/ Urban / Beloved One of the Prestigious Household

Beloved One of the Prestigious Household Original

Beloved One of the Prestigious Household

Urban 80 Chapters 2.7K Views
Author: COL+ Jing Yan

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Three-and-a-half-year-old little girl, also known as Ann, lived a life of scarcity and hardship in an orphanage, where even a single steamed bun could lead to beatings and scoldings from the headmaster.
Just before Ann fainted from hunger, a mysterious and domineering daddy from a wealthy family descends from the heavens and took her home.
President Qin sneered, “I will make them pay a thousandfold for the suffering my daughter endured.”
With six doting and influential elder brothers:
The Youngest Brother was responsible for beating people up.
The Second Brother was responsible for saving lives.
The Third Brother was responsible for fighting lawsuits.
The Fourth Brother was responsible for capturing people.
The Fifth Brother was responsible for providing financial support.
And the Eldest Brother was responsible for salvation.
With comprehensive and attentive service, are you afraid or not?
The major prestigious families competed to stand up for the little prodigy: To bully Ann is to challenge the entire Qin family!
Even the pet, a wise and future-seeing white goose, refused to be outdone: Protect Ann!
Ann stood with hands on hips and said, “Stop arguing, line up properly, and listen to me.”
The Qin family: Understood!


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    Author COL+ Jing Yan