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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Blood Amulet

Jesse looked around the alley way for any sign of Zane. She thought maybe he was fucking around with her, so she decided to head back in the club, but before she could, someone grabbed her arm and threw her into the backseat of a black car, and the car speeds away. Jesse frantically tried to open the back door, but it was childproof locked. She banged on the door, even tried to break the window, but it was futile. Frustrated, she finally gave up, crossed her arms and glared through the glass that separated the front seat from the backseat. She didn't know who was driving or what they were planning on doing, but her adrenaline was high. She thought, as soon as the car stops and the door opens, she was going to make a run for it. the car kept driving, for what seemed like hours, and finally came to a stop. The windows were blacked out, so she couldn't see where they were. She watched as the driver got out of the vehicle, but she couldn't see where the driver was going, and then she heard her door open. With all her force, she rammed the door into the driver and booked it as fast as she could into the field ahead. She had no idea where she was, but she knew she had to keep running. She continued, until she hit what felt like a brick wall. She stumbled back and fell onto the ground in the grass field, her sight going blurry for a moment. When her sight finally came back, she was staring up at Zane. Zane had a scowl look on his face as he aggressively grabbed her arm and lead her back to wherever they came from. She tried to pull away, but his grip wouldn't faulter. Her fear began to build now, as she was terrified, he might do something horrible to her. Once they got back to the car, she saw a small house on the other side of the house. Zane forced Jesse ahead of him and into the house. When they entered, they were in the living room; Jesse could make out a kitchen behind that and a hallway that led to probably some bedrooms and a bathroom. She turned to see Zane, locking the door with a key from the inside. He then turned to face her, and slowly walked up to her. She backed up, as he advanced, until she tripped and landed on the couch. He was then on top of her, quicker than she could blink. Terrified, she closed her eyes, afraid of what he was going to do. She felt his hand move up the outside of her dress, and into her cleavage where she had her necklace hidden. He pulled it out, got off her and walked over to the dining table, placing the necklace on the table. She opened her eyes, sat up and stared at him in complete confusion.

"This amulet, is who you are," he said, playing with the chain.

"I don't understand," she said, frightened.

He got up and went to one of the bookshelves that was situated in the living room and pulled out an old book; he then tossed it to her and she caught it.

"Page 215," he said, walking back to the table.

Jesse flipped through the book, until she came to the page he mentioned. The page had an exact replica of her necklace on the page, and there was writing right below it:

The amulet is of great importance to the family and cannot leave their presence. It is imperative that the first daughter of each generation, inherits this amulet to maintain balance. The blood inside the gem, is that of the first vampire to ever exist, the beginning of our family, and yet, as our family went down in the generations, we became more and more human, but with different abilities. My granddaughter, she is a gem herself, she will surpass all of us, and be the true successor of our kind. Even though she is human, vampires will have an urge to want her and maybe even destroy her, especially the rogues. My daughter has yet to tell her our secrets, but she is young still, and one day my daughter will tell her, my sweet Jesse, you will be wanted, hunted and possibly killed. Hopefully the prince finds you and begins anew, before it is too late. The power of the amulet, will allow her to become what our family had lost so long ago, a true, royal vampire. A vampire of our family is capable of many things, including child birth, walking in sunlight, all the things that other vampires are incapable of. Whoever the prince is, will have the same abilities as she does. There is a ritual that must be followed for her to become a reborn vampire queen, and that would need the help of her prince. Sweet Jesse, you will find a way to restore our family. This was the safest way to protect our family from the terrible hunter, making ourselves mortal, living as mortals do.

Karen Chaser

Jesse recognized the name to be her grandmother. Now she knew why the necklace was so important, it was an amulet that held her family's blood, her vampire family's blood. She was a descendant of the first vampire to ever exist. This might explain why her memories couldn't be erased, because she herself was supposed to be a vampire. Maybe, whoever broke into her apartment, was looking for the amulet, to stop the process from happening, but there was one small problem, she didn't know who this prince was and it was probably a vampire as well.

"How did you know about this?" she asked, looking at him.

"You asked if I was the one who broke into your house, and I told you it wasn't me. The hunter your grandmother speaks of, he was the one that broke into your house. You were lucky your amulet was so well hidden."

"That doesn't answer how you know about all of this," she growled.

"I'm not a rogue, but I'm not part of a clan either. Your mother and grandmother were friends of my family. Our families had an agreement to protect each other. That's how I know about this. As I said before, you are a princess, not a pet," he said, staring at her.

"But I was marked," she said, showing her mark to him.

Zane got up and grabbed the amulet; he then walked up to her and placed the amulet on the marking, which instantly vanished. She started to speak, but he put his hand up to silence her. He put the amulet to the bite wounds on her neck, and they to vanished. He pulled the top of her dress down, allowing her breasts to be in view. He touched the amulet to those marks and they too vanished. He then pushed her onto the couch and lifted her leg, so that he had access to her thighs and did the same to the marks there and the one on her genitals. He continued to do this until all the fang marks, were non-existent. He then sat on the couch next to her and handed her the amulet.

"No pet mark, no bite marks. You just need to find this dark prince and become who you truly are," he said, crossing his legs.

"Easier said than done," she sighed.

"How so? You fuck vampires to pay you rent at Alec's, how hard could it be?" he chuckled.

"That's not funny," she hissed, punching him in the arm.

"Well, I never actually got my chance to fuck you," he purred, uncrossing his legs and placing himself on top of Jesse.

"Um…" she started.

"Hey, I paid like everyone else and after everything I told you, don't you think I deserve it?" he asked, stroking her cheek with his fingers.

"I guess," she said, shyly.

"Not on the couch," he said, getting off of her.

He grabbed her hand and escorted her down the hall to one of the closed doors. He opened it and on the other side of the door, was a neatly put together bedroom, with a bed that actually looked comfortable. He pulled her into the room and closed the door behind them. He then walked up behind her, and unzipped her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor, exposing her completely naked and now, unmarked body. Still behind her, he started kissing the back of her neck, trailing them to her shoulder. His one hand wrapped around her, cupping on of her breasts, while the other hand, found its way between her legs, touching her clit and causing her to shiver. He trailed his kissed back to the nape of her neck, grazing it with his fangs, before he sank them in and began to drink. While he drank, he used one of his legs, to nudge her legs apart, so that his fingers had easier access. He played with her clit for a while, causing her to moan, before he plunged his fingers, deep inside of her. He moved his fingers fast, as his other and pinched her nipple. His fangs released her neck, and he turned her in his arms. He took on of her breasts into his mouth, suckling on the nipple, before he sank his fangs into her skin again and continued to drink. As he drank and his fingers continued to pleasure her, he lifted her with his other arm, and laid her down on the bed. He then pulled his fingers out of her, but continued to feed on her. She could feel him taking his pants off, before she felt him positioning her for penetration. Before she realized what was happening, he released her breast, sank his fangs back into her neck, and thrusted deep inside of her, causing her to gasp. He felt bigger, better than any vampire she had had so far. She could feel him pounding deep inside of her, feel his penis go all the way to the hilt. He felt so good, deep inside of her, and him feeding from her, made it even more exquisite. She loved the feel of him, she loved the feel of the drinking and the sex with him; she never expected it to feel this good though. She could feel him cuming and she prepared herself for all of him before he released in complete ecstasy. He collapsed on top of her, completely spent.

"I will admit, you are the best vampire I've ever had," she panted.

"You're impressive yourself," he breathed, kissing her throat, "I hope this can continue in future."

"Unless you're this so called 'dark prince', then no," she chuckled.

"Maybe I am?" he purred into her ear, nipping it.

"How am I supposed to know this dark prince is?" she growled.

"How do you figure he's dark?"

"Because, she stated same abilities, which could only mean, he's a vampire as well. Did she ever tell you anything about it?"

"No, but only because she didn't know herself."

Jesse thought for a moment, and then she jerked up, making Zane fall off the bed and hitting the floor.

"Oh my god," she said.

"That hurt," he growled, ignoring her.

"Oh, sorry," she said, looking down at him.

He stood up and got back on the bed, sitting cross-legged, a few inches away from her, in case she did it again.

"I'm to assume, my falling on the floor was an accident?" he asked, glaring at her.

"Yes. I'm sorry, I just realized something. For the last few years, I've been having the same dream about a faceless vampire. Maybe that vampire, is my dark prince. Maybe that's why, I've been having those dreams, they're about something that will happen in the future."

"Possibly, but the vampire is faceless, which doesn't help you much," he said.

"True, but it would answer why I have those dreams."

"So, now what?"

"Alec is going to be pissed I left the club, leaving his Viper there and no sign of me."

"What's the worst he's going to do? Fuck and feed from you?"

"Kill me," she sighed.

"Doubt that. Your blood is too sweet for him to toss away, that, and once he learns you're undrainable, he'll want you around all the time."

"Yeah, as his personal drinking fountain," she groaned.

"Better than death, until you can unlock all your potential. We'll figure out this prince thing. Since I am the only one that knows about this, I will help you, but in exchange for something else," he purred, reaching his hand, between her legs.

"What am I? A personal sex toy?" she growled, slapping his hand away.

"You are desirable, so it's only fitting," he smiled, crawling up her body, so that they were eye to eye, "Bet you never thought that was possible?"

"Obviously not," she shivered, looking away from him.

"Why shy now? I've already fucked you and drank from you," he said, grinning.

"This is a lot, for me to take in, you know," she sighed.

"True, but not all bad information, that and I showed you how to use your amulet. A side note, Alec can't be mad at you when you're no longer his bet," he laughed.



He trailed his tongue up her stomach to her throat, he grabbed her breast in one hand, caressing it, while the other made its way, back between her legs, making her shiver.

"Still horny?" she breathed.

"As are you," he purred, pinching her nipple.

"I can't help that, when you're touching me in sensitive areas," she growled.

He rubbed her clit, causing more shivers to go through her body, while his fangs, grazed her neck and his tongue made a trail up her neck, tasting every part of it. She wondered if he was going to feed from her again, curious about his fangs grazing her neck. Usually that meant the vampire was going to feed, but she felt his mouth leave her throat, and capture her lips instead. He danced with her tongue as he continued to toy with her breast and clit, causing waves of pleasure to go through her. After a few more minutes, he stopped his torture, pulled away from her and sat cross-legged, staring at her.

"You're mean," she groaned, still quite aroused.

"That depends," he grinned, "But, I've already pleasured you enough, your turn," he said, gesturing to his fully erect penis.

"You're joking, right?" she asked.

"Not like you haven't sucked one before, now get at it," he said, still grinning, "At least, I'm not forcing myself into your mouth."

This was true, all the other men, forced her to suck them, but Zane, Zane waited for her to take him into her mouth. He didn't force her mouth, he just demanded her, which was a huge difference. She wondered, what he would do if she refused, but if she was being perfectly honest with herself, she wasn't going to refuse. This was the first time; she was actually interested in having sex with someone. Even with Alec, she was frightened and didn't want to really do it, but she had no choice, that was, before Zane removed her mark. Jesse went onto her hands and knees and then bent down and took the length of Zane, into her mouth. Zane tasted different than the other guys, it wasn't a nasty taste, it was almost pleasant. She slowly moved her mouth, up and down his shaft, while she moved one of her hands to cup his ball sac, massaging it. She looked up at him, as she did so, and his eyes were shut tight, and he was trying desperately not to show his pleasure. She looked at his hands, which were clutching the sheets on the bed. She figured, it wasn't the first time, he'd received a blowjob, but it seemed to her, it was the best one, he's received so far. She began to move her mouth faster, which caused him to gasp, and clutch the bedsheets, even more. She smiled in satisfaction as she continued to move faster. She now had both her hands working. One was massaging his sac, while the other was following her mouth on his shaft. She could feel him quivering around her mouth and she knew he was close to cuming. She quickened her pace and massaged him faster, until he could no longer hold on, and released everything, into her mouth. She drank every drop, before moving her head away and sat cross-legged across from him.

"Hm, I take it, you enjoyed that," she purred.

"Yes," he breathed.

Before she realized what, she was doing, she crawled onto of him, forcing him to lie down on the bed. She then, captured his lips, forcing her tongue into his mouth and danced with his. Her hand, reached between them, and started playing with his penis again, causing it to become hard, almost instantly. She felt him squirming below her and she knew, this was the first time, a girl took advantage of him; she released his lips, and began trailing kisses down his chin, his throat, and then his stomach.

"Jesse," he breathed.

She used her tongue and trailed it to one of his nipples, taking it into her mouth, sucking and nipping it, causing more shivers to go through Zane. She then brought her hips to his penis, and with her hands, guided him deep inside of her, all the way to the hilt. She began to move slow at first, placing her hands on his chest, for balance. She heard Zane gasp below her and she knew he was fully enjoying every moment of this. She started to move faster, and she could feel him, moving his hips to the rhythm she made for them. As she came down on him, he arched his hips to meet hers, which caused a wave of ecstasy, to go completely through Jesse. She threw her head back and moved even faster, wanting more and more of him; she could feel him reaching the end, and as he released in bliss, she followed and collapsed onto his chest. Sweat beaded off her forehead as she embraced him in her arms, satisfied in everything that had just happened.

After a while, she felt Zane falling into a blissful sleep. She was happy with the time she had with him and she really didn't want to go back to being, whatever she was at the club. She continued to rest her head on his chest, until she noticed a light, a red glowing like that was coming from the hallway. She got up and followed the light, out into the hallway, which lead back to the living room. She looked around the living room, and her eyes fell on the couch, where she left her amulet. The amulet was glowing red, and she could feel it pulling her towards it. she cautiously went and picked up the amulet, not sure what the glowing meant, but as she went to touch it, flashes of images, ran through her mind, images of the past, images of the presence, and then an image of her dream, only this time, it wasn't a faceless figure, it was Zane. The amulet continued to get brighter and brighter, drawing her more towards it; her lips almost touching it. She shivered as more images flashed through her mind, one showing a being, slaying her grandfather, her grandmother screaming. It flashed to another image, one she knew all too well; the night her family was murdered, the man who had murdered them. Her lips were now touching the amulet, and she could feel something coursing through her, a power she never felt before. The images continued to flash through her mind, while some mysterious power, flowed through her, making her feel more powerful. Then, the amulet began to fade, and Jesse collapsed onto the floor, the world going black.

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