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Chapter 71: Power Of The Lord

*Things like sexism and racism are purely for worldbuilding and to make it more realistic. Thank you for your understanding.*

Qing Fang had barely moved away from the sight of the massacre before thick swathes of churning black mist appeared before his eyes not far away.

Qing Fang couldn't help but slow his heavy steps as his expression sank a little. The mist wasn't shooting into the air like some inferno but was like an impenetrable dome that shrouded everything within. It wasn't particularly large, yet the Law fragments of a Stage 5 still conveyed a horrifying feeling.

'Damnit. The female Catsith hasn't fled at all... It was simply recovering its male's corpse at a safe distance. The murderous intent and resentment are still thick... It most likely has the intention to go back and fight to the death.' Qing Fang thought as he tried to hide himself.

However, there was nothing for the female Catsith to go back for but Qing Fang himself...

Qing Fang was sure that the thing had seen him as the one to kill the male, and moving around it simply wasn't possible anymore. In reality, it had likely already seen him.

That thought was brutally confirmed as Qing Fang's cat-like ears twitched as he heard a low and murderous growl come from the black mist ahead, and directed at himself.

That low growl made any animal, even cultivation beasts, have their hairs stand up on end as they all perked up and looked around with vigilance. For a kilometre, every animal seemed to be frozen, their wide eyes staring in the direction of the black most in trepidation.

Qing Fang stood still, his animalistic body mimicking the same actions as the beasts. The fine white fur on his body twitched as his ears flicked. He turned his head to look about, his pupils dilating and widening as he stared.

There was silence.

Not even the shimmering of water, for all of the beasts, were frozen. Not even the air, as it seemed to be weighted down.

Qing Fang snapped his eyes back to where the black mist lay.


All that was there was a hulking dead muddy carcass, a huge gaping wound in its lower jaw and following throughout the top of the skull. The large thing lay there lifeless with its back turned to Qing Fang.

There was nothing besides it.

The makeshift robes on Qing Fang's huge frame moved as he twisted his body and started to look around. He exerted his senses to their maximum capabilities. His enhanced hearing, sight and even smell. However, it was as if he was blind.

And then he heard it. The slight movement on the ground. The murky ground depressing. Movement out of thin air.

Qing Fang turned around slowly and his huge black pupils rested upon a beast covered in black mist. Its eyes were dangerously wide and staring directly at him as if he was the only thing in the world.

A single forepaw stretched from the shadow and rested upon the ground, which is what Qing Fang had heard. The beast had its head low to the ground like it was stalking prey quietly. The thing swayed its body from side to side slowly and gave off a dangerous feeling of impending doom.

It felt as though Qing Fang's guts were already on the floor.

However, as soon as Qing Fang lay eyes upon it, the female Catsith moved.

Thick claws extended from the huge paws of the female Catsith, seeping deep into the ground as immense strength flooded forth! The yellow eyes glared as the huge head was raised high and the maw was wide open, thick fangs wielded by steely muscle aiming for Qing Fang's midriff!

The beast spawned from its black mist merely several tens of meters from Qing Fang and roared with malice as it burst forward with blunt force! The emaciated grey Catsith moved across the marshes with devastating speed that Qing Fang simply couldn't hope to match!

Qing Fang was already on his backfoot and was taken by surprise. Now that the Catsith had built up such charging force, he simply couldn't move to clash with it.

He could only let it bite him, and viciously tell the beast whose claws and fangs were sharper!

The Catsith crossed the distance in an instant and was already right before Qing Fang, who was moving backwards away from the beast with his arms outstretched! As soon as it pounced onto him, his claws would clamp down on the beast and tear its back to shreds!

There was nothing he could do. Not only did the beast have battle intelligence, physical strength equal to his and superior Law fragments; it even had a bloodline capability to teleport through black mist and hide invisibly between space!

The only reason the male Catsith fell so quickly was that Qing Fang had killed it thoroughly before it could react. However, this time it would be a hard-fought battle. The female Catsith could probably kill those two Stage 5 humans that Qing Fang had clashed with, even both of them at the same time...

The large body of Qing Fang dashed backwards with his menacing claws tensed on his fingers that were hooked with intent to rip and tear! His huge wings that were tens of meters across spread wide menacingly, bone spears and natural weapons exposed to instil fear in the Catsith!


A devastatingly huge mouth filled with crystal black fangs and a slithering dark-purple tongue burst open with a deafening roar that shimmered the water and even shook the short fur of the Catsith!

A terrifying monster.

However, just as the Catsith leapt up with its huge and strong back legs, pouncing into the air and clawing towards Qing Fang's chest, a change happened!

Pure ridicule appeared in the intelligent eyes of the female Catsith as it looked up at Qing Fang's red eyes, even with his display of power!

'...' Qing Fang hesitated for a moment, but that mere moment made him burst out with smouldering rage as his entire body tensed with power and seemed to enlarge! He was simply eager to fucking maul the Catsith!

An explosion of black mist appeared between the hulking white body of Qing Fang and the pouncing Catsith, shrouding the approaching beast and casting a horrible glaze over those red eyes!

Massive arms that were four meters long struck down with bulging biceps and veiny forearms and tore into the black mist, a rage contained within that wanted to claw apart the Catsith in a single attack!

However, the unparalleled force struck through the black mist and struck nothing!

Qing Fang's mind couldn't even comprehend what happened fast enough before a searing pain appeared on his wings behind him! An unholy pain overtook him as he felt two long fangs sink deep into the bones of his wings, and two heavy paws full of vicious fangs slice open the flesh of the wings themselves into torn bloody curtains!

Qing Fang roared out in pain and anger and wanted to strike behind him!

However, two more paws suddenly tore at his buttocks and the backs of his thighs! The female Catsith shook its neck roughly as it bit down incomparably heavily on Qing Fang's wing bones, while its forepaws tore his wings to shreds!

However, the beast hoisted itself onto Qing Fang, lifting its back paws off the ground and repeatedly kicking at Qing Fang's thighs from behind, tearing them into a bloody mess!

Qing Fang immediately reached over behind his head once he had brought his claws back from before him, making contact with the scruff of the neck of the Catsith! As soon as he felt flesh that wasn't his beneath his claws, his fingers sunk in, deep!

The thick pelt of the Catsith's neck was clawed through at Qing Fang tore at it, leaving bloody marks and separating flesh and muscle! However, the Catsith was relentless as the flesh of Qing Fang's thighs was being cleanly torn away and splashing the ground with thick chunks!

Qing Fang felt his tendons being sliced through after relentless clawing of his legs, and his huge body fell forward onto its knees! The marshy ground made way for his weight as he sunk a foot into the floor!

Qing Fang felt massive danger, however, his clawing of the Catsith's neck only got more violent and murderous because of it!

Even now, with his huge wings literally torn into ribboned curtains of red mess that swayed with the wind and his legs missing half of their mass from the back, there was a vicious beast awakened in Qing Fang that wanted to kill even now!

Just then, Qing Fang's claws sank deep enough into the pelt and muscle that they made contact with immense hardness!

The Catsith's spine!

However, just as his crystal black claws clamped down with unforeseen strength on the spine, it vanished!

Thick, rolling black mist burst outwards and spilt over the back of Qing Fang, the sheer volume bursting outwards with an all-encompassing darkness!

At that moment, Qing Fang felt the tearing and flaying of his flesh halt, and now only seas of blood flooded from his wounds and fell to the floor! Qing Fang stayed kneeling, for he couldn't move, however, he let out a low and demonic growl full of warning.

The first exchange.

Merely the first exchange and he had been reduced to this. The Catsith had used its bloodline ability and teleported away in the black mist as soon as Qing Fang had touched its spine.

Qing Fang gnashed his teeth ferociously as he felt his wounds start to heal. He was focused on regaining the movement in his legs, however, he was more focused on the location of the Catsith!

Falling into black mist, the thing hadn't reappeared. Yet, it had only been a few seconds.

The black mist that stemmed from its teleportation had long evaporated and Qing Fang stared in every direction vigilantly, awaiting the reappearance of the thing. He felt immense danger, he did, however; he could only fight.

Any unwillingness. Any fear. Any hesitation. Anything would be seen from the Catsith as an easy target. However, the hatred and vicious fury of Qing Fang didn't let the Catsith put down its guard and take it easy. Never.


Qing Fang felt the tendons in his legs heal now! He stood up and felt the searing heat of his body healing encompass him!

Confidence came. This was not the end! Beaten here, by a lowly Catsith?!

The huge body stood tall once again and the glint in those red eyes might even make one feel fear. The resolution to rip and tear, even if his life was slipping away! Who could say they could confidently finish such a warrior without losing an arm?!

The Catsith was nowhere. Hiding in its shadow realm or void or wherever it was!

Qing Fang waited until the next attack came, a moment later!

Thick chains of black darkness tens of meters thick and hundreds of meters long seeped from the earth, surges of overwhelming black force came from every direction, and tens of thousands of spears and slashes of darkness came from overhead! An all-out attack with Law fragments!

"Pathetic!" Qing Fang snarled as he brutally crushed the chains beneath his feet, cut through the waves of darkness with a sweep of his claws and completely brush off the unending spears with only small cuts and bruises appearing on his skin!

After all, could the Catsith's lower Stage 5 Laws harm Qing Fang's higher Stage 5 body?! This was a battle that had to be fought with strength and speed!

Brutally ending the second exchange with no effort, Qing Fang felt his wounds heal to an even greater degree! However, he didn't move but simply took to the five spatial rings on his fingers.

That was ten tons of blood, that was his speed. His much-needed speed.

Taking off the five rings, Qing Fang abruptly mobilised his body and threw them with immense power far away into the air! Precisely in that direction, Nu Li was waiting.

Throwing the rings into the distance, Qing Fang felt a gathering of power behind him as he did it! However, that power didn't move and stood there twenty meters away from him. Though, given the size of both him and the Catsith, that distance was merely two steps!

Qing Fang turned around calmly and cast his gaze down before him.

And there, a sleek female Catsith perched agilely on the ground, its yellow eyes staring at him murderously. Those eyes were many times more resentful than Qing Fang's. They contained anger, pain, malice and pure hatred!

Qing Fang sneered at the thing, his lips curling up disgustingly. The beast reacted and hissed, however, it didn't yet make a move and stared at him.

It was at this time Qing Fang spoke. He didn't care whether it could understand him or not, he spoke anyway.

"Your male's brain felt nice in my hands." The beast hissed viciously, immense hatred reacting to Qing Fang's words. It understood him. Qing Fang smiled wider.

"Not as nice as the taste of your kitten!! Heheheha!!" Qing Fang erupted in laughter, though his eyes were steely and full of resolved killing intent.

Hearing that, the female Catsith completely erupted! Its eyes went dull as it rushed at Qing Fang with all its might, the thick wound on the top of its neck still gushing with blood!

It didn't even use the power of the black mist and madly rushed in a blind rage towards Qing Fang, its mouth forever in a wail of pure hatred!

It pounced forwards and propped up the front of its body off the ground so it could reach the height of Qing Fang's neck, the constant force pushing it forward with its hind legs as it tore through the air at the white figure!

The air screamed as it was torn apart and the earth was shattered and malformed under the strength of two higher Stage 5 bodies!

In the face of the claws and wide maw of the approaching Catsith, Qing Fang took a heavy step forward and lifted his right leg off the ground dexterously! He raised his knee and swept his body to the left, pulling his devastatingly heavy leg after him!

The steel shin of Qing Fang mightily struck the middle of the Catsith's body from that side, unprecedented power breaking the thick exposed ribs of the beast and flinging it to the side!

Seeing fury take the female Catsith as it faced the killer of its male and kitten, Qing Fang continued on to goadingly roar with mocking laughter!

'That's right! Let it encompass you! Want to kill me! Need to kill me! Stupid fucking beast!' Qing Fang thought dangerously as the body of the Catsith still flew through the air and heavily crashed onto the marshy land, forming tsunamis and crushing the earth into mile-deep craters!

The beast got up and blatantly ignored its injuries as it charged forth once more!

Qing Fang took huge thunderous step as he came to meet the Catsith head-on! Such a provocation enraged the beast further as it sought to end this here, wanting to avenge its kin!

However, despite seeing its claws and fangs make contact with the white demon, its hopes were torn from it as two huge arms engulfed it from below and smashed it onto the floor! That only made it angrier and angrier!! Every exchange it lost only made it dive back in with twice as much fury!

Pinning the beast to the ground and pressing down upon it with huge force and feeling its bones splinter, Qing Fang exposed his crystal black fangs and long purple tongue madly!

He was here, staring directly into the animal's eyes. Faced with that fury, with the battle of anger that gave birth to strength, Qing Fang was only invigorated!

'You will die before my might, before the might of my strength!' Qing Fang's eyes were as they were set ablaze as he tore right into those yellow eyes with his own gaze!

And it was at this moment.

Deep from within, unbridled power came gushing forth like a flood and filled up Qing Fang's body, concentrating in that demonic gaze!

In those demonic eyes!

The red shine of his gaze seemed dull before as a gleaming flame of red power exploded from Qing Fang's eyes, the arrogance and might stemming from his victorious strength empowered by the strange, inherent power that was coming straight from his bones, from his very being!


In those yellow eyes that were full of malice, the hatred was parted by unforgiving fear! Reflected in the vertical slit pupils, a flaming frenzy of red amalgamated in the red eyes of Qing Fang and tore right into the Catsith with strange power!

Feelings of fear! Feelings of death! Feelings of powerlessness! Feelings of inferiority! Feelings of submission!!

The power flooded from Qing Fang's eyes and he felt the mad rush of strange red gushing from his eyes like the searing sun as he laughed madly through his gnashed, exposed fangs!

Under his powerful gaze, the Catsith was his. Its yellow eyes were glazed dully with the power of suggestion, the power of control. If he wanted it to lay down and die, it will; it must!

The power came from his blood, his very soul. And it was his own! The power of deterrence, extreme persuasion, indomitable control!

"Die, at last!"

Qing Fang gruffly said as he felt the beast powerless to disobey under the pressure of his powerful gaze. His power.

The beast could do nothing as its body shook in immense fear, it could feel the power of those eyes gripping it like a vice! Disobeying them meant death!

And an arm that was like a spear bore directly into the throat of the Catsith, pulling its spine from its body and killing it!

*3,026/3,000 words*

PSYcho_72 PSYcho_72

You have very beautiful eyes hehe

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