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Chapter 22: The son born in the dark... in the dark

After discussing some things with Aizen about his future plans, and what he had in mind, Aizen left, he had things to do and take care of.

Shin however remained there, taking a second to check his system notifications, his quest should have been deemed complete by now.


Quest: Greater evil and Lesser Evil

Information: The man named Sosuke Aizen along with two other people after betraying Soul Society and gravely injuring different division captains. For some reason One of the traitors came to talk to you but his intentions are unknown.

Objective: Unravel his intentions by coming to see you. (completed)

Hidden Objective: Do not Kill Aizen (Completed)

Hidden Objective: Kill Aizen (Failed)

Time Limit: 1h

Reward: 1 Gacha Ticket.


Those Hidden objectives, he could only obtain one, to begin with... or, perhaps if he had the ability to kill him and resurrect him after? Would that have worked?

[That wouldn't have worked, but there is something else for you. The Quest has been updated.]

Updated? That's new. This is the first time something like this happened.


Surachevement/Surfeit: Make Aizen an Ally

Reward: 2 Gatcha ticket.


That has been added, surachievement/surfeit... He didn't even need to ask the system to understand. But it seemed that the system still wanted to do it.

[Surfeit, as in exceeding expectation, is a rare occasion where the result of a quest goes beyond not only the main objective but also the hidden quest, basically surpassing the expectation of the quest system.]

... That was in line with what he had in mind... Yes, definitely.

But now he had to keep in mind that it was possible to obtain more reward by overdoing a quest.

[It does not apply to all quests, but just some of the more important ones, and what judges if a certain quest is important totally depend on your own situation]

He felt as if he understood and didn't at the same time. It depends on his situation... That created more questions than answers in his mind, but he was not going to ask yet, he will do it later, for now, he merely collected his rewards. 4 Gacha tickets in total. He would definitely obtain something good with this.

[It seems like you are still traumatized by your past life experiences or you should have remarked by now that the stuff obtained in the Gacha is always useful, you will never find anything overly useless in there. It's all based on what you yourself could potentially consider as 'Useful']

And thinking a bit about it, it seemed pretty much true, none of his Gacha rolls gave him something he didn't consider useful. Seems like he really was too traumatized in his past life... Curse you all FGO Cosmo Fantasy and Genshin... They made me what he is today.

Still, he was not going to roll the Gacha yet, rather take care of all this mess first. With this though he shadow-teleported back to his House.

Strangely enough, he found no one there, thus he went where he was the most susceptible to find them, Urahara's shop, and sure enough, they were there.

He felt Karin and Yuzu's particular presence in a certain room while Urahara, Isshin, and Tessai were in another one, and that's where he went.

Using his movement technique he appeared before them as their sense perked up, but they didn't overly react. That was to be expected as from the moment he entered the shop, his presence was detected by the different cameras and the surveillance spells all around the shop.

"YO!" He purposely imitated Meliodas even the gesture, not minding that it was a bit out of character.

"Hm..." Was Isshin's answer as he walked around his son before suddenly trying to tackle him. Only for Shin to jump and kick him away.

"Yep, It's definitely him." He could tell, the young man loved his kicks, after all, Taekwondo was one of his favorite martial art. There was also the fact that he couldn't feel his spiritual power but hey, rather make sure.

"He is also relatively unharmed" Tessai voiced his amazing conclusion, his observation was on point

"Of course I am unharmed, letting aside whether Aizen could even harm me, to begin with," Yeah he was arrogant like that although he did his best to hide it most of the time. "There was no fight, I took care of the problem differently."

"And what do you mean by 'differently'?" Urahara narrowed his eyes, as Tessai became perplexed. And Isshin...He just choose to have faith in his son, he was tired of being surprised all this time.

"Let's make it quick as I still have some matters to take care of, to put it simply, after hearing him out, I decided that killing him was something I didn't wish to do, thus, I made an offer he literally couldn't refuse. After signing an "Inviolable contract" of sort, a kind of restriction if you will, he is no longer an enemy of mine and could be considered an ally." Shin explained everything in a nutshell, that was better than being bombarded of questions.

Everyone except Isshin (he was too tired for that shit) was surprised, they for sure didn't expect such an ending, particularly Urahara who directly thought about the worst-case scenario.

And seeing his expression, Shin guessed what he might be thinking about and thus choose to put him at ease. "If this is what you are worried about then your worries are useless, the Hogyoku was not part of the deal." Shin retrieved the Hogyoku from his inventory to show it to the scientist.

"My words once given, cannot be retrieved. I promised to protect it and make it so no one will use it even myself, and I kept my word." His pride wouldn't allow him to go back on his words.

To avoid any kind of misunderstanding he threw it at Urahara for him to verify but he didn't forget to add. "But if you lack trust in me that much, you should keep it." And he meant his words, he had no use of the Hogyoku.

Although many misunderstood it, the Hogyoku was in no way an all-powerful wish-granting machine. What it did was skip the process to achieve the desired result a bit like the Grail in Fate.

What he meant was that the Hogyoku would allow someone to achieve something as long as the first person had the will and potential of achieving the said thing in the future. If that were the case then he would skip that process and allow the person to achieve it instantly.

The reason why Urahara was able to help the visored with the Hogyoku was that he had the potential to be able to do it, to begin with.

That's also why it could help Aizen become transcendent by breaking the barrier between Shinigami and Hollow. Letting the fact that he became a butterfly in the process, He had the potential in him from the beginning.

That also explained Ichigo's power-ups, it was merely the Hogyoku giving him some of his own concealed power.

To put it simply, although the Hogyoku could help him and save him much effort, he didn't really need it. That and considering Urahara's personality he wouldn't want anyone to use it for any reason anyway.

Though he preferred having it on him to avoid others getting it, if Urahara lacked trust in him then he can keep it. Though if it come to bite them in the ass later, he wouldn't care about anyone else aside from his family. (Yoruichi is now family.)

And although unlikely if he couldn't deal with the treat, they would just leave this world... Easy, he had no care for Soul society and people he doesn't know... But he would still prefer to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and death.

Urahara, the Hogyoku in his hand, he could tell that it was just as how he handed it to Shin. But he couldn't decide if he should really let it into his hand permanently for protection or if he should keep it.

He... he was going to think about it thoroughly after this, thankfully Aizen's case has been solved, and he was no longer a treat... a treat? Wait there was something wrong.

"Wait, you said that Aizen was no longer an enemy "to you" but what about others? The Soul Society?" Urahara asked, he had a bad feeling about this.

"To me, yes. You heard it right. Soul Society and the others I don't know, but he won't be able to hurt my people, meaning Family and friends." He intentionally worded it this way, of course, he was not going to let Aizen Hurt the innocents nor was he going to let him destroy the Soul Society, at least as long as they didn't look for their own destruction.

He had something in mind, Aizen already started the preparations after he explained it to him, and for his project to become true, he had to even the field and form a neutral relationship with the Soul Society.

He knew that Shinigamis' presence was necessary to keep the balance of the world, so antagonizing them was something he didn't want, even more considering his own family was closely tied to them but that doesn't mean he was afraid of doing so.

If they decided to consider him as an enemy... then that would just be too bad for them.

Understanding the meaning of his words, Urahara and Tessai who had already been informed about the content of Shin's discussion with Aizen realized that the Young man may no longer have a so "good image" of the Soul Society and they couldn't blame him. Still... Soul Society was not really considered family and friends so... more words weren't needed.

"But you don't have to worry for now, since I choose to make him an ally, I will take some responsibility on this matter. So without further ado let's go to the Soul Society."


In the Soul Society, a meeting between captains was taking place, generally, during such a meeting, all of the 13 divisions' captains had to be present but currently due to the unexpected attack they suffered, no more than six of them were present.

Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Kenpachi Zaraki, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Shunsui Kyōraku, Sui-Feng, Retsu Unohana.

The rest were either still unconscious (in comatose) or too heavily injured for them to move. Those present were the only ones that could still at least perform their duties, even if they also weren't in the best of state.

"The three traitors and deserter, Gin Ichimaru, Kaname Tosen, and Sosuke Aizen have caused a great number of damage. Although the property damage is negligible, the humanitarian damage is colossal." Mayuri's report was clear a concise.

"Stop playing with your words, just say that we have been completely crushed, incapable of even putting up a decent fight." Sui Feng was not one to play with her words, although she was one of those who was able to avoid being heavily injured, that doesn't change the fact that she had been completely dominated, and that fact made her really angry, furious even. But she kept control of her emotions.

"Speak for you, I have been taken by surprise, or I wouldn't have lost... Aizen, that bastard, I will have my revenge." That was what Kenpachi said, but although there was some degree of anger in his words, it was completely incomparable to the gigantic fighting intent and spiritual pressure he was currently emitting.

"Ma, Ma, calm down, you will certainly have your chance to fight him again. Though whether you can win is another matter altogether. You better recover from your injuries first" Shinsui tried to calm him down, although not as much as the others everyone in this room was also injured.

Yamamoto lost an arm, and Zaraki has a large wound going from his right shoulder to his left side, he himself has the same kind of injury. Mayuri... he'd rather not talk about it. But he didn't know about Unohana and Sui-Feng's since they were hiding it under their clothes,

"Hoy, are you saying I can't win? Do you want to take me on to verify?" Zaraki took a step forward, he clearly meant his words. He had never been one to back down from a fight.

"Enough!" Yamamoto, holding his staff with his remaining hand, banged it on the floor with a shout.

To his word, Zaraki stepped back, although not many knew it, Yamamoto was one he respected, the old man was strong after all.

"Now is not the time for your foolish bickering! We are here to decide on the next course of action to apprehend the traitors!"

Following those words, silence reigned as everyone waited for the old man's orders. Though the next words they heard were not from the person they expected but an intruder.

"Seems like your current situation is pretty bad. Need a hand, old man?"

All their heads shot toward a certain corner as much to their surprise, in the darkness was seated what seemed to be a young man, his ember eyes glowing subtly in the dark; seated on a white plastic chair.

It seemed at some point in time, the young man not only intruded on the Soul Society but has also been listening to their conversations without any of them noticing. But they couldn't be blamed, after all the young seemingly had no spiritual power.


Chin completely sealed his spiritual power with his cultivation technique just to be able to do that, otherwise, if he let it be like usual although the other captains wouldn't be able to feel it, Yamamoto would. That and he had Aizen pull some literal strings behind the scene so their other sense doesn't perk up.

That's for those wondering how he did it. Now as to if it was worth it... Only Shin Know.


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