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Chapter 9: Church Visit

Gilgamesh at this time should be in his kid form walking around the city so Adam made his way through the city checking for signs of mana that seemed like his but he couldn't detect any. Gilgamesh must be really good at hiding his mana since Adam could feel the smallest traces of mana and check where they come from. He could also see through any type of lies and see the truth hiding in them. This is one of the Noble phantasms that came with the Gate of Babylon. It literally lets him see the truths in everything. It was the hardest Noble Phantasm to keep under control since it was it new feeling to him but it didn't take long for him to be able to master it as well. It can let him know the name of any servant he sees along with their weapon's special traits. This is the reason why in the original Gilgamesh doesn't use any of his time to check the other master's since he'd know everything he needed as soon as they made contact.

Seeing that he couldn't find Gilgamesh he decided that he'd visit the church since that was the only place left where he could find any clues.

Arriving at the church Adam immediately felt a large amount of energy coming from underneath the church. He knew that there were kids down there being drained of their mana so that Kotomine could keep supplying it to Gilgamesh. The only thing Adam could do at the moment to help those kids would be to kill them and put them out of their misery but that would make more issues than help. Kotomine would be cautious of him and he would know that he can use magecraft. At the moment Adam has all of his mana suppressed so not even Gods would be able to tell the difference between him and normal humans.

Making his way inside Adam went to the bench closest to the front and sat down. 'Once again, thank you for allowing me to live the life I want. I'll visit a church to pray once in a while.' Following his prayer, a notification came from his system.

[You are welcome]

It was only three words but it still meant a lot to Adam so he let out a big smile.

A tall man had been observing Adam since he walked in. He was curious as to why a child walked in by himself and to pray. He also saw a similarity between him and the child version of Gilgamesh which caught him off guard but soon realized they were completely different. The kid in front of him barely had any mana. Seeing that the kid had just finished praying he made his way toward him. "Did you come here to pray to God?"

Adam had felt Kotomine watching him the whole time but didn't make much of it. " You could say that". He didn't need to stay here any longer since he already finished all his business.

Seeing Adam leaving Kotomine asked, "Where are your parents' child. You shouldn't be walking around the city by yourself".

Finding the question intriguing and wanting to know what he would do once he found out Adam replied to him "They're dead, I just moved here by myself. My name is Adam by the way I'll be visiting the church often so you'll see me here."

Without any recognizable reactions, he replied, "My name is Kirei Kotomine, I'll look forward to seeing you in that case".

Adam expected to be able to pick something up but Kotomine wasn't able to fool everyone by luck so not wanting to stay near the church any longer Adam hurried out it.

Walking inside Rin's house Adam was surprised that they were still inside of Rin's room.

Opening the door to the room there were two pairs of eyes on him "We have to get going, We still haven't finished unpacking everything. Unless you want me to unpack your things then we should get going, Mikasa".

Mikasa was going to say yes either way but now that he said unpack her things she immediately got up."I'll see you later Rin, let's go, Adam".

"Yeah, we'll come by tomorrow as well so don't get too lonely okay Rin?" Adam yelled out as he was walking away.

Rin who has been embarrassed all day by Adam was ready for his remark so she was already running towards him to hit him but before she could make contact she tripped and fell on top of Adam.

He could have dodged her but it wouldn't be as funny to Adam. "I haven't even left and you're already missing me?". Before she could try anything else Adam slid from under her and jumped towards the door.

Rin who now had a bump on her forehead was left on the ground sniffling while trying to hold back tears of embarrassment from rolling down her face

"Do you really have to tease her that much?" Mikasa asked once they were inside the new mansion.

"I'm just having a little bit of fun, she'll be fine" Adam answered with a carefree tone.

"It's going to turn against you one sooner or later". Mikasa could only shake her head towards Adam's attitude. She knew that any girl would fall for Adam especially with his attitude. He'll have more partners whether he wants to or not. That didn't mean she would stop scaring girls away from him.


Adam enjoyed making manga but he knew it wasn't the best way to get large amounts of money. He would need a lot of money for any situation which would need it. His Golden Rule skill wouldn't be doing much if he didn't do any business or try and get money. So after arriving home Adam immediately went online to see if he could find any businesses he could buy.

He wasn't expecting much since it was already 2003 and most businesses started earlier but he had a hunch that he'd get lucky. Once on there he found what he was looking for. Someone had made Amazon and Apple in this world as well and by the looks of it they both haven't taken off yet. Without much hesitation, Adam bought 20% of both companies.

After buying that he kept on looking around and buying things that seemed like they would go up in price.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep track of everything Adam spent the rest of the day making a program that could keep track of things and send notifications to him when things seemed like their prices would drop.

Finishing with that Adam went to sleep since there was something he wanted to try out tomorrow.


Adam woke up the next day refreshed and was about to get up but felt an extra weight on him. Opening his eyes he found Mikasa curled up on top of him.

He knew something like this would happen but still found it weird how she got in since he locked the door before going to sleep. He began to think he had underestimated Mikasa's clinginess.

"Hey Mikasa it's already morning, can you wake up?" Adam asked.

Not hearing any sounds he had to lift her up and place her on the bed.

Not even a second later after being placed in the bed Mikasa opened her eyes and got off the bed.

'Was she awake the whole time?!' Adam thought.

Letting her off the hook this time Adam began to think about what he was going to do today.

Now that the Gate of Babylon he has is his he wanted to make start to make his own weapons. While they wouldn't be as good as the strongest Noble Phantasms he already has he still believed that he would be able to make weapons as strong as most D-A rank noble Phantasms. They obviously wouldn't have any powers since most of them come from people's imaginations of the heroes.

The first thing Adam needed was to get materials for the weapons. The only places he could find the materials necessary would be either from dead magus or mythical creatures hiding around. But before he did any of that he needed to start with simpler materials.


Coming back from cutting down a tree to make a simple wooden sword Adam spent a while cutting it down to a perfect size. It would have the same overall design as a katana.

Adam spent a few hours getting the wood to a perfect size. After it was done he began to sharpen the edge of the sword. Once that was done he began to polish the entire sword. Being able to remember where he had already done the finer details made polishing faster than it would have. Once he was done the blade was able to reflect light as if it was made out of glass.

Wanting to test the blade Adam moved closer to one of the trees in the backyard and waited for a leaf to fall.

A leaf that just got broken off the tree by some wind was sent spiraling downwards to Adam.

Seeing the leaf coming down Adam took his stance. Both of his legs slightly bent with him leaning in forwards.

As the leaf got closer Adam quickly slashed his sword in an upward sideways motion.

Putting his sword back down Adam watched as the leaf kept falling down and right as it was about to land on the ground it was picked up by another brush of wind, only this time the leaf split perfectly down the middle and moved in two directions.

Seeing the outcome Adam was satisfied with how the sword felt. Now he just needed to make the handle and small details and one more thing.

Wrapping up the handle in red silk with a typical design Adam put his maker's mark on the bottom of the hilt. His mark was a simple A with an infinity symbol next to it in gold.

Now that the sword was done Adam wanted to test something out to see if anything would happen. He wanted to infuse his mana with his sword and drop some of his blood into the sword.

Putting the sword in a stand Adam placed his hand as close as possible to the sword without actually touching it. Taking out a small needle Adam was able to make a drop of his blood land on the sword.

Once it landed the sword started to glow but stopped after a few seconds. Picking the sword Adam noticed nothing changed with it so he placed it down again to try again. This time he would pour his mana into the sword right after dropping his blood.

Once again placing his hand close to the sword Adam prickled his and once he was able to see the sword start glowing he immediately began to shove his mana into it.

The sword immediately began to suck up all the mana Adam pushed out. If Adam hadn't placed the barrier around the house then everyone with an appetite for sensing magical energy or mana around the world could have been able to sense a rock being thrown into a calm puddle.

After a few minutes, the sword stopped taking in any mana and began to dim down. Once the light was gone Adam was able to see huge differences. The blade no longer reflected light as if it was glass but had it now had a golden hue around it while it looked as if sucked in the light in its surroundings. Adam's symbol had also changed and now looked as if it had fused with the sword instead of being engraved into it.

Having to calm down after having to channel so much magic energy Adam was able to look at the details better. After looking at the sword for a bit Adam picked it up to test it out. Once in his hands, the blade felt like an extension of his body. He was able to swing it around effortlessly. Getting serious Adam took his stance again and swung his sword horizontally the blade felt like it passed through a thin barrier which was the blade cutting through the wind leaving a mark in the middle of the air. One second later the tree which was in front of Adam was slashed horizontally and cut in two.

Adam had underestimated the sharpness of the blade after being infused with his mana. The last thing Adam wanted to check is how durable the sword was. Placing the sword down on the floor Adam opened up multiple gates and shot swords towards it.

After a barrage of swords, Adam went to check on how the sword looked. Once the smoke cleared up Adam saw the sword broken into multiple pieced. Not having any time to get depressed about it the sword began to get back together back to its original shape. Witnessing this Adam was shocked to find out that the sword was able to take a part of his skill even if it wasn't as good as his.

Calming down from seeing his first sword be more successful than he could have ever imagined Adam was now left to wonder what to do with the sword on one hand he could keep it and use it but he also wanted Mikasa to have it since she still doesn't have a weapon which she can use.

Deciding that it would be better to give it to Mikasa Adam had to make a scabbard for the sword. Grabbing the wood he used for the sword Adam began to make the scabbard for it but this time he wanted to make it so that it would suit Mikasa. With that in mind, he finished polishing the scabbard and carved an M on the center of it.

Now he wanted to redo the same process he had done with the sword so he placed the scabbard on his sword stand and placed his hand on top of the sword, poking his finger the blood landed on the scabbard and instead of glowing the blade started spreading the blood throughout the scabbard. Not given much time to look at the differences Adam began pouring his mana into the scabbard. This time he could feel the control of his mana get better this was supported by the fact that the process didn't take as long as it did before.

Being done pouring his mana, Adam was able to see that the wooden scabbard now had streaks of blood-red from the top of it to the bottom. The M that was now fused with the scabbard was also now golden.

Putting the sword into the scabbard Adam got a sense of accomplishment. Now that the sword was done he had to go and give it to Mikasa. So he made his way back inside and went to the kitchen where Mikasa was making lunch.

"Hey Mikasa I want to show you something, follow me outside," Adam said and went back outside.

Excited by what Adam was going to show her Mikasa cleaned up and followed him to the backyard. Once there she was shocked to the tree sliced and was about to say something but stopped when she caught sight of a beautiful looking sword. " Is this what you want to show me, Adam?"

"Yeah I just finished it and decided to give it to you since you still don't have your own weapon. pick it up and use it. ". Adam replied while gesturing to pick it up.

"Thank you for doing this for me! It's a really nice sw-" Mikasa wasn't able to finish her sentence because once she had picked up the sword and she felt a connection. She then felt a sting in her hand and noticed that the sword was taking something in.

Seeing that things hadn't gone like he was planning Adam was about to grab the sword from Mikasa's hands but before he was able to move the sword disappeared.

Once the sword disappeared Mikasa was able to get her mind to work properly and began to panic since she thought the sword had been destroyed. With her wanting the sword to not be destroyed the sword began to materialize into her hands.

Both Mikasa and Adam were shocked with how things developed. Adam was intrigued by how it happened while Mikasa was glad the gift Adam had given her was still there.

Realizing something Adam began to think imagine the sword in his hands. The sword disappeared from Mikasa's hands and appeared in Adam's hand.

'This could be useful' Adam thought. Stopping his ideas Adam gave the sword back to Mikasa. "I guess we can both summon it. I won't be summing it unless I have to so this is your sword from now on."

Being overcharged with happiness Mikasa jumped towards Adam and hugged him as tight as possible. "Thank you for giving it to me I'll make sure to keep it safe". Mikasa said.

"No, that's not what it's used for. It's meant to keep you safe so I'd be happier if you used it." Adam replied confused at what Mikasa said.

"Right, I'll use it to keep me safe. Are you going to keep making weapons?" Mikasa asked.

"That's what I plan on doing. I want to keep making different weapons to use and improve on making them."

With that being done Adam made his way back inside the house while Mikasa continued hugging him

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I just bought a new computer so I'll be able to post more often. If this chapter seems all over the place it's because I kept writing some of it in different times. Tell me if you see any errors or if I can improve on something. New chapter coming out tomorrow night. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See ya~

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