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Chapter 2: Eradication Mission Part 2 ( THE ULIMATE WEAPON)

The blood-curdling screams of his name could be heard throughout the entire camp. As Kiyoshi turned, he saw a shadowy figure continue to scream his name with rage and anger "Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi ".The shadowy figure continued calling out to him. As he begins to walk closer to the shadowy figure, his feet sink in the blood-soaked sand creating miniature pools of blood that drowned and covered his feet with each step. As he continues to make his voyage towards the figure calling out to him, he finds himself surrounded by the tearful and sorrowful widows and children of the men that he had just killed.

Looking at them he can see the terror in their eyes but more so he can see the hatred for him building inside them even among the children. Three quarters to his destination, he can finally figure out who it was. It's Maxwell but his appearance has changed a bit. For starters, he now sports a pair of spiked iron shoulder pads which were a crimson color, and on his hands were large gloves no more like small gauntlets." Kiyoshi thinks to himself. The gauntlets were golden brown with red markings and symbols on them.

One of them had the face of a lion engraved on it, whilst the other one had a dragon engraved on it. But the most shocking change was his new weapon, a large double-bladed ax that could be at least ten feet in length. The grip and hart of the ax were made of gold with a statue of a black snake with white diamond shapes on its back with each diamond shape having a different marking on it whilst the snake wrapped around the grip and heart of the ax. The pommel of the ax was a diamond tip and the blades of the ax were blazing red and orange with rows of multicolored gems embedded into the edge of each blade.

The top of the ax was a sun and moon with an angel above them embracing them with its wings. The ax shined brightly in the sun's rays showing off its beauty and power, mesmerizing everyone still alive to see, including Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi took a few steps forward and stopped in front of Maxwell. " It can't be after all these years and of all places for me to see it again," said a different disembodied male voice this time. This one sounds different from the one before it as its voice sounded deeper and creepier than the last voice coming from the sword. "What" replied Kiyoshi? "It's the ax of Rebecca" stated the voice. "The ax of Rebecca"? Asked Kiyoshi. "Yes it's a weapon as Infamous as the sword around your waistline, a weapon created during the great demonic conversion event." continued the voice. "Back in those days, there was a man named Jacob Wood-heart, a tall and bulky man of Caucasian descent with long flowing black hair.

A man they say who was gifted with out worldly strength and prowess, a physical monster in every shape and form. A man who made his living as a blacksmith by day and a father and husband by night, a man who was contented with his life. Even when humanity's United army came begging for his strength and prowess beyond his blacksmith skills to defend against their demonic invaders from hell he declined, stating he can only offer the weapons he makes as his place was with his family. As the war raged on and humanity continued to fight to live on the earth in peace.

The blacksmith continued his work making weapons and going back home to his family, never getting involved in war more than he had to. Until one day as he walked back to his home to meet a demon eating his beloved wife in their bedroom with his two sons nowhere in sight. From what I can recall the female demon had a serpent's tail, bat wings, and a face of a horse with goat horns on top of her head, and her body was covered in gray scales. remarked the disembodied voice. The demon watched Jacob laugh with a big smile on her face and continue to devour his wife. In his rage Jacob rushed over to the demon and crushed her skull with his bare fist, killing the demon instantly. His rage and strength were so intense they even split the foundation of his home. As his wife lay dying in his arms she whispered to him to protect their sons and to help humanity survive. As his wife lay dead in his arms he vowed to avenge her and keep his promise to her.

After burying his wife Jacob spent over a month gathering materials for his ultimate weapon to avenge her. For the next forty days and nights, he works endlessly without food nor sleeps forging his ultimate. On the morning of the forty-first day, his ultimate weapon was born, a double-sided ax forged from gems and material so rare they have never been seen anywhere else besides this weapon. A weapon almost ten feet in length and three tons in weight. The ultimate demon-slaying weapon was named in honor of his late wife Rebecca. It was said when the ax was finished light from the heavens shone upon the ax and gave it more prowess and strength. Even though the ax was too long and heavy for any normal man to wield it was effortlessly wielded by Jacob, who became feared by the underworld and demons everywhere for his ability to wipe out legions of demons by himself with little to no resistance.

With him and the other two members of the trinity saviors humanity was able to defend itself and win the war against their demonic invaders ending the demonic conversion event. At the end of it all Jacob Wood-heart was more than a man he was more of god that even the sound of his name made hell shake in fear, he was a man who demanded respect from all and he died a very successful and powerful man in his sleep". Stated the disembodied male voice. "It was said that he was the one that came up with the idea and design for your sword" stated the disembodied female voice to Kiyoshi as it injects its self into the conversation. "And before you say anything and ask why I didn't mention the gauntlets Jacob didn't create them his eldest son Matthew created them. As even though he was strong beyond mere men he was no match for his father's strength and created the gauntlets to bridge the gap between him and his father's strength" announce the male disembodied voice. "Hmmm so basically we up against a guy with a weapon design to stop us" replied Kiyoshi." Us'' laughed the male disembodied voice "remember you said you didn't want our help so have fun with that"." Sighhhhhh I have to end this quicker than expected " remarked Kiyoshi. The two men stood silently facing each other as the crowd of children and women surrounding them looked on, awaiting the two men to clash. "You don't have anything to say" remarked Maxwell. Kiyoshi looked intently at him with the blood of Maxwell's men still dripping off his face and clothing and replied "NO".

Maxwell sighed and replied "your right the time for vocal discussions are done, we can only debate with our first, blood and sweat now" before Kiyoshi could register the full sentence made by Maxwell, Maxwell appeared in front of him bring down his might weapon upon Kiyoshi, who nearly manages to block the attack with his sword due to Maxwell's sudden increase in speed. The force of his attack brought Kisyoshi down on one knee. The shockwaves from the two weapons colliding created small fissures to appear behind Kiyoshi. As Kiyoshi tries to bring himself up, Maxwell grins and states "remember this' ' then proceeds to kick Kiyoshi in the chest several feet through the sand causing the sand to make a pathway. As Kiyoshi blows through the sand like a cannonball he stops on all fours and begins to cough up sand but before he can cough up all the sand he had consumed, He saw a shadow coming down on him, looking up he saw Maxwell coming down with an Aerial attack. He barely managed to roll out the way dodging the attack, which caused a huge mushroom cloud to appear pushing Kiyoshi back causing him to crash himself into a house. As Kiyoshi gathers himself between the rumble of the house he can see the figure of Maxwell appearing out of the dust. "How does it feel now that you're the prey and not the predator huh?" Ask Maxwell as he exits the dust cloud.

"I never wanted any of this if you would have just listened to me," replied Kiyoshi as he slowly got up. Enraged Maxwell replies "You walk into my domain make demands then kill my fucking men, my brothers. You left the women in the camp brotherless and husbandless, the children fatherless and you are telling me I should have fucking listened to you. The only thing I want to listen to now is the gushing of blood when I cut your head off your neck". In a flash Maxwell dashes across the field swinging his ax towards Kiyoshi, who manages to dodge the attack causing the ax to destroy a support pillar of the house. Kiyoshi went on the counter-attack with his sword but was blocked by Maxwell's ax. Maxwell continued his onslaught with a flurry of swings and jabs with his ax putting Kiyoshi back on the defensive. Kiyoshi was unable to attack with his sword due to the Force of Maxwell's attacks slowing his ability to swing his sword thus only giving him enough time to defend himself with his sword, he tried attacking Maxwell with a roundhouse kick to the face. But Maxwell caught the kick and with his newfound strength thanks to his gauntlets, he managed to lift Kiyoshi with one hand slamming him into the ground creating cracks and fissures to appear. As Kiyoshi coughed up blood Maxwell lifted him, looked at him, and threw him across the camp through several houses and back to where their fight originally began.

While coughing up blood Kiyoshi struggled to compose himself as he stumbled to get back up to his feet, he can hear the screaming and cheering of the women and children as they watch their nightmarish enemy getting knocked around. "You can't keep fighting him with strength alone he is stronger than you clearly, but you do realize what advantage you have over him right?" Remarked the female disembodied voice to Kiyoshi. "Speed" stated both the disembodied female voice and Kiyoshi simultaneously. Maxwell walks up and stops several feet away from Kiyoshi and points his ax towards him and states. "It's time to di ". Before Maxwell can finish his sentence something blurred flashed across him cutting him on his left cheek.

When he turned around he saw Kiyoshi behind. Before Maxwell can swing his ax, Kiyoshi attacked him with a burst of speed cutting him across his chest and making several slashes across his legs. Enraged, Maxwell leaped towards Kiyoshi trying to decapitate him but before the ax could reach his neck, Kiyoshi disappeared behind him creating several slashes and cuts about Maxwell's body. "I have had enough with this." Declared Maxwell. "We're going to get this now" Maxwell continued. "I agree," replied Kiyoshi. The women and children even the air itself grew quiet as the two men were at a standoff getting ready to end their dynamic battle. With only primal instinct guiding them the two men catapulted themselves towards each other. Towards the final moments of their climactic battle, Maxwell got flashbacks to the events that led him to this dynamic moment in his life.

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