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Chapter 3: Creature of the Night

I had not seen the mysterious Christopher Stone since the events with my bloody finger, which had happened just hours earlier. It made me uneasy, the way he had looked at me, or more so my blood, with such hunger in his eyes. If he saw nothing wrong with touching me and licking my blood, then what else would he do? My body shuddered, frightened by my own thoughts. I hadn't felt scared when coming here, betrayed and hurt from the loss of my family, but not scared. Well that is not until the incident with Mr. Stone. I suddenly felt as though my coming here had been a terrible mistake.

I glanced to the grandfather clock which stood in the corner of Mr. Stones lavish bedroom. Five – Thirty already, I should go ahead and find the dining room, I thought to myself remembering Mr. Stones emphasis on his hatred for tardiness.

I gathered my composure and stood, walking out of the room for the first time since I had arrived. I figured I could stay here for the night and in the morning find a neighboring town to settle in. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something about this place was wrong, and I feared staying any longer than necessary would ultimately result in my own demise. Doing my best to shake such thoughts from my mind I traveled down the long corridor which lead back to the staircase. Once I was on the main level again, I peered around cautiously in search of the dining room.

I walked past the entry way corridor and into a small hallway which was parallel to the stairs. Old photographs hung on the walls along with framed guest lists. The photographs featured smiling people in extravagant dresses and suits. It only made since for them to host parties here of course. The house was magnificent and could easily house hundreds of people. Each group of photos was paired with a guest list. My bright green eyes softened as I scanned the wall, my earlier fears melting away whilst I observed the images of dancing guest. That's when I saw a familiar face in one of the images.

The face of Mr. Stone, dancing alongside a young girl, with a faint smile on his lips. Of course, I knew this was not actually Mr. Stone for the photo was taken in 1824 and Mr. Stone was surely no older than 24 years old. I assumed it to be a relative, perhaps his father.

"The dinning room is nowhere near this corridor." A deep voice sounded through the hall causing me to jump in surprise. Clasping my hand over my heart and gasping I responded, "Mr. Stone, you startled me." He rolled his eyes at my loud gasp of shock.

"Little girls," he said looking down at me as if I were a mere peasant, "always so dramatic." He scoffed turning on his heels. I hadn't a clue what to respond, taken aback by his sudden hostility.

"You can stand there all night if you wish, but if you're late to dinner then you won't eat." He said with disinterest, clearly not caring either way what I choose to do. I shook my head in disbelief at what had just been said to me but decided that I had better take him seriously, following briskly after him.

I followed closely behind him in silence as we made our way through the hallways. Mr. Stone appeared to be deep in thought, and I could tell something was bothering him. I knew he might be angry with me for asking but I just couldn't help myself. "Mr. Stone, um uh are you alright?" He froze in his tracks and I stood nervously as the seconds passed by. For a moment I swear I saw his face soften before it callused over once more.

"Low class people like yourself really have no place in consulting me on my feelings." He spat at me, ensuring I felt worthless. Now someone more reserved might of just taken the verbal beating, I however am not that person.

"Listen, I am beyond appreciative to be able to stay here, especially after my own family abandoned me. And I a well aware that you and I are on completely different social standings, but I am still a human being! You can just treat me like I'm some worthless dog for you to order arou- "A gasp burst out my lips as I felt his large hand envelope my throat as he pinned me to the wall.

"You will not speak to me like that!" he barked in my face as I desperately pulled at his hands trying to loosen their grip on my throat, "And as far as I'm concerned you are a dog, good for nothing other than pleasing and amusing me." Suddenly his focus was lost and his grip loosened, allowing me to take a full breath once more. Although his grip loosened his hand didn't leave my neck, instead his thumb caressed the side of my neck gently.

Confusion washed over me as I observed this sudden change in him. His eyes filled with the same lust they had contained earlier that day in his bedroom. I was unsure of what he would do next and I honestly didn't really want to find out. At least that's what my rational mind said. However, deep down I was fascinated by this lustful look that would wash over him, it almost excited me. But I would never admit to that out loud.

"Mr. Stone?" I questioned, in a hope to bring him back to his senses. He cleared his throat and pushed my neck away from him. He fixed his coat and then turned, continuing on to the dining room. After he had left down the hallway I stood there, my hand instinctively touching my neck where his touch had lingered. I almost felt guilty for how I was feeling. The rush of excitement, the longing to feel his skin on mine again, even if it was in an aggressive manner. I shook my head in denial, scurrying down the hall after him, fearful if I waited a moment longer that I would lose the privilege of eating dinner.

Walking through the doorway, which I had seen Mr. Stone pass through, I was faced with a grand dining room. A large table centered the room, each dining spot set with the finest silver. Overhead the light of the chandelier danced across the table tops, reflecting off the perfectly polished wine glasses. At the head of the table, furthest from the doorway, sat Mr. Stone. He was placing a white, cloth napkin on his lap and a man, clothed in the same black uniform as the butler who had welcomed me, was pouring him a glass of what appeared to be red wine. He waved the man away once he had finished filling his glass and looked down to some papers that sat in front of him on the table.

"Glad you've finally decided to grace us with your presence." He said sarcastically, not once looking up from his work. I was taken aback at first, as he had not once looked my way yet he knew I had entered the room. I cleared my throat unsure of what to respond to the snide comment but luckily before the silence grew to thick, one of the butlers escorted me to the seat opposite of Mr. Stone.

I did not have to wait long before the first course of the meal was brought out. We ate in silence, though it was a comfortable silence so I didn't mind. Not having realized how hungry I had grown I delighted in the flavors of the many foods that were placed before me. Warm, toasted breads, tender scallops, fresh greens and just about any other food one could be craving were placed in front of me, one course at time.

Towards the end of the last course Mr. Stone waved one of the workers over and motioned for his glass to be refilled. He had done this countless times throughout the meal and I began to wonder how he was not drunken yet.

"Forgive me sir, but you have gone through our entire weeks supply. Margret will be heading to town tomorrow morning to fetch you a fresh batch." Said the butler, appearing fearful of what his masters response could be.

Mr. Stone let out a low groan, expressing his annoyance vividly. He glanced across the table to meet my eyes for the first time that night. He looked at me as if I were the answer to his problems, but alas he shook his and stood up from his seat.

"We will be leaving now." he said walking towards me and pulling my chair out from the table. He did not do this in a means of respect but more as a way to prove that it didn't matter if I wanted to stay, because he wanted to leave. I could tell he was used to getting his way and while I would normally protest, I simply couldn't bring myself to face him.

As we left the room I grabbed the attention of one of one of the servants.

"Excuse me but could I please have a batch of what he was drinking delivered to me tomorrow as well?" I asked in a hushed tone. I had never been allowed to drink before, but I figured since my father had already abandoned me that he really had no right to tell me what I could and couldn't do.

The servant looked at me with a puzzled expression, and I wondered if he could tell of my youth.

" You too are a creature of the night my lady?" the servant asked. I furrowed my brow, "Creature of the night?" I questioned. The servant's eyes widened as though he had let out a terrible secret but then his face returned to a calm state. "Never mind my lady, have a good night." He responded, returning to the kitchen with haste.

I knew something had been wrong here but Mr. Stone may be keeping more secrets than I had ever realized before. Who was he?

My mind ran wild back to the incident with my blood, the way he caressed my neck and lastly the drink. The red wine that now that I thought of it, was abnormally thick. I only knew of one species who were referred to as creatures of the night, but of course they were only in fairytales. No there's no way they could actually exist. I told myself it was impossible, yet no matter how much I denied it the evidence seemed to be so clear.

I rushed out of the dining room and down the hall. Running up the long staircase to the second floor, my heart race increasing with each step. Moving down the hallway I finally found the room which belonged to Mr. Stone. I burst the door open where he stood in the middle, his dress shirt untucked and unbuttoned.

"What are you?" I said with my eyes wide, praying for any answer other than the one I already knew was true.

JessicaNicole JessicaNicole

Thank you for reading my 3rd chapter! Please be sure to rate my story and comment any suggestions you have.

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