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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Den

Jesse had become adjusted to sleeping in the day and staying up at night, that wasn't hard though, because her master was a vampire. It was Sunday evening and Alec had headed back to the club to deal with some affairs. He left her alone in his mansion, at this point, she knew he didn't believe she would leave, at least, not without telling him. She got up and realized she didn't really have any clothes, considering Alec had destroyed whatever clothes she had left. She wrapped her bedsheets around herself and headed out the door to find Alec's room. She may be a girl, but his clothes would be good enough so that she could walk around the house. It didn't take her long to find his room as it was quite dark and cold feeling. She found her way to his dresser and found a tank top, that would do for now and a pair of jeans. She then looked around for a belt, as she knew his jeans were too big for her without a belt. She left the room and went back to her own.

Jesse put her shoes on and went out to the garage, to find not one, but four other vehicles that Alec had. Talk about being loaded, all of them were expensive vehicles. She grabbed a set of keys that were to a Dodge Viper ACR and got in the driver's seat. She didn't have a license, but she knew how to drive. She started the car and headed for the mall first. She knew it was open for another two hours before it closed. Alec had given her a limitless credit card to go and get new clothes and whatever else she desired. She parked the car and entered the mall, heading straight for the women's clothing store. When she finished, she had eight bags full of clothes, which had everything from undergarments to shirts to pants, everything she needed. She went back to the car and put the bags in; she returned to the mall and went to a dress shop. If she was going to work as a server at the club, she needed a good outfit to serve with. She found something that was to her liking, a short, red, strapless dress, that would make any man's jaw drop. After the dress shop, she grabbed a quick bite to each, changed into the dress and headed for the club. She made heads turn as she walked into the club. Tasha and Lewis both let out a whistle when she walked up to them.

"Nice dress!" Tasha exclaimed.

"Thank you. All of my clothes were ruined, so Alec set me up. I figured if I have to serve here, I might want something sexy," Jesse smiled.

"He offered a you a job?" Lewis asked.

"Yes, under the condition that his customers are allowed to bite, but no naughty business," she said.

"That sounds fair. Beautiful necklace," Tasha said, admiring the amulet around Jesse's neck.

"Thanks, it was my mothers, and her mother before her and yadda," she laughed.

"Family heirloom," Lewis smiled.

"And apparently an important one from what I learned," Jesse said, "Where's Alec?"

"Up in his office," Tasha said.

"You're looking gorgeous, pet," Michael said, walking up to them.

"Thank you, and I apologize for yesterday, I'm quite new to this 'pet' thing," she said, smiling.

"Alec mentioned that in our meeting," he answered, taking Jesse's hand and kissing the knuckles.

He let her hand go and raised is hand to her neck, grazing it with his fingers, sending chills down Jesse's spine. Somehow, she could sense what he wanted. Lewis and Tasha said nothing. Michael took Jesse's hand and escorted her out of the club and to a private room that she had not known was there. He closed the door behind them, causing more chills to go through Jesse's body. She felt him behind her, felt his breath on her throat and then his tongue, tracing her throat, down to her collar bone. He then pushed her onto the couch that was in the room. She turned to look at him, but wished she hadn't, she could see the hunger in his gaze. She knew she couldn't fight him; it wasn't allowed. She watched as he lifted her leg and ducked his head between them. She could feel him licking the side of her thigh, feel his fangs, grazing her skin, and then the sharp pain that followed a vampire sinking their fangs into their victims. She could feel him sucking her blood, and the trail of blood that went down her thigh from the wound. She wasn't sure if Alec had told them about their condition yet, and if he hadn't, she had no choice but to submit to Michael. She felt one of his hands, find its way up her dress and to her clit, she wasn't wearing underwear this time. Pain and pleasure seared through her as his fingers toyed with her clit, while he drank from her. He released her thigh, but he didn't move his fingers, instead, he plunged them inside of her, causing her to moan. He pushed her dress down, exposing her breasts, he took one into his mouth and began suckling it, while his hand continued to torture her vagina. She knew now, that Alec hadn't told the others yet, either that, or the council were the only ones he couldn't stop. She shivered as his fangs grazed her nipple and he lightly nipped at it. He moved his hand away from her vagina, but only for her to hear him unzip his pants. He then positioned her, until he had easy access to penetrate her. She closed her eyes and she felt him enter her and a wave of pleasure, consumed her. He felt almost as good as Alec, he was definitely bigger than Alec was. Michael thrust deep, hard and fast, in and out of Jesse, and with each thrust, she had moans escaping her mouth. She couldn't believe another vampire was fucking her. She was really starting to hate being a 'pet'. She looked up and as she did, Michael captured her lips.

She felt something else as he kissed her, a feminine hand was caressing her breasts. She opened her eyes to see Tasha, fondling her. Michael released his kiss and pulled out. Tasha came around and took Jesse into her mouth, causing Jesse to squirm with pleasure. Michael moved Jesse's position, so that he could put the length of him, into her mouth. As Tasha worker her genitals, Michael moved swiftly and fast, in and out of Jesse's mouth. Her pleasure was almost at the brink. This was nothing she had ever experienced before, and she had no idea that 'pets' joined in on the fun. Michael released in Jesse's mouth and she swallowed all of it. He moved from her mouth and allowed Tasha to replace him, forcing Jesse to use her tongue on Tasha, while Michael returned to her vagina and plunged himself back inside of her. Her body shivered at the overwhelming amount of pleasure she was receiving. After what seemed like an eternity, Michael released deep inside of Jesse as Jesse did the same. Tasha got off of Jesse then and Michael did up is jeans. He helped Jesse to her feet, and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

"I hope we can do this again," he purred in her ear, before exiting the room.

"What the hell, Tasha?" she said, shocked.

"Sorry, you two looked like you were having fun, I just had to join."

"I need to talk to Alec," Jesse growled, exiting the room and heading up to the office.

She could hear Alec talking to someone, but clearly on the phone as there was no other voice. She quietly entered the room and sat in the armchair, crossing her arms and glaring at him. He raised a brow at her, unsure of why she was glaring. He then told however he was talking to that he would call them back.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Did you not mention to anyone about our deal?" she growled.

"Yes, why?"

"I just had an interesting start of my night in a private room with Michael!" she snapped.

"Hm, well, the clan leaders I have no say in. I mentioned it to them, but it's their decision in the end," he said, quietly, "Although, it doesn't seem like you didn't enjoy it."

"Not the point."

"Anyway, Michael took a liking to you the other night as well."

"When I wasn't aware of 'pet' rules," she grumbled, "Did you know that other 'pets' join in?"

"Yes. Tasha has joined in on some of my sex affairs in the past."

"Geez, that girl has moves," she said, shyly.

"Yes, she does, and you should go back downstairs, there is a lineup for you."

"You said…" she started.

"I did, but the leaders have the final vote. I put it to them and the all said no. I cannot change what they say. They're reasoning is simple: if one pet has that granted, they all will want the same."

"So, you lied to me?"

"No, I tried to put forward an acceptation and they said no."

"Great, how many more vampires want to fuck me?" she asked.

"A few actually, especially after walking in in that. There is a room downstairs, that is your own private chambers for the guests that you get to pleasure," he said simply, "Now, you need to make ends meat, go down and entertain."

Growling, Jesse left his office, frustrated this was happening. On the one hand, he did try to avoid this, but on the other, she now had to allow whomever to screw around with her. This royally sucked and she hoped she would quickly figure out her amulet, before this went to far. Jesse followed Alec's instruction's of where the private room was. She looked at the long list that was posted there, and let out a sigh, she knew this was going to be a long agonizing night, one she hoped would go quite fast. She saw the first name on her list and growled, he had just had his way with her twenty minutes ago and now he was the first on the list? That really pissed her off. She heard a knock on the door and it was the bouncer Mark, he gestured towards her first guest, Michael. Scowling, she allowed him into the room, she knew it was going to happen all over again. Michael wasn't alone though, he had brought someone with him, a male that Jesse didn't recognize. She guessed that there were no rules when it came to this line of work. Michael sat down on the couch and gestured for the younger man to join him; he then commanded Jesse to strip for them. She was annoyed, but she had not choice, she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor, exposing her entire body to the two men watching. The younger one, stood up, lifted Jesse's knee to his lips and sank his teeth into her knee. She gasped in pain, as it was more painful there than in previous areas. While he sucked, he trailed his fingers up her inner thigh and caressed her clitoris, causing her to shiver. She watched as Michael got up, and knelt down in front of her. He moved the younger man's fingers and replaced them with his mouth, caressing her vagina with his tongue. Her body vibrated from the sensation. She felt Michaels fangs, grazing the side of her vagina, before he sank his fangs in and began to drink. Fear, pleasure and pain consumed Jesse and both men drank from her. The younger man was the first to finish his feeding, and he captured Jesse's lips with his own, he danced with her tongue as Michael continued to feed. After another few minutes, she felt Michaels fangs, leave her flesh. The younger man, lowered Jesse to the floor, allowing the men to have full access of her body. Michael unzipped his pants and came to Jesse's mouth, while the younger man did the same. Michael put the length of himself into her mouth, while the younger man took her into his mouth, licking and teasing her clit, causing her to whither underneath them. Michael took one of her breasts into his mouth, nipping and biting her nipple, while he continued to thrust himself into her mouth. The younger man, stopped his mouth torture, and Jesse could feel him position her hips to his. She felt him pressing his penis against her, and then she felt him insert himself deep inside of her, and because she was sucking on Michael, her moans stayed to herself. The younger man started slowly and then picked up is pace and Michael began to go faster inside of Jesse's mouth. As much as she didn't want this, she had to admit, she was enjoying it. Unfortunately, her job at the club, was a vampire call girl, not a 'pet'. Both men released inside of her at the same time and then the removed themselves, only to switch positions and start again. After what seemed like hours, both men got up, put their pants back on and left the room.

"If I ever become a vampire, Alec will pay for this," she grumbled to herself.

Not five minutes after Michael and his friend left, there was a knock on her door.

"Oh, come on, don't I get a breather," she growled, getting up to answer it.

"Your next guest is here," Mark said, "Smart move, staying undressed," he finished, walking away and allowing the next guest to enter.

"Hello gorgeous," he smiled, taking a seat on the couch.

Jesse stayed quiet, she was at the mercy of whoever entered the room and right now, it was this guy. She watched as he unzipped his jeans and his penis sprang out, fully up. Jesse growled, wishing the night was over.

"Come have a seat," he said.

Jesse knew what that meant, it meant he wanted her to ride him; not something she had done yet and really didn't want to do. She slowly walked up to him, not sure of what he actually wanted. He gestured to his penis, and repeated the same line. She looked away as she got on top of him and he pushed her hips down so that he was buried inside of her. He commanded her to move on her own and she did so. She went up and down on the length of him, but he didn't seem pleased, in fact, he grabbed her hips and made her go faster and further on him, causing her to shiver. She could feel his hips moving with hers, and she could see that he was enjoying the control more than her freely riding him. He grazed her left breast with his lips, nipping at it and teasing it, and then she felt his fangs, and felt them sink into her breast. She winced as she felt him drink from her. She hated being a prostitute for vampires, but it was either this or death. The vampire finished feeding, and capture her lips with his, allowing her to taste her own blood, which was disgusting. She could feel his penis, ready to release. He stopped her from moving as he released deep inside of her. He then took her off of him, thanked her and left the room.

The same events continued until four in the morning, when the club closed and the employees were able to go home before the sun raised. Jesse dressed herself, headed for the car and went back to Alec's mansion. She then made her way to her bedroom, took off her clothes and collapsed on the bed, frustrated, annoyed, tired and spent. She heard her door open and was frustrated, because she knew that meant one thing, Alec. She felt his hand move up the back of her thigh to her vagina. She felt him spreading her legs so that he had easy access. He plunged two fingers inside of her, causing her to shiver and release a moan. She could hear him chuckling, probably because she responded the way she did. While his fingers went in and out of her, his other hand wrapped around her stomach and flipped her onto her back, so that he had access to her breasts. She glared at him and he just smiled. He dipped down and took her breast into his mouth, licking, nipping and caressing it, causing more waves of pleasure to go through her entire body. His fingers moved faster as his tongue continued to toy with her breast. His other hand found the other breast, and began caressing it, pinching the nipple, making it hard. Jesse arched her back, she spread her legs wider, to feel Alec's fingers better. After a few minutes, Alec removed his fingers, and stopped his caressing. He brought his penis up to her mouth and guided his penis into her mouth. He started slow at first and then quickened his pace, moving his penis in and out of her mouth. When she felt he was close, he pulled out of her mouth. He went back to her vagina and position her hips for easier access. He plunged himself, deep inside of her, all the way to the hilt, causing an explosion of pleasure to sear through Jesse's body. She may be a call girl or whatever, but none of those men, compared to Alec, he was far more talented than any of them. At the end of the day, she was his 'pet' and had to follow his every order. She wondered when the next time she had to work at the club. After what seemed like forever, Alec released, deep inside of her, before he collapsed on the bed, next to her.

"When is my next shift?" Jesse asked, nervous of his answer.

"Friday. It will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday."

"Seriously?" she growled.

"Weekends are busier and its when we need more escorts."

"So, now I'm an escort?"

"Escort, call girl, pet, sex slave. There are many names that fit the bill," he chuckled.

"This isn't funny," she growled.

"You are the one who agreed to be a 'pet' before realizing what that meant. Especially, when it comes to being my pet. This is the reason I don't have a pet."

"You suck."

"This coming from someone who actually does the sucking," he laughed, getting out of the bed and heading for the door, "Be grateful, you're not dead."

"Somehow, this feels worse than death," she groaned, throwing the blankets over her head.

The week seemed to fly by, because before Jesse knew it, it was Friday and the thought of going back to the club, sent chills down her spine. She knew there was going to be another list waiting there for her. It was actually surprising, that anyone had an interest in her or her body. It was frustrating that she was basically selling her body, but she had no choice, she was a pet to a vampire and therefore, she had no freedom. Over the last week, Alec had bedded her every night, he was definitely a horny vampire, but then all of the vampires in the club were just as horny. She wondered, if she were a vampire, if Alec gave her more respect. He probably would, but that wasn't the case, he was a vampire and she was a human. She headed out to the Viper and headed down to the club. It was definitely buzzing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Raine and Amy in the lineup. Clearly, Amy enjoyed coming to the club, and she liked having Raine as her sidekick.

She parked her car in the garage and instead of going through the side door, she went to the front, so she could say hi to her friends. Fred saw her and a huge grin crossed his face. Tonight, Jesse chose to wear another dress, this time a royal blue one, short and again, with no straps.

"You're going to have all the men after you!" Fred exclaimed.

"I wish that wasn't the case," she growled.

"Well, that wouldn't happen if you didn't look so hot," Amy smiled, hugging her.

"I don't really have a choice," she hissed.


"Anyway, I got to head in and…greet my guest," Jesse said, with venom in her voice.

"What does that mean?" Raine asked.

"I'll tell you later," Amy said.


Jesse left her friends and headed into the club. Heads turned as Jesse walked through the club to her private room. She went inside and looked at the clipboard to see who she had to deal with tonight. The list only had three names on it and unfortunately, her least favorite person, was at the top of the list, Michael. The name following Michael, was actually a female and Jesse vaguely recognized it, Ginny. She remembered Tasha and Lewis mentioning she was a clan leader. Was she a lesbian? Because Jesse certainly was not a lesbian, although, she enjoyed what Tasha did last weekend. The third name on the list was also a new name and one that Jesse didn't recognize. The last name on the list was also male, and the name was Zane. After looking the list over, there was a knock on the door and Jesse knew that meant showtime. She opened the door, to be greeted by Michael.

"Good evening, Michael," she growled.

"Jesse, my doll, you look more gorgeous than last week!" he exclaimed.

Michael lifted his hand and squeezed Jesse ass, before walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"You're alone this time?" she asked.

"Were you hoping for another three way?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"No!" she snapped.

"Come sit on my lap," he said.

Reluctantly, she walked over to him and sat down in his lap. She really didn't want Michael touching her, but she really didn't have a choice. She watched as his hand came up and pulled her dress off her breasts. He then caressed one in his hands, while he placed his mouth over the other, toying and nipping at her nipple. Jesse arched her back in reaction to his mouth. She then felt him sink his teeth into her breast and begin feeding on her. She felt his other hand, make its way between her legs and caress her clit with his fingers, causing waves of pleasure to coarse through Jesse's body. He released her breast, and flipped her body so that her head and shoulders were on the floor, and her vagina was easy access to his mouth. He started kissing the side of her thigh and then sank his teeth in and began feeding again. While he fed, he plunged his fingers deep inside of her, causing explosions of pleasure to sear through her entire body. After a few minutes, his fangs retracted and he trailed kisses from his bite wound to her clitoris, and while his fingers continued to go in and out of her, his tongue teased her clit, causing her to instantly cum. He moved his fingers and mouth and then lowered her body to the floor so that she was lying on her back, he spread her legs open and opened his jeans. He then lifted her hips to his, and plunged deep inside of her. Involuntarily, Jesse began to move with his movements, starting slow and then going quicker. She matched his speed, flawlessly, and she could see in his face, he was impressed. He pounded hard and fast into her, and with every pound, she moaned and gasped at the feel of him; she could feel him coming to the end and as he did, she came with him. He then got up and did up his pants, he helped Jesse up and placed her on the couch.

"Good luck with Ginny," he said, before exiting the room.

After a few minutes, another knock on the door came, and a slender woman, about five-foot-four, with long golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes came flowing into the room, closing the door behind her.

"So, you're the famous 'pet' I've been hearing about," she smiled.

"And you must be Ginny, a clan leader."

"Si, that is me."

"Are you Spanish?"

"I am fluent in both English and Spanish," she said, taking a seat next to Jesse, placing a hand on her thigh.

"Lesbian?" Jesse asked.

"Bi," she smiled, pulling Jesse's dress up.

Jesse shivered as she realized she was facing a third clan leader. Michael and Alec were the first two and now this was the third clan leader, interested in her. She watched as Ginny wrapped one hand around her back and unzipped her dress, letting the top part fall to her hips, exposing her breasts to Ginny. She then bent down and took one of Jesse's breast into her mouth suckling the nipple. Shivers went down Jesse's spine as she wasn't really sure how to react to a woman. Jesse felt Ginny's hand going up her skirt to her vagina and teasing her clit. Jesse clutched the couch, trying to control her pleasure, but it was futile. Ginny lowered her down to the couch, allowing Jesse to lie down. She released her breast, and moved her fingers, she then propped up Jesse's knees, so that she had better access to her genitals. She moved her head towards Jesse, causing Jesse to shiver. She then took Jesse into her mouth and taunted her with her tongue, going in and out. She reached her had down and lightly pinched and rubbed clit, causing waves of pleasure to go through Jesse. Ginny's tongue continued to twitch and moved, while the other continued to taunt her clit. Jesse was vibrating under the touch of Ginny. She never thought a woman could get her going, but clearly, she was wrong. Ginny continued her torture for a little while longer, until Jesse came. She then moved to the floor and took off her jeans, gesturing for Jesse to pleasure her. Jesse, nervous, took Ginny into her mouth, and attempted the same movements that Ginny did to her. She figured it was working, considering, Ginny was moaning from her touch. Ginny grabbed Jesse's hand and guided her to Ginny's vagina and then eased Jesse's fingers in; she then demanded Jesse to move them fast. After a few minutes, she felt Ginny cum and Jesse sat on the floor, shocked at what she had just done. She watched as Ginny turned around and spread her legs open. She swung one of Jesse's legs, over her shoulder and Jesse could feel Ginny's fangs, grazing her inner thigh, before she sank them in and began to feed. After a few minutes, Ginny retracted her teeth, licked her thigh and then moved away from Jesse.

"Clearly, they weren't kidding, you do taste delicious."

"Thanks, I think," Jesse breathed.

"No wonder Alec wanted you as a pet," she smiled, getting up, pulling her jeans back up and headed out the door, "Careful with your next guest, he's a wild card. He's not exactly rogue, but he's not part of a clan either," she warned, leaving.

That worried Jesse a little, why on Earth would Alec allow someone like that to be on the list? It terrified Jesse and frankly, she'd sooner close the door, lock it and say no one is home. She listened and waited for the next knock on the door, and probably the most terrifying knock of all. She could hear footsteps and then the last and final knock. She waited for the door to open and a male, standing at six-foot-four walked in. he was wearing dark denim jeans, a black leather shirt, and a black jean jacket. He had short jet-black hair, that was swiped to one side, and dark pale blue eyes. Jesse was shocked, this guy was gorgeous, and he took her breath away. She watched as Zane, closed the door and slowly walked up to her, he knelt down and took her hand in his and kissed the palm of it; she could feel the energy off of him and it was extremely seductive. She shivered as his other hand, grazed her cheek. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he brought his head up and put his lips to hers, bringing her into a passionate, seductive kiss. She voluntarily opened her mouth and his tongue entered, dancing with hers. She felt him bite her bottom lip, felt the blood dripping down her chin. Zane released the kiss and trailed his tongue from the bite wound, to the tip of her chin where the blood was pooling. He didn't stop there, he trailed his tongue from her chin, to her ear and part way down her neck, grazing her neck with his fangs. She then felt him sink his fangs into her throat and she gasped, she was under the impression, they weren't supposed to bite her in visible locations, yet this guy did. He suckled her throat for a while, while one of his hands, made its way between her legs, causing her to shiver. She could feel his mouth, curl into a smile from her response of his touch. She felt his fingers, caressing her clit, rubbing and lightly pitching it, causing more shivers to go through her. After a few more minutes, he released her throat and removed his fingers from her. She looked at him and he was staring at you, with curiosity.

"Have I disappointed you?" she asked.

"No, my princess," he said, quietly.

"I'm no princess," she said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, but you are. It is why you draw so many to you. Do you have the necklace?" he asked, taking her by surprise.

"Necklace? Where you the one that broke into my house?" she hissed.

"No, but it is what they were after."

"They?" she asked.

"It's complicated. That necklace has powers, you have yet to understand. It is actually an amulet."

He brought his lips up to her throat, kissed it and trailed his tongue around the fangs marks he had made, he then sank his teeth back into her throat, and she gasped. He feed for a few minutes longer, before releasing her again.

"Have you ever wondered why you remember things you shouldn't? Why you don't drain, yet so many vampires have fed from you?" he asked, trailing his tongue down her throat to her breast, taking it into his mouth.

"I…no…I never…" she breathed.

He released her breast and looked directly into her eyes, "Come with me and I can show you things you never thought was possible," he said.

"I'm a pet, I cannot leave," she sighed.

"A princess is not a pet," he growled, "Meet me outside the club when your shift is over, and I'll show you what I mean," he said, getting up and leaving the room.

She had no idea what that was about, and she was actually curious about Zane and what he told her. She got dressed and headed out of the club to meet Zane.

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