/ Fantasy / Blades of Rebellion

Blades of Rebellion Original

Blades of Rebellion

Fantasy 110 Chapters 95.7K Views
Author: Rellrell_Fowler

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After having suffered a traumatic event witnessing the horrific execution of a child his age, Ryuma Irgo vowed that when he joins The Order, he'll become a savior for the weak and impoverished people in the lower world of Straissand.

But having lived in the luxurious paradise known as the Sky Islands, Ryuma soon learns the horrors of how the Order really works and how the system is set up as oppressors rather than saviors.

With this knowledge, Ryuma must decide if the system he wanted to join worth changing from the inside, or should it be torn apart and uprooted from the ground up.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. SirEctor
    SirEctor Contributed 335
  2. Atomic_Reader_1
    Atomic_Reader_1 Contributed 3
  3. Johnix09
    Johnix09 Contributed 3


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    • Translation Quality
    • Stability of Updates
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    This book really brings the reader in,in the first couple chapters and it shows lot of different outcomes to how it might progress so it isn't very predictable.Only read to chapter 3 but now have high expectations to how the story will go on

    View 1 Replies

    fantastic story. I'm very surprised. so different and so unique. [img=recommend] please come and support this novel. this is worth the read and time and stones. I don't usually write reviews but this is really good.

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    Super livre. Un thème avec un énorme potentiel ainsi qu'une narration original, bien que les changements de points de vue soient déstabilisant.

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    I've reached the end of the first volume. In doing so, I'm going to have to go on a hiatus. I have multiple reasons for doing so. The first of reasons is I'd like to go back on the first volume and shore up any of the story. This might require changing or adding a few things. Won't change anything that you read so far, but it's needed so keep me from losing certain setups I've done. Also it helps with coherency. Second. I want to get further ahead of the story so I can have daily releases. If I can get that, I might get a front page recommondation and get in more viewers. I should have started with that but whatever. Third, I'm a bonafide Trucker now and I'm constantly on the road. Wifi isn't always available. It's actually quite difficult to come by at times. I need more powerful Wifi and need to purchase the items for said things. There's also the issue of giving some focus on my other story. I do enjoy writing original works. My main story is one I want proffesionally done and will be seeking an agent. This may take some time but a man needs to eat. All I can do is take it step by step but I'll get there. I'm glad that you all enjoy the story. Take care out there and be safe.

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    Author Rellrell_Fowler