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Bleach: Toshiro Hitsugaya Bleach: Toshiro Hitsugaya original

Bleach: Toshiro Hitsugaya

Author: GoldenOsiris

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Toshiro Hitsugaya

Inside the Seireitei, Toshiro and his Lieutenant Matsumoto, or simply Rangiku, could be seen taking a stroll through the stone pathways as the sun shined on them.

Toshiro was wearing his usual black/white Captain's uniform while Rangiku wore the black standard Lieutenant uniform.

"Captain! Let's get something to eat!" Rangiku groaned as she grabbed his shoulders from behind, forcing him to stop.

"Rangiku I thought already told you we have a job to do." He remarked calmly as he turned around to face her, already used to her antics.

"I know we're supposed to be on patrol but let's be real, the Soul Society rarely has trouble." She retorted exasparedtly

Toshiro's brow twitched as he replied, "That's the exact type of attitude that will allow someone to invade us. Now come on." He then continued walking with Rangiku following behind him with a pout.

"Oh hey, Rangiku! Hello Captain Hitsugaya!." Suddenly Renji popped out from one of the corners as he approached the two, his face looked a little uneasy.

"Oh hey Renji! Is something wrong?" Rangiku questioned curiously.

"Abarai." Toshiro simply nodded and was about to walk past him as he didn't really care, until Rangiku stopped him with a grab on his shoulder again.

She looked at him meaningfully, trying to send a message that he should try to be nice.

Toshiro sighed as he glanced toward Renji, "Is something the matter Lieutenant Abarai?"

"N-No sir! It's just that one of my friends Rukia Kuchki has been down in the Living World for far too long and I'm getting worried." Renji explained as his shoulder slumped.

"Rukia? What could she be doing?" Rangiku questioned once recognizing the name.

Renji shrugged, "It beats me, but it seems like me and Captain Kuchki will be sent tonight to go bring her back."

"I see, that's good! Let us know how it goes!" Rangiku remarked.

"Of course! Have a good day Rangiku, and you too Captain Hitsugaya." Renji said his farewells before continuing to walk past them.

Rangiku chuckled as she and Toshiro continued walking, "Was that so hard Captain?"

"I didn't even do anything." He deadpanned.

Rangiku smiled as she replied, "Sometimes people just want someone to listen and that alone can be good enough to make them feel better."

Toshiro didn't reply as he silently continued walking.

"Is my little Captain too cold to be nice?" She taunted with a teasing smile.

But suddenly Toshiro stopped walking as he stood still.

"Is something wrong Captain?" Rangiku asked from behind him, noticing the change in the atmosphere.

She walked in front of him and glanced at his face which seemed to be contorted into a painful expression.


Toshiro suddenly fell to his knees as he panted heavily while looking at the ground.

It was as if he was being needled all over his body, being stabbed over and over again.

"Captain!" Rangiku worriedly called out as she crouched down with her hand on his back.

"Captain are you okay!?" She anxiously asked.

Toshiro didn't reply as he palmed the ground heavily, breaking the stone beneath his hands as he grits his teeth.

'Somethings invading me! Hyorinmaru!' Toshiro called out to his Zanpakuto quickly.

[Toshiro I sense a foreign soul attempting to devour your soul!] His Zanpakuto's panicked voice resounded in his head.

Toshiro seemed befuddled but quickly asked a question, 'What's the best way with dealing with it!?'

[You must come to your Inner World and fight it off.] Hyorinmaru hurriedly responded as Toshiro nodded inwardly.

"Rangiku watch my body! And don't take me to the Squad 4 barracks! Take me back to our barracks!" Toshiro ordered between his heavy breaths as he closed his eyes.

Rangiku was stunned at the sudden change of situation but trusted her Captain's judgment and nodded back in confirmation.

With that, Toshiro's body went slump as he delved deep into his Inner World.

"Rangiku! What happened!?" Renji came running back as soon as he heard her shout and glanced down at the unconscious Captain.

"Renji go find a healer! If you can, find Captain Unohana, and tell her that Captain Hitsugaya needs immediate help at Squad 10's barracks!" Rangiku quickly relayed her orders as she picked up Toshiro in a princess hold and Shunpoed away toward their barracks.

Renji didn't hesitate as he also Shunpoed away toward the Squad 4 barracks.

A small crowd had formed as they gasped at the sight of a fallen Captain but quickly dispersed once Rangiku had left.

Rangiku herself had already appeared inside the Squad 10's barracks as she quickly approached the Captain's room.

Squad 10's Soul Reapers would look shocked as they watched their Lieutenant carry their unconscious Captain with a worried expression.

"What happened?"

"Is Captain Hitsugaya okay?"

"Was it an enemy?"

Rangiku ignored the questions as she entered his office and closed the door.

His office was made out of wood, as it had a simply desk with some bookshelves on the side and two couches in the center with a table.

She gently laid him on the couch and sat beside him as she put his head on top of her lap.

"Please be okay, Captain..." She muttered as she softly stroked his hair.


Toshiro could be seen standing in a plane of land that was made of ice, mountains could be seen in the distance, and even trees that were frozen.

"*Sigh* At least the pains gone..." He sighed in relief as he looked around at his inner world.

[You are here...] A large dragon made of ice suddenly landed beside Toshiro.

"Hyorinmaru..." Toshiro whispered as he put his palm against the top of it's nose.

After a simple greeting, Toshiro spoke, "Where is the intruder?"

Hyorinmaru glanced forward as he nudged his head directly in front of them.

Toshiro looked forward before finally seeing a man appear from behind an ice tree.

He was a fat man with black hair and glasses, wearing a white t-shirt and denim jeans that seemed too small as if they couldn't breathe.

"Hahaha! Toshiro! I'm going to devour your soul and become you!" The man exclaimed with a grin.

Toshiro's eyes narrowed calmly, "And who might you be?"

"You could say I'm a fan, but soon that will change!" He answered with spread out arms happily.

'Based on his words does he have some sort of ability that allows him to take control of bodies by devouring their souls?' Toshiro inwardly questioned as he unsheathed his Zanpakuto ready for battle.

"Hahaha! It doesn't matter how strong you are, R.O.B gave me the ability to reincarnate into bodies if I devour their soul! Once I defeat you here, then I'll have ice powers and I'll keep getting more powers! You'll be the first victim I test it on!" The man declared excitedly.

Toshiro silently watched as the man approached him with a predatory grin.

Toshiro's cold eyes didn't budge as he simply murmured, "I see..."

The man rushed forward with his fist raised and as he brought his fist crashing forward at Toshiro's face he sneered.

Toshiro had an unimpressed look as he simply stepped to the side and backhanded his neck.


The man's eyes went white as he fell forward unconscious.

There was silence for a few seconds as Toshiro and the large ice dragon stared at the unconscious man with unamused looks.

[Well that was anticlimactic...] Hyorinmaru mumbled at the unexpected situation.

Toshiro raised a brow, "I thought I sensed no spiritual pressure from him, it seems I was right, he was just a normal human... Then how did he even invade my soul?" Toshiro furrowed his brows in contemplation.

He just shook his head as he walked toward the knocked-out man, "I'll just take him in for questioning."

But as Toshiro approached the unconscious man's body, it suddenly started to meld into the icy ground.

Toshiro's eyes widened, "What's going on!?"

[It seems your Inner World is unconsciously devouring his soul since it's a foreign element!] Hyorinmaru surmised.

Before Toshiro could question anymore, he fell down onto the ground, screaming in agony.



Back in Squad 10's barracks, Rangiku still had Toshiro on her lap but he suddenly started screaming in pain.


Rangiku panicked, but someone abruptly entered the room, it seemed to be Captain Unohana as she swiftly appeared in front of Rangiku.

Behind Unohana, a few more healers stepped in and calmly waited at the door.

"What happened?" Unohana asked calmly as she crouched down and started tapping the frantic Toshiro's body all over.

"I'm not s-sure, he just s-suddenly collapsed! Please help him!" She pleaded with teary eyes.

Unohana frowned, "Everyone leave!"

The healers behind her quickly left and Unohana glanced up at Rangiku.

"You too." She ordered.

"No I c-cant-"

Unohana cut her off as she spoke, "If you want me to do my job, you need to leave."

Rangiku hesitantly nodded as she got up and softly put Toshiro's head back onto the couch before leaving for the door.

"Get better captain." She sadly whispered.

Once Rangiku left, Unohana firmly held his body down as she started doing Kaido on him, her palm glowed green as it hovered over his body.

[A/N: Kaido= Healing Kido]

She watched as his body convulsed but seemed to become slowly larger.

'His body is growing?... No, his soul is aging somehow. The only thing I can do now is heal him constantly and keep the pain to a minimum. Everything else depends on you, Captain Hitsugaya.' She thought inwardly as she watched as his body calmed down with her healing.

His face would wince in pain once in a while but he seemed to be doing better.

Over an hour passed until finally, he stopped growing as Unohana sighed in relief and watched in amazement at how bigger Toshiro had gotten, seemingly his adult size.

His then eyes snapped open as an immense Spiritual Pressure all of a sudden descended onto Soul Society.

Unohana eyed Toshiro with wide eyes as she mumbled in astonishment, "What Spiritual Pressure..."


{Yamamoto POV}

Head Captain Yamamoto was doing paperwork in his office, with his Lieutenant Sasikibe standing behind him.

Until suddenly a chilly spiritual pressure descended on them.

"What is this Spiritual Pressure!?" Sasikibe questioned as he glanced out toward the balcony.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes as he recognized it, "Captain Hitsugaya..."

His calm gaze landed up on the sky as clouds started to form with snowflakes peacefully dropping from them.

"What in the..." Lieutenant Sasikibe seemed flabbergasted as the once-sunny atmosphere changed into a chilly one.

The Head Captain's narrowed eyes landed on his pen as it was slowly freezing.

He then serenely stood up as he picked up his wooden cane, "We're visiting Squad 10's barracks." His gruff voice resounded in the office as he and his Lieutenant disappeared.


Back with Unohana, she watched as Toshiro released a fearsome Spiritual Pressure until finally, she tapped his head with her finger.

His eyes went white as he fell back and his Spiritual Pressure then calmed down.

She made sure to catch him as she laid his head back on the couch.

"Is this his full potential?" She questioningly whispered as she glanced down at her frozen finger.

She watched as the ice broke apart from her finger as she focused her Spiritual Pressure on it.

"How interesting..."

Toshiro suddenly groaned as he slowly sat up with the help of Unohana.

"Are you feeling better Captain Hitsugaya?" She asked while looking at him curiously.

"Y-Yeah, I just feel a bit stiff." He absently replied as he stood up and stretched.

"Wait, huh?" He glanced down at his larger body seemingly confused.

Toshiro then closed his eyes as if he was trying to clear his muddled head, memories that weren't his assimilated into him.

'Foreign memories? It's most likely the human's soul my Inner World devoured... Wait Bleach?'

His eye's snapped open in surprise as everything came together, he saw this world's past and future. He saw how his world was considered an anime show, but he couldn't come to believe it.

How could the world he considered reality? Actually, be a simple anime show for other's enjoyment.

He wasn't sure what to believe at this moment.

He then rubbed the bridge of his nose as he calmed himself while walking back and forth.

"Are you still in pain Captain?" Unohana asked with furrowed brows as she watched his strange behavior.

Toshiro shook his head and once he looked toward Unohana, his eyes were much more determined after getting his thoughts together.

"Can you do me a favor Captain Unohana?" He suddenly asked.

Unohana nodded, "What can I do for you?"

"I need you to lie about why I'm like this..." Toshiro said with a calm expression.

Unohana frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"I can't tell you the specifics right now about why, but I need you to lie and say that you used an aging kido technique to make me older because I couldn't handle my true zanpakuto's power that was killing me." He explained.

Toshiro knew that if he told the others that his Inner World devoured a soul and they combined, they might think he'll be untrustworthy or even crazy because he has the memories of a foreign element. He knew how the Soul Society followed the rules to the letter, so he'd rather keep how this happened to himself.

Unohana had a contemplative look before nodding, "Alright, but you owe me an explanation."

She agreed because while he looked calm/cold on the outside, she could tell he was in some sort of desperate circumstances currently, and while she doesn't have the best history with being nice, she wanted to try and help her fellow Captain.

Toshiro sighed in relief as his eyes glanced toward the door as he sensed the arrival of a few captains, including the Head Captain himself.

Looking down, he noticed his Captain Uniform was too small for him but wasn't too tight, so he simply nodded toward Unohana as he stepped out of his office...


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