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Chapter 40: Chapter 37 - Oppai Odyssey 3

The next day Enzo is walking around the ship when he spotted Dr.Clermont wearing only a towel covering her chest noticing him arrive and inviting him to join for a quick sauna to relax. He didn't mind since he still had some free time and was busy with paperwork back on Holy Terra that was currently busy with many projects namely the Adeptus Custodes project, Terraformation of Mars, Creation of a new government system, Etc. 

Enzo was aiming to quickly form a diplomatic relation with this Earth and let Momiji meet up with the girls. He hadn't done it since something bugging him and needed to wait for the perfect opportunity to do so. Though, he always keeps them updated with the things happening with him when away from them and few dislike the idea but it didn't go full blown argument telling him that they want to meet her as soon as possible along with the girls that would end up with him. 

He needed to showcase his might if he planned on taking their planet under his banner. Many would find it unnecessary when he would go to another multiverse to hunt down and kill an incarnator but he did this because it gave him purpose and enjoy the tedious process. Not to mention, he would have a place to return when needed since other Multiverse might react differently from his presence. Enzo started the device turning the place into a sauna room and went to undress himself taking the towel but not before letting Dr. Clermont to see the full view of his body. 

'Amazing, his body's shape is quite good and almost has no fat.'

"Enjoying the view?"

"Maybe not as much as you."

She quickly said sitting down while Enzo finished wrapping the towel and poured some water to the hot rocks creating steaming and sat close to Dr. Clermont. Enzo leaned back letting the atmosphere overtake his body and chatted with the beautiful woman close by. She went closer before asking to lean on his shoulder which he happily obliged.

Few minutes later, the two of them finished the relaxing day and went to work on their jobs as Enzo until he decided it was night and took some fresh air only to find Noel on the couch past out drunk. 

"Jeez, this woman has no self control. Noel? Noel!? Wake up!?"

He tried waking her only managing to make Noel look at him for a brief moment before plopping back into the couch. Enzo sighed inwardly, noticing that her shirt uncovered her breast and decided to fix it before taking the extra sheet from his quarter to tuck her in since I was quite cold. She seemed aware of what happened since her emotion spike made him smile and went back to his room. 

The next day, Enzo went to visit Dr. Clermont asked about the update with her formula only to find her masturbating in the misty pink concoction and decided to ask her later. She let her relieve herself since their relationship is still at complicated status and it would be unfair to take advantage of the accident again. He decided to visit the recreation room instead, finding the sexy dark skinned engineer working out wearing tight yoga pants.

"Oh, captain, wanna join me warm up? You clearly work out with those muscles of yours."

He nodded changing his clothes in the shower before watching her run on the treadmill and started to covered in sweat. Enzo ran with her for an hour without tiring amaze by her stamina and moved on to weight lifting watching her squat while carrying weights watching at her ass. Noel noticed his gaze but didn't say anything and enjoyed getting the attention. 

"That's it for today, Im'ma hit the shower."

She said looking at Enzo mentioning how she noticed him looking at her ass and giving him hints to join him next time in the shower. He merely shrugged it off since she didn't even try to stop him and went to another shower room to rinse himself instead of just using his powers since he still enjoys the sensation of a cold shower after a workout even though it couldn't ache due to his pain nullification. 

Though Enzo does feel pain when hit by the Holy Artifact that has been imbued with the light similar to Knull. Still he had made sure to put a high tolerance when it comes to those weaknesses. Once he finished his shower went to his room and continued inspecting anything about the ship. 

'I should hand this to Dr. Clermont and see what she thinks.'

Enzo was interested to hear their opinions with the formula for his super soldier that essentially changes their blood to pump more oxygen and invigorate their body at a faster rate. There are also many serum formulas that would become a key component to his Adeptus Custodes. She was quite a genius close to Susan but she is in the medicine part while Susan is in the biological part. 

He is a super genius or rather a god when it comes to biology because of Yaldabaoth's nature didn't mean it would hurt to ask people's opinion. Not to mention, he was interested in recruiting her to maintain production of the Gene-Seed or even upgrading it if needed. 

Enzo spread his sense to look for to find Dr. Clermont in the recreational room once again about to use the Sauna and noticed him arrive.

"Ah, Captain, care to join me again? I brought some wine."

"Sure, I was looking for you to discuss something that could wait."

Enzo smirked excitedly at what had happened and went with her, wrapping himself only with a towel while he watched as Dr. Clermont poured some of the concoction into the fire to create a pink steam.

'What a horny woman…not that I'm complaining.'

She poured some wine, giving some to Enzo before taking a sip. Her lust was rapidly increasing being affected by the aphrodisiac mist looking at her asking if he was enjoying and giving his honest opinion before Dr. Clermont pulled the towel down to reveal her huge breast. The blonde woman spotted his erection moving closer, kneeling down while looking at him and his throbbing cock.

"I might get addicted to this view." 

"Does kneeling in the ground while worshipping your throbbing cock excite you~?"

Giving some dirty talk began stroking his dick while licking the head with her tongue. Enzo groans a bit, feeling the aphrodisiac since he removes his resistance to completely enjoy the session. 

"I can't take it anymore. I need your cock inside me."

She move up turning around while position herself with his hard thick girth before feeling her inside getting reshaped and moaning while Enzo moved his hands to massage her ass. 

"Ah~! Your cock is really thick~!! It's fell like it going ruin my chance to find another cock this good~"

"I'll make you won't crave any cock than mind."

"Ah~♥️! Hyah~♥️!!"

Her raspy voice moaning loudly while Enzo felt the tightness wrapping itself into his dick. Enzo enjoyed the sensation of being overwhelmed by the pleasure until a few minutes later filled her inside with his warm semen while Dr. Clermont bit her lips feeling the liquid being poured into her body. She panting while slowly lifting her ass that began to pour out some of the white nectar and turn to look at him while spreading her ass.

"You came a lot, if I wasn't on pills I'll already have been knocked up. Hope you're prepared to take responsibility if that ever happens."

"I doubt that will happen and for someone like you it is quite obvious that you'll take some contraceptives."

She merely smiled and a few minutes later got dressed informing her that she needed to come with him in his room which piqued her interest.

"Whatever your thinking it isn't about sex, you pervert."

"You're the one who said it, not me."

Dr. Clermont teased before nodding, following him to his quarters looking around until she handed a folder file asking what it was.

"It's a research of my own that I've hit a wall until I find your concoction and was interested in what you think of what I added."

She became more interested in reading the files, amazed by the details it had and looked at him in pure shock since this was a formula that had a mixture of Super Soldier serum used by Captain America and her mysterious concoction. Enzo may have added new artificial organs and was still in dire need of new substance to supplement them. 

He was eager to make the near perfect super soldier that is a part of his hive yet shares the same idea as him. The reason why he wanted the Adeptus Custodes was because his monsters are vulnerable to Light and holy base powers since it affects them deeply into their being. He may be resistant but not immune to it even having the Celestial power numb him and rarely use it. The more his synchronization with Yaldabaoth and Scarlet king the weaker he gets against the Light and Holy base. He had to be careful to avoid revealing this key weakness of his.  

"This is….why haven't you shared this to anyone!? It should be evolutionary, Captain!?"

"The same thing why you're eager to hide your own study. People in the top will likely steal it and take all the credit. Not to mention, it is still at a phase where I need further research and wondering if you could help me."

"Why are you sharing this, captain? Don't tell me you fell in love with me."

She tried to tease him but he merely shook his head and continued explaining. 

"It's not that. I thought you would be trustworthy enough to help me and since I know you're secret then it would be impossible for you to betray me."

Enzo didn't have to worry since he has many ways to turn every scenario around as long godly beings are not involved and he already knew peering through to her nature that she won't do anything of sort. 

"Well, if that is the case then I'm happy to help but can we discuss this more in detail? Why are you making this?"

"That is a secret that you have earned. But I can give you more insight of what it is and the goal I am reaching for."

He said discussing for a few hours sharing their insight until it was night time and she had to excuse herself. Enzo was impressed at her suggestion that he applied some of them into his new formula.


The next day, Enzo just went to visit Noel to just check up on her finding that she was working on something and noticed her telling him that she was just making some toys for her cat who went close to him. He asked for the name and was surprised she actually named it Spike despite being a cat since it normally a dog's name.

'I still haven't found the perfect pet for my daughters. Maybe, I can find one along the way or get some flerken they're fun to have.'

Enzo played with the cat for a few moments before the cat got bored and went about its own business. He went to check up on Lym who was with her friend, decided to take a picture and sent it to Momiji then checked on Dr. Clermont who was reading a book. She noticed him and asked why he was there, merely telling her that he was just checking how they were doing.

"How kind of you, Captain. Always thinking about the crew."

"Of course, I can't be a captain without a crew."

She smiled before inviting him to join her in reading a book which he happily joined for a few hours until the distressed signal was activated telling them that they are now close to the atmosphere of their destination. He called everyone to discuss their course of action before doing anything else. Lym and her friend went with him to scout using the smaller space crap to descend to the planet. The inspect the local fashion to blend in returning with a medieval peasant outfit while he just shapeshifted since it was much easier. Once they were finished, they went down and turn the ship invisible. 

"Alright, we should blend in. You two, stay close since we don't know what kind of danger we'll face and I'm trusting you John to defend her or we both be killed by Momiji."

"Aye captain! Not a single strand of hair will be damaged."

"Gaah, I thought I'll be safe from my sister teasing…"

"Sorry, she forced me to."

He chuckled before they went down the mountains into the village where it was rather empty and dead. Enzo could see something might have happened as to why it feels eerie as if disaster just struck.

'Ah? This aroma…it is small but…'

Enzo noticed a new chemical in the surrounding that was extremely subtle that it was almost impossible to notice. 

'Raphael, can you give a quick analysis of what it is and the effect?'

[ Analyzing. Done. It is a bioweapon that affects males to grow aggressive and more violent. ]

'Can you trace the origin?'

[ Tracing…..done. It came from a Kree ship. ]

He raised an eyebrow why a Kree was doing this and decided to investigate further at a later date. Enzo copied the formula of whatever substance it was since it might be useful for his Adeptus Custodes and Artartes. They asked around to find answers talking to the locals until they found out that men had grown savage and killed many of the people. 

Enzo frowns at the news but remains indifferent since a loss of a life is as small as a grain of sand when it comes but doesn't mean he is completely apathetic. He just doesn't let it get to him unless it is someone important to him. The village chief pointed to the apothecary that may help them before leaving. They contacted Dr. Clermont regarding what they found telling her a sample asking a few things from her.

"Okay, John and Lym can get the blood sample as well as talk to the man that saw what happened. Meet up in an hour or so."

"Alright, cap. Be careful out there."

"Thanks but you two should stick together and contact me if anything goes south."

They nodded watching them leave as he headed alone to ask the apothecary for some info despite having the capabilities of using the mind stone to know everything but there certainly are things that could disrupt its power since extra dimensional phenomenon could occur and not give the answer that he's looking for. He soon found a small hut and went inside, having the atmosphere of a witch's hut. 

"Is there anyone there?"

He shouted to announce his arrival before spreading his senses until someone descended the stare in the side and was greeted by quite a surprise. Standing before him was a young gorgeous woman with perfect curves and accentuated areas along flawless white skin and purple eyes but the most intriguing is her green hair and pointed ears. 

"This is the first time I've seen you? Are you a traveller by chance?"

'This woman….'

Enzo remained silent, peering through her finding that she was quite a dominating woman and full of pride. She was clearly an elf but most Faye that he saw from earth is not like this.  

"Not much of a talker are we? Well, what can I do for you?"

He could see through her that she already knew that he was not a inhabitant of this planet and could be also someone who landed into this planet. There was a hint of hope and desperation mixed in her emotion. 

"The village chief told me that you can give me information on what's going on."

"If that is the case then he is growing desperate to ask for help from me. Well I can't have a miracle but I can at least relieve their pain."

She looked around the shelf while Enzo decided to use his appraisal to know what kind of race she was and only to be shock at what he learned.

[ Nyx. An Eldarian, an ancient and powerful race that came from the planet Aeldari Empire. ]

'Seriously? Is their race the same as the Warhammer 40k?'

[ In a way, yes. It can be considered as an alternative version in this Universe. They have a slightly longer lifespan as humans capable of living for thousands of years. ]

'Give all necessary data along with the location of their homeworld. I need to form an alliance with them as well.'

Enzo receives all necessary information in a split second until the Eldarian name Nyx places a bottle on the counter. 

"Here, remember it is not a cure but to help ease their pain."

"Sure but before that can I ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Why would an Eldarian do such a thing on a planet such as this? Unless it is one-"

She stunned for a moment but then quickly acted using some sort of magic that conjured construction which were namely pink translucent tendrils that Enzo noticed was just advanced technology rather than real magic. He didn't move and let it wrap around him, noticing that she was struggling to hold him in place but immediately asked him a question.

"Who are you!?"

"Ain't you a kinky woman~. Too bad I'm not into submission."

He broke the construct without any resistance surprising her and soon found herself pushed against the wall. 

"W-What are you planning!?"

"Hahaha if I said I'm gonna eat you would you believe me?"

"Then do your worst!"

Enzo just laughs it off, backing off confusing the woman before giving his sincere apology.

"Hahaha sorry sorry I just couldn't help myself. Okay we're started off on the wrong foot here. I am not here to harm you and it is mere coincidence that I met someone like you."

She remained vigilant while Enzo merely shook her head.

"Hmph. Then tell me who you are?"

"I am Enzo Stark from…"

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