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Chapter 2: Wake up Tenno!

Deep within a forest that was between two kingdoms, the Clover Kingdom and the Diamond Kingdom. Shops and homes of many alike could be seen with many women residing in them or flying on brooms outside, though, even if one wasn't paying attention they could tell there were no men, none.

At the very center, a palace could be seen, it was built into the side of a massive tree trunk. In the throne room, a tall woman with a slim build, pink hair, which is pulled up under her hat, and teal eyes. Beneath both of her eyes are three dark blue teardrops. Her lips are the same shade of blue.

She wore a light green, layered dress with each layer of the skirt having a large red eyespot. The bodice has a high neck and long sleeves. The skirt flares out into a large hoop, she also wears a white conical hat with a wide brim. It has the same layered look as her dress but lacks the eyespots. Additionally, the black feather hatband has a dark red flower in front and a collection of multicolored jewels on her left side.

The throne is set on a higher level, letting her look down on her audience. A leafless tree sits behind her throne. Two skulls of stags decorate the wall below her throne; the skulls are set in inwreathes and flames burn between their antlers.

She was currently resting her head against her hand as she stared into a crystal ball that showed images of her kingdom, this was the Witch Queen, the mother of all witches.

'Everything seems to be in order' she thought to herself with a slight smile formed on her lips.

She slowly stood from her throne, slowly but steadily she made her way down from her throne, her steps echoing through the room until finally, she made it near a window. 'I could have continued watching from the ball but it's nice to change things from to time to time' she mused

Suddenly a huge surge of Mana came from the west of her kingdom, her eyes opened slightly as that small smile formed into a frown. 'What could this be?'

She opened her hand with her palm facing up, the crystal ball that was once by the throne floated towards her, once it was within her grasp she willed the crystal ball to show the source of the Mana.

The ball showed an image of a cave near a waterfall, the queen tried zooming in but the image refused to go any further, the result was the queen being slightly annoyed that she'll have to go there in person but intrigued something that was in her domain could hide from her vision. 'I guess I'll go there and deal with the pest, everything must remain in order.'

She clapped her hands, the next moment crows flew in haste towards the queen covering her completely, and flew out the window quickly leaving the throne room empty.

The queen reappeared in front of the cave, the crows quickly dispersing into the trees now that they're job is done for now. The queen proceeded to walk into the cave with her back straight and an umbrella over her head. 'Let's see what the problem is.'

The deeper into the cave she went, the heavier the air would become, the cave walls slowly became white metal with golden pillars holding them up. The queen didn't hesitate to go deeper, she was determined and confident that she could deal with the problem with ease.

Her hills clicking and clacking through the dark tunnel, until she saw an opening, a huge room with a pod in the center with a boy.

The boy seemed to be 10 years old at least, pale skin with a tattoo under his eyes, raven black hair that had a few strands of pink at the tip, sleeping inside.

The pod was made of a blue colored like glass with a cross on it in gold with blue neon lights on the side.



"Wake up, Tenno!"

Kuro's eyes shot open, his eyes were hot pink with a slight shade of wine red that shined and quivered in the darkness of the room as the pod opened, not wanting to waste this chance he looked around the room.

'White walls, golden pillars, and this pod..' his heart sped up a bit just thinking about the conclusion but he quickly calmed down, he needed to find out where he was.

Kuro jumped out of the pod and landed on the ground trying to regain his balance, his body felt as light as feather and perfectly responded to what he wanted quickly without delay. 'Why am I so light?'

"*Ahem* hello."

Kuro quickly turned his head towards the source of the voice, his eyes landed on a woman in lime green and black dress staring at him with indifferent eyes, he tried recalling who this woman was but everything felt vague and blurred, he could only remember certain things that would happen in the future and his name.

"Who are you?" he asked tilting his to the side.

She stayed quiet for a minute but her lips parted. "I am the witch queen" she answered with a monotone tone with a hint of pride, a small smile formed on her lips as she stared down at the boy. "Who may you be?"

'I was planning to kill him if he seemed dangerous but he's still a kid, he seems harmless but that absurd amount of mana he's releasing is truly intriguing.' she thought to herself.

"My name is Kuro Usagi" he responded with a hint of pride in the name, he got it from lady death herself.

The queen's smile slowly faded as she came out of her thoughts. "Kuro Usagi was it? Why don't you come with me?" she suggested.

Kuro let out a silent sigh. 'Not like I have a choice in the matter, feel like if I refused I'll die.' Kuro nodded his head, without wasting any time the queen made her way out of the cave with Kuro in tow.

Back at the castle the witch queen ordered some witch maids to make some male clothes for a child, the witches who had this task were confused on why she'd need clothes for male but never questioned her, they didn't dare ask since the queen herself warned them not to speak of this to anyone else or they'd be severely punished.

Returning to her throne room where Kuro stood, the queen walked up to her throne, sitting down she gestured for him to come closer. "Come, Kuro."

Kuro hesitated for a second but made his way towards her, though something he never expected came out of her mouth that echoed through the room.

"Would you like to become my son?" the witch queen never thought these words would come out of her mouth, never in a thousand years, but this boy was too good for her just to execute on the spot, if he decided to turn her down she would just send him out into the forest and watch over him.

Kuro was honestly stunned. "I'm sorry your majesty but did you just ask me to be your son?"

The queen nodded her head. "Of course, you can refuse to try to find your way out of the forest."

'Accept, though she does have ulterior motives this will benefit you in the end, Kuro' a feminine voice suggested, Kuro was confused at first until a memory of a woman with pink hair holding both his hands with a smile on her face resurfaced. 'Mori?'

'That's me, sorry for being late aha!' she let out a wry laugh.

"Don't worry about it, you did say accept right?" Kuro asked looking at the floor resting his chin on his hand.

'I did, you may not remember but this woman is cruel, she wouldn't mind enslaving or locking anyone in a birdcage until the end of their lives if it was for her goals or someone offending her, though accepting would be the best course of action, you would have the lesser chance of death with the advantage of having her as a teacher and a mother-ish'

A chill went down his spine as he thought of what Mori had said but the advantages were great as well. 'You're right, hopefully, she'll show her motherly love in the future and not see me as a pawn, which seems almost impossible from her description.'

'If you can do that then I'll grant you another wish, good luck with that impossible task, haha!' she voiced with a laugh.

The queen stayed quiet and watched as Kuro's expressions kept shifting while in deep thought, he then looked up into her eyes startling her a slightly as his eyes glowed a bit.

"I accept!"

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