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Beyond the Spiderverse: The Absolute Spider-Man Beyond the Spiderverse: The Absolute Spider-Man original

Beyond the Spiderverse: The Absolute Spider-Man

Author: Golden_Liger

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue: How it all started.

"Alright, let's do this!" 

A voice declared amidst the cacophony of an explosion tearing through the air.

A figure clad in a striking black and red suit plummeted from the heavens, hurtling towards the earth below. As he descended, his velocity increased, a blur against the backdrop of the city skyline until he finally caught sight of Spider-Man soaring above. With a synchronized flip, they met mid-air, twin webs shooting out to anchor them as they swung in tandem.

Their acrobatic display brought them to rest atop the remnants of the once towering Empire State Building, now a testament to the city's resilience in the face of chaos.

Below sprawled a cybernetic metropolis, a marvel of technology and innovation, yet still bearing the scars of its tumultuous history. Despite the gleaming skyscrapers and bustling thoroughfares, there remained a palpable divide among its inhabitants.

In this city of contrasts, where opulent estates loomed over dilapidated tenements, and manicured lawns contrasted with cracked pavements, one figure stood as a symbol of hope amidst the disparity.

"Yo, what's up everyone? The name's Tariq Obasi Smith, but you can just call me Ty!" 

The young man introduced himself, his voice carrying over the wind-swept skyline.

"For the past three months, I've been the one and only Absolute Spider-Man. I know, I know, a weird name, right? Blame it on some meathead journalist who thought 'untamable' suited me better than the title of 'Spider-Man' whatever the hell that means. But hey, Miles, he was the real deal. I've never claimed otherwise..."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the sprawling cityscape, Ty's words echoed in the gathering dusk, a testament to the enduring spirit of heroism in a world that constantly sought to define it.

Ty gave the man he had saved a thumbs up before bouncing off the rooftop, his black and red figure slicing through the air like a dart. As he plummeted, the wind whipping past him, he extended his hand as webs shot out, anchoring him to the city's skyline. With a fluid motion, he swung away, a streak of crimson against the backdrop of the urban jungle.

"It all started with some stupid experiment Miles was trying to stop some years back, I wasn't even born yet when it happened." 

Ty recounted, his voice carrying the weight of memory as he perched atop the Empire Building, his mask and hoodie pulled down to reveal his features. His eyes, a vivid yellow, reflected the sunlight, while his sharp teeth gleamed in the golden glow. His locs cascaded around his face as he gazed out at the sprawling expanse of Angel Heights, the newest addition to New York's ever-evolving skyline.

"Skyriss and her negotiations with Alchemax." 

He continued, his tone tinged with bitterness. 

"They were trying to recreate Venom, but Miles couldn't stop them, dying in the process as well. That's where I come in, a kid raising a baby, I lost my mom a year prior to this whole ordeal in 2076. Now, I'm the one and only Spider-Man of 2077, ain't that a kick in the teeth?"

Memories flickered through Tariq's mind like distant echoes, fragments of a life upended by forces beyond his control. 

"I didn't know Miles, he apparently died like 9 years before I was born in 2055, I was a kind kid, at least from what my Ma told me, and she apparently met Miles at one point when she was a kid, so that's something huh?" 

He admitted, his voice softening with introspection. 

"I don't remember much from that day I became Spider-Man, but what I do remember is a trippy thing... I had just moved back to New York with my baby sister, Jade. I came for a job at Alchemax in the genetics lab, but they turned me down, said I didn't 'fit' the job. Met up with my best friends not long after, Deacon James, an army kid with a stick up his ass, Amani, and Desirée Willows, a pair of pain-in-the-ass twins who know how to get under my skin, but one thing's for sure: spider bites hurt like a bitch."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cityscape, Tariq's words lingered in the gathering twilight, a testament to the tangled web of fate that had woven him into the fabric of New York's storied history.

"If you guys wanna know how it all happened, you better get ready, it's gonna be a bumpy ride to find how how I ended up here!"

In the fading light of dusk, Tariq remained perched atop the Empire Building, a solitary figure silhouetted against the city's skyline. As the cool breeze tousled his locs and the distant hum of traffic filled the air, his thoughts drifted back to the day everything changedâ€"the day he became more than just a man.

He remembered the sensation of the spider's bite, searing through his veins like fire, and the dizzying rush of newfound strength coursing through his body. It was a moment of transformation, of awakening to a power he had never imagined possessing a power that would forever alter the course of his life.

But with that power came responsibility, a burden that weighed heavy on Tariq's shoulders as he navigated the treacherous streets of Angel Heights. For every life he saved, there were countless others in need of his help, countless battles to be fought in the never-ending war against injustice.

Yet amidst the chaos and turmoil of his newfound existence, Tariq found solace in the company of his friends: Deacon, Amani, and Desirée. They were his anchor in a world gone mad, his constant reminder in the face of danger and uncertainty.

Together, they traversed the city's labyrinthine streets, their laughter mingling with the sounds of sirens and gunfire. They were a motley crew, united by bonds of friendship forged in the crucible of adversity, each one a vital piece of the puzzle that was Tariq's life.

But as the shadows deepened and night descended upon the city, Tariq knew that his work was far from over. For every victory he achieved, there were new enemies waiting in the wings, new challenges to be overcome in the ongoing battle for justice.

With a sense of determination burning in his heart, Tariq donned his mask once more, his eyes flashing with resolve as he prepared to face whatever the night might bring. For he was more than just a man, he was the Absolute Spider-Man, the guardian of Angel Heights, and nothing would stand in his way.

7 months ago.

Tariq's eyes squinted against the dim light from his phone screen as he stood on a quiet street corner, the buzz of the city fading into the background. The name Desirée lit up, bringing with it a rush of texts that caught his immediate attention.

"Desirée: Hey Ty, Jade's been asking for you again. She had another nightmare. Can you swing by soon?"

Each word from Desirée tightened the knot of guilt in Tariq's stomach. He had been so caught up in the whirlwind of his responsibilities as Spider-Man that he'd inadvertently let days, maybe weeks, slip by without seeing Jade, his little sister and the very person he'd vowed above all to protect and provide for.

He exhaled deeply, the weight of his life pressing down on him. Since their mother's death from cancer last year, and their subsequent move to New York, Tariq had been everything for Jade, a guardian, provider, and protector. But balancing the scales between his night-time work hours and his daytime role as a brother had been far more challenging than he had anticipated.

As her guardian, he needed to work no matter how hard so that he could make sure Jade had everything she needed. Yet, Jade needed him most, who needed reassurance and comfort, especially from the nightmares that seemed to plague the toddler since their mother's passing.

With a resolve that stiffened his spine, Tariq slipped his phone back into his pocket and ran home, his mind was occupied not with the usual routine of his night shift but with thoughts of Jade, her smile, her laughter, the way she'd cling to him after a nightmare.

This night, his mission was clear: be home for Jade, to reassure her that he was there for her, that not even his job could keep him away from her for too long.

With each step closer to home, Tariq's resolve deepened. He would rebalance his priorities; he would be the brother Jade deserved, first and foremost. His responsibilities as a grown man would not overshadow his obligations to his sister. For in his heart, Tariq knew that protecting Jade was his most important role, his truest duty.

With a sense of urgency driving him forward, Tariq climbed the fire escape outside their apartment window. Pushing it open, he slipped inside, greeted by the warmth of their home and the soft murmur of voices drifting from the living room.

After putting up his work suit, he turned to leave the room.

There, he found Amani and Desirée, twin sisters and Tariq's closest friends since childhood. Amani, with her easy smile and boundless energy, was lounging on the couch, her curly hair tumbling down her shoulders in a cascade of ebony locks. Her dark eyes sparkled with mischief as she glanced up at Tariq, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

Beside her sat Desirée, the quieter of the two, her sharp wit matched only by her fierce loyalty to those she loved. With her piercing gaze and air of quiet confidence, she was the steady anchor amidst the storm of their adventures, her presence a source of strength for Tariq in times of need.

As Tariq entered the room, their expressions softened, concern etched into their features as they took in the weariness etched into his face. They knew the weight of his responsibilities as Jade's new guardian and his job.

"Amani: Hey Ty, everything okay?" 

Amani asked, her voice laced with genuine concern.

Tariq shook his head, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. 

"Tariq: Not really. Jade's been having nightmares again," 

He admitted, his voice tinged with guilt. 

"Tariq: I need to be there for her, but I feel like I'm failing her as a brother."

Desirée reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

"Desirée: You're doing the best you can, Ty." 

She said softly. 

"Desirée: We all know how much you love Jade. She's lucky to have you."

Amani nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with empathy. 

"Amani: Yeah, you're not alone in this, Ty. We're here for you, no matter what."

In that moment, as the weight of his burdens lifted ever so slightly, Tariq felt a surge of gratitude for the friends who had stood by him through thick and thin. With their unwavering support and unbreakable bond, he knew that together, they could weather any storm that came their way.

As Tariq looked into the eyes of the twins, a sense of warmth spread through his chest, a reminder of the unbreakable bond they shared. But little did he know, there were depths to their feelings that remained unspoken, hidden beneath layers of their childhood and their friendship.

Amani shifted uncomfortably on the couch, her gaze flickering away from Tariq's as a blush crept onto her cheeks.

She had always admired him from afar, drawn to his strength and resilience in the face of his mother's passing.

But now, as she watched him wrestle with his guilt and uncertainty, she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing deep within her heart.

Beside her, Desirée's expression was equally conflicted, her thoughts swirling with a mix of admiration and affection for the man who had been her closest friend for as long as she could remember.

She had always been the quieter of the two, content to let her sister take the spotlight while she lingered in the shadows.

But now, as she watched Tariq's shoulders sag under the weight of his burdens, she felt a fierce desire to protect him, to shield him from the pain that threatened to consume him.

But their feelings remained unspoken, buried beneath layers of friendship and loyalty. They had never dared to voice their desires, fearing rejection or, worse yet, the loss of the precious bond they shared with Tariq.

As they sat in silence, a palpable tension hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken truths that lingered between them. And though they may never find the courage to confess their feelings, they would continue to stand by Tariq's side, offering him the unwavering support and unconditional love that only true they could provide.

With a heavy heart, Tariq rose from the couch, his resolve steeled as he made his way towards Jade's room. The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting an ethereal glow over the small crib nestled in the corner.

As he approached, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, memories of a time long past flooding his mind. He remembered his mother's gentle touch, her soothing lullabies that had once chased away the nightmares that haunted his own childhood dreams.

With a trembling hand, Tariq reached out, brushing a lock of hair away from Jade's sleeping face. She stirred slightly, a faint smile gracing her lips as she snuggled deeper into her blankets, oblivious to the turmoil that gripped her brother's heart.

Beside him, Amani and Desirée lingered in the doorway, their expressions softened by the tender scene unfolding before them. They watched in silence as Tariq's shoulders shook with silent sobs, his tears glistening in the moonlight as he had regretted not noticing his mother getting sicker as he finished high school.

For a moment, time stood still as the weight of his pain hung heavy in the air, his mother was everything to him, and now he would be everything to Jade. And though he may never find the words to express the depths of his sorrow, he found solace in the fact that he would become what his sister needed.

As Tariq turned to leave, his heart heavy with the weight of his emotions, Amani and Desirée stepped forward, their arms open wide in a silent embrace. Together, they stood in the quiet darkness, drawing strength from one another as they faced the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, knowing that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other to lean on in times of need.

As the weight of the moment hung in the air, Amani and Desirée exchanged a silent glance, a shared understanding passing between them. With a soft smile, Amani stepped forward, her hand reaching out to cup Tariq's cheek in a gentle caress.

"Amani: Take care of yourself, Ty, we will always be here for you, and I am sure Ms Smith is doing well in heaven!" 

She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"Amani: And remember, we're always here for you, no matter what."

Before Tariq could respond, Desirée moved to his side, her fingers trailing lightly down his arm in a gesture of silent reassurance. 

"Desirée: Yeah, what she said." 

She added, her tone tinged with a hint of playfulness. 

"Desirée: And... we love you, Ty. So don't go trying to carry this burden all on your own!"

The words hung in the air like a promise, a declaration of affection that transcended the boundaries of friendship. 

And as Amani and Desirée turned to leave, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Tariq felt a warmth spread through his chest, a sense of belonging that he had never known before.

As he watched them disappear into the night, their laughter echoing in the distance, Tariq couldn't help but smile. 

For in that moment, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always have the unwavering support and unconditional love of his friends to guide him through the darkness.

With each passing day, Tariq's devotion to Jade only grew stronger. As he watched over her sleeping peacefully in her crib, a fierce determination burned within him, fueled by his unwavering commitment to protect and provide for his little sister.

In the wake of their mother's passing, Tariq had become Jade's sole guardian, her protector in a world that seemed intent on testing their resilience. But rather than succumb to despair, Tariq embraced his newfound role with unwavering resolve, determined to give Jade the love and security she deserved.

As he embarked on his quest to find a new job, Tariq's thoughts were consumed by thoughts of Jade. He longed to provide her with a stable home, a place where she could grow and thrive, free from the hardships he had faced growing up.

With the support of his friends, Feacon, Amani and Desirée, Tariq's burden became a shared responsibility. They each took turns watching over Jade, offering their assistance as he navigated the challenges of job hunting and house hunting.

Together, they scoured listings for potential apartments, searching for a place that would offer Jade the space and comfort she deserved. They offered words of encouragement and support, lifting Tariq's spirits when the weight of his responsibilities threatened to overwhelm him.

Through it all, Tariq remained steadfast in his determination to provide for Jade. He refused to let anything stand in the way of his duty as her big brother, knowing that their bond was unbreakable and their love unwavering.

And as the days turned into weeks, Tariq's efforts bore fruit. He secured a new job that allowed him to work from home, offering him the flexibility he needed to care for Jade while still providing for their future.

With a newfound sense of hope and purpose, Tariq set out to find their new home, a place where they could build a life together, filled with joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.

The day had begun with hope and anticipation as Tariq set out to inspect the apartment he had found, accompanied by his friend Deacon. He entrusted Amani and Desirée with watching over Jade, knowing they would care for her as if she were their own. Little did he know that their peaceful day would soon unravel into chaos.

As Amani and Desirée entered the apartment with Jade in tow, a sinister figure watched from across the street, hidden beneath a cloak of shadows. A cold smile played across his lips as he watched Tariq leave.

Tariq's return home was met not with the warmth of familiarity, but with the sight of his apartment building consumed by flames. Panic seized him as he rushed inside, ignoring the scorching heat and billowing smoke that threatened to engulf him. Upstairs, the inferno had already devoured his, their mother and Jade's rooms, leaving nothing but charred remnants in its wake.

With tears blurring his vision and adrenaline coursing through his veins, Tariq stumbled outside, his mind spinning with fear for Jade and his friends. Every fiber of his being screamed for action as he launched into a desperate search, his movements fueled by a brother's frantic determination.

Through the labyrinthine streets of the city, Tariq's footsteps echoed with urgency, each stride a testament to his unwavering devotion to his sister. He tore through known gang territories, leaving chaos in his wake as he demanded answers from anyone who crossed his path.

Finally, his frantic quest led him to the ominous gates of an abandoned Oscorp building, a place steeped in darkness and foreboding. He ran inside as he wanted his baby sister and his friends back.

Once Inside, he was confronted by the malevolent figure of the Green Goblin, his heart pounding with a mixture of rage and despair. Before him, in a stark holding cell, lay Jade, Desirée and Amani, their forms motionless yet miraculously unharmed.

In that moment, as Tariq gazed upon his unconscious sister and friends, a tempest of emotions raged within him, fear, anger, and an overwhelming sense of protectiveness. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained clear: he would stop at nothing to ensure the safety of those he loved, even if it meant facing the darkest of adversaries head-on.

The Green Goblin danced gracefully around Tariq's frenzied attacks, a smirk playing on his lips as he deftly avoided each blow. Despite the young man's brute strength and relentless assault, the Goblin made no move to retaliate, preferring instead to reason with his adversary.

"G-Goblin: Wait a second, Tariq! I do not wish to fight you!" 

The Green Goblin pleaded, his voice tinged with urgency as he sidestepped another vicious strike from Tariq's fists. He recognized the young man's ferocity, his protective instincts extending not only to his little sister but also to his friends.

As the futile battle continued, the Goblin realized that words alone would not quell Tariq's berserker rage. With a heavy heart, he made a split-second decision, knowing it was the only way to make Tariq see reason. With a swift, calculated blow, he rendered the young man unconscious, his body slumping to the ground with a thud.

When Tariq awoke, disoriented and groggy, he found himself confined within a cell, his senses slowly returning to him as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he locked gazes with the man who had orchestrated his capture, the enigmatic Norman Osborn Jr.

"Norman: Greetings, Tariq Obasi Smith." 

Norman began, his voice calm and composed despite the chaos that surrounded them. 

"Norman: Do you know where you are?"

Confusion clouded Tariq's mind as he shook his head, his thoughts still muddled from the ordeal. His attention was quickly drawn to the adjacent cell, where his friends lay unconscious, Amani cradling Jade protectively in her arms.

"Tariq: Huh? Who the hell are you? And how do you know my full name??? Wait a minute....Jade?! Desirée?! Amani?!" 

Tariq exclaimed, his voice laced with desperation and fear. The sight of his loved ones in peril ignited a fire within him, a fierce determination to break free from his confines and ensure their safety at any cost.

Tariq's fists pounded relentlessly against the unyielding glass of his prison, each strike fueled by a potent mix of fear and fury. Norman Osborn Jr, the man behind this twisted game, watched with a mixture of surprise and admiration. Despite his dire circumstances, Tariq's resolve burned brightly, refusing to be extinguished by the suffocating weight of despair.

Meanwhile, Norman approached the cell housing Amani, Desirée, and the still unconscious Jade. With a casual press of a button, the door slid open, allowing him to enter and effortlessly lift Jade from Amani's protective embrace. Tariq's growl reverberated through the room, a primal sound born of pure instinct and anger.

"Tariq: Osborn! You better let go of my friends and my baby sister before I manage to get out of here!" 

Tariq's voice crackled with barely-contained rage, his eyes blazing with intensity as he glared at the man who held his loved ones captive.

But Norman remained eerily composed, a sinister smile playing at the corners of his lips. 

"Norman: Listen well, Tariq. To answer your first question: I am Norman Osborn, the second. Son of Harry Osborn and grandson of Norman Osborn senior. To answer your second question: I have been watching over you since you were born, 19 years ago." 

He began, his tone dripping with calculated charm. 

"Norman: Now, before we discuss your origins further, I have a proposition for you. And if you cooperate with me, I will release your friends and your sister. I have no desire to harm innocent people or children."

Tariq's mind reeled with disbelief. This was Norman Osborn Junior, grandson of the infamous Green Goblin attempting to negotiate rather than resorting to violence like his grandfather would. 

"Tariq: Uh, okay?" 

Tariq responded cautiously, his distrust simmering just beneath the surface. 

"Tariq: But if you so much as try ANYTHING funny, I promise I will make sure your life ends here."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Norman snapped his fingers, signaling for both cells and himself to be lowered into the depths of the building's basement, a hidden laboratory concealed from prying eyes.

Once they reached their destination, Norman snapped his fingers once more, summoning a mysterious tube to lower into Tariq's cell. The purpose of this contraption remained shrouded in uncertainty, leaving Tariq to wonder what twisted fate awaited him at the hands of the enigmatic Norman Osborn.

"Norman: Tariq, this here is the newest innovation of Oscorp, this is the Spider Den, and it was the hideout of the previous Spider-Man: Miles Morales. And you, Tariq Obasi Smith, are going to be the next in line Spider-Man!"

He said before gesturing to a containment unit housing a new, genetically altered spider. 

"Norman: Alright, Tariq, I kindly ask you to let this spider bite you."

Tariq recoiled, his instincts screaming against it. 

"Tariq: What?! You're insane?! I am not letting that thing bite me?!"

As Tariq said that, Norman laughed, he figured that Tariq would be apprehensive of letting some unknown spider bite him.

But as he glanced again at Jade's form in Norman's arms, his resolve wavered. 

"Tariq: Fine, I'll let it bite me."

The thought of losing Jade was unbearable, he had already lost his mom a year prior, he couldn't lose Jade. With a heavy sigh, he approached the spider, extending his arm towards it. The spider slowly crawled onto Tariq's arm, he didn't know if it would bite him or what would happen if it did bite him.

But as he let out a sigh of relief, the spider bit him, the bite was sharp, venom seeping into his veins, a fiery pain that felt like magma was running through his veins.

As the spider's venom took effect, transforming him in ways he couldn't yet understand, Tariq focused solely on the promise he had made to himself and to Jade: he would protect her, no matter the cost. And now, armed with new and terrifying powers, he was more equipped than ever to keep that vow.

After being bitten, Tariq, still reeling from the shock and pain of his transformation, quickly regains focus on his mission: rescuing Jade and the twins. As he approaches the cell to free her, the click of another button being pressed echoes through the chamber. Norman, ever the puppet master, smirks from his control panel.

The wall shudders slightly, and another cell swings open. From within, a mechanism activates, and a canister is released from a securely mounted test tube. It lands with a heavy, metallic thud on the cold concrete floor, causing Amani and Desirée to finally wake up as they realized they were in a cell. 

Seconds tick by, thick with tension, before the canister unlatches with a hiss, revealing its contents. A red and black liquid, viscous and shimmering under the harsh laboratory lights, begins to seep out. It pools on the floor, undulating and pulsing as if alive, drawing the gaze of everyone in the room.

Tariq watches, transfixed, as the substance starts to form tendrils, reaching out as though searching for something or someone to latch onto. The air fills with a palpable sense of dread. This is no ordinary chemical; it's clear that Norman has been experimenting with something far more sinister and powerful.

As Tariq maneuvered to free Jade, the sudden clang of another cell opening diverted his attention. A canister fell and cracked open, releasing a red and black liquid that instantly animated, slithering rapidly across the floor. Its movements were deliberate and aggressive as it surged towards Tariq.

"Tariq: What the hell is that?! Norman?! What are you trying to do here?!" 

Tariq exclaimed, jumping backward in alarm.

Despite his agile responses, the liquid, evidently sentient, made several swift attempts to reach him, each more forceful than the last. With every evasion, it regrouped and lunged again, clearly targeting him.

Norman watched the unfolding chaos with a steely expression. Without a word, he pressed another button, activating a set of mechanical arms that sprang from the walls and clamped around Tariq, pinning him in place.

Tariq struggled against the mechanical grasp as Norman turned his attention momentarily to another cell. He entered, briefly interacting with Amani and Desirée, and ensuring Jade was safely with Desirée before returning his focus to Tariq.

The sentient liquid, now unimpeded by Tariq's dodges, closed in swiftly and began to envelop him. Tariq felt an icy chill as it touched his skin, then a surge of alien energy as it bonded with him, weaving itself over his clothes and forming what appeared to be a new, ominous suit.

Once free of the mechanical arms, Tariq dashed to a nearby mirror. The reflection that greeted him was startling: the liquid had fully encompassed him, creating an intricate suit that seemed to pulse with both threat and power — the Absolute Spider Suit.

Norman's intentions were becoming clear. He hadn't just wanted to capture or control Tariq; he had planned to transform him. This symbiote, a product of Norman's biotechnological experiments, was designed to bond with Tariq, enhancing his physical capabilities and intertwining with his psyche. By choosing Tariq, Norman hoped to create a powerful, new ally.

As Tariq, Amani, and Desirée stood frozen, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief at the transformation that had just occurred, Norman Jr. began to explain the gravity of the situation.

"Norman: To answer your questions." 

Norman Jr. said, his voice carrying a mix of pride and ominous intent.

"Norman: The liquid that has enveloped your body is a Symbiote, my own creation. It is a sentient being in every sense of the word. I developed this Symbiote as part of my greater plan to engineer a new Spider-Man."

Tariq, still reeling from the rapid changes, stared at his reflection, hardly recognizing the figure cloaked in the sinuous, dark suit that now clung to him. His mind raced with questions and confusion.

As Tariq struggled to process the situation, Norman Jr. stepped closer, his presence imposing. 

"Norman: As the newest Spider-Man, you are tasked with the responsibility of protecting this city. I chose you specifically to carry on this mantle because I created you." 

Norman Jr. continued, revealing a deeper layer of his plan.

This revelation hinted at a more complex and manipulative origin. Norman Jr. hadn't simply found Tariq and turned him into a superhero; he had orchestrated the creation of Tariq's powers from the start, possibly manipulating his life to steer him towards this very moment. 

Tariq was not just another superhero, he was Norman Jr.'s engineered protector of the city, crafted to fulfill a vision of vigilantism controlled by the very man who now claimed to be his creator.

Norman Jr.'s revelations unfolded with chilling clarity, each word heavy with the weight of his calculated manipulations and hidden agendas.

"Norman: And to answer your question." 

Norman Jr. continued, his voice carrying a mix of authority and remorse.

"Norman: About what I just said, it is true that Ashlyn is your mother. She did give birth to you. But it was I who created you."

Amani and Desirée exchanged incredulous glances, their expressions a tumult of shock and disbelief at the bombshell dropped by Norman Jr.

"Norman: I witnessed the death of your predecessor: Miles Morales." 

Norman Jr. confessed, his tone tinged with sorrow and regret. 

"Norman: He was an uncle to me, a mentor. After his death, I attempted to fill the void, donning the mantle of the 'Green Goblin' for three years, using Oscorp's technology to protect New York."

Norman Jr's mind reeled with memories of that fateful day, the day Miles sacrificed himself to save Norman Jr. and his own daughter from the original Green Goblin — Norman Osborn Senior.

"Norman: For three entire years, I fought to atone for my role in Miles's death." 

Norman Jr. continued, his voice heavy with remorse. 

"Norman: But my efforts were in vain. When April left New York, I realized that I needed to create a new Spider-Man. Thus, 'Project Absolute' was born."

Norman Jr. revealed the painstaking process of recreating Miles, merging his DNA with that of Peter Parker. The revelation painted a picture of years of secret experimentation, culminating in the creation of Tariq the hero standing before them, now bonded with the Symbiote codenamed "Thrasher."

The truth behind Miles's demise and the clandestine machinations of Norman Jr. left Amani and Desirée reeling, grappling with the realization that their friend's destiny had been manipulated from the start. As Tariq stood before them, transformed into the city's new protector, the weight of Norman Jr.'s revelations hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the dawn of a new era for New York City.

As the revelation of his creation unfolded, Tariq's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. The realization that he was not just a product of chance but of deliberate design by Norman Jr. left him grappling with a newfound sense of identity. The Symbiote, now named Thrasher, pulsated in response to its designation, its presence a constant reminder of the intricate web of manipulation that had led to this moment.

Tariq's gaze flickered between the sinister visage reflected in the mirror and the imposing figure of Norman Jr., whose words echoed with authority in the dimly lit chamber.

"Norman: Thrasher, this young man is your host." 

Norman Jr.'s voice reverberated through the room, commanding attention. 

"Norman: You are to protect him, his friends, and his sister at any cost. Is that understood?"

The air crackled with tension as the symbiotic entity seemed to acknowledge the directive, its form rippling with latent power as a head materialized from the suit.

The head had two white stripes mimicking eyes as a mouth formed, the Symbiote smiled. Tariq felt a surge of apprehension mingled with a strange sense of camaraderie as he stared at the swirling mass of darkness that now intertwined with his being.

Meanwhile, Amani and Desirée stood nearby, their expressions a mixture of awe and concern as they processed the revelation unfolding before them. Their friend, once a young man trying to raise his little sister while navigating the complexities of life, now stood transformed into a figure of myth and legend, a superhero bound by destiny and duty.

Tariq's transformation into the city's newest protector left them both reeling, their minds struggling to reconcile the reality of their friend's newfound identity with the memories of the boy they had known. Yet, beneath the shock and uncertainty, there flickered a glimmer of pride, a recognition of the courage and resilience that had led Tariq to this moment.

As Norman Jr.'s command hung in the air, binding Tariq and Thrasher in a symbiotic pact of protection, Amani and Desirée exchanged a silent nod, their resolve steeled. Together, they would stand by their friend, facing whatever challenges lay ahead in the uncharted territory of heroism and sacrifice.

Golden_Liger Golden_Liger

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