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Chapter 2: Day 2

12:00 AM

Jake quickly grabs his gun. 

Jake: We need to help him.

Jake opens the door. A young girl, maybe 11, and her father come rushing in.

Man: Thank you so much man. Any longer out there and we wouldn't have made it.

Jake: No problem Mr.?

Man: John. John Marston. This is my daughter Abigail.

Jake: Well it's nice to meet you two.

Miguel: Jake, I'm going to take first watch. Can I see your gun?

I toss my gun to Miguel.

Jake: Wake me in a few hours.

Miguel: Will do.

Jake turns to the father.

Jake: There is a room upstairs to your left that you and your daughter can have for the time being.

John: Thank you, son. Goodnight.

John and Abigail walk upstairs presumably to their room.

Christina: I- Can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?

A blush forms on her cheeks and I mentally chuckle.

Jake: Sure, Christi.

She blushed even harder at the nickname.

Christina: S- Shut up.

We walked up to my room and got into my bed. I feel Christina wrap her arms around my waist and move closer towards me.

Christina: I'm scared, Jake.

Jake: Me too, Christi, but I promise that I will protect you with my life.

Christina: I love you, Jake.

Jake: I love you too, Christina.

We both drift off into dreamland

2:00 AM

I wake up to John screaming. I jump out of bed and quickly run to his room. I burst through the door, and see Abigail on top of her father, tearing into his stomach. I cringed at the sight.

Jake: W- What the f-

The monster that used to be Abigail notices me out the corner of it's eye, and I notice her eyes. The retinas were pure red. It quickly turns it's head, jumps up and starts to run at me at a fast pace. It jumps at me and I brace myself when I hear a bang.

The monster, let's call it a roamer, slumps to the floor with a bullet right between it's eyes.

Jake: Holy shit. What the hell just happened.

Miguel slowly walks into the room and observes the scene.

Miguel: Jeez

Jake: That's all you have to say?!

Miguel: I've seen worse...

He mumbles quietly. I go over to john and kneel next to him. He looks horrible, his intestines are leaking out of his stomach and he's gone ghostly white.

Jake: Shit man.

Jake slowly starts to cry as he wasn't able to save the duo. It slowly dawns on him that this is what the world is now. 

John: Please, end me.

Jake: Miguel, hand me the gun.

Miguel slowly hands Jake the gun.

Throughed strained tears, Jake slowly stands and aims the gun at Johns temple.

John: God bless you kids

Jake: I'm sorry I couldn't save you man.

The man just slowly smiles and closes his eyes, as a final bang is heard throughout the house.

6:00 AM

We hadn't gotten a bit of sleep after the incident last night. I had been feeling guilty about it, and Christina had been trying to cheer me up.

Christina: You can't blame yourself, Jake.

I just stayed silent. I was deep in thought. If I had been quicker, I could have saved them.

Christina: Jake, there was nothing you could do.

Jake sighs.

Jake: Maybe your right. Maybe there really was nothing I could do.

I stood up. 

Jake: But I will make sure that what happened to them doesn't happen to you or Miguel.

I notice a blush creep up Christina's cheeks.

Christina: That's the spirit.

5:00 PM 

Things had gone well for most of the day. I had been waiting in anticipation. It had been too quiet.

Christina: What has you so worked up 

Jake: I have a really bad feeling.

Christina: What do you mean?

Jake: I mean- never mind. It's nothing.

I get up and turn my back to her.

Jake: I'm going to check outside.

Christina: It's not safe out there.

Jake: Let's face it Christi, nowhere is safe anymore. we can't stay here forever.

Christina: But the Military could roll down the block any day and take us to safety.

Jake: Have you taken a second to EVEN consider what could be happening outside. I don't think the Military will be coming any time soon.

Christina: I- but- Yeah, I suppose you're right. Just stay safe out there ok. And don't stay out too long.

I smile at her.

Jake: I promise.

With that, I walk out. I slowly grasp the doorknob and pull the door open. What I see outside shocks me. Those things. Everywhere. Just roaming around. Some looked like normal zombies you'd see in a movie. Others looked more like alien mutations.

Jake: We really are fucked, aren't we?

He starts to walk to the sidewalk. He walks to the right, trying to determine how many there are, making sure to stay low and quiet. He suddenly gets hit in the back of the head.

???: Listen kid, I don't wanna hurt you, but if you don't give me everything you have, I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull.

I look up and see a middle aged man. Messy beard, blue eyes, and most of all, a shotgun in his hands. The barrel of the gun is focused right between my eyes.

???: Who is with you? And don't go lying to me.

Jake: I'm alone.

I'm trying to buy time. I look for an opening but don't see one.


He smacks me with the butt of the gun. I hear a sickening crack and feel blood coming down my nostrils. The guy broke my nose.

I notice something. Something that may save my life. I muster up all my strength, and kick the guy between the legs. He howls in pain as I shoot up, rip the gun out of his hands and fire a round into the air. I then start to run back to the house before anything reaches me. I hear the screams of the man behind me as he undoubtedly gets eaten alive.

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