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85.71% Bittersweet / Chapter 6: Awkward meeting &Jason's not so happy birthday.

Chapter 6: Awkward meeting &Jason's not so happy birthday.

The little girl was looking at me her innocent eyes, she kept looking at me and it was making me nervous. She was still hidden behind Alec.

"Princess don't be scared, Hailey here is my friend and she is really sweet." He said softly. This made her slowly come from behind him. Now I was able to see her fully. She was indeed a beautiful little girl with really long dark blond hair and soft features and of course her big green eyes and was looking cute in her white dress.

Neither did she talk nor did I. I was standing there thinking what to do? I was not experienced with kids! What should I say? So I did what I could, I started by introducing myself. "hi, I am hailey." I said bringing my hand between us. It made her shyer and she was now fully hiding behind Alec.

Oh god! She was not even looking at me. What should I do now? I am terrible with kids!! "Come on Beth come here." Alec moved aside, and now was sitting with her on his lap. "say hi to hailey, she will be taking care of you from tomorrow." Then she said it softly, in her sweet and innocent voice. "hi." Just a hi! that to an emotionless one. I was about to start talking to her but she got up and ran away out of the study.

That was interesting. I looked at Alec. "well..."

"don't worry she will open up to you. I told you at first she is shy." I didn't told him anything. I got that she was shy, but what should I do to make her talk to me! I was not good at this at all. I talked with Alec a bit and he told me that I should come from Monday.

I left still thinking. Will I be able to take care of a little girl? It was so awkward between us just now, but I do need this job. The pay is really nice, I can even move in into better area and afford it.


It was Friday night and I was lying down on my couch watching reruns of friends, with my favorite black current ice cream. Can a night get any more perfect? All about the babysitting was far much behind my mind right now. All I had in mind was that I have no early morning lecture tomorrow. I slept on couch watching the series, as I was too tired to go to my room, and also I missed Char so I was feeling sad.

I woke up smelling coffee; I knew that Charlotte was here. Only she had keys.

I woke up smiling. "Good morning!" I heard her over hyper voice. She came and sat beside me with a cup of coffee for me and herself. "I miss you." I said smiling sadly.

"I miss you more!" she said giving me a big hug. I was really use to having her around, now it feels so strange without her.

"oh please like you even have time to think about me!" I said making face.

"bitch! Don't be jealous I am sure you will find someone soon."

I and Char then went to have brunch together at diner.

"its Jason's birthday tomorrow." Char said.

"really? So what are you gifting him?"

"well I have few things in mind! Will you come to mall with me?"

"ok." Anyways I have nothing to do. I wanted to come and help aunty here at diner, as aunty said I should keep these two days for myself.

"you know there is always birthday party held on his birthday at Paradise , he said he will call and invite you himself tonight."

"party? I don't know Char, I don't think so."

"oh hush, you know Jason would want you there, it's his birthday after all." Party was in paradise hotel, it means that Beth's dad would e there too. I was in no mood to attend the party, but I knew I had too. I can't say no to Jason.

Jason did messaged me at night and I told him yes. What harm could going to a party do, Blaze would be there with me, though in back o my mind I was damn curious to meet Mr. Anderson.


I was ready waiting for stupid Blaze to pick me up, being girl I was already ready while he was taking so much time to come. Finally after some time when Blaze came we went towards the paradise hotel to attend party. Char was already there with Jason; from what I have heard although the party has been held in such a big hotel, it would not be such a grand, just some close friends and relatives.

I just hoped that I was not under dressed or the party. I was dressed in pretty simple navy blue dress, which reached my above my knee, I found its neck line sexy, this is the only nice and sexy dress I own, which was also gifted to me by Char. I had with very much difficulty straightened my hair, and managed to look decent enough.

"oh please stop fidgeting about your look." Blaze hissed elbowing me.

I moaned in pain. It's simple or him to say, he looked elegant enough his attire without even trying so hard. I am nowhere near use to attending such parties.

I don't think I would even have founded courage to come without Blaze by my side.

Hand in hand we both went inside the party. I couldn't help but remember my last time coming here! It was first time when I met HIM! Mr. angry voice, God! Not even a day had passed when I haven't thought about that blonde hair, grey eyes rude man.

"well it doesn't look like some friends and relative to me." Blaze said chuckling. Yes it sure wasn't, I was not so shocked, I knew somehow that there won't be less people round, it is Jason's birthday, sure this party won't be called as the grandest party of the city, but it sure was big.

Since last time I came here the beauty of this hotel still surprise me. The party was at open pool side place, open party and that too at 12th floor! It's not at all hard to guess that the view was breathtaking just as list time.

"oh there is Char and Jason." Laze said and dragged me towards them.

"happy birthday Jason." I wished hugging him. Jason was looking really handsome in his casual Blazer, this is what I liked out him, and although he is rich he never dresses like an uptight business man. Not like Mr. angry voice!

You have taken his name like 10 times in last 10 minutes! What is wrong with you? Obsessed are we?

I ignored my inner voice mocking me, and went for the search of drink for myself. I ditched Blaze, as anyways he within 2 minutes found a girl to flirt with, how he does that still surprises me.

Anyways I was pretty much in hurry to get drink and stand by the corner, to enjoy the breathtaking view all by myself. The thought of doing so made me quiet excited. Peace!!!

Ofcource I should have known I have been graced with best friend named Char, who is meant to stick by my side with glue. "hi, looking sexy!" Char said looking at me from top to bottom.

"same to you." I said looking at my best friend who sure looked stunning in her black dress.

"but what's with this frown? Not enjoying your boyfriend's birthday party is it?" I asked laughing, I ofcource knew she hated such boring formal parties.

"you have no idea how much I hate being here!" she moaned.

Yeah right! I thought, am sure not more than me!

"you know, I just want to go and stand by that stage and shout out loud. 'this is a 26 year old man's birthday not 62 years old ! Just fucking change the damn depressing music, stop discussing business and just fucking dance!"

Well damn she is frustrated! I anyways laughed; the way she sounded was hilarious.

"well baby ,you know you can't do that." Jason said offering her a drink, I can see even he was amused.

"your thoughts never fails to crack me up I must say!" Blaze said chuckling! He came and stood beside me with his hands on my shoulder. "but I do agree with her man, its damn boring."

"here's drink for you my lady." Blaze said handing me my soda, it was non alcoholic for sure, and he knows I don't drink. "thanks."

Blaze, Jason me and Char were together for next hour. After that the couple went and it was me and Blaze. "you don't have to stick by my side you know, I will be fine by my own."

"not enjoying my company are you?" I rolled my eyes.

" I am going to get another soda, you want something?" I asked. He shook his head saying no. I went towards the bar and took my cranberry soda. Everyone was now dancing in some 80's slow song which I have no idea about, well judge me all you want not fan of old music! Maybe because never got time to listen.

I was going back when me being me my foot slipped, well it happens a lot. Well something that rarely happens also happened I crashed into someone, and spilled my whole drink on them. Well it was a man for sure. "what the hell!!" god no! no! not again! But I know can never miss judge his voice, it was Mr. angry voice! I spilled my drink on him! Shit!

"I am so sorry!!!" I apologized trying not to look at him so that he doesn't recognize that it's me, that was my plan, but ofcource it failed. "You!"

"oh! Hi we met again!" I greeted him smiling sheepishly at him; maybe it would cool him down as he was looking really angry. I have already managed to make him angry twice, well according to him only once.

"unfortunately." He hissed looking at his white shirt under his court, which was now red. I didn't made a scene thank god, only few people was watching, they also seem not that interested.

"it was by mistake, I am so sorry, let me clean that up for you, or it would leave a permanent stain." I said holding his arm to rush him towards the bathroom to clean his shirt. His glare on my face was now looking at my hand which held his arm. I slowly moved my hand back. Ok no touching next time. God no one had scared me so much since my gym teacher in 5th grade.

"seriously cant you fall clumsily towards someone else? Why me!" He sounded like a grumpy child.

"well I-"

"I don't wanna hear you get out of my way!" he said angrily, why is he always so angry! And why does he always cut me off! He has seriously pissed me off now.

"hey! You have to stop cutting me off!" I said following him, how can a person be so rude? I was talking and he walked away! He stood by the corner watching the view, oh sorry glaring.

"why are you following me?"

"you have to stop cutting me off!" I repeated myself.

"you have to stop coming in my way."

"why are you so rude?"

"why are you so clumsy?"

Ahh!! So damn annoying! " I already apologized." I hissed, now standing and looking at the view.

Breezy, It was breezy! It helped me to calm down, we both were standing beside each other, and both were pissed. I don't remember last time someone made me this angry, my personality is calm usually.

"are you crashing the party? You don't look like you belong here?" just when I was calming down, he opens his mouth!

"Excuse me?" I said looking at him. God arrogant man like him should not be that handsome. His grey eyes were narrowed and he was looking at me judgingly, like I don't belong here, well he just said that too!

"what I was just stating the fact." He said casually, but he was still looking at me, it made me nervous. I knew I was not looking bad, but I also knew girls around here looked much better than me.

"stop staring!" I said. I am always also known as a shy and insecure person, if someone else would have told me that, I would have probably ran and never looked back, but I am surprisingly bold in front of him.

"and FYI I am Jason's friend!"

"FYI? seriously so immature." He muttered. God! I wanted to hit him!

"you ar-"

"well I can't believe I am wasting my time having conversation with you." He said running his hand through his soft looking hair. He has nice hair. Stop checking him out Hailey, he is not nice! He again cut me off.

"you seriously have to s-"

"I am leaving, hearing your voice is giving me migraine." He said smiling fakely, I gasped though his dimple and even the fake smile is breath taking, he made me even angrier if that is even possible! I sure am red with anger.

"I wish I never have to see your always angry face again!" I hissed giving him more big fake smile which surprised him, his eyes widened, he sure wasn't expecting that.

"yeah, and wish you never come in my way again." He said and was gone like a wind!

I looked up in the sky and took a deep breath to calm myself down. I really wish I never meet him again. He makes me angry, I have never been so irritated.

It's such a shame, such a handsome face and body has a potty mouth!

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