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Chapter 4: Fight to the death 1

("so sad right now I wrote a chap with a new funny female character, but it got deleted on accident so now I have to change so many things. This chapter was originally a slice of life. Now It's action lol pretty ironic bro")

As I emerged from the forest I immediately realized I could sense where everyone was, it was a weird feeling it felt as if I had an extra 6 eyes on everyone in the area 'damn this will cost me headaches I have to learn to control this' I instantly tried to only focus on an area of 5 feet around myself

"still feels weird, but it's better"

I began walking around again but this time with a goal in mind I wanted to find a place to stay, while walking I once again saw some shinigami I immediately tried to hide 'if they see me they might notice my spiritual pressure, after this, I have to learn how to hide my presence' I noticed them talking and glancing towards my direction I began praying they didn't notice me.



today was a rough day, I and Yuko have been standing guard in this district for hours just to await the recruitment caravan for the academy which wasn't even coming today, it wasn't the fact it was physically tiring it was the fact that it was mentally challenging we couldn't drink on guard duty nor take any breaks for the whole day, I visibly yawned

"sigh.... yuko, why don't we ditch this place? Nobody will even notice we'll just come back before the replacements arrive.," It frustrated me.

"guriu you can't be this dumb. You're the reason we're even doing this, so shut up and stop whining"

"I know but-" I was quickly interrupted

"no buts you're the one who coerced me into drinking with you skipping our squad duties, this is our punishment for that, I don't want to be punished again this is lenient compared to what we could've gotten instead," he was right, but I came into the 11th division expecting fights not this, but I didn't voice my complaints since I knew it'd be a waste on yuko but he was right it was my fault

suddenly we all felt some pressure looking at us, we both looked at each other knowing we had to act like we didn't notice, we pretended to talk casually while looking secretly to find the source "hmm guriu about that drink why don't we go get it now",

"yeah yuko, let's go now. " We both stood up to better sense where it was coming from. We walked closer to a wall.

"guriu I think our drinks here"

We jumped to the other side of the wall, attacking and thinking later. We both clashed our zanpaktou's against each other.

' this person has great reflexes '

But we could sense the energy getting further away. We immediately took off after it, pushing through people. Eventually, we saw from afar a small person running on top of some buildings we followed suite.



while hiding behind the wall I could tell they noticed and were waiting for the perfect moment to attack I knew I had to avoid this battle I'd dose, I'm no Ichigo i just awakened my reishi a few hours ago all I can do is a little reishi Rasengan 'I have no fighting experience while they have decades I have to run'

I quickly left without making a sound. I could hear their swords clashing against each other

' that was close I have to get away as far as I can '

I jumped on top of rooftops, running as fast as I could, which was pretty fast, but surprisingly they were catching up

'they're fast… no they're slow I've tricked myself into thinking I was some lieutenant-level talent I just got here, and I've already overestimated myself.' I ran back to the place I knew more about, which was the forest

'I have to lose them in there or else I'll get captured or, worse, killed. I can't afford either of these choices.'

I kept looking back. They were just a few meters away from me. One is smiling. I don't think they're trying. I grounded my teeth together. This feeling of weakness was something I hated. I felt like prey, a weak prey.

The forest is where I finally reached. I jumped from tree to tree, occasionally picking up branches to use as a distraction. I needed time to hide my presence.



although I reprehended guriu I knew how he felt I wanted so hard and badly to go into battle and fight, warriors like me and guriu were born to fight not stay still guarding nothing, when I noticed a presence watching us I was beyond excited I had the chance to not just fight a hollow like I usually do but a shinigami

while we ran after the mysterious shinigami I told guriu, "listen let him get ahead first, then we'll pretend to be looking for him so we'll just waste time searching instead of standing guard"

Guriu smiled. "see I knew you had it in you. Come on, let's slow down a little "

"seems he's heading towards the forest" I was getting even more excited when the shinigami entered the forest, I couldn't sense him for a bit nor could guriu

"do you sense him "


We ran in different directions slashing behind a tree, we both had cut through sticks 'huh seems this guy has some tricks' we heard someone rushing ahead of us we dashed toward the sound not even hesitating to stab

"huh another stick"

"yuko this guy is smart using sticks as a distraction, probably buying time to escape. " together we heard rustling noises coming from all around us, and we ran towards them.



I had to throw my sicks in every direction to fool them, they probably thought I was ahead of them but in reality, I was in the back waiting for a chance to escape I was hoping for them to keep on attacking the sticks, but, the one that the other called guriu spoke

"time to stop playing games. We know where you are. ," it scared me

" You're surprised right, it seems you're only an amateur. I and my partner here wanted to have a little fun, but this is even more boring than standing guard all day"

"your spiritual energy is practically leaking of course. We'd know where you are. Did you take us for stick chasing dogs?"

'oh no, I might die' I stood frozen in fear behind a tree, I was shaking calling myself an idiot

'I should've stayed in the forest. Why did I have to go exploring? Again, I didn't know what else to do. I stepped out, thinking they'd pitied me since I was a kid.

"Please let me go. I'm out now. I'm just a civilian who just awakened my spiritual energy. Please don't hurt me "

The one named yuko answered, "don't worry little guy, we'll make it painless" I began to breathe hard. Oh no, this can't be. Am I going to die with some cannon fodder? I immediately moved to the left as guriu attacked me.

"guriu I'll let you go first but I get the final blow "

"fine by me, " guriu answered with a malicious smile

' that attack earlier I barely dodged it' I could see a tear on my robes,

"good you dodged, I see you don't have a blade I'll hand you my spare one I want this fight to last a second" he took out a spare sword from his robes and threw it at me, I caught it and held it firmly with 2 hands 'a Japanese sword is meant to be held with 2 hands' is what Kenpachi said (or something like that)

My thoughts got interrupted as guriu attacked me from the side. I tried my best to parry his attacks, but each time he hit the sword, a crack appeared. He was smiling again. I hated people like him. They were bullies; it seems bullies exist in this world as well; he was lazing around with his attacks. I decided to surprise him. I noticed a pattern in his moves. He'd always turn his left foot when doing a side attack and his right when attacking straight ahead,

when guriu turned his left foot, I immediately caught that I knew he was going to the side, so I planted my legs on the ground while spinning around with the sword

He did a side attack and noticed me spinning to the other side, getting behind him. He couldn't stop his attack, since it was already in full motion.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I screamed as my blade hit his shoulder it felt like concrete but I still pushed as hard as I could, I heard him scream in rage and pain as the blade cut through his back and shoulder, I glanced towards him to see his face full of rage he couldn't move his left side, but he threw his sword straight at me while I was still cutting through his body.

I felt the pain of the sword, through my chest it was beyond terrible I wanted to stop cutting through him but I didn't as I knew I would die if I did our screams rang through the forest, finally after what felt like hours I cut through his whole body I felt exhausted I vomited.

"first time, huh? "

I saw his partner yuko say; I felt despair. He was there, but I didn't know it. He slowly walked toward me with a maniacal smile. I only had one trump card left .... TO BE CONTINUED.

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