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Beyond the Plane Beyond the Plane original

Beyond the Plane

Author: Alekzander_

© WebNovel

SPOILERS DO NOT READ - Outline/Brainstorming/History


Arc 1 - Rebirth, backstory, initial growth, magic introduction, meeting the council, introduction to the antagonist

Arc 2 - Military academy, introduction to the support characters, female lead intro, mc character development

History of humanity in the last 3000 years -

As of present, humanity has conquered three galaxies and is expanding to 3 more galaxies known as the frontier. This expansion has labeled this millenia as the Great Expansion.

Aether was first discovered in the center of Jupiter in large deposits of gas. This gas was unlike anything researchers have seen before. It was constantly changing its state of matter between gas and solid depending on observation by humans. When being observed by cameras, its natural state of matter was observed to be a gas.

At this time, humanity had only just begun expanding throughout the galaxy, depending on sketchy cryosleep technologies and 1G rockets to approach the speeds required to deliver humans to other stars.

After further research and experiments, Aether was confirmed to behave differently depending on the mental state of the Aetheric user. Further research showed that Aether was directly affected by brain waves.

This discovery created a meditation boom throughout the world, causing multiple powerful Aether users to pop up in different countries. Countries fought desperately to obtain these users. Later, these users would be classified as Alpha level Aether users.

Beta users and above wouldn't start appearing until further developments in brain research lead to the breakthrough of decalcifying certain parts of the brain. This led to the mass production of pills and natural remedies found throughout the universe that allowed further decalcification. After about 500 years, the first Beta user appeared.

He united the Earth and led humanity to conquer all of the galaxy through genius inventions such as the Warp drive which enabled humanity to reach the most distant stars in decades instead of hundreds or thousands of years, and full-dive cryosleep chambers, which these chambers allowed the user to maintain brain function while in cryosleep through a simulated world.

He claimed that his knowledge was given to him by Aether itself, convincing many people that he was simply insane. After he conquered the galaxy, he went into seclusion in order to develop his skills. He hasn't been heard of in over 2500 years. His inventions are seen as the sole reason humanity didn't go extinct. A large religion worships him as the savior of humanity and the "great uniter" of the universe.

His inventions were the peak of human innovation for around a millennium until the first Gamma magician appeared. At first, humanity was very cautious of his abilities. They shunned him and cast him out of society.

It wasn't until he produced the plans for wormhole manipulation technology that he was allowed to come back into society, given the title of Grand Universal Scientist, later he took the title of Galactic Emperor after he lead humanity to annihilate the Demonic Race that was slowing down their expansion into the Milky Way. He invented technology that allowed humanity to not just control gravity, but control gravitrons. This gave humanity the technology to create their own fields of gravity at microscopic levels.

They were now able to harness the energy of black holes and were growing in their understanding of dark matter. They confirmed the existence of an anti-dimension where instead of protons and electrons, atoms were made up of antiprotons and positrons. A dimension where white holes were formed instead of black holes and time flows backwards.

Unknown to the researchers who were attempting to create a portal into this universe, it would lead to an extinction-level event. A very powerful being that resembled the Galactic Emperor came through the portal. Instantly, he began to slaughter anyone and anything in his path.

Scientists came to the conclusion that it was because the universe he appeared from was the opposite of what existed here. While the Galactic Emperor cared about humanity and wished for the expansion of human civilization, the Anti-Emperor wished for the opposite. Thus, ⅓ of all of the human colonies around the galaxy were destroyed, humanity lost ¼ of its population, and total human lives lost were between 5-8 trillion. All of this damage occurred in a 50 year timespan.

The Anti-Emperor was put down eventually by leading him into the super-black hole at the center of the Milky Way. It is unknown whether he returned back to his original dimension and survived, or if he was completely ripped apart atom by atom when sent into the black hole.

Earth is considered the holiest site of the entire universe, being the birthplace of humanity. Earth no longer has any water or natural resources, as the entire surface has been replaced with metal alloys. Earth lost its water supply and natural resources about 2000 years prior to present time. This was caused by a failed experiment trying to weaponize aether into an interstellar missile capable of destroying plants. The experiment back-fired creating a vortex that opened a hole in the ozone about the size of the moon. At the same time, a solar flare hit directly onto the opened hole, evaporating all water, the water vapor escaping into space through the hole.

All of the Earth's high-tiered mages were called to help close the hole in the ozone. This was done by using the unique properties of Aether that allow it to form into any material, including ozone.

Ideas for cosmic energy refinement/magic -

Cosmic energy refinement usually occurs in a state of meditation that allows hydrogen inhaled while in said state of meditation to be infused with the "core", which resembles a small star, causing a greater reactivity in the core. Everyday consumption is used in supplying energy to the main character through nuclear fusion. This is a very efficient process and doesn't usually affect hydrogen levels directly, as the hydrogen used in this process is very easily replaced during normal breathing. The user has no natural need to sleep, sleep is only used to replenish large levels of hydrogen very rapidly.

Regular magic - Some form of atomic manipulation. A new element dubbed Aether was discovered three millenia prior to the timeline in BtP. This element has been confirmed to possess the ability to be manipulated through brain vibration frequencies. These frequencies for normal humans have 5 stages.

Delta - Humans without "magical abilities" Most of humanity lies in this range.

Theta - Entry level Aether users. Even Theta users are such a rarity that the area the user was born in is considered a "holy site" on a national level. These users can meditate or take supplements to increase their vibration frequencies to Alpha range, though this is also incredibly rare.

Alpha - Advanced manipulation abilities. Capabilities range drastically between 8 hz to 12 hz. Alpha users are considered National/Planetary treasures depending on the abilities of the Alpha mage.

Beta - Very powerful, very rare manipulation capabilities. These users often grow up to be very respected powerhouses such as interplanetary kings, emperors, and other powerful leaders depending on range of capabilities. Power ranges drastically between 12-40 hz. Users with ranges greater than 30 are considered demi-gods and are worshipped on a galactic scale.

Gamma - Only two, maybe three humans have achieved this feat in 3000 years. These incredible beings are seen as IWMD's (Interstellar weapon of mass destruction) The last person to achieve this feat waged war on the universe, causing humanity to lose ⅓ of their colonies and ¼ of their population with only 60hz of control. Total losses range between 5-8 trillion deaths tri galactically. Powers ranges incredibly between 40-100 hz. A user with around 50hz of control would likely be considered a universal powerhouse capable of annihilating solar systems within hours. A user with 100hz of control would be seen as God. Not a god, but the God. Capable of creating artificial life. It is predicted that a God-level Gamma Aether user would be able to destroy half a galaxy in an instant by self-destructing.

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