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Chapter 6: Mingling among Prey (4)

Chapter 6: Mingling among Prey (4)

From the moment Carl woke up from the mindscape of his Sacred Gear, Bloodbound Domain, he felt a rushing thirst as if he had run a 30 miles marathon, pushing himself to reach a record time.

'Yoo, Mister! What the fuck is going on here?! This is not feeling drained, this is being once again turned into a sardine for fucks sake!'

[Stop being so petty, brat. The amount of information and skills you've gained in one day is invaluable. And it's all because of me. Instead of complaining, suck it up and man up. This will not be the first time nor the last time we'll connect in the Subspace of 'Bloodbound Domain'.]

'Until when?'

[Until you're powerful enough to connect to the subspace of the Domain by yourself. Which is a long shot, that even a toad might succeed before you.]

'You're making fun of me? Do you think I don't have the balls to release all the devils you've trapped?'

[By all means, try to release them if you can. I'll tell you in advance, you can't. That part of the Domain is under my administration.]

'Fuck you, then doesn't this mean the devil lady was right? You're using me for a goal?'

[Nonsense. Stop acting so buthurt about just a little thirst. You've lasted one year into a semi-slumber state, and you can't handle this much? I'll change my preconception of you if that's your true face.]

'You're right, I've lasted one year in that hellish coffin. So many times I thought of yeeting myself by biting off my tongue? But I haven't done it! I've manned up and continue on hanging there until the day I awakened that blasted Sacred Gear.'


'Stop talking as if you know me, old man! You don't know jackshit.'

[You're right, I'm not in the room of telling you what to do or not to do, but I have accumulated enough experience to dwarf you, brat. I'm not wasting my words on you, just because I'm bored, I could have just ignored you and left you clueless about everything. The Curse, the Sacred Gear, how to wield your innate Magic Power.]

[It's in your interest that you grow stronger, correct?]

'... True.'

[Then it is also in my interest that I keep my consciousness open. Now quit acting like a bitch, and go find some creatures to feed on.]


Carl gritted his teeth to suppress his anger and annoyance, while the thirst for blood continued to rise, but it was just background noise to him at this point. He couldn't understand why he got so irritable and lashed out at the guy who treated him fairly, if not too generously for a stranger.

Going into the shower and letting the cold water clear away his thoughts, while managing his hunger, he did some meditation exercise that saw him do exaggerated breaths, in and out.

Ten minutes under the cold water, with a clearer mind, the first thing he did was to apologize. 'Mister Dracul, sorry for lashing out like a moron for no reason. I don't know what got in me, but I overreacted. My apologies.'

[Apology accepted. Kid, don't linger too much on things. I know what you feel in those moments, how much it burns in your veins. I'm actually surprised you managed your emotions in such a manner. Reminds me of the Buddhist Monks from Tibet.]

'Mhm, this method of meditation belongs to that region.'

[The concept of hyperventilation followed by breath retention, does it enhance for a short duration the capacity of the mind?]

'I don't know the science behind this Breathing Technique, I just do it because it works in calming me down. I'll teach you if you want to try it?'

[I'm good, I don't have a corporeal body to make use of it.]

'By the way, mister, mind explaining what happened? Why did I get drained of my energy and vitality so quickly?' inquired Carl in his mind, having an itching sensation that he knew what was going on.

[In bland terms, I tapped on the powers of the Sacred Gear to connect you directly to its subspace and also to stabilize this connection, which in safe parameters is 60 minutes. If you want to connect on your own, you'll need to increase your magic power.] 

'So, it's all because of my pathetic magic power?'

[You word it worldly, Carl. I never stated your magic power is small, only that it isn't sufficient to handle the strain the 'Bloodbound Domain' puts on your mana and blood energy.]

'I see… This make me feel better? Maybe? Ahh, right. How would I compare if I fought against a Devil in terms of Magic Power?'

[Devils use Demonic Power, while Supernatural Creatures use Magic Power. To give you a simplified view, the current you is an (S) Rated Supernatural Creature, while amongst the Devils, I guess you're in the Mid-Class to High-Class range, if you continue training like your life depends on it, you'll for sure destroy those arrogant High-Class and Ultimate Devils.]

[Follow my example. Haven't you seen how those arrogant devils acted so pathetic just to escape from my grasp? All of them were high-officers of the Devil & Demonic Army.]

'Wew, is that so? Then, how strong were you in your prime, mister?'

[I haven't bothered to compare myself to others, but I was pretty strong.]

'Alright, keep to your secrets.'

While the two 'monsters' pacified like men, Carl also changed into his 'night' clothes, enjoying the reflection the mirror was giving back. Unlike what the preconception about Vampires were, he could see his reflection just fine.

Carl was wearing a sleek black slim-fit suit that highlighted his lean physique. A crisp white dress shirt, neatly buttoned and devoid of a tie, created a stark contrast, emphasizing the sophisticated yet relaxed aura he carried. Completing the ensemble with polished black leather dress shoes, 

The young adult looking with those charming crimson eyes, radiated with an air of confidence and understated charm.

However, the centerpiece of his attire was the pendant hanging around his neck. The 'Bloodbound Domain' remained activated, no longer caring about the consequences of charming away some women, and leaving them in heat after his shadow. 

Taking an Uber to the next destination, he soon found himself standing in front of the Nightclub he cherry picked for being closer to the Graz University Campus. Ignoring the bouncer procedure, he used his Vampiric Agility to flash past the 'Check-up' and what welcomed him was a sea of bodies pulsating to the rhythmic beats that reverberated through the walls.

[What madness is this, Carl? Have the Devils taken over the Human World? Such depravity.]

'... Maybe? Now, old man, quiet down. I'm getting so many signals in my brain. This is a heaven for us vampires. But, I want to check something else.'


'Does liquor calm down my thirst for blood? Haven't tried it before?'

[...Want the cold truth?]

'Nah, shut it! Let me find out man! Just enjoy the scenery, and tell me if you found any of those babes worth feeding from? Otherwise, I'll pick one to my tastes.'

[I'm not partaking in such degeneracy.]

Scoffing at Nosferatu's attempt at extracting himself from this debauchery, to Carl enhanced senses, the scent of sweat mixed with sweet perfumes and colognes permeated the air, while neon signs illuminated the cavernous space with a kaleidoscope of colors. 

Carl's presence in the club was a paradoxical blend of elegance and predatory hunger, like a solitary wolf amidst a herd of unsuspecting sheep. 

'Not bad at all. To think those German chicks would have such figures? Never done one in the past.'

His crimson eyes scanned the crowd, scrutinizing every face and body as if appraising an art gallery. It was until, Nosferatu released a 'hmmm' sound, as if being reminded of something, and along the isle of women that his eyes perceived, he saw one that felt familiar considering how Nosferatu reacted.

'Ohoo, what's wrong, old man? Is she the one?'

[Not really, I was reminded of my Elizabeth But, such swines couldn't compare with her angelic purity. Afterall, they are in such a disgusting place that is akin to a Devil Worshiping place.]

'That's exactly where we are. Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0. Now, let me focus on this plump sheep.'

His gaze lingered on one particular figure, a statuesque woman with long, golden locks cascading down her back. Her curves were accentuated by a form-fitting dress that left little to the imagination. 

'This is a MILF! Ahh, she's hot for sure.' Carl felt an insatiable hunger rise within him, though it was not only for blood, there were some carnal desires that he wanted to satisfy within himself.

Walking past the blonde woman, his departing figure was noticed by the one in his headlights, and his lean figure, along with his cold, charming eyes sent her an impulse that made her think about him.

Arriving at the bar, the neon-lit ambience cast a seductive glow on Carl's sleek attire, giving him an air of enigmatic allure. He took a seat on one of the barstools, his presence commanding attention as he ordered a glass of whiskey. The bartender, a seasoned professional who had seen all sorts of patrons, raised an intrigued eyebrow at the young man.

"Whiskey... Just give me something strong," Carl requested with a casual confidence, not caring what he poured down on his throat.

The bartender nodded, pouring a golden-brown liquid into a crystal glass. The rich aroma of whiskey wafted through the air as the glass was placed in front of Carl. He took a moment to appreciate the sight and scent before raising the glass to his lips.

'Ah, the warmth of alcohol. It might not be blood, but it does have its own charm.'

[...Charm, you say?]

'Shut up. I'm enjoying this.'

Sipping the whiskey, Carl let the smooth liquid dance on his tongue, savoring the intricate flavors. The burn of alcohol provided a different kind of satisfaction, momentarily distracting him from his vampiric instincts.

As he indulged in the sensory experience, his gaze continued to wander across the crowded nightclub. The pulsating music, coupled with the rhythmic movements of the crowd, created a vibrant atmosphere. 

'These humans, so unaware of the lurking predator among them. Ironic. I wonder why I haven't heard of any incidents caused by Vampires in town?'

[...And yet, you are one of them, are you not?]

Ignoring Nosferatu's contemplation, Carl's eyes fell upon the blonde MILF he had noticed earlier. Her presence now that he devoured her just with his eyes, was somehow magnetic, drawing him in like a moth to the flame. She sat alone, sipping a cocktail, her eyes occasionally scanning the crowd.

'Time to make my move.'

As he approached her confidently, a sly grin pulling at the corner of his mouth, the ambient music melded with the rhythm of his footsteps, creating an almost predatory cadence. The blonde woman looked up, her gaze meeting Carl's with a curious intrigue. A smile played on his lips, revealing a hint of fang.

"Hello there. Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice a velvety murmur that held a subtle charm.

"May I buy you a drink?" His voice was low and husky.

Jeanne arched an eyebrow, sizing him up. There was something magnetic about him; his tall, lean frame exuded confidence, his dark eyes piercing through her like a predator. "I am not here to make friends," she murmured, her voice hushed yet assertive. "But maybe we can play together for a little while."

Carl's lips curled upwards, his sharp teeth glinting under the flashing lights.

With a playful smirk, Carl took the seat next to the blonde woman, his eyes holding a mischievous gleam. The pulsating music and vibrant atmosphere seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their shared moment of intrigue.

"Playing can be quite enjoyable," he replied, his fingers tapping gently on the counter as if setting the rhythm of their clandestine game. The bartender, observing the unfolding scene, discreetly prepared another drink for the blonde beauty.

"Names are often exchanged in games, don't you think?" Carl continued, maintaining eye contact with a subtle intensity. "I'm Carl, and you are?"

Jeanne's lips curled into a coy smile, her eyes locking onto his with an almost predatory allure. "Jeanne," she replied, her voice a sultry melody.

[Carl, I get some feelings from this woman… Be cautious.]

'Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm just having some fun. It would be awkward if she turns on her true face the moment I fuck her. I'll check on her beforehand.'

A devious glint flickered in his eyes, but his tone remained lighthearted. "Alright, Jeanne. Then let me rephrase my question - may I join you in your fun?" He leaned closer, his warm breath whispering against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Jeanne hesitated for a moment longer before turning towards him, her eyes locked onto his fiery gaze. "All right, stranger. I might just have a bit of fun with you tonight." She paused, studying his reaction carefully.

"I've never done anything like this before, but I feel like I need a change of pace."

Carl raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her confession. "Well, darling, you picked the right spot for that, didn't you?" He winked, and the room seemed to darken even further, casting a shadow over the dance floor.

Jeanne followed Carl across the dance floor, her heart pounding with anticipation. The air thickened around them, and she couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for her tonight. With each step they took, the distance between them grew smaller until they reached the shadows cast by the flickering stage lights.

Carl led her away from the dance floor into a secluded alcove near the bathrooms. 

The area was dimly lit, but enough to give the illusion of safety. They found themselves surrounded by plush couches covered in a fine layer of dust. As she sat down, the smell of stale cigarettes and alcohol assaulted her nostrils. She wrinkled her nose but didn't complain. This was the kind of place she had come looking for, after all.

'She doesn't feel like someone connected to the supernatural. Seems like a normal human… Well, if sluts can be considered normal humans.'

The kind of darkness that could swallow up everything else. But when Carl walked up to her, she hadn't expected him to look so damn good. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and his dark hair fell in waves around his face. His eyes were intense, almost hypnotic, and he wore a smile that was both inviting and dangerous.

She wasn't sure why she decided to follow him into the shadows. Maybe it was because she'd been bored at home and wanted a little danger in her life. Or perhaps it was simply because Carl was handsome and charming.

Whatever the reason, she found herself following him into the shadows, and suddenly everything seemed possible.

As much as she liked to think she was in control, the truth was that Carl held all the power in this situation. He had the advantage of knowing exactly what he wanted, while she was still trying to figure things out. She watched him closely, listening intently to his every word and gesture.

It didn't take long for Carl to start talking, though she could tell that he was holding back something important. "Why did you choose this place?" she asked.

Carl shrugged off the question nonchalantly, his gaze wandering around the dimly lit corner. "It's not a big deal, really. Just a place where I go when I want to unwind or meet someone interesting."

"Like me?" Jeanne smirked, running her fingers lightly along the armrest beside her. Carl nodded, a slow smile spreading across his lips. The air between them crackled with tension, a palpable energy that neither of them could ignore.

"I'll admit," Carl confessed, leaning in close. "You caught my attention. Something about you makes me curious."

Jeanne couldn't help but feel nervous. What if he knew? Would he hurt her? But then again, it was all part of the thrill. The forbidden fruit feeling that she craved. She swallowed hard, mustering up courage. "So, how do you plan on entertaining me?"

Carl grinned wickedly, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

'Hehe, she's a pushover. A sex deprived milf, who wants to be put on the pedestal, to feel that she still has it in her. Feels bad for whoever she's cheating on, but I could give two fucks about it.'

'I'm no longer a human to begin with. Reserve the feelings and emotions for others.'

"Oh, darling, trust me, I know how to entertain you." He leaned closer, his hot breath fanning out against her cheek. "But first, I need to know - what exactly do you want?"

Jeanne gulped, her throat dry. She had known going into this that it wouldn't be easy, but she hadn't anticipated the intensity of the situation. Her palms began to sweat, and her heartbeat raced in her chest. Yet, despite the fear, she felt an undeniable attraction to Carl.

His dark, brooding presence was intoxicating, and she couldn't resist the pull of his mysterious aura.

"Tell me," he whispered against her ear, his warm breath stirring her senses. "What do you want? What fantasies fill your dreams?"

Her heart pounded in her chest, and she hesitated, unsure if she should reveal her deepest desires. Yet, she knew that Carl was different. He understood her, saw through her carefully constructed facade, and offered a taste of freedom she desperately craved.

She pulled back only slightly, her eyes darting nervously around the room. Carl sensed her hesitation; the slightest falter in her otherwise bold demeanor. "Don't worry," he assured her softly, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "I won't judge you."

Jeanne inhaled deeply, her nerves beginning to settle. "I don't usually..." she trailed off, unable to find the words that would properly convey her feelings. Carl smiled sympathetically, his understanding gaze never leaving hers.

"We all have our own fantasies, Jeanne. Some are more daring than others." His touch felt reassuring, anchoring her as she navigated these uncharted waters. "Tell me about yours."

The request was simple enough, but Jeanne hesitated, her tongue tied. How could she articulate such intimate desires to a man she barely knew? But Carl's unwavering stare ignited a spark of courage deep within her. "There's something incredibly sexy about being dominated," she admitted, her voice trembling from vulnerability.

"I love the idea of surrendering myself completely to someone who knows exactly what they want."

Carl's eyes widened, his pulse quickening at the sight of Jeanne's bare skin peeking out from beneath her tight-fitting top. He admired her honesty, recognizing the strength it took to express such intimate desires to a stranger. "That sounds absolutely delicious," he replied, reaching out to stroke her exposed thigh.

"And I promise you, Jeanne, I will make sure you surrender yourself completely to me."

She gasped quietly, her pulse racing as she felt Carl's finger trace along her inner thigh underneath her skirt. Her body ached with anticipation, her mind swirling with images of the pleasure he promised.

"I just hope you're ready for what comes next," he added, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Jeanne nodded, her breath hitching in her throat. Then in the dimly lit nightclub Carl's fingers continued their exploration, tracing patterns along Jeanne's thigh. The pulsating rhythm of the music seemed to synchronize with the escalating tension in the air.

"Carl," she murmured, her voice a delicate plea, her eyes locked onto his crimson eyes with longing.

He leaned in, his lips brushing against her earlobe. "Don't worry, Jeanne. I'll make sure you enjoy every moment."

With a deliberate yet gentle motion, Carl closed the remaining distance between them, capturing Jeanne's lips in a hungered kiss, which transitioned into a french kiss. The taste of their own saliva lingered on their tongues, and the one being affected by this charm and forbidden desire was Jeanne. 

As their lips separated and rejoined numerous times, turning the initial 'timid' kiss into a full-blow making-out session of french kisses, where Carl's tongue invaded the privacy of her mouth. Jeanne surrendered to the embrace of the night, feeling the pull of Carl's charisma entwining with her own desires.

Their lips reluctantly parted, leaving a lingering warmth and a charged atmosphere in the air. Carl's eyes bore into Jeanne's, reflecting a mix of hunger and satisfaction.

He took her hand, leading her into another location that would satisfy their privacy, and while on the act, Jeanne's breath quickened as anticipation filled the narrow corridor. 

The bathroom door creaked open as Carl led her inside, the click of the lock sealing their clandestine encounter. Once inside, the dim lighting cast shadows on the tiled walls, creating an intimate ambiance. Carl pressed Jeanne forcefully against the closed door causing a pleasant surprise while his hands explored the contours of her body with a familiarity that belied their brief acquaintance.

Their lips met again in a fervent kiss while Jeanne's hands traced the lines of Carl's sculpted physique, her fingers entangled in his dark hair.

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