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Chapter 3: chapter 3

Chapter: 3

I blinked in confusion, trying to comprehend the surreal scene before me. The silver-haired girl continued cleaning the katana, her piercing gaze never leaving mine.

"C-creator? What do you mean?" I stammered, feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion.

The girl set aside the katana and pointed before her.


Seeing that there was nothing to lose I walked over to where she was pointing and sat down.

"Ok so allow me to explain. You remember the three flames from last night yes?" she asked

"Yeah, the white, silver, and multicolored flames right? But what does that have to do with you calling me creator?"

"Wait I'll explain as we go along."

I nodded in response.

"Good, so I'll explain what each flame represented let's start with the silver one since that's the easiest to explain."


"The silver flame represents an energy called Reiryoku also known as spirit energy and it's the energy your brother and the sou reaper were producing last night and the energy you have that allowed you and your brother to see spirits because of your close proximity to them when they were releasing it your body started absorbing it increasing your own reserves by a large amount thus allowing you to now do more than see spirits but we will get into the capabilities later. Do you understand?"

"Ok, so you're saying that me, Ichigo, and Karin have had Reiryoku but it was only high enough for us to see and speak to spirits but now I have more because I absorbed some of the Reiryoku from last night?"


"Ok…. what was the white flame then?"

"Well, that one was slightly harder to figure out but from what I can tell it is raw energy."

"Huh?" was my confused response.

"Hmm.. how to explain this… Ah right um you know the ability of energy manipulation right?"

"Yeah, why."

"Think that wait not even think that's exactly what it is."

"Wait so you're saying that I have the ability to create and manipulate all forms of energy."

"That's what I'm getting from the energy so yeah."

".... huh ok what about the multi-colored flame."

"That one was the hardest to understand since it wasn't an energy but an ability."

"Ok, what kind of ability is it?" 

She looked at me with a serious expression and stated. "The ability to control cause and effect."

"... Wha- wait when you say cause and effect you don't mean I have the ability to do something like if I say when I snap money falls from the sky and it happens do you."

"Yes, I do mean that exactly."


"I don't know honestly."

"...Oookay that's something to look into later."

"Indeed but let's get back on track."

"Right, you were saying."

 "OK so last night when you first unlocked your abilities you were pulled here and-"

Before she could continue she was cut off by a sudden question from Riku.

"Um if you don't mind me asking where exactly is here?"

"Oh right you don't know about that yet so let me explain there are two sub-spaces you have access to one of which is this one is called a mindscape and the other is called the soulscape."

"What's the difference between them?"

"The difference lies with the names The mindscape pertains to a realm within one's mind and The soulscape is a realm that lies in the soul."

I sat there for a minute thinking about it then nodded.

"Ok, that makes sense."

"Good now let me continue my previous explanation, as I was saying you were pulled here where you interacted with your powers you remember that?"

"Yeah, when I absorbed most of the sliver flames right."

"Yeah, but you were supposed to absorb all of it but you stopped it from doing so which in turn wasn't a bad thing per se because you were going to absorb it when you passed out again however what happened after was what started my creation."

"Ok," I said confused.

"Confused I know just bare with me I'll explain."

I nodded.

"So do you remember when you were thinking of weapons specifically when you were thinking of if had a katana of your own?"


"See because of your activated energy manipulation the Reiryoku flame tried to take the form of the sword you were thinking of but because of the fact the amount was so little it pulled on some of the raw energy that came with energy manipulation to complete the sword you had in mind right but that's not where it ended you see when you started thinking about abilities for said sword your Reiryoku and your raw energy worked together to apply the blade/bladed weapon manipulation however the second ability you wanted to apply could not be done by the Reiryoku flame or the raw energy flame it automatically pulled on the causality flame and because you said the second ability in such a way that it sounded like a cause and effect it activated its ability thus creating this." 

She said holding up the silver katana.

"Ok but what would that have to do with you?"

"That's simple I am the sword or more specifically I am the soul of the sword."


"Sigh, ok this sword and the swords both your brother and the soul reaper had are called zanpakuto's and a zanpakuto is sentient because they hold souls inside them and those souls are called zanpakuto spirits do you understand now?"

"Ooo- oh I get it now, so you're saying that when I accidentally made the sword it became a zanpakuto and you're the zanpakuto spirit for said zanpakuto thus in turn I made you as well right?"

"Something along those lines yes."

"I see but why when I taped the spirit today on her head with the pummel of the sword she faded away?"

"That is called a Konso (soul funeral) and it's the means by which soul reapers use to help souls crossover to the other side."

"Oh that's good I thought I did something terrible to that lady," I said sighing in relief. 

"Well yes anyway it's time I got to the main reason I pulled you here."

"The main reason?"

"Yes, which is training it is unwise for you to be walking around with abilities that you don't know how to use, especially cause and effect manipulation."

"True but are you gonna teach me?"

"While I won't be able to teach you how to use your various abilities properly because I'm of the type of zanpakuto I am but I should be able to teach you the basics of them at least and I can help refine your swordsmanship."

"Really! When do we start!?" I asked excitedly.

She threw me her blade form with a smile that looked a little too dark for my liking as silver energy formed in her hand and materialized another sword that looked exactly like her zanpakuto form.


I jumped up to my feet and backed away sweating bullets.


She chuckled darkly.


She then rushed at me sword posed to attack.

"Ahh." I screamed in fright. 


I woke up feeling more tired than refreshed though the training in my mindscape probably had something to do with that. I groan as I get up from my bed. Burēdowākusu (Blade Works) is a slave driver I swear how did she expect me to learn all of that in one night? I did but seriously if I didn't know better I would say she was trying to kill me. 

(If you haven't figured it out yet Burēdowākusu is the name of his zanpakuto.)

Ok, time to revise, first Reiryoku Burēdowākusu taught me how to sense Reiryoku properly, to minimize the amount of Reiryoku that I produce and the reason for that is because unlike say Ichigo who would have to have his soul knocked out of his body to use his soul reaper powers I would do something akin to a transformation when I raise my Reiryoku beyond a certain point and also because of Burēdowākusu's special creation she can be summoned by me without using my soul reaper form thus for the time being I don't need to use it for a while and lastly she has been teaching a speed technique called the shunpo (flash step). I have barely been able to do the technique but I have the basics which means I can only go short distances.

Next is energy manipulation and the raw energy that comes with it. Unlike Reiryoku, Burēdowākusu couldn't teach me much outside of visualization, production, and the basics of manipulation she said the rest would be up to me to learn by trial and error and well.

I raised my hand and a ball of white energy formed in my hand which started to form into a dagger then back into a ball into an arrow then dissipated.

It's going well enough it's slow but fine. Last but certainly not least cause and effect control and well she couldn't help with that at all the most she could do was give ideas on how it would be used and well.

I held out both hands.

"Cause: when I snap, Effect: ice cubes form in my left hand."

I snapped my fingers on my right hand and not long after 3 ice cubes formed in my left hand like how I had set for the cause and effect. So it works like that but at the moment I can't do anything complicated right now and I can only use three causes and three effects right now as well but it's working at least.

I sighed as I went to freshen up, ate breakfast then left for school. Deciding to get some practice in I shifted to my soul reaper form and started using shunpo to get to school I'm definitely not doing this for personal gain definitely not it's for practice definitely. Anyway, I used shunpo to get a good distance closer to school I landed in an area where I couldn't be seen and returned to my normal form walking the rest of the way to school.

Outside of the typical nothing much happened in other words my and Liltotto's causal banter. Things only started happening for me at least for me when I was heading home. I started hunting hollows on Burēdowākusu's order cause she says and I quote "It's to get more combat experience outside of me." which yeah makes sense but seriously. 

I shifted back into my soul-reaper form and started to use shunpo to move around the area killing any hollows I found while also going home. In total, I found only three which was a lot fewer than there were this morning which indicates to me that someone has been busy and it's most likely Ichigo and the soul reaper from the night I got my powers how I know so is because I sense two familiar Reiyoku signatures around the area and the only two Reiyoku signatures I know outside of mine are those two's so that's my line of thought however one signature was lesser than the other. It didn't take me long to finish that so I headed home directly after.

When I got home I didn't really do much I bathed changed my clothes went to my room and lay down on my bed and was about to enter my mindscape but I had to cut my actions short as I sensed a sudden spike of hollow Reiyoku in the room next to mine.

"Isn't that Ichigo's room," I said as I sat up hastily 

I quickly got out of bed sprinted to Ichigo's room and opened the door with force but not slamming it open. When I got inside I noticed Ichigo's body on the floor seemingly passed out and the window open however knowing better I noticed two trails of Reiyoku leading out the window I walked inside closed the door behind me and immediately shifted to my soul reaper form for the third time today then hopped out the window intending to follow them.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you.' A female's voice rang out in my head.

Stopping in my tracks and recognizing the voice instantly I said.


Chapter 3: End

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