making a cave next to the boulder. the hard part is food...well, there's a lake, so let's see if I can catch some fish.

I jump into the water. It's cool but not cold, so it's actually comfortable. I get used to swimming with my new body. I then dive and test how long I can hold my breath for. I manage to hold my breath for about two minutes. Once I'm prepared I dive and try to catch some fish. I manage to catch about three small fish. They're barely big enough to eat.

I climb out of the lake and shake off like a wet dog. "alright, I need to make a fire next." I look around for stuff to use as kindling. "Let's see...use some sticks for the fuel, some crushed and torn tree bark as the tinder, and another stick to start a friction fire." I lay out the tinder and start rubbing the stick until there's smoke. I gently blow on the tinder pile. Once there's visible flames, I put the sticks over it. After the fire is going strong, I put the fish on sticks and put them near the fire. While I wait for the fish to cook, I check the progress of the system's activation.

AI:{System initialization time is four hours and thirty minutes}

I turn the fish as I think. "Hmm, the system still needs about four hours, so it took me about two hours to catch and begin cooking some fish."

After about five minutes the fish is done. "Oh wow, that's some really good fish." The fish tasted like a combination of salmon and catfish. After I eat I look over to the cave "Okay let's see here, no fresh tracks, and no signs of territorial markings anywhere nearby. The cave is safe. If I'm going to sleep in the cave I'm going to need a bed. Let's see, the trees have banana-like leaves near their base. I can take their fibers apart to make cordage, and dry it using the fire I made earlier. I can also take the leaves and poke holes in them so that I can essentially sew them together to make a mattress or a pillow from them. The filling can be dried grass. Okay, let's do this."

I work nonstop for three hours. I made a very basic grass filled mattress, a grass filled pillow, and a blanket made of leaves. I feel exhausted. "Finally, able to rest. Since it's about an hour left for my system to unlock let's take a nap..."

I pass out and hibernate for about six hours. I wake up and stretch. I yawn then remember about the system. "Oh the system should be unlocked now. Let's check it out." {"STATUS"}

A myriad of windows open in front of me and I am hit with an unbelievable amount of pain surging through my head. "Ow! Ow! Ow! ow! Why does it feel like my head is being cracked open like a coconut at a Hawaiian themed party?!"

By brute forcing through the screens and reading them, I realize the problem. "Urgh...quickly sort the information...ah, I see my INT stat reinforces my mental abilities, which allows my mind to handle a larger load. I just barely have enough capacity to handle the system. I guess for now I'm just going to have to seal most of the system until I can increase my INT."

I close everything except the status panel. "Urgh, even with this it still hurts like hell. Oh well let's look at my stats."

Name: Jason Arm

RACE: Human

AGE: 18

LVL: 1

STR: 30

AGI: 25

WIS: 15

DEX: 20

INT: 16

SKILLS*: ???**, ???***

*- Skills available at level five

**-Skill has skill level reqs

***Skill has hidden reqs

I sigh as I look at my status screen. "Level one seriously?! But from the little bit of the information I was able to process, the average stats for a starting level one human is around ten, so I have above average stats. Hmm, I wish I knew what the skills were."

As I was examining my stats the goddess that had reincarnated me was watching me through an orb. As she was engrossed in observing me she did not notice another god appear.

???: Someone got your attention Lyra?

The goddess Lyra starts from her observation and finally sees a tall god with black hair and golden eyes standing behind her.

Lyra sighs and recovers from the shock She then glares at him.

Lyra: Fyre, how many times do I have to tell you to not suddenly come in here without calling me before?

Fyre smiles and raises his hands like he's being held at gunpoint.

Fyre: Yikes no need for you to glare at me like that. Anyways I came cause I heard you reincarnated a rather funny case.

Lyra laughs and motions to the orb.

Lyra: HA! More like completely retarded, he died by being hit by an out of control taco stand. I'm not even thinking he's worth the time it took to reincarnate him.

Fyre crosses his arms and cocks his head to the side.

Fyre: Hmm then why are you watching him?

Lyra glances at the orb and grins.

Lyra: I'm curious as to how long he can survive.

Fyre sees her grin, and chuckles.

Fyre: (this girl is so stubborn, just admit that you're worried) Ouch, well then people don't call you the frigid goddess for nothing. A goddess wearing a snow-white dress, that also has piercing crystal-blue eyes and silver hair, watching the struggles of mortals waiting for them to kick the bucket. Yeah, you're the stuff of nightmares.

Lyra swings around and glares daggers at Fyre.

Lyra: STOP CALLING ME FRIGID!!! ahem well, he's still going strong I wonder if he's going to survive or not?

Fyre looks down at the orb with a shit eating grin.

Fyre: Hmm, only time will tell. So could it be you actually are fond of this human?

Lyra Jumps up from her chair, preparing for some good ol fashioned godly genocide.


Fyre laughs like a hyena before turning to run away.

Fyre: Uh oh, time for me to make my escape.

The god Fyre managed to escape before he could suffer her wrath, leaving Lyra alone with the orb. She mutters something that's so quiet that it's almost imperceptible.

Lyra: You can do it, also if you ever call me dumb again I'll strike you with lightning.

Wforwipeout Wforwipeout

Reformated 2nd chapter. let me know how it is.

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